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13417978 No.13417978 [Reply] [Original]

How do some of you (Americans) fail so badly? I’m amazed at how I see people who can’t even make $15 an hour here. How do you end up in that situation? Is it geography alone? Laziness? Stupidity?

And to all the successful Anons, I don’t care that you’re successful so no need to come and brag. I want to understand these people and why they are struggling so bad

Current full time students need not apply either

>> No.13418186

definitely most of them desu although they won't admit it

>> No.13418193


>> No.13418215


>> No.13418241

I've waited tables for almost a year while trying to land my 1st entry-level job. Now I'm in my mid 20s and make 85k in a low COL state. The struggle is unironically real. You need to be above average intelligence AND hardworking in order to be middle class. Also if you don't graduate with an internship (like me), you're pretty fucked, and it's an uphill depressing battle.

>> No.13418250

Average wage here is $20/hr even for the most menial jobs

>> No.13418254

Oh look it's another episode of foreigner that only knows about america based on hollywood movies and thinks everyone here is a millionaire.

>> No.13418268

In California it’s $15+ an hour to dig ditches.

>> No.13418294


>> No.13418313

I live in the Midwest and all the manual labor jobs start at 15hr minimum around me, and there are plenty

Cringe lol

>> No.13418492

I’ve literally met illegal aliens who won’t dig a ditch for less than $20/hr

>> No.13418519

exactly so that’s why I wonder how anyone can be a possible fuck up outside of geographic reasons

>> No.13418556

Because no one wants to be a wagie working in niggerlicious chains.

>> No.13418573

You have no proof, redneck. Mind your own business and watch where you poke your nose.

>> No.13418586

>manual labor
Ultimate cringe.

>> No.13418609

Because your own experiences cloud your ability to understand others. As the zen master says: your cup is full.

>> No.13418636

i had a shit ass middle class job working 60 hours a week and waking up a 2am. I thought I could do better. Got a ittle gap in my resume. Recruiters didn't like that. Turned into a huge gap. Tried to lie about it. Never worked. Been trying to get a job for 6 months and have only had a few interviews. Seems impossible now.

>> No.13418672


am full time student, minimum wage here is a little over 7 dollars. live in california where i used to get paid 17 so definitely fucking sucks

>> No.13418678

cope >>13418609
My only experience is based off my geography my guy>>13418636
Why not just get a temp job and go somewhere through thrm

>> No.13418680
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This is exactly why my next step after getting my own apartment is to diversify my earnings. Can't depend on one job you can lose at anytime.

I call it the idea: levels of survival. Named after what the machines said in Matrix to Neo. That they could live without humans, with a much reduced quality of life. Same thing here. Figure out the abs minimum you need to live and make that money outside your 9 to 5.

>> No.13418755

Unions. Those jobs are all illegal to have unless you're in a Union in plenty of states. That's why I do software, tough to get autists to unionize when they're already well paid.

>> No.13418885
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I'm an autistic nihilist; I stumbled into an extremely easy retail job where I do absolutely nothing all day and get paid $14 an hour for the trouble. No benefits or insurance etc. though. I'm kind of a loser but I don't mind. I'm sexually impotent so that has kept my drive to do anything with my life pretty muted. The only thing I really want is to kill myself. Well, not really but you know how it is.

Many of the people that are poor in this country are a product of the higher education system, which despite the enormity of its costs lures a greater proportion of the population now than it ever has before; the education industrial complex takes in bright eyed but ignorant youth and shits out piss poor, debt ridden communists that have no idea what went wrong in their life-even as they continue to make their $400 student loan payments month after month.

This could have been prevented decades ago with policy reform, if the government stopped forcing banks to lend tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to B- students who barely have triple digit IQs pursuing shit degrees we'd all be better off but this is the world we live in now I suppose.

>> No.13418887

that and drug culture. it typically destorys your teens and 20s if you are not careful.

>> No.13419038

you want to know how I know you're a Leaf?

>> No.13419059

I've never made 15/hr and I've been working 10 years ama

>> No.13419125
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What state and country?

>This skeleton died bad

>> No.13419138


Florida usa

>> No.13419519

It's literally all the things you mentioned. You people always search for a single root cause in complex phenomena that doesn't exist.

>> No.13419763
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There are no jobs realistically for young people without some relative to pull the strings. Although, there are some great jobs out in the midwest for trade workers and oil rigs. That sort of thing. Inaccessible if you are stuck in the northeast, which is where a lot of people are concentrated. All we have are retail and restaurant garbage jobs here.

I know 7-8 people who were laid off of good jobs recently. Another recession is coming.

>> No.13419775

This x100. Most people need to think in yes or no, black or white, right or wrong, they need to simplify things down to understand them. Most of the problems today are much more complex than that.

>> No.13419794

Two words. Nepotism. Unions.

>> No.13419833

Our economy has been propped up by central banks and governments through corporate bailouts payed on the deficit dime. This has caused unprofitable American industries to be grinding away for decades now while they offshore factories to China and Mexico - they are able to replace the American labor force at a fraction of the cost. They literally stole from the future citizens of our country to hire foreigners. If that doesn't piss off the American worker, I don't know what to tell you.

Meanwhile the Fed has propped up the real estate bubble which has made housing unaffordable to the median income earner and made people rent slaves while credit card companies and higher education institutions keep attempting to trap people in these bad circumstances into debt slavery all the while immigrants flood in and compete over what little jobs are available. Our economy is a ticking time bomb.

>> No.13419838

That's because they ready get plenty of gubment gibbs to give a fuck

>> No.13419845

this anon is absolutely correct

>> No.13419876


How is it a failure? That's just how the system is set up. Someone has to do the shitty minimum wage jobs. Everyone literally can't be a CEO because then there would be no one working for all the CEOs.

>> No.13419883

No the ultimate cringe is an open office followed closely by cubicle life.

>> No.13419886

You have to remember that while the MEDIAN is a ridiculous 40k+ per year, it's mostly skewed by multi billionaires.

The actual MEAN income in the USA is closer to 24k, about 2k per month. That's what most people on the ground earn, outside of statistics books and census data.

Also note that the "unemployment" rate has been falsified since Obama. True unemployment is much higher, because it no longer counts people who have stopped looking for work. Whaaaaat?

It's mostly feel good propaganda for dumbass old boomers who still make money, to think their country isn't on a downward spiral. Most young people are NOT making over 30k a year. Especially in ghetto areas. Nor is it possible any time soon as immigration increases, offshoring intensifies, and automation takes over.

The future of america is truly dead for the young demographic. That's why it's time to leave this country for good, if you are smart and young.

>> No.13419901

>And to all the successful Anons, I don’t care that you’re successful so no need to come and brag.

Fuck you watch me,

>Take 5 years to finish a 3 year CS degree, didn't take classes some semesters cause I wanted to play vidya
>Have shit grades
>Have no idea how to do programming after graduating
>Find a pretty cruisy job in IT within 2 weeks of job hunting, multiple interviews
>Currently earn 85k @ 24/yo, will move up to 100k within the next few months
>Boss/coworkers love me

Literally baffles me that people manage to fuck up life and become losers when from what I can see it's pretty fucking easy.

>> No.13419906

I fell for the college is a meme meme

>> No.13419918

It's called luck dude. It doesn't happen to most. Mean income is around 24k. Statistics are falsified to shit. Absolute pure propaganda.

On the bright side, the midwest is dirt cheap to live in and has very high paying jobs, compared to most jobs accessible in the northeast. If you don't have a useful STEM degree, family ties, or are an old boomer with established work history, you will not work outside of starbucks or Cesar's pizza. Period.

Even STEM degrees are being hurt by indian outsourcing. Science (bio, chemistry, etc) degrees are completely worthless without a PhD. Even PhD's don't make a lot.

Only engineering and computer science still seem to make any money at all. But those jobs are highly competitive.

I'm glad you lucked out, but trust me, that's luck right there. Congratulations. You won the lottery. Doesn't make you a harder worker than anyone else.

>> No.13419930


Fuck me man, is IT still in such a bubble in murica? That shit would never fly where I live(Nordic eurocuckland). You're literally competing with hundreds of autists for every open IT related spot.

t. I'm basically you except I can't find a job

>> No.13419940

That bubble is going to pop. In Japan, IT profession is paid on par with janitors.

Enjoy it while it lasts. Indian outsourcing costs and manpower will only get more competitive for cheaper and cheaper. You got time to make some cash and retire.

>> No.13419942

>leave this country for good
And where the fuck is this shit going to be any better? This problem is a worldwide catastrophe waiting to pop. The older generations sold us out to the central banks and their cronies anon, no country is safe

>> No.13419950

Nah the older gen is just retarded boomers. Just like retarded millenials. Just like retarded medieval people.

The real problem is of course jews. Don't blame the boomers for what jews planned all along.

I'm planning to live like a wild man in canada or some shit. And fuck moose all day.. Meese?

>> No.13419963
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I find it hard to believe the average schmuck can't manage to make more than 11.50 an hour. You literally just have to show up to work everyday

If where you live is so bad why don't you just move?

>> No.13419971

moosen. a flock of moosen.

honestly in the same boat though, just waiting for an excuse to fuck off and go inna woods and get eaten by wolves, as our ancestors once did as real men.

>> No.13419978

Are you kidding me? It's been this way for years, and it's only getting worse.

Jobs post say $15 per hour because they lure you in. Then it's a temp part time shit job. They are all shit.

No, the average schmuck can't make the equivalent of 11.50 with decent hours or benefits. There are some exceptions. But it's always going to be shit until some huge industry breaks out in the USA. Either manufacturing could make a comeback, or cannabis cultivation. That's the ONLY thing that will bring back real living wage jobs.

Don't believe the falsified statistics. Median income is a fairy tale.

Yeah, sure I'll move without money. Good idea. Most people my age can't even afford a car.

Yeah I'm not afraid of living in the wilderness. It beats this shithole life by miles and miles. I can give up this faggot ass computer for endless moosen pussy.

>> No.13419991


Luck is certainly a factor.

Most hiring is managed by HR, which is managed by women. Passing the autism test to get your foot in the door is the key in my opinion, especially when you consider the absolute fucking dregs of society that do computer science/IT. If you look half decent (this actually matters) and can interact well socially with other people you have something that the majority of computer science graduates do not have. I believe a portion of my success is being able to identify and leverage the superficial meme shit "soft skills" rather than "hard skills" when interacting with non technical individuals.

Yes I am fully aware that is dogshit and is not how hiring/employment should work, but it does.

>> No.13419993

Quit the white collar jobs fags. You can do any trade and make $15 an hour as an employee. If you go on your own you can charge $65+/hr for stuff like electrician, plumber, carpenter. If you wanna do something as simple as drywall or painting you can learn in a year then go out and charge $30/hr as your own boss. Oh yeah and there’s no female coworkers or hr dept.

>> No.13420000

I can easily make that money, without any skill or education, just go into construction, oil, other physical jobs. I'm all in on silver though so I'm staying comfy at a grocery store and investing every cent until I can cash in. And just saying, anybody can live on like $500 a month in a van, and you can live rent free in a big city with high wages to make loads.

>> No.13420009

Here in the netherlands its the opposite. There is essentially a global shortage in good people. Here in NL it is basically 3 job openings for every person with IT expertise. It is insane actually.

>> No.13420022

Yes basically. You are right. It's about if the HR lady likes you.

I see restaurants and fast food chains with ONLY skinny young women with big ass tits. You know for a fact they're not "lovin it". But pencil pushers and bean counters have calculated, using millions of dollars, that big boobed women sell burgers faster than regular schmucks like us. Same with bartending gigs.

Of course, exceptions, and you'll get retards who say DURRRR BUT I GOT THIS STRIPER JOB PAYING 100k AND IM A FAT FUCK GUY YOU ARE 100000)% WRonG

Well, the real world works by norms, not by exceptions.

NO YOU CAN'T. That's the beauty of unions!!! We should totally not burn them all down. At all. It wouldn't improve the country by miles and miles.

Unless you live in bumfuck nowhere, or your dad was a plumber, or some pedo steamfitter has the hots for your 17 year old ass.

I worked in construction and made shit money for years. The owner's son gets promoted. Reality works this way.

>> No.13420025

i have two jobs

waiter at both

make about 400-500 tips on a good weekend about 2k a month.

work my ass off ,

high stress

from california

>> No.13420027

Reversed image searched and found articles on it. Very interesting.

>> No.13420039

Holy shit that's absolutely fucking terrible. Seriously?

You could make the same amount but pay 1/8 your rent elsewhere. Save money to move. Fucking bail on a month of rent if you have to and get evicted. Save what you would have paid in rent for moving.

You shouldn't have to live like that.

>> No.13420043
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>UAW jobs paying 18 min, skilled trades making 30

>multiple $21/hr starting jobs

>$15.80 starting, $19.80 top out for unskilled laborer




>unskilled laborer 15.00 - $18.65


>warehouse paying 18+ starting for unskilled labor

>factory paying 17+ starting *idk shift differential it's prob 70c to a dollar.



I could go on and on forever

>> No.13420048

>NO YOU CAN'T. That's the beauty of unions!!! We should totally not burn them all down. At all. It wouldn't improve the country by miles and miles.
>Unless you live in bumfuck nowhere, or your dad was a plumber, or some pedo steamfitter has the hots for your 17 year old ass.
Then move. Where I’m at we can’t even find someone to fill a position for general labor for $15hr full time so we have to use beaners. Unions don’t run shit here. I have two close friends who got their plumbing licenses and now charge $85/hr. My drywall guy has been doing it a few years then went on his own and charges $30/hr

>> No.13420060

This is not reality. This is fantasy, or those jobs are HIGHLY specific, or require certification, work experience. Or are geographically locked.

Wake up dude. If everyone could work for $20/hour then nobody would be living with their parents.

Working on it for sure. I want to get far away from the northeast.

I would 100% join a corrupt union in the middle of nowhere. Did you see the steamfitters union in NYC a year ago? The line was literally one mile long, around several blocks.

>> No.13420069


Damn. I guess I have to move or something. Currently I'm in a city with 2 IT related schools constantly pumping out graduates, maybe that's part of the problem.

>> No.13420082
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absolute cope retard these places can't get enough people to work because no one will stay because young people are too lazy to show up to work everyday

>> No.13420090

Are you a fucking moron or something? Those jobs get hundreds of applicants. You are a literal retard.

>> No.13420103
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you actually believe that HAHAHAHAHA

people will get hired (not as a temp) at these places and have benefits and walk out the first day because working manual labor is too hard for them. p.s. none of these places are backbreaking labor

the cope is glorious

>> No.13420106

I worked a backbreaking job once for $11/hr, then was quickly replaced by someone who was buddy-buddy with the owner.

These jobs DO NOT EXIST. You are a literal aspie.

>> No.13420111
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pack your bags and move to central ohio then copelet

t. honda of america employee since 18

>> No.13420118

Trying to save to do that. Good jobs seem way out in the midwest. Even alaska has oil fields.

>> No.13420125

I would hardly call ohio way out in the midwest

you act as if though you live on the border of canada in maine or something rural as fuck

>> No.13420129

doesn't really work when your 9-5 is 2am to 4pm or whatever. This kinda shit is the new normal. I'd say 90% of people that are making middle class money are putting in 50 hour minimum and 60-80 isn't uncommon at all for a lot of cucks. Good luck with your side hustle when you're working like that. Some people can and I respect it, but for me it was impossible.

>> No.13420130


>especially when you consider the absolute fucking dregs of society that do computer science/IT

I guess it's a bad sign when I felt like a weirdo even among the CS students, 0 friends etc. Not sure if I'm even able to fake being a normie though.

>> No.13420132

im doing better than most other 20 year olds

>> No.13420147

I live in NJ. Real high end jobs as cannabis couriers are in Maine.

NJ is shit. There are no jobs here, and people are losing their jobs, not gaining them.

A lot of people have 2-3 jobs.

I believe you. California is a hellhole just like NJ. But much, much worse... somehow. How did they achieve that?

Seriously dude, save up, ditch your rent. Disappear. Get a job on an oil rig or something. I'm saving up to start a farming business where the rent costs 1/8 the price it does here, with plenty of land. I can do it with about 20k. I hope. Even that is probably kind of risky.

>> No.13420150

I made 50k a year out of college in the south. I moved to the east coast at 24 thinking it was some magical land of high paying jobs and I couldn't find a fucking job to save my life. Ended up working for 13 an hour in fucking NOVA at a logistics company before cutting my luck and moving home. Big resume gap, couldnt get my old job back, worked in a fucking factory for 12 an hour 75 hours a week, left because the boss was a literal psychopath who actively sabotaged his employees and 28k a year was not worth killing myself over. Nearly 1 year of job searching later and I cannot find anything: not even a call back.

It's pure luck lads. I lucked into my first job and got a good one, left because I felt I needed higher pay and was constantly told I had to be a local applicant. Got played and now I'm fucking dying here. I guarantee you have not worked harder than me if you're some S O Y sipper in IT, and I have 2 degrees.

>> No.13420154

>work in an oil rig
Those jobs are hard to come by anon

>> No.13420155

>average entry dev salary in the UK
$30k yr (in a big city)

>average entry dev salary in America
$70k yr (not even in a big city)
if you work for google, dropbox, facebook etc. entry level dev is $200-300k a year.

Fuck you. You guys have insane opportunities.
>inb4 le free healthcare meme
if only you knew how fucking shit the pathetic excuse for the "NHS" is.

>> No.13420156

I've heard the bottom half of NJ is trash but isn't the top full of rich people?

>> No.13420161

You did the opposite of what you were supposed to do. There are no jobs in the northeast or california. Avoid the entire coastline in fact.

Yeah, damn hard to get, and usually only open to boomers.

Maybe start a farming business? That's what I'm doing. Total shot in the dark. 20k in 2019 isn't the same as 20k in 2005. More like 10k. Inflation is killing the USD.

I really hope 20k is enough. But I'm gambling with homelessness, even if I search for a job while starting a future farm.

>> No.13420166

Farming what anon?

>> No.13420181

I know right? I wish the ole boomers had told me but I admit I fell for the "try to get a job in your field!!!" advice. Cucked and chucked. I thank God every day I have no debt though, or I would have been completely ruined in addition to being a soulless husk.

>> No.13420183

Opposite actually, top half is pretty poor.

South half is Princeton. Yeah they all work in fancy overpaid professor university jobs, or finance, or other boomer faggotshit. Not open to young people, unless of course you are related to them.

It's not realistic to assume you will get a high paying job here. You really need to luck out in a big way.

Not everyone gets those jobs. Still worthwhile to do comp sci in college though, for a decade at least. Until immigrants and new outsource technology become the norm.

>> No.13420185

can you explain how the fed keeps the housing bubble up?

>> No.13420194

Lavender and cannabis. I want to get organic certified lavender oil to sell. Cannabis is a backup only because I'm probably not gonna get a commercial license. I don't know anyone who can pull the strings.

I have almost 50k of debt. My real plan is leaving America. If I can make money with lavender I can leave this shithole permanently.

Interest rates and morons who buy houses for $500,000 when the midwest is full of $70k houses and lower.

>> No.13420199
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I don't consider the montclair area to be in the south, that's what I was referring to.

Anyway if you're this desperate for a job where you can live a decent life with no skills move to central ohio and show up to work every day. You sound extremely retarded though so I don't know if you could pass the interviews.

However I do know 99% of these people will hire anyone they're so desperate.

>> No.13420210

Interesting, I'm not familiar with uses for lavender that would turn out to be profitable but I hope it works out for you.

>> No.13420213

If you can get organic certified, organic feed corn is going for $8-12.50 a bushel. You should do well if you have some acreage and use old equipment (old tractor + 4/5 bottom plow + disk harrow + chain harrow + pull behind seeder + pull behind combine)

>> No.13420224

Montclair is fucked right now. Nothing but boarded up businesses everywhere. Money is moving away from that area.

I don't have MONEY to move there you fucking retard. It will take 2-3 years of saving at least.

organic oil

This is the only real possibility at a good life at this point. A farm is the only way, assuming I don't get a failed harvest the first time. 20k is not a lot, and it might devalue even more within the next 2-3 years. Might be worth like 18k within 2-3 years instead.

>> No.13420237

bus is cheap

couch surf with people off craigslist

you could literally rent a room for a month for like $200-$300 if you're that desperate

my 1br apt cost me like 800 to get with a security deposit lol

>> No.13420252

studio apartments are over $1700 here if you're lucky. Welfare and niggers SKYROCKET rent prices.

Nobody is renting a room for $200-$300 here. Unless you know someone. Most rooms go for $600 bare minimum. One room in a house with boomer landlords next door to hear you masturbate.

That's why I'm trying to move. But it's hard to save money.

Don't go to the northeast. There are NO JOBS.

>> No.13420259
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luxury apartments in downtown columbus cost 1200/month for a like 1200sqft pad right in downtown

rural places with jobs i posted outside of town have cheaper rents and then even what I posted is the high end

>> No.13420269

That would be like $3000/month here. Section 8 pays most nigger and spics 20 to a room housing, which of course increases rent astronomically.

You can get an entire 3 bed house with a 3 acre backyard for like $650 in some states. Location is a big deal. Surreal.

>> No.13420283

time to get a bus ride cuck

>> No.13420296

Are you retarded? So I can wait 3 hours to start at mcdonald's? LOL no thanks I'll just do cash jobs until I have enough saved up. Fuck the government. Never working a paycheck job again. Parasitic tax salary gov workers. Fuck them.

>> No.13420302

Check out internships on USAJobs just f y i

>> No.13420317

internships lol. Good idea. Working for free is a great way to make money.

>> No.13420326
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>> No.13420388
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working two jobs i average 60-65 hours a week to make ~57k a year.

65 hours x 52 weeks = 3380 hours
57000/3380 = 16.86/hr
16.86 x 0.8 = 13.48/hr after 20% taxes etc

after my insurances etc are paid (family health/term life/dental/roth 401k) i might make $8/hour.

>> No.13420403

the system doesn't prepare young people for jobs even though the jobs are available

>> No.13420575

Your life is your responsibility. Stop blaming others for your own mistakes.