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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13418781 No.13418781 [Reply] [Original]

Whether you like it or not there are not many coins with a sub 5mil market cap that have the potential of Lition, there has been retarded shilling saying it will be top 3 EOY and retarded FUD saying it will crash to zero but lets look at things objectively.
We all know that partnerships are a meme in crypto but for a microcap coin to be partnered and have deep connections with a top software company with a larger market cap than pepsi really stands out when comparing it to similar projects.
Being GDPR compliant and having deletability IS a unique feature, this isn't the same 1005883282303 TPS sharding protocol every other ICO boasted, this isn't just an ethereum clone, this isn't just an ethereum dapp it is a useful feature for some businesses. (yes I realise LTO is also GDPR compliant but I also unironically think LTO is undervalued)
Lition has MVPs of an energy trading dapp AND a syndicated loan dapp already putting them ahead of half the vaporware scams which claim they are going to do xyz but are just a whitepaper.
I honestly don't think you can logically look at Lition in comparison to similarly valued coins and call it a scam/shitcoin etc. There are several projects which do nothing special, have no good partnerships and have marketcaps of 20-50mil so there is no reason Lition can't reach a similar value.
I understand a lot of the shilling is just pajeets who don't understand crypto but I think some of it is genuine enthusiasm for a project which is very undervalued relative to the rest of the altcoin crap in the crypto world.
If you are talking relative to established widely used coins like ETH, BTC, monero then fair enough but if that is the case you should be trashing almost every single coin that is mentioned here not just lition.

>> No.13418855
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finally. 99.9% of biz is trash, but we spend hours and hours looking for the 0.01% posts like OP's.

well done OP. totally agree that there is absolutely no reason for Lit not to reach 30m. if you look at how much they have accomplished and how many partnerships they announced since 2019, you can easily come to the conclusion that holding this coin at 3m market cap, for 6-12 months can return life changing amount of money.

>> No.13418857

I think most people actually know this OP either
1. They are fudding to buy in
2. They are annoyed at dumbass shills
3. It's biz and everyone will talk shit for their own amusement

>> No.13418874

It's good, I'll buy after the airdrop

>> No.13418893

Biz gonna biz, best investment strategy is ignore biz, read up on projects then decide if you want to invest or not based on research, don't take biz seriously OP

>> No.13418916

Might not even necessarily be life changing money but will almost certainly go up more than the average shitcoin, i have more faith in Lition than any other sub 5mil marketcap at the moment

>> No.13418989

Is this Biz's actual consensus on lition bullshit aside?)

>> No.13418998


Thanks OP. This is possibly the only intelligent shill ever presented on LIT. I skimmed through the white paper and dug into the SAP connection, and the fact is in order for LIT to succeed, SAP must contribute, which means they must be contributing resources to the project otherwise why is the SAP CTO putting his name on the line in this scam space?

Anyways the constant pajeet shilling is annoying as fuck. I can't stand it but supposedly literal jeets we're shilling ETH ground level too. So I dunno, their shilling of this project is the best fud on it. That and the fact that the team isn't hustling like LTO or BSV was.

Say what you want but marketing is huge in this space. Unless you have a bunch of 3rd world inbreds copypasting garbage tier shill material.

>> No.13419009

Ignore grammar plz I'm drinking

>> No.13419037

Fucking jeets are so annoying man, they have zero patience or ability to think, if their coin doesn't pump 300% in one day they just start schreeching incomprehensable shit telling every person they come into contact with to buy as if they were a used car salesman, then start complaining to everyone in telegram and fucking spamming everywhere. None of them even understand the projects they invest in either so they have no insight

>> No.13419117

When does the airdrop stop

>> No.13419128
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wow this is the most high IQ post I have seen on /biz haha, so glad to be on the same team as you guys. Feels great desu. Holding my coins very strong for months to come.

>> No.13419243

Having a hard time wanting to buy now based on your ID

>> No.13419267

On Friday I think

>> No.13419411

Can I please get an invite to the discord group?
George #0770
I shill sometimes
bought lit (at 13) fwiw

>> No.13419647
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airdrop is on the 27th but dont fall for it, its a ruse. See pic related. the whales are just trying to get you to mistime your buy & miss the moon mission

>> No.13419687

Fucking lol

>> No.13419729

Don't think anyone here, aside from maybe 2 posters, are in the pajeet group.

>> No.13420108

I've been buying in since around 3200 gwei and will keep doing so. Project is looking more and more attractive as price falls.

>> No.13420141

whoever paid those guys to shill here, do not pay them again, they did miserable job, the average biz neet could have done better than that

>> No.13420163

ATL is 5500gwei, I don't know what shitcoin you've been buying but it's not LIT

>> No.13420198

1 mil tokens will be looking for a new home in a couple of days

>> No.13420204

It's just organic growth of people hyped about a lowcap coin. We all seen the potential after doing our research.
The ones salty are people that feel like they missed out and now wants to fud it to every price. I know.. I've been there myself.
Either you control your ego or your ego control you, drop your faggy "pride" and research yourself.

Or do like all the other projects you missed. And saw them just explode in a few months. The feeels, I know.. The feels

>> No.13420582

Airdrop is irrelevant at this point.

>> No.13420628

Fucking kek
Nice samefagging. You two are the only ones in the thread that sound like discord pajeets, everyone else is actually making their points, you are not arguing against any of the points, you haven't proved any of the shills wrong
because you can't you just come in and say.

>> No.13420632

i have a post-greed mentality. you wont get to me with this low-life psyob shit. LIT has been shilled by at least 3 to 4 people coming here just for this reason and you are one of them. and you did really bad and continue to do so. i bet you dont even know why, do you?

>> No.13420646

i have always argued here, but guess what, posting the same copy_paste shit day after day kills any argueing. Only brainlets fall for this, nobody who comes here regulary bought LIT

>> No.13420649

I did bad? I bought sub ico and still up a hefty sum. I don't give a shit about plebs like you

>> No.13420706

heavy bags, that's the whole story all along

>> No.13420724

lmao and i actually thought about buying this 2 days ago. justed instead

>> No.13420727

>Garys going to have to shill with more substance next time

>> No.13420750

You're not on facebook, newfag. If you're not interested in a coin, why do you care if it's been shilled?

>> No.13420840

> I have a post greed mentality
Shut the fuck up with this shit, I do not for 1second believe this cringy 'I am not about the money' shit, you are on biz arguing with people about which internet money is the best. You have a fucking agenda like everyone else and are trying to be sly pretending you are here for the greater good, get the fuck outta here with that bullshit faggot you are not fooling anyone

>> No.13420991

there is a difference between making money and being greedy, the later prevents the former. never said anything about the greater good.

>> No.13421048

>Listen to me sirs I have a lot of the monies

>> No.13421080

I'm for real tho
I mean I hold 70k lit
but it's crashing harddddd
I want to know the shill team behind this and see if they have brains

>> No.13421104

This is going below ICO price

>> No.13421113

Airdrop hasn't even been delivered so this is going sub ico

>> No.13421153

No shit. That's why I said below, you brainlet

>> No.13421235

Airdrop period is over. Whoever held for the airdrop has already dumped his bags. Whales that hold will get the largest share of the airdrop...
airdrop doesnt matter now guys

>> No.13421253

Airdrop will get delivered anyway. Bibox just took a cap at the 22th. It's over 30 btc that will enter the market

>> No.13421256

And... we're back!

>> No.13421290

i said it before
the conditions for the aridrop are completed and ofc you would dump your bags BEFORE the airdrop if you want
there is no need in holding your coins until you get your free shit
it doesnt make sense to hold until you get your LIT knowing there will likely a dump
so everybody, except the big holder who profit the most from this, will dump before this happens

>> No.13421297

ehh i meant whoever wanted to get rid of his bag before the dump, sold already
thats what i meant

>> No.13422141

When did it happen?

>> No.13422169

Nobody is gonna hold free tokens while btc is pumping. Any Lit that gets distributed is gonna be immediately dumped. I don't think the project is a scam, but holding now isn't the safest bet. It'll probably retrace to the 6000 vits floor before it climbs up.

>> No.13422198

You just typed three paragraphs and said nothing of meaning that would make me want to invest my hard-earned money into this coin. Anyone have a good reason to invest in this other than claiming it's undervalued? What does it actually do?

>> No.13422405

What it does is get shilled. It hasn't had a true pump yet, just the usual listing pump and dump. Worthless as a long term hold but once it bottoms out worth grabbing for a quick 3x flip

>> No.13422594

Holy fuck. I bought this shit the day it started charting on idex and cmc. Fucking tanked