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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 103 KB, 820x431, ldyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13427301 No.13427301 [Reply] [Original]


The ultimate NEET lifestyle you guys dream of having. I know one of you on here is this man.

Moved to Thailand, got a ladyboy thai gf to fuck all day, and now trying to live on a boat away from the Taiwanese.

You guys trying to fuck with the Thai goverment and this is what happens.

The Thai are simple, small people with little to know impact on the world. So as soon as someone comes over and tries to be the big shot, they make an example out of you quickly.

You're screwed. Run away now or it's curtains for you! and your little ladyboy!

>> No.13427306

The spelling in this post is atrocious.

>> No.13427308

With little to no impact***

>> No.13427324

omfg. well i was actually thinking of investing in one of those. but now it makes more sense to buy an island in the tropics and build an underground civilization.

>> No.13427349

I'm actually pretty embarrassed. I have a B.A from UCLA. Yet, I have the grammar and spelling of an illiterate 8th grader.
This wasn't always the case. I just got lazier and read less over the years. This is the result of my laziness now.

>> No.13427362

>I have a B.A from UCLA. Yet, I have the grammar and spelling of an illiterate 8th grader.

Checks out.
T. SUNY master race.

>> No.13427463

Kek what a fucked up government. What's their problem?

>> No.13428201

what a fucking Chad

hope it works out for him

>> No.13428226

Thai junta has to flex what little muscle it has otherwise it fades to irrelevance.

>> No.13428248

Why would anyone willingly travel to that third world shithole?

>> No.13428346

his name is unironically chad

>> No.13428353

>went to UCLA
>doesn't know the difference between Thailand and the Republic of China (Taiwan)

>> No.13428378
File: 150 KB, 1150x1150, z6nL0NW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found him on facebook, this pussy aint worth it chad

>> No.13428379

she cute

>> No.13428392

>2019, Thailand siezes floating seastead home beyond their international waters from Bitcoin trader
>2023, Crypto Seatsteads begin encroaching into their territorial water
>2023, Thailand Navy seized by Crypto Seasteads, Thai Navy crippled
>2023, Thailand pleads with international bodies for assistance but as global financial markets depend on crypto, no one intervenes
>2024, Thailand cedes portions of their coastal territories of the crypto federation attempting to apologize for their past transgressions upon sovereign individuals
>2024, coup in Thailand sees crypto federation takeover, placing three new blockchain based super computers tasked to run the gov
>2025, biz meetup takes place in Bangkok where anons lose their virginity

>> No.13428399
File: 29 KB, 453x489, 13454565434567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thailand is Taiwanese.

>> No.13428402

'scuse you, it's actually Chinese Taipei as of the Epic Game Store shills overtaking /v/

>> No.13428428

Made sense until
>2025, biz meetup takes place in Bangkok where anons lose their virginity

>> No.13428442
File: 79 KB, 1020x370, Screen Shot 2019-04-24 at 8.40.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we really are all fucked arent we

>> No.13428445
File: 48 KB, 537x441, 1555878775278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13428473 [DELETED] 

Binghamton 2014 here.

>> No.13428664

This, exactly this...

Little thai men have nothing to show for so they go after this american and try to make an example out of him. It's really pathetic.

>> No.13428699
File: 44 KB, 800x600, r0_0_800_600_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what the inside looks like

>> No.13428724

Too comfy for words, anon

>> No.13428742

Someone make this into an anime

>> No.13428773

second from left

>> No.13428783

So how did he get things like food and fresh drinking water?

>> No.13428813

Lots of fish and water right outside his house anon

>> No.13428821

Something tells me those may not be women

>> No.13428846

>he doesn't know ocean water is safe to drink

>> No.13428851

Wtf is so special about ucla faggot, just another indoctrination front like all the others

>> No.13428858

He lived in it part time. How did you think they towed his floating bucket without catching his ass? He probably didn't spend much time in it

>> No.13428921

The ones hiding their crotch are men

>> No.13428972
File: 19 KB, 220x306, wv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's curtains for you!