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13406366 No.13406366 [Reply] [Original]

Oy vey, won’t someone think of the (((lenders)))?

>> No.13406374

tihs wont end well, socialism will end america as we know it. do you want to become france? ffs.

>> No.13406387
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>> No.13406402

I agree we should make it free. Don't pay the teachers and make them quit. College is a scam.

>> No.13406404

writing off debt in a debt based fiat currency system means massive inflation and loss of purchasing power.
Theyre screwing over anyone in fiat

>> No.13406415


Imagine thinking socialism means “government providing services” lmao

>> No.13406434

Watch out for anyone that offers something for free anons. Absolutely nothing in this life is truly free

>> No.13406438

They should just a new bankruptcy provision that allows you to opt to default on the debt or cap the interest lenders are allowed to charge on future and existing debt.

Doesn't even need to be too low, something like after accumulating interest debt of 150% the value of the principal then the debt stops collecting interest (making it easier for the debtor to catch up and make payments).

Or if you add a bankruptcy provision for student debt make it only executable after the debt has existed for 20 years (giving people who never finished or never used their degree an option to get out of debt without letting new graduates exploit it for free school).

Something needs to be done eventually as much as I hate the idea of handouts, nobody is going to buy homes or start families if they're paying off student loans into their 40s.

>> No.13406440

Dems trying to outbid each other in who can give away more of other people's money.

>> No.13406458


Seriously think about the fact that student loans are the only kind of debt you can’t bankrupt out from. What a (((coincidence)))

>> No.13406465

This is what democracy inevitably becomes

>> No.13406467

>do you want to become france?

Uh, Yes. You stupid fuck. Quit profiting off of people's suffering.

>> No.13406474
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>> No.13406489

what about everyone who took student loans in the past and paid them off responsibly?

they just get fucked huh

we have to stop elizabeth warren

>> No.13406515

Sorry sweety, should have been smart and notnpaidnthem off

>> No.13406516

This. The only teachers left will be ones that want to make a change in the world aka us Jews.

>> No.13406517


At least French tax money goes towards services towards their citizens like college and healthcare. We just spend all our tax money on Israeli wars and giving it to the 1%>>13406465

>> No.13406525

lmfao, Jesus Christ this fucking guy

>m-muh lenders!!!!

>> No.13406528

You signing up for a liberal arts degree to the tune of $150k of debt for a $30k salary is not suffering. That is ignorance. At least call it what it is. It is well within people's reach to be financially responsible. And I'm not excusing corruption. I'm saying be responsible.

>> No.13406531

vote for yang so you at least get the money back. better than free college or black reparations.

>> No.13406535

The left really is trying their best to buy votes this election. Shameless.

>> No.13406559
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When poor and middle class people vote for their own self interests, it’s greed. When the rich do it it’s “being rational”. I’m amazed that midwesterners continue to shill for people who hate them desu

>> No.13406564
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Yeah! fuck every person who gives money to those who don't have it to get things they don't need with the expectation of getting their money back. Fucking idiots. HAHAHAHAHA I'll max out my HELOC and all my credit cards because I'm tarded then let the government fuck a company for my stupidity hahaha,.

>> No.13406570
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>government forces banks to lend no matter how exorbitant the tuition, no matter what the intended field of study the student is engaged in or what their merit is for receiving these loans
>with the floor raised, schools predictably increase tuition rates until they exceed the inflation rate by an order of magnitude
>students go to college for shitty subjects like modern art, go absolutely broke, the college's white hating lesbian "professors" make damn sure that their now incredibly debt-ridden students blame capitalism/"the system" rather than the very apparatus that's directly responsible for their poverty: the school itself.

A lot of these kids could have worked full time for the four years they'd attended basket weaving school and would have been in a good position to put down a mortgage on a house or do whatever. Instead they went to school and had a no down payment mortgage-tier loan imposed on them and entered the workforce in the same job they would have been able to get two to four years previous.

>> No.13406574
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I hope you die in a fire.

>> No.13406578



>sorry goy, you need a degree to work for shekelstein industries
>fortunately Heimanblatt Loans Co can set you up at the special Goy rate of 6 million Prozent per annum!

>> No.13406581


>> No.13406583
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>> No.13406584

imagine thinking the political ideology known for several hundreds of millions of deaths is a good idea.

>> No.13406591


I’m already set for life man. It’s poor whites who are screwing themselves over. Keep voting against your interests bud, us 1% really appreciate it

>> No.13406601


And what ideology would that be?

>> No.13406607

>doubles down on retardation

>> No.13406609

Oy Vey!

>> No.13406618

oh so all of them?

>> No.13406621

Both sides hate the midwest. At least the republicans aren't overtly shitposting about white privilege every waking second the day. Didn't Dem. Ilhan Omar request lenient sentences for Americans caught trying to join ISIS?

Not difficult to understand voting for the side that only spits in your direction when you've left the room as opposed to the alternative.

>> No.13406714

It costs an average 1.5k usd to get a drivers licence and gas is $5.50 to $6 a gallon in France on a good week.

Just one typical example of how the poor still end up paying in socialism, the bill just gets passed around until it shows up somewhere else instead of your sales and income tax.

>> No.13406723
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Limousine liberal. Literally nothing worse. I hope you get murdered, like tonight. I have money than you and not ashamed about it or dumb enough to vote for socialist nonsense. Drink bleach and donate your 50k fortune to a charity of gay african midgets.

>> No.13406736

yeah, but you don't really need to drive, the traffic is really bad there

>> No.13406738
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>> No.13406764

>Making things prohibitively expensive isn't taking away my liberty if I didn't want those freedoms to begin with

Either I'm taking the bait or this is some serious cope.

>> No.13406773

welfare for refugees*
Also the wars are necessary to maintain Pax Americana across the globe.

>> No.13406782
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it's not like you pleebs didn't know the score going into the deal. Here's an idea... join the fucking military and get free tuition from the GI bill. Oh wait you faggots are too soft to do anything but play video games, jerk off and post on 4chan. I feel so bad you have debt, I really do.

>> No.13406793

Rather than erase debt, allow the poor fucks to remove it through bankruptcy like every other debt minus child support

>> No.13406814

This is an easy attitude to have when there's an abundance of lenders.

>> No.13406819

>Look at this d00d

>> No.13406853
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This. If it's not guaranteed by gov then schools can't jack up their tuition as much anymore. Interest rates on unsecured debt would skyrocket but the cost of education would crater. Fuck the asshole that made this debt for life.

>> No.13406971

This bullcrap will never pass, its just a dog whistle for libs. A better solution is for the federal gov to stop backing student loans, forcing the risk of default back on to banks. Then tuitions will fall in line and banks won't lend 200k for a liberal arts degree. The problem like so many others is solved with less government involvement not more

>> No.13407054

i’d cry. just got done paying off 28,000 last month by paying ahead.

>> No.13407210

You'll be okay faggot. Great job getting yourself out of that hole.

>> No.13407583

These politicians are literally running on the platform of "I will make everything free" and it's probably going to work. I can't wait to move the fuck out of this country.

>> No.13407607

If you take out a massive loan and get a bullshit degree with it you deserve a life of suffering. College is already free for smart people via scholarships. If you're stupid and/or poor then learn a trade and shut the fuck up.

>> No.13407633


T. Ex-Republican

>> No.13407644

>A better solution is for the federal gov to stop backing student loans, forcing the risk of default back on to banks. Then tuitions will fall in line and banks won't lend 200k for a liberal arts degree.

That sounds like as far fetched of a pipe dream as the government waving a magic wand and making student loans disappear. Banks already have people on the colleges' boards of trustees, to make sure the colleges charge outrageous tuition so students have no choice but to take loans from the banks. Then, they finance every politician's campaign so they can keep their Shabbos goyim from getting silly ideas like "stop backing student loans." Like every other problem in society, the (((banks))) are playing both sides.

My solution is for everyone to get their education on their own and see college for the ripoff that it is, now that you can learn literally anything you want on the internet for free.

>> No.13407668

There must be some way to get jubilee into the national limelight

>> No.13407680

i fucking hate jewpiro. guy is a complete hypocrit piece of shit kike shill. they are grooming him to be tuckers replacement and it will completely wipe out any independent thiught from cable news

>> No.13407685

based and thoughtfulpositionpilled

>> No.13407700

bases and greatestallypilled

>> No.13407745

I would be open to paying for you poor faggots college on the condition that you are permanently sterilized. You drooling retards breed like rodents and drag everyone down with you. You get 4 years of free day care at a liberal arts school but you don't get to have kids. That's fair. Deal?

>> No.13407747

no you moron, college is an outright scam. tons of kids and boomers being fed this degree meme and getting debt shovelled on them by kikes amd finally graduating with zero job prospects is a ac. prices have tripled for thwir shitty tuition while the tabgible benefit to society has eroded to mass producing snowflakes and liberal arts degrees and its all being funded by the taxpayer while making administrators rich as fuck. yes, ppl are fucking retarded for going to college in the first place but that doesnt excuse the existence of an overinflated taxpayer fumded scam churning out lifetime debt slaves. the government needs to cut funding immeduately for these fuvking piece of shit kike instititions and let the free market sort these cocksuckers out then you can get on your sanctimonious little shitbox and start telling ppl to be responsible because until then people are being fucking scammed.

>> No.13407779

I hate this fucking controlled opposition neocon scumbag so much

Remember - diversity and open borders for the US, ethnonationalism and walls for israel!

>> No.13407867

Don’t pay them, just go risk your life for them instead

>> No.13408435

Wooooo fight for Israel goy

>> No.13408469

elizabeth warren is a directly bold face lying retarded cunt who wants to bail out all the future lawyer scum. she is scum. fuck those assholes with their fake degrees, let em burn in hell and stiff the debt on their own. fucking warren should be shut down and booted out with the jews and foreign citizens get those fucking jews and cunts out of congress

>> No.13408552

a trillion dollar bail out for people with degrees. lmao

>> No.13408597

>now that you can learn literally anything you want on the internet for free

Would you get surgery from a guy who learned how to be a doctor from watching YouTube videos?

>> No.13408616

>either go into debt-slavery or fight wars for Israel if you want a middle-class life
Hmm...this seem rigged to anyone else?

>> No.13408623

2 key factors there.

Its Uncle Sam's money. "Make other lender deal with bankruptcy, but not for me."

Its an uncollateralized loan. Imagine going to school at expensive private universities and declaring bankruptcy after graduation. Everyone would do it.

>> No.13408649

give me back that bailout money Shekelberg!

>> No.13408792

I worked fulltime through the first 3 years of college and was reimburse through work. Last year I had a capstone project and I had to quit. Capstone was basically a fulltime job. I took 10k out for that 1 year and also used a pell grant. Paid that off in 2 years. I would absolutley throw up if I had more than 10k debt not including my mortgage. Good job paying that debt my guy.

>> No.13409718

You do of course realize that the jewish financial system favors the rich no matter what and that voting for a different candidate that is hand picked by the jewish media wont change a damn thing right?

I find it fascinating that this "muh taxcut for the rich" meme has grown to such an extent.

>> No.13409748

> Probably praises Obama daily
> Doesn't realize Obama cut taxes on the wealthy, while we were even broker than we are now
> But that was different!

>> No.13409754

Holy shit, to get a drivers license here is like $50

>> No.13409765

You can test through the majority of most degrees.

>> No.13409779

Collage prices are increasing because student loans are run by the government

>> No.13409809

>Lend your hard earned money in p2p platform.
> Some faggot communist wipes the debt

>> No.13409841

you are fucking retarded