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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13411190 No.13411190 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a Charlie Lee dumping LTC moment for Ripple? Why would you hold if the CTO has no confidence in XRP and is dumping to reduce risk?

> I agreed on a de-risking strategy with my wife should we ever have too much at risk, which I've been following with some sadness. - David Schwartz



>> No.13411247

Isn't he just the technical brain behind all of this? Why do people follow him on financial decisions? From what I remember Wozniak also made some terrible personal financial/legal decisions but Apple still went on fine.

>> No.13411263

La creatura

>> No.13411269

this thing has a wife?

>> No.13411311

A kind of attractive one

>> No.13411674

A sell signal for sure.

However, he may have meant de-risking as in not risking a lawsuit when XRP is declared a security.

Which in itself is a sell signal.

Or maybe he did not want to risk being caught with his pants down doing insider trading, but then again, if he is selling now he must have some info nobody outside Ripple has, otherwise what is the point of selling NOW?

Surely he is not paid badly at Ripple and even so he can always get a loan, if he believed XRP was a good investment, surely it is worth the wait.

Apparently, at least for him, it is neither.

>> No.13411705

best part is
...you have to hold 20 ripple in your wallet
so you can literally never exit completely
once you buy jew coin you are stuck with jew coin

>> No.13411766

This just proves how insanely dumb this crypto market is. You can literally see on the explorer how it is all being sent to Coinbase to cash out for millions of fucking dollars. And he is literally admitting it on Twitter, and it is because of some "derisking strategy" to dump millions of dollars. What derisking, of an expensive home purchase? And Rippletards will STILL defend this.

You are the dumbest piece of shit if you are actively getting dumped on by this faggot.

>> No.13411778

Wow he looks like the literal meme of the Jewish troll

>> No.13411864
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>> No.13411936


XRP is dead, keep that filth away from the same sentence as LTC. Charlie sold his coins at 200 so he could fund working on Litecoin for the rest of his life. He didn't premine anything, but he ran nodes for long enough for it to be a substantial sum. He effectively retired from Coinbase to work on LTC fulltime. All the man wants to do is make cool shit and solid money. Just listen to his interviews sometime. It's the opposite of some nigger tonguing some banker's cornhole.

>> No.13411943


He didn't sell, he "purely transfer to Coinbase" KEK

>> No.13411948

its 25 xrp.

basically a wallet isn't even a wallet. its a node that is suposed to transmit millions of transactions per week. sadly xrp tards don't understand what they are buying. else they wouldn't buy it

>> No.13411955
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Uhm, Mr. Schwartz never said he sold all of his XRP, that in fact is an outright lie and slander.

The fact of the matter is that David Schwartz has been stacking XRP since 2012 and made a smart move by selling off a bunch to make some money. Schwartz has more XRP than you could ever hope to. He has stakes in the company Ripple and he has a net worth of around 90 million dollars. There's no reason he shouldn't have sold some XRP to diversify his holdings or de-risk.

I understand a lot of you XRP fudders just cling to phrases without understanding them, or just completely take things out of context to suit your narrative. You make yourselves look like children, which you probably are.

>> No.13412034

This, maybe they want to have kids and he and his wife decided to put some money into dividend stocks or managed funds or whatever for safe income, or for some college fund, who the fuck knows.
Also he didn't buy at $0.30-$3.20 like all /biz/ brainlets but way below 1 cent so he's still massively in profit and it's not as unreasonable to take some out for him as it would be for most of us.

>> No.13412157


Looking at his wallet, it looks like he dumped 15 Million XRP when it was $2 to $3 for over $30 Million. The fact that he's dumping 3 Million XRP when it is $0.32 is a fucking bearish sign. He has a lot of insider information Ripple moonboys lack.

Also, it looks like his millions of XRP was transferred from one of his other accounts which have hundreds of millions. So it's unlikely XRP he bought buy shit he got got free as a founder.

>> No.13412188

He said he bought all the XRP he owns on the free market though, of course at a really fucking low price but still with his own money.
Can't confirm that obviously and whether he got it for free or for <$0.001 doesn't change much for your argument, I just wanted to address that point.

>> No.13412239

>Compairing Apple to Ripple
Anon, I.....

>There is hope for us, guys

These guys get it

Here come the brainlets

>> No.13412293

what he means by derisking is that he sees the writing on the wall with R3 corda and chainlink as well as Swift gpi Link. Ripple will not be necessary when oracles are the new miners

>> No.13412302


>If they don't agree with shallow fud, I'll use a childish meme word to show them that I'm a big boy.

>> No.13412319
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>> No.13412384

>No way XRP is a security
How am supposed to talk to the illiterate!

>> No.13412386

he either is an utter moron, which does not bode well for Ripple IMHO, or he really is dumping because he knows something others don't, which does not bode well for XRP.

A true win-win this...

>> No.13412869

I will be honest, as a xrp fan this is the most bearish news i have are since I been with it.

>started 2015

>> No.13413301

Kek, indeed

>> No.13413324
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You were warned

>> No.13413351

Christ, imagine being stupid enough to buy XRP. Then imagine being stupid enough to hold it and actively shill it.

The majority of crypto “””investors””” are complete and utter NPC tier brainlets.

>> No.13413380
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bullish as fuck

>> No.13413420

This guy shouldn’t be reproducing. Btfo