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13422075 No.13422075 [Reply] [Original]

Could you please help me to understand? What's yout point of wiev? I am not talking for myself cause I am introverted and not very prone to show face in internet, but I would like to know from you 130 IQ why youtubers of 2008 era they are all multimillionairs, even if they have began with shitty videos, while today it's so hard?
Don't you see a comparation with crypto?

>> No.13422151

any help?

>> No.13422342


>> No.13422367


More competition on youtube and people are getting tired of all those vlog fags with the same content over and over.

>> No.13422375

algos got smarter so ad money goes to channels that actually help sales, so tech channels are more profitable thqn cat videos when they have the same views.

I also think that googles share grew, so now youtuber have to pay half their revenue to youtube.

>> No.13422378

Network effects/ first mover advantage and >>13422367

>> No.13422385

because content could be unromanticised and still get on the frontpage/equivalent.
Sharing was more important than shilling.

>> No.13422388

Adpocalypse and copyright happened.

Ad revenue cut by 90%+, and by 100% for political channels who aren't leftist communist shit.

Also rampant copyright claims by competitors. Youtube doesn't check. They just shut it down.

>> No.13422420

You could get easily accepted into adsense monetization. Nowadays the process to get money for your videos has WAY higher barriers.
Also they cut the rates they pay dramatically.

>> No.13422440

It's not so hard to figure out
Why is Google the most used search engine
Why is Facebook the most used social network
Why is YouTube itself the most used media platform
Sane principal with those people
They started out earlier grabbed the niche by the balls
Refined their work over the years
And eventually made all the gains

>> No.13422449

Thank you
>algos got smarter so ad money goes to channels that actually help sales, so tech channels are more profitable than cat videos when they have the same views.
Any tipp to beat these algos to their game?
I was thinking to launch a channel for kids, so as seen that kids they are the first target for companies, I would have made a lot of partnership.
Tech is oversaturated evrywhere and also on youtube
>Network effects/ first mover advantage
Why the cause it's also network effect?

>> No.13422452

Stop using the word "introverted" as a synonym for "shy".

>> No.13422483

>Why is Google the most used search engine
Google was not the first, the first was Pets.com le meme
Facebook was not the first, MSN was the first

>> No.13422544

no cant trick the algos really l, but you can shill your amazon affiliate links.

>> No.13422687

>no cant trick the algos really l, but you can shill your amazon affiliate links.

doesn't youtube ban the account which shill affiliates?

>> No.13422722

no man... you sound like you need to do some basic research. the point is youtube isnt so different from the real world. you need to help advertisers, youtube, amazon or whoever to make money.

>> No.13422741

funnily enough I bet people are already making money from youtube videos showing youtubers how to male money on youtube

>> No.13422759

Birth of pasta, gentlemen

>> No.13422761

>You could get easily accepted into adsense monetization. Nowadays the process to get money for your videos has WAY higher barriers.
you only need 1000 subscribers and 40,000 hrs of views to get monetized. that isnt exactly WAY higher barrier.

>> No.13422788

Why do think it was easy back then? YouTube barely existed, viral videos had like 100k views

>> No.13422798

Were you even on the internet back then? Almost nothing was monetized. Vevo didn't even exist 10 years ago.

>> No.13422885

>Why do think it was easy back then? YouTube barely existed, viral videos had like 100k views
All the youtuber who started 10 years ago had a lot of money each month with just 20k subscribers they made 2k per month
And people with hundred of millions of wiews in 2012 made millions

>> No.13422932

So why do you think it was easy? There are way more ppl making money on yt today, the market has grown like 50 times

>> No.13423037

Youtube is an extension of google which is owned mostly by governments.

Governments hate concentrations of power, so they will prevent that by having google take all the money.

>> No.13423046

>So why do you think it was easy? There are way more ppl making money on yt today, the market has grown like 50 times
they make 300$ per month with 100k subscribers

>> No.13423065

There are 3 Million+ people with 100k subs

>> No.13423220 [DELETED] 

This is not mine, but this is just an example of how much a rubric cube can be sold on Amazon:

Are you sure to keep on dealing with crypto, literally low iq niggers?

>> No.13423266

so what?
100k subscribers are nothing... how much do you think thay make?

>> No.13423280

300 dollars