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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 961x633, clc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13403611 No.13403611 [Reply] [Original]

5 days later, they announced their crowdsale plan.

Is it even possible to publicly and internationally raise capital this quickly in Estonia?
Can a private limited company have potentially infinite number of shareholders? What about future shareholders with unknown identity when the tokens can be freely traded?

I urge anyone who is interested in the crowdsale to understand what all this mean.

>> No.13403620

Estonian Business Registry:

Go see for yourself.

>> No.13403758
File: 233 KB, 1608x733, clcg_fuding_link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these guys want to raise YOUR linkies funds to use that funds to most likely short link with said funds and then go on a rampant fud campaign
thats clcg for u. pic related

>> No.13403772
File: 155 KB, 700x450, sharesdist-700x450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine putting any money into this

>> No.13403793
File: 43 KB, 953x503, clc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some more digging.
Pay attention to the contact person, Premium Administration

>> No.13403852
File: 67 KB, 897x515, pa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a online gambling company?
And there's only 1 entry in the Estonian registry, which should be the same gambling company

>> No.13403898

>Is it even possible to publicly and internationally raise capital this quickly in Estonia?

no its illegal to do that specifically in estonia. well done /biz/ you cracked this case easily.

>> No.13403901

link to that page?

>> No.13403913

Have a bump

>> No.13403945
File: 40 KB, 961x445, clc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click "printout of valid registry card information" from the registry

>> No.13403948

Absolutely based and redpilled. I hope you will make it

>> No.13403982

I always felt something odd with this crowdsale, unlike LinkPool's one, which by the way was managed by a smart contract and all the process was trustless. Also the self valuation is quite high...

>> No.13403987

Good job anon.

>> No.13404031

Pretty sure they can run of with the money there

>> No.13404045

Thanks just bought 100k linkpool shares, costing me 2200000 Eth and allowing me to stake 15 link

>> No.13404059

just buy link faggot

>> No.13404091

Thanks Jonny

>> No.13404095 [DELETED] 

This. You'd have to be a retard and a sucker to buy this. No mention of unsold share allocation and based on their obvious greed at 60% reserved for the team probably means they're going to the team as well when the inevitably raise more like 500 ETH (Linkpool only raised about 700).

They're selling at a valuation of $7mil. Step outside of the echochamber that is crypto for a minute as they are offer you equity in a company NOT a cryptocurrency. Imagine making a website that hosted a few apis and thinking it is worth $7mil. Any other day in the real world of building a business, what they have made is barely worth $50k. Probably not even that as they have no revenue model at the moment other than "when the chainlink mainnet goes online (anytime between now and the end of time) and isn't a complete failure (probably 50/50), people MIGHT use our service enough that we make some money"

What they've done here is decided they want some money, a shitload of it actually. And it just so happens that there's a bunch of retards who follow this coin religiously (myself included) which are more than happy to throw their money into the toilet on ICOs. So we will do an ICO to take their money, but not actually offer them anything other than a share in the so far completely non-existent profits in our api hosting website which we value at 7 MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS.

>> No.13404119

u keep this joke running

>> No.13404121

You do understand that if you're not physically in the country where you register your business, you need an admin company to provide you with the required services like a mailbox (postal address) etc.? Usually these also double as your accounting firm. Like you think Chainlink has an actual physical office in the Cayman Islands? How old are you?

Nice research copy pasting the company registry code they give on their website into the registry search bar I guess, but this is a pretty big nothing burger desu.

>> No.13404137

CLC deserves to fail. Biggest embarrassment to Chainlink so far and that's saying something.

>> No.13404146

Running sounds like something Jonny needs to do

>> No.13404171

Reminder. Everyone fudding here is going to buy when the presale happens.

>> No.13404312

kek this is some pathetic cope

>> No.13404347

>Says the buyer

>> No.13404351

It was created by some 28-year old Finnish guy with no other relations to any businesses. The most likely reason why they chose to incorporate in Estonia was because it can be done online in a few minutes and there's no obligation to actually pay anything into the company right away. As you can see, CLC Group was established without making an installment. CLCG is literally backed by nothing but an unknown Finnish dude and an entry in the Estonian business registry that takes 5 minutes tops and doesn't cost anything.

>> No.13404393
File: 29 KB, 378x357, 75634742515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this delusion WTF

>> No.13404459

topkek, no. I hate Timo and will never buy into this shitty project

>> No.13404484

I'm not giving you desperate retards any money. Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.13404523

This. Timo is now the most hated person on this board.

And >>13404171 will deal with it

>> No.13404540

According to Thomas only. Every clear-minded non-linkpoo bagholder can see the aura of competence around him

>> No.13404614

Does betting company provide accounting and mailbox services?
Or are they trying to get into pump and dump business?

>> No.13404631

Daily reminder Timo means scam in spanish

>> No.13404675

This Vänttinen is known scammer in Finland, stay away.

>> No.13404714

>linkpoo bagholders in full panic mode

>> No.13404756
File: 86 KB, 847x1024, 1552157800176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck they are Estonian? I thought I was the only Linkmarine in Tallinn.

>> No.13404818

Ooohh timi timi timo poo in the loo
Your sorry ass will get D. You think we wont remember bitch? do you really?

>> No.13404838

I don't understand the pathological fudding going on on this board anymore. There's being ironic and meme fudding, there's strategic fudding to accumulate more yourself, but then there's also fudding because you're low IQ and way out of your depth. Take a step back and think about what you're doing and why you're doing it for a second. There's an actual risk that they could fail to secure their funding, in which case it would slow them down and every node operator will therefore struggle also because this means less access to APIs for everyone. That means a weaker ecosystem, that means lesser chances of overall success for all of us. And you, the simpleton who is lurking and not fully understanding what's really going on, who is reading these threads to gauge the reactions and just follow the herd, my advice to you is think about it critically. The only people who stand to win anything by fudding CLC are the whales who already have their own operations set up and can afford data subscription plans, and want less competition from smaller fishes at mainnet so they can gain more income and reputation. Then there are also the morons who are fudding, just for a laugh and to fit in, and because they haven't done their homework and don't understand the scope of Burak's vision, and how it would profoundly benefit the larger Chainlink ecosystem. In case you haven't noticed, the node generals have started popping up and people are finally waking up and getting ready. Everyone is about to get a severe wake up call when they realize the hurdles they'll face to get API access. The first-moving API DEX will be used by every single node operator. If they don't get to it, some company outside the community will, and you won't get to own a piece of every single transaction. And as you know if your IQ isn't two digits, API is where the real value of the network is. There will be massive fomo when all start realizing this, and massive regret if they don't get funding.

>> No.13404866


Daily reminder Vantinnen when to a who wants to be a billionaire tv show and he lost at the first round

>> No.13404876

Chainlink's success is not dependant on your shitty, self-overvalued list of APIs. Stop pushing this meme, it's making you look wore than you already do. It's honestly impressive how much more shit you consistently manage to make yourselves look.

>> No.13404884

You'd have to be a retard and a sucker to buy this. No mention of unsold share allocation and based on their obvious greed at 60% reserved for the team probably means they're going to the team as well when the inevitably raise more like 500 ETH (Linkpool only raised about 700).

They're selling at a valuation of $7mil. Step outside of the echochamber that is crypto for a minute as they are offer you equity in a company NOT a cryptocurrency. Imagine making a website that hosted a few apis and thinking it is worth $7mil. Any other day in the real world of building a business, what they have made is barely worth $50k. Probably not even that as they have no revenue model at the moment other than "when the chainlink mainnet goes online (anytime between now and the end of time) and isn't a complete failure (probably 50/50), people MIGHT use our service enough that we make some money"

What they've done here is decided they want some money, a shitload of it actually. And it just so happens that there's a bunch of retards who follow this coin religiously (myself included) which are more than happy to throw their money into the toilet on ICOs. So we will do an ICO to take their money, but not actually offer them anything other than a share in the so far completely non-existent profits in our api hosting website which we value at 7 MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS.

To answer your last point, I'd say it's incredibly unlikely that those apis are exclusive. Read back over my second paragraph and try to think of any scenario in which a company would want to offer their apis exclusively to a company like that.

>> No.13404969

lmao, as if. Linkmarines are worldwide

>> No.13405115

why would they value themselves at 7 million if it's so obviously wrong?

didn't they change their valuation anyway?

>> No.13405245


ETH was between 700 to 400 USD at that time.

It's $170 now.

Now calculate how much is 700ETH @ 500, and 2000 ETH at 180. Not that much of a difference now, isn't

>> No.13405292

well LP actually built something that the "shareholders" will instantly get rewarded from..
CLCG offers nothing measurable

>> No.13405368

Nothing measurable apart from money Jonny, money.

>> No.13405396

Chainlink's long-term success is dependent on a large decentralized network of independent node operators providing data valued by smart contract developers and enterprises. Sergey's focus at launch is to incentivize and onboard the big data providers, which will run their own nodes. Onboarding the big fishes is great for the network but also bad for decentralization because the big fishes don't like to share with the small fishes. The decentralized API/smart contracts economy is a whole new uncharted territory that even though holds tremendous economic potential still is risky and needs to prove itself, before it redefines the data providers' current business models. Introducing not only per-call pricing, but tokenized calls through a decentralized exchange is the most sensible way to make expensive data affordable to all independent node operators while retaining the trustless nature of the network, thus allowing the large-scale availability of high-value independent nodes needed to make the decentralized network optimal. Now if you also can't foresee how switching their operation from listing centralized, non-exclusive APIs and negotiating per-call rates (they have first-moving advantage now, they get to develop business relations, sure, but they would remain easily replaceable middlemen) to introducing API call tokenization through DEX (first-mover PLUS network effect.... sounds familiar?), and that's not even considering the cornerstone potential of Nodary, I guess I don't know what to tell you.

I'm gonna say it again though: THEY'RE BUILDING AN API DEX

>> No.13405406

>Instantly get rewarded
>Get 0.01 link in exchange for 2 Eth invested 8 months after investment
>Will be able to stake less than that at launch

>> No.13405415

jonny actually contributes to the ecosystem actively
what about this Bridges thing?

the only thing CLCG offers is being the middleman for talking to API providers.
sure, it can have value but how much?

>> No.13405437

I plan to run my own node but I still see the value in LP and what it does.
I know the staking limit, but a %(very small, sure) of all LPs income is also something

either way this isn't about LP, are you trying to shill CLCG or not

>> No.13405445

7 million dollars

>> No.13405559


Once you have a DEX online with 50 API providers seeing the value of the API smart contracts economy and making banks with easy monetization, network effect kicks in and it opens the floodgates, all API providers will want a share of the cake. They won't even have to negotiate anymore. Keep in mind the first-mover advantage also holds for API providers: if you got 500 nodes at launch providing BNC data, then smart contracts devs will start building around BNC data. Pick up the phone and call an API provider right now and tell him you want per-call pricing and he'll laugh at you; start explaining to him what Chainlink is building (one call plus one call plus one call... * hundreds and hundreds of nodes - okay so one call is actually hundreds of calls?!) and he'll start being very receptive.

Try to also see the big picture here.

Link network launching with not only the providers the CL has been working on onboarding, but also with a dedicated DEX with hundreds of independent API providers backing it up.

This will annihilate Chainlink's competition also, because they won't be servicing competing networks, even though it would eventually be profitable for them to do so.

The faster the complete CL ecosystem gets to grow and get funded, the more difficult it'll become for competition to rival. Witnet and the likes don't have Town Crier, Linkpool, CLC. When you see the big picture, you see all these ecosystem parts compliment each other. Zoom out: there are 50 people working on developing the Chainlink ecosystem right now.

>> No.13405575

cool text until you said 50 people
I was trying to get someone to give a proper response, thank you

>> No.13405618

Homie you're invested in a token where the team has kept 70% of the supply, and has been vague about how 35% of it will be distributed.

There is also a successful project built on top of said 70%-reserved token where they sold 25% of their company (how could they, the greedy bastards, keeping 75% for themselves) for millions of dollars.

Read this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/LINKTrader/comments/8792jf/linkpool_to_reduce_fees_announcing_coming_small/

"Fees were high from the start, crowdsale comes across greedy. Will reserve judgement for when they explain why they need a crowdsale and how much they're raising though."

Sound familiar? Don't miss out on another 20x in the bear.

>> No.13405644

The only bridge you need is a weighbridge

>> No.13405686

Wishful thinking at it's finest

>> No.13405689

need to look like the great leader sergey

>> No.13405718

Talking about the full ecosystem. 50 sounds about right. Compare to how many people are working on oracles competitors and their ecosystems (or lack off).

Chainlink full-time team (+ advisors + code/UI contributors + TC people + people they have doing audits etc) + LP + CLC + Fiews + randoms selling node setup services... it adds up

You should also pay attention to their Nodary service. Sybil attacks is still one of the major fud for the network, even with staking and reputation. Nodes need to be uniquely verified and certified, this means KYC, which is also a centralization issue and can easily be gamed as well. They're trying to design a third-party solution to this problem. I absolutely love Jonny, but people right now are severely underrating how weapon grade high IQ autistic CLC's CTO is.

>> No.13405727

One similarity is better than none Jonny

>> No.13405792

Have you started contacting API providers for your node? Funny how this is the one question CLC fudders never reply to.

>> No.13405839

Based and burakpilled

>> No.13405924

Let's hope watever this bridges thing is, that it's a strong bridge

>> No.13406100

This dude is gonna be like when we flew in cocaine on CIA planes

This dude is gonna be like when Reagan hid the spread of AIDS

This dude is gonna be like when we assassinated MLK

This dude is gonna be like WMDs in Iraq

Real gs move in silence like lasagna

>> No.13406325


>> No.13406395

Holy shit unironically my post from a few weeks back is now pasta. I'm fucking right though arnt i

>> No.13406439

You're right fucking fat Jonny, that you are

>> No.13406460

you really sit here for hours not to be useful but to call everyone who dislikes CLCG for jonny? fucking retard

>> No.13406481

>9 posts by this ID
>Eating a massive fucking kebab

>> No.13407270

there are retards everywhere, not just there

>> No.13407340

There is no way I would ever send my personal information to a bunch of random semi anonymous retards from biz. No fucking way. So forget about that one.

>> No.13407345 [DELETED] 

CLC shills, your arguments are useless because we are not some low iq monkeys who can be moved from the real issue of all your share thingy

the real issue is this:

-Timo should be fired because he fucked up the chain of command of the CLC Group and spoke against the very company he works for in a public manner, this happens in the real world when someone spokes something trascendental for the company passing through the managers and the CEO's, there is currently no trust put in him to not do it again once CLC or Chainlink goes through a bearish situation, he trusts money rather than the company, he is a mercenary so he should be treated as such

- Selling tokens as "part of the share" of the company, this is shady as fuck, do one or other, put your company as some stock share or do some tokenization of your economy, don't do both, you do both because you know you can get leeway in the future with it and it feels scammy

- Insane overvaluation, you offer good arguments for this, but it's weird that you say you need the money to secure the API marketplace through OTC negotiations with api sellers and at the same time you act as if it's guaranteed you can even secure a good position in the marketplace, you offer a product like if you already have 100% guarantee that you can cover up the service and that makes overvaluated because it's riskier than chainlink at this point, there is no guarantee you can secure a larger portion of the api marketplace

I hope you guys the best but you need work to do, another tip: every post you do shilling clc group without addressing those points make your project look even worse, prepare an official announcement regarding everything before making more shill post or the fire will catch up and it won't stop

>> No.13407431

You're 100% correct on all your points.
These morons are reselling publicly available authenticated API access at a markup.
>Duuuurrrr they said they negotiated lower rates
Whoever thinks this is a moron. It would make business sense for the API provider to do this

>> No.13407564
File: 401 KB, 872x1150, biz retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>semi anonymous retards from biz.

>> No.13407574

You would've thought with those CVs they wouldn't be so retarded.

>> No.13407629

>reselling publicly available authenticated API access at a markup

>> No.13408146

Is this bait? I complain about anonymity and you post a bunch of blacked out usernames? Is this a joke?

>> No.13408169

The reason they are doing a crowdsale is to find the prototype and get additional funding.

They failed to raise money with no prototype for a network that doesn’t have a Mainnet release.

>> No.13408316

I own 100k link. I understand how to value a company because I’ve watched 4 episodes of shark tank. These guys really put a 7 million dollar evaluation on their company they created 5 days ago in Estonia? This isn’t rocket science. It’s common sense. Chainlink doesn’t even have a working product and they believe they’re 7 million dollars ? Sure they can revise all they want. They showed their true colors of incompetence, inexperience, unprofessionalism. I’m out. You get one shot at doing it right.

>> No.13408351

Based facts.

>> No.13408507


>Shilling LinkPool


>> No.13409536

You really have not much to gain betting on startup with that valuation, that operates on top of another startup