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13400119 No.13400119 [Reply] [Original]

how much to plant a computer inside my brain

>> No.13400126

that's gross

>> No.13400133

Elon Musk will soon give an update on NeuraLink

>> No.13400135

here you go

>> No.13400172 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 960x640, 1526686641402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we long this?

>> No.13400214

what's the point

>> No.13400219

super memory

>> No.13400231

direct brain control of peripherals. Now you will be able to use both hands to fap while browsing the internet.

>> No.13400588

to control retards like

>> No.13400683

Soon it will be free and mandatory. They will vaccinate you from the eternal disease and blight of racism, sexism, and homophobia. Refusal will be ostracized on Facebook and on the comments section of the Washington Post, and your children will be barred from going to the mall.

>> No.13400692

About time really.

>> No.13400709

>If you want a vision of the future, imagine a civil rights amendment stamping on a white male face - forever.

>> No.13400733

There was a Bradbury novel bout a scientist, who captured a hobo and accidentally turned him into a superhuman by reversing evolution. Then ex hobo converted everyone into super beings, and the scientist became a bacwards individual clinging to his concept of humanity, when the world just marched on. What was the title?

I guess if neuroprogramming emerges, 4chan will be the greatest collection of subhumans, despite us generally claiming to be outside the vicious manipulation by media and politics

>> No.13400758

Will it be able to turn blacks into peaceful and productive members of society?

>> No.13400777

>he doesn’t know the brain is a computer.
You sure you even have a brain anon?

>> No.13400779

Never heard of that one... i love dystopic fiction so I'd read it, but it sounds much more far fetched than 451. Fahrenheit 451, btw, seems to be actual direction everything is heading versus Orwell or Huxley. The elite envision a race of weaponless, low(er) iq, lite brown, gender amorphous, consumers of mindless pleasure, that perform the remaining shit physical work by day and retreat to television/ internet and innocuous club drugs and vapid bar socialization by night. Brazil is the test model where they're working out the kinks.

>> No.13400798
File: 11 KB, 293x301, 1537796493379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but that needs a functioning brain to begin with

>> No.13400828
File: 187 KB, 263x301, Screenshot_2019-04-22 Sir Roger Penrose — The quantum nature of consciousness - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a classical computer
>laughing Prof Penrose

>> No.13401216

enjoy your human 1.0 brain

>> No.13401588

Imagine getting your brain hacked... Or if the government specifically programmed back doors into your mind.

Rip peasants.

>> No.13401998

If everyone else has photographic memory, and can learn new skills in seconds of download time, you'll quickly end up the subhuman ape without the implant. If everyone else just knows Wikipedia, or how to fly a helicopter, or Kung Fu, you'll get the implant too.

If everyone else lives twice as long as you, because the implant destroys cancer cells at the first cluster of cells, or it stores 8 hours of reserve oxygen in the event of a stroke or heart attack, and it keeps arteries, and your colon, and your prostate in pristine condition, you'll get the implant too.

>> No.13402119

>Implying that kind of technology wouldn't only be made available to the super rich

>> No.13402146

>implying heroin isn't given for free to poor pissants to hook them in