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File: 91 KB, 670x888, 1555039773052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13417893 No.13417893 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13417911

Vescam. Too many "$ftm is the new $vet" popping up on CREAM's twitter feeds.

>> No.13417930

Classic DARVO. Earning your pay, Fantom shills, earning your pay.

>> No.13417969


It's just some faggot who sold the pump way too early, but if it's a project it's probably stinky linkies going into a jealous rage.

>> No.13418260
File: 98 KB, 893x834, 1555881537276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fantom was an ICO scam. The gook founder doesn't know how to code, and the team were all fake. None of the original team are left. All their partnerships are fake (there is no substance behind them). Their public ICO was fake (they only let friends and family in). They sent the 100,000 people who tried to get into their public ICO a scam email telling us we were accepted and to send ETH to the wrong wallet (their personal wallet). They are criminals. They only had a white paper and that was a copy paste of Hashgraph's whitepaper.

They begged Andre Cronje to build something for them.

Fantom recently pumped and dumped their token. They used the ETH they raised from ICO to buy back Fantom tokens at the bottom after the price crashed. They then got their team and bots to shill non stop on Twitter to pump the price, and used a wash trading bot to create fake volume. They sold their tokens at ATH, and stopped shilling, turned off the wash trading bot and let the price free fall so they could buy back at under 100 sats to pump and dump again (around mainnet time in Q3).

I was the anon that shilled Fantom on biz. I misled and outright lied to you. Fantom is not "Ethereum, but without the scaling problems".. it is just a crypto for smart cities and IOT. Andre Cronje isn't "like having Vitalik as your core developer", hes just a blogger. Fantom won't have 300,000 TPS. The TPS will only be a couple of thousand at mainnet. The marketcap is 50% higher than what is displayed on coinmarketcap. Andre Cronje is decreasing his blockchain focus.

Pump and dump gook scam coin.

>> No.13418327
File: 50 KB, 383x383, 1514605322637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is again

>> No.13418337
File: 183 KB, 1414x914, 1556050990707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13418354
File: 105 KB, 1021x585, ftm_dumped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fantom was an ICO scam. The gook founder doesn't know how to code, and the team were all fake. None of the original team are left. All their partnerships are fake (there is no substance behind them). Their public ICO was fake (they only let friends and family in). They sent the 100,000 people who tried to get into their public ICO a scam email telling us we were accepted and to send ETH to the wrong wallet (their personal wallet). They are criminals. They only had a white paper and that was a copy paste of Hashgraph's whitepaper.

They begged Andre Cronje to build something for them.

Fantom recently pumped and dumped their token. They used the ETH they raised from ICO to buy back Fantom tokens at the bottom after the price crashed. They then got their team and bots to shill non stop on Twitter to pump the price, and used a wash trading bot to create fake volume. They sold their tokens at ATH, and stopped shilling, turned off the wash trading bot and let the price free fall so they could buy back at under 100 sats to pump and dump again (around mainnet time in Q3).

I was the anon that shilled Fantom on biz. I misled and outright lied to you. Fantom is not "Ethereum, but without the scaling problems".. it is just a crypto for smart cities and IOT. Andre Cronje isn't "like having Vitalik as your core developer", hes just a blogger. Fantom won't have 300,000 TPS. The TPS will only be a couple of thousand at mainnet. The marketcap is 50% higher than what is displayed on coinmarketcap. Andre Cronje is decreasing his blockchain focus.

Pump and dump gook scam coin.

>> No.13418357


Michael already BTFO that bullshit you curry fuck.

>> No.13418370

No point feeling guilty now, the damage is done. Hope you don't believe in karma.

>> No.13418381
File: 170 KB, 360x346, shakepepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you lose?

>> No.13418383

nigger listen, EVERYTIME you post this garbage you gonna get the BTFO pastebin link. Over 1000 anons have already read the pastebin and know you are a lying cuck who sold the absolute bottom. The latest version of the pastebin (V6) alone has over 300 views, tread lightly, you are doing more harm than good by keeping this spam campaign going.



Please help newfags and weak hands by posting the FTM BTFO pastebin manifest whenever you see the faggot posting his copypasta FUD

Just bookmark the link and post it to shut-down the fudders with their lies.

FTM FUD BTFO - Must-read:

For the record, i am not against valid criticizm. I just hate lying faggots that make shit up, like the "Fantom was an ICO scam" pasta faggot that shits in every thread lately...

>> No.13418386


Still up big time faggot.

>> No.13418418

No FTMers are the gayest fucks in biz history.

>> No.13418583
File: 27 KB, 300x250, chinklaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you are buddy, sure you are

>> No.13418599

we all bought below 0,0065 USD are you braindead???

>> No.13418603

I just know he has autism and is a homosexual.

>> No.13418625
File: 123 KB, 1252x704, checked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we all bought
>we all

Way to out your shitty shill groups entrypoint faggot. It is gonna get really bad when you all start dumping on eachother.
Pro tip buddy, you and a couple other faggots from this Telegram group are the only ones bagholding everyone else sold the pump.

>> No.13418665
File: 22 KB, 640x723, Dy_WcyGUwAARBit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My buy in is sicker than $0.0065 and I'm still holding. Gems like this are rare. FUCK YOU

>> No.13418707

we = fantomchads that bought when we first shilled it. nice fud though very unique i rate it a 5/10

>> No.13418728

buy more do now fast big buy coming soon

>> No.13418832
File: 56 KB, 600x360, Charles_Ponzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when we first shilled it

You cannot stop putting your foot into your mouth can you. Why would any self respecting Anon buy anything from a self proclaimed shill group?
You need to learn to be subtle and not argue with everyone that participates in your pajeet tier threads.
Enjoy the continued dump faggot. You will never be in the green again.

>> No.13418833


>> No.13419092

seething nigger. i am up 87k in the bear market get on my level faggot and just started in feb 2018. look a newfag is killing you in trade performance kek

>> No.13419200



>> No.13419307



>> No.13419331
File: 127 KB, 674x1000, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't because he is a larping faggot who has made like 5% gains once on Bitmax.
He does not even understand this technology enough to link you to the ETH transactions for his shitcoins.

>> No.13419338

That’s a fucking fake meme article lmao. Ftm is a confirmed scam

>> No.13419373


>> No.13419441

So this is confirmed Vescam paid fud right? Sunny has no shame

>> No.13419463


>> No.13419473
File: 2.26 MB, 298x294, wtfs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a public anyone can write anything platform you mong:
And this is a fake website that some jeet made https://fantompay.network/

Look familiar ??? https://zar.network/

>> No.13419618
File: 267 KB, 638x966, 1555218740827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but if you'd know a little bit you you'd know this is the OFFICIAL handle of FANTOM on MEDIUM. FUCK OFF CUNT.

You might actually be right that the URL I posted is a scammer, not sure. Sorry about that...


>> No.13419728
File: 305 KB, 610x449, buylink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You might actually be right that the URL I posted is a scammer, not sure. Sorry about that...
The absolute state of these "investors"

>> No.13419780

keep coping nigger. FANTOM PAY will kill you shitcoin

>> No.13419810
File: 81 KB, 843x545, PnD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I am not the one coping here brainlet.

>> No.13419846
File: 160 KB, 544x1290, Screenshot 2019-04-24 at 06.50.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not even the actual FTM chart. also who is gonna believe your low effort FUD - it's not like everything else is mooning - everything is dumping lately (pic related)

FTM is still the best low cap for ultra moon - Binance DEX listing is this or next week according to a CT insider

>> No.13419893
File: 191 KB, 477x768, goldenyears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to prove point
>proceeds to show it is the biggest sat loser today

What the fuck are you talking about, how is that not a FTM chart are you actually retarded?

>> No.13419903

Sorry OP I only buy coins that have already gone up in price.

>> No.13420201

Fuck off Poojesh you dirty shitskin.

>> No.13420352

imagine missing out on UND

>> No.13420488

In 2017 i bought xvg and sold it for 100 dollars profit. If I held that same amount pf xvg and sold at peak i would have 100k.

Not going to make the same mistake with Fantom. I am going to accumilate.

>> No.13421138

wise my bag is ready i stocked up big today and yesterday

>> No.13421813


You have the right idea. Doing the same thing and I’m up to 700k now. Slowly adding more and more. Hoping to have 1 million FTM soon

>> No.13422967


I am the faggot who made the post above and keeps copy pasting FTM fud. First off, I want to apologize for my rampant homosexuality. Fantom is a god tier project. It's just that all the cocks in my mouth make it hard to see sometimes. I hope you forgive me and should I ever post anything like that again just understand it's my repressed homosexual rage talking.

Your friend,
Pajeet faggot piece of shit

>> No.13423015


>> No.13423194

FTM is our last chance to make it. Load and hold.

>> No.13423302

>I am the faggot who made the post above and keeps copy pasting FTM fud. First off, I want to apologize for my rampant homosexuality. Fantom is a god tier project. It's just that all the cocks in my mouth make it hard to see sometimes. I hope you forgive me and should I ever post anything like that again just understand it's my repressed homosexual rage talking.
>Your friend,
>Pajeet faggot piece of shit
you lying piece of shit. you are not me. fantom is a gook pump and dump scam coin. don't believe these criminal gook lies.

>> No.13424295


Fuck you piece of lying shit. We are both clearly humongous faggots, but I am the real Fantom fudder.

>> No.13425282

Typical faggots. I like how it says "FUD BTFO" yet it doesn't refute even ONE of the points in the FUD. That is just SAD.