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13411371 No.13411371 [Reply] [Original]

>The median net income of the German population in 2017 was 1666 euros per month


>> No.13411383

Nearly 30% increase over 12years. That's way too much.

>> No.13411392

i wish i made 2k freedom money per month

>> No.13411395

also any deutsch anons here who arent neets/poorfags?
how is it possible to make some decent amount of money in this hellhole?
everyone is going already nuts when you make 2200€ netto and say thats pretty good money and you shouldnt complain

>> No.13411418

Jesus. That's what I make every week after taxes and 401k deduction in the United States.

>> No.13411419

Get into IT and a big company (especially car industry). You won't get an US wage, but you can easily get 4-6k a month.

>> No.13411437

move to Zurich.

>> No.13411444

sorry meant to tag

>> No.13411448

German neet, poorfag here. The 15k link one. Been living on bafoeg, now alg 2. Easy af, people here work for literal pennies and I get as much in the end, probably can save even more.

>> No.13411460

problem is enjoyed my neetdom too much and have now 2 gap years in which I havent done anything besides being a memestudent for one semester
honestly I think Im doomed because people my age are already finishing their bsc
thinking about maybe doing some low tier office job and doing an FH degree with evening classes

>> No.13411461

It is not what you earn, is what you keep after all expenses what matter.
And in the end, you would probably get more in the States on average. But it is also about risks. In the states, a blood analysis can bankrupt you. In Germany, you will never pay extra for anything medical.

Look it the other way: who is more in debt, the average american or the average german? Why?

>> No.13411497

What's your age?

>> No.13411516

Made it big from crypto in the past years.
There is no escape from taxes creeping up and entropy in the country and society becoming higher and higher due to leeching immigrants.
Lately there has been a little wave of people who mostly made it with real estate but with that one is very vulnerable to tax increases and is next recession comes then good luck collecting your rent. On the other hand the system is rigged and many landlords receive rental payments straight from the government.

Wages and inflation have been tending up recently so what I think will happen is that nominally real estate owners will likely have sizable profits while in real terms they might not be so big especially when taking taxes in consideration.

>> No.13411518 [DELETED] 

>how is it possible to make some decent amount of money in this hellhole?
Become a crypto investor?

If I make it, I will move to a country that has no tax on crypto (Denmark) or territorial taxation (Costa Rica) or no capital gains tax.

>> No.13411532
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21 already

>> No.13411534

contacted the studienamt

>> No.13411541

>in Germany, you will never pay extra for anything medical.
You will on occacion to get the good stuff. Also health insurance is pretty expensive while you are working and your employer is only covering half the cost.

>> No.13411542 [DELETED] 

>There is no escape from taxes
I can think of 4 solutions of the top of my head. All of them involve moving to another country, but only for a limited time. After sometime, I could move back to Germany, if I choose.

>> No.13411557

I meant there is no escape from the fact that taxes will increase inside of Germany. We will likely go full socialist

>> No.13411568

Germans are retarded. The mom of my gf works full time for 1300 euros or some shit. She doesn't even need the money but is so indoctrinated that she feels shame if not officially employed. She says that you have to have some job. I wouldn't be surprised if some Ronny on Hartz IV had more money after taxes and insurance. It's laughable, most people are literally cattle for goldstein. And they love to complain about it too but still make the choice.

>> No.13411611

made almost a mil NG in the last years from crypto, didn't cash out yet. I wonder how to explain my bitmex trades when I have to pay taxes.

>> No.13411616

Used to be an engineer with <5 yr experience in germany. Netted 2800 with a lot of juicy stuff added. Germany is #1 payer for engineers inside EU. France you'd get 2300-2400 for my job, italy 1900.

>> No.13411651

Who cares.

Germans have the best free healthcare in the world, other amazing benefits, one of the finest public transport systems in the world, green energy, etc.

Meanwhile subhuman 56 % amerishits stub their toe and pay 100k in hospital costs.

>> No.13411726

and yet the capital city looks and smells like a world urinal lol

>> No.13411756

drive from time to time to austria and use btc atms to cash out
thats my plan...when i will make it someday

>> No.13411790

What was the total inflation rate over the past 12 years?

>> No.13411845 [DELETED] 

marketingfag here
I make 5k merkelcoins a month gross plus revshare on top. still thinking of fleeing to the US because fuck paying taxes to feed muds and nogs

>> No.13411855 [DELETED] 

>muh health insurance
in germoney I pay 500 a month easy as a self-employed fag. Or 15% of my income if Im a wagie. In the US plans start at like 100-150 bucks a month. really dont get this meme but I havent been to the doc in 10 years anyway so couldnt care less I just dont wanna get raped paying for shit I never use.

>> No.13411866 [DELETED] 

>free healthcare
its not free lmao
you pay mandatory 15% of your income plus other mandatory SS plus the second highest tax rate in the EU.

>> No.13412042
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Meanwhile Mtumbe and Ahmed are getting the same coverage as you straight from the boat for 0€.

>> No.13412043 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 1254x675, CUCk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wagecuck here ,

First year in Work for a Big German Train Maintenance Corp.

Earn like 1,6k net without benefits.(Next year about 1.8k net)

With Benefits in a regular month 200 to 300€ more net

Holiday season in winter 4k€ Net.

Going soon to the University to make my Bachelor Engineer in part time while working ...kek hopefully crypto will save me from this

>> No.13412096

how old are you?

>> No.13412098

german cucks love working for gibsmedat sandniggers

>> No.13412135

Is 41k€ per year an acceptable starting salary for someone with a finished STEM MSc? I feel like I could reach 45-50k too but the job description just fits all my wishes.
Also they say salary is made up of monthly salary plus/and a yearly bonus .. I don't know if the bonus gets added or is part of the 41k, does anyone of you know how large such a bonus typically could be?
Thanks in advance, I have a hard time deciding what to do once I finished uni in a few months so every input is appreciated.

>> No.13412141

I started Uni with 21, its not too late. Just say some shit like "my grandma had cancer, I had to support her" or "I was traveling around to find myself". Normies love this shit

>> No.13412144 [DELETED] 

41k for en master is way too low. Lol

>> No.13412146

im getting 4k brutto which is 2,5k netto and i feel like im poor as fuck compared to others

>> No.13412189 [DELETED] 


Am in my mid 20s

>> No.13412196


>> No.13412208 [DELETED] 

yup and thats why Im probably leaving this shithole soon. not that the US is much better but at least they let me keep a bit more of my money.

>> No.13412226
File: 53 KB, 1500x1123, DJF170811133_PGA_Champ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

population or full time worker median?


>> No.13412403

I started working at Bosch directly after my studies (automotive engineering) as a software developer. Entry was ~70k including a bonus and a 10% rise in the 2nd year .... go into automotive is my advice

>> No.13412452

Damn that sounds nice. Did they actually say they'd pay 70k in the job ad or was that some normal "salary is minimum 50k depending on qualification" and you negotiated well enough for the 70k?

>> No.13412514

It wasn't in the job description, and we didn't talk about salary during the application, which I found a little bit disturbing ...however I got an email the next day that they would hire me for the 70k (3k net per month). Maybe I have to add, that I had studied for 6 years and during this time I gained 5 years of work experience through internships and as a Werkstudent (whatever this is in English). Also if you are not an engineer there are still lots of jobs you can do in automotive...
Also another point, in the automotive center in the south west of Germany the living costs are somehow high, don't expect to have a rent lower than 1k if you don't want to live in a shed.

>> No.13412520

Call HR of your prospective employer. 41K isn't too great, but depending whether you get holiday pay, 13th monthly payment and how big the bonus is, it could be closer to 50K which is decent.

>> No.13412634

I work as a software engineer in one of the big corporates in Germany.

I bring home 3250€ after taxes and social security. Additionally, I get a 13th month payment, holiday money, and a yearly bonus depending on performance. Since Mr. Karfunkelshtein awarded me outstanding performance for the last year, it will be roughly a 14th monthly payment.

That is enough to raise a family of four with the wife working part-time, one car, two holidays/year. If I fall ill, the company will pay me a basic income. If I die, the widow will receive an allowance. I can opt to buy company shares from my bonus and the company will not only match my purchase but give me twice the amount. Once I retire, I will receive an additional pension from the company. We have savings of ~20K as a rainy-day fund.

Oh, did I mention each member of the family can go to hospital and we won't have to sell the flat? Did I mention we use the car for ~5000Km/y because we do have public transportation that actually works? That we live in the urban region of one Germany's biggest cities and I have a daily commute of 20min?

I am so goddamn jelly of the US Americans...

>> No.13412727

28 here

>> No.13412819

41k is not so good but depends on which bundesland.
I think my starting was 54k.
70k is crazy.
Luckily i had to go to a foreign project location for approx half a year and got reimbursed 150 a day for accomodation. Hooked myself up with some 30€ a day airbnb stuff and ploughed the rest of that 4500 monthly bonus into ether at 10.
I quit a year later.

>> No.13412829

Wait I as your neighbour (dutchfag) make more net than 50% of germany. I get 1740 euros + home work traffic 120 euros a month. I also get 40 euros from the government to pay for my health insurance.

On the flipside everything is more expensive here

>> No.13412842


It really crazy the differences in pay when you get to skilled professionals. I net probably $10k/month after taxes and even factoring auto and health expenses, you come out ahead in the us.

It is a tradoff. Ultimately, it is a tradeoff. You have a bigger safety net that pays for generous refugee programs, but in the us, illegals have to work to get any kind of money.

>> No.13412847

Not a single American is ITT and talked about how America is supposedly better.

Yet people like you just cannot stop thinking about America. Plus you seem to think that everyone in the US is some shit-tier burger flipper.

Why are Germans so hostile, passive-aggressive and toxic?

>> No.13412989


I live in fucking huezil and me and my girl together make 18k Euros per month on current exchange rates.

The fucked up part is that I have to live in huezil

>> No.13412990
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because our government is shit and were jealous
also were tired of paying for mutombo and hassan
so were full of hatred and anger

>> No.13413062

tfw this germanfag brags about 3250€ after taxes meanwhile my salary is close to 10k net per month

america: 1
germanistan: 0

>> No.13413113 [DELETED] 

theyre lashing out because 70-80% of their income goes straight into muhammeds and tyrones pocket. but complaining about it would be racist so they talk shit about americans instead

>> No.13413283

And you have no chance to have kids because private school would eat all that money while public schools over here are pretty good. Once someone of your hypothetical family gets seriously ill, you are done, financially. Plus we get 30 days of holiday per year.

>> No.13413412

In städten sind doch mittlerweile zum großteil kanaken in der grundschule

>> No.13413422

you guys have no culture at all, so sad

>> No.13413430

implying your immigrant infested public schools are better

>> No.13413899

based SAP worker

>> No.13413953

I feel u bro.
What's ur opinion on 1%Versteuerung when you lease a car? This is pure bullshit imo.
Why should the company spend money on a car-rent and the end user also?

>> No.13414195

>make around 1000€ with my part time job
>get 680€ from my parents to pay for rent and food for college
Cool, my living standard is about average.

>> No.13414268

>creating the world isn't culture
you're speaking english, don't be so butthurt because we've dominated the world for the past 150 years.

imagine being such a cuck you're willing to pay for others health and education so you can fund liberal kike gaslighting "education" and subhumans and their nigger genetics

>> No.13414358

>a blood analysis will bankrupt you

This is wrong on so many levels. Please stop spreading misinformation.

- t. American physician

>> No.13414371

Germanistans enjoyed all their previous benefits on borrowed time. The United States once too enjoyed these and even better but then immigrants and niggers happened and we had to scrap public transport, shield us with suburbia and cut back on all free gibbs in order not to be overrun.

Germanistan is yet to reach that point. I wish you a nice place in a German suburbia.

>> No.13414807

lol poorfags

I make 78k as react dev in Berlin

>> No.13415002


tell me more. I applied for a job in Amsterdam and they really like react. is it worth rotating into that (Currently do C#/C++)? whats so good about it?

>> No.13415019

It's just trendy and a lot of companies use it, meaning there is a market willing to pay

Munich salaries are even higher though also cost of living is

>> No.13415111

Tell me more anon, what is a good salary to be able to support wife, 2 kids, rent, kindergartner, school, health insurance and so on, and also save a bit of money?
I make about 60k net, and I'm pretty skilled with infosec (5 years working exp but I started when I was a kid).
Banks pay pretty well (they are a bit boring for me), but I'm not sure it's a good bet to move in Zurich, in my mind it's expensive as fuck, unless I can make 15k eur net per month...

>> No.13416080

France? really?

hear this
>go to interview for engineering job in Germany for a council
>racist nazi cunts offer me about 3k brutto (maybe 2k in netto?)
>so I go back to England and make 5k netto

stop slaving for Germany guys. it's not worth it... just work abroad till you save up a good amount of money and then buy a house wherever the fuck you want

>> No.13416120

lol thats shit. i was a complete newbie and getting paid £820 a week doing some industrial cleaning. germany is poverty tier.

>> No.13416131

lol I get 3k free gibs from parents with only studying
t. rich fag

>> No.13416133

also interested

>> No.13416151

I bet Germany secretly wishes Trump was your president.

>> No.13416189

snake oil is good for you and worth a million bucks, you'll also need this snake skin to rub on your skin and also ill have to charge you 50% of that million for my time to pay for my medical school debt.

>> No.13416455

Not quite.
>A. Hitler

>> No.13416473

i made 16K a month online while studying in Germany back in 2014, richfag too, and in my early 20s back then. Get on my level.

>> No.13416725

Im very disapointed in germany.

I'm work here as lab technican in shefts.And i get only as netincome 300 or 400 bucks more than an unskillled worker. I don't can earn more money in germany. 100 or 200 bucks is not worth to moving and to change the workingplace.

Switzerland is not a option. i will not have more buying power in switzerland if i will work and life there.

In which countrys can I earn more? What you think? I have no Idea what can I arn in Canada or UK.

>> No.13416742

probably nothing because your english is fucking bad and no one will hire you