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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13406907 No.13406907 [Reply] [Original]

So boogie is a chad now

>> No.13406914

did he get plastic surgery why the black eyes?

>> No.13406922

He looks Worse

>> No.13406932

Looks like he's on death's door. Look how red his face is.

>> No.13406933

Yeah he got the surgery where they squeeze off his stomach with rubber bands.

>> No.13407143

what does a red face mean?

>> No.13407145

>fat fuck
Choose one.

>> No.13407149


>> No.13407151

worth more than you, incel

>> No.13407478

you're a fool

>> No.13407487

>going grey

>> No.13407524
File: 123 KB, 1252x704, 97EBC692-5C1A-4A12-8A69-E18C86DE142C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13407597

Boogie will live to the ripe old age of 105.

>> No.13407648

Fat people that lose weight almost always do. Your mind associates weight loss with sickness.

>> No.13407704

JewTube loves to promote this degenerate. I wonder why?

>> No.13407845
File: 183 KB, 425x282, 1318236249359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fake teeth really set off the entire disgusting ensemble.

>> No.13407860
File: 194 KB, 600x450, 1554678047292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know everybody here is hating on boogie, but his teeth were completely rotten. gaps everywhere probably had all kinds of infections. ya he looks different because of the new teeth but it needed to be done. why can't we just be happy that hes improving his health?

>> No.13407876

he's mean to wamen

>> No.13407910

He needs to groom better and get lasik.

>> No.13407919

Did he get new teeth? Looks fucking weird

>> No.13408061

That's fine and all but when he bitches that everyone should take care of him because of his poor judgements that's where I have a problem.

>> No.13408078

He never said that. It's his own struggle, he accepts it.

>> No.13408360

I would unironically suck his dick. He's turning into a literal chad before our eyes.

>> No.13408391

Why are you all so obsessed with this fat manchild? A possibly (although unlikely) useful thread had to die for this cancer.

>> No.13408398
File: 65 KB, 400x335, 3248E41D-CFFB-4D94-9BB9-82A61F7125B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy 0 of this deflated skin sacks bullshit.

>> No.13408672

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.13408697

the most disgusting NEET incel you can find is worth more than boogie if he won't die before 50

>> No.13408748

Boogie is a failure that continually misses his goals. He is a fat sack of shit and deserves all ridicule that he gets

>> No.13408764

How can I invest in this man?

>> No.13408769
File: 285 KB, 510x426, 1550955998571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I be happy that someone fixed a problem they created in the first place?

Like nigger just brush your teeth, stop drinking 8 liters of soda a day, maybe walk for 20 minutes a day it isn't that hard especially when you have thousands of morons donating you money to do fuck all. What kind of cuck supports people like boogie anyway? Anyone who donates to people like boogie is voluntarily paying additional tax dollars to welfare for people who don't need it