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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13399326 No.13399326 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on the ultimate question
does sexwork earn you money? i really want a lot of stuff i want and need.

>> No.13399349

No because you're a gross smelly pageet manlet neet

>> No.13399352

Old dudes will get their dicks sucked by anyone. Go for them, OP.

>> No.13399376

It does, but it's not that steady. The smart thing is to work a regular job and do that on the side.

>> No.13399401

i am an above average girl in terms of looks and/so I don't browse this imageboard much desu (like once in a blue moon for more than a decade in this pace!) I've never made nudes either but I don't care about killing my purity-streak either. just need money, lotsa it.
i work and study, just need lots of extra cash. how much does it earn?

>> No.13399405
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as much as you want baby

>> No.13399425

this is a lie. at least gimme a marketing-plan or suggest good websites. i mean if everyone could be super-rich why are there crack-whores then? and why is nobody as famous as kim k even though everyone's nudes these days get leaked everywhere on literally almost every board possible except the pure ones?

>> No.13399450

I do adult webcam stuff, mostly with private already established regular clients. My net profit can be as high as $1200 per week, $800 on the low side, for a few hours of “work”. I generally use it as a fall-back income when I’m in-between tech jobs but I do it if I’m employed or not to keep my paying client list fresh for when I need it. I could make a lot more, I have a “cam friend” who makes $5k/week regular but he does it full time and markets himself and such. I put the minimal amount of time & effort into it.

>> No.13399452

>this is a lie. at least gimme a marketing-plan or suggest good websites. i mean if everyone could be super-rich why are there crack-whores then? and why is nobody as famous as kim k even though everyone's nudes these days get leaked everywhere on literally almost every board possible except the pure ones?
i'd start out with the reddit nude approach, get a following, subreddit and go from there... only after u have that will u be able to actually monetize

>> No.13399457
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Well hey there. You should come work for me. I'll treat you right bitch. Do you know what I am saying?

>> No.13399463

>does sexwork earn you money?
in Nedada, a fuckton

>> No.13399503

yes I was actually talking to my friends about owning some kind of international brothel but they just laughed it off and thought I was playing.
so if you're just a neckbeard in tech job you can still earn a lot? wtf. why this autistic whore i know irl earns so little then? i assume you keep face hidden as well btw? or maybe i assumed your gender because this is /biz/.

>> No.13399533

Your worth as a person is as much as you charge and the things you want to buy will definitely make you happier. Its worth it in the end.

>> No.13399545

No I show face. I enjoy building my body at the gym so I enjoy showing it, it's fun for me and silly and I have, like any business relationship, relationships with my clients I have built over the years. I am a part of their lives, so even when I don't need the money I feel bad if I let them down. I have no clue how long it will continue, but it has saved me more than once when I've had issues with my tech employment. It also allows me the safety net of being able to quit bad jobs and not having to stress, use savings, or take the first opportunity that comes to me.
The types of people willing to pay this kind of money generally are looking for someone very specific and are very loyal once they have/you have found them. I've only ever had two clients stop in the past 10 years of doing it or so and I turn down new clients all the time.

>> No.13399551

Find yourself a niche like fucking vegtables, record yourself doing that, stick it on pornhub and start doing live shows. Isn't it just that easy for a woman?

>> No.13399567

You can make money just showing your feet, fetish ppl are weird like that. Ive seen girls sell panties and socks. I dunno if i'd ever want to show my face but if it was me i'd try to angle into a niche or gimmick/fetish sector and try to build some regulars.

>> No.13399591
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Probably your autistic acquaintance is not very good at her job and has an abrasive personality. The job is about listening carefully and giving your customers the exact fantasy they want, and surprising them with things even they didn't know they wanted. Surprise/new is addictive. (careful though this can backfire easily if you get it wrong) effort into self presentation and unique marketing shtick can account for the rest. It's still a business and you should still learn everything you reasonably can about what you are doing. Try talking to some thots who's skills you admire (even pay at their show to get their attention if needed)

>> No.13399601

By the way, what do you want to buy? Sounds like you have specific things in mind.

>> No.13399704

Tits or gtfo

>> No.13399707

Thirsty newfag. You can gtfo too

>> No.13399725
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>> No.13399727

it's not really worth it because the emotional damage is real and follows you for the rest of your life, while you can only realistically be in the porn industry for a few years

besides, finding yourself around a lot of cash inorganically will make you waste it. clearly you're surviving fine without it.

>> No.13399728

Thank God someone sane here.

>> No.13399739

You ain't going to get much if you're an orange nigger slut

>> No.13399768
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My housemate is dating a 7/10 18yr-old discord e-girl who decided to become a stripper. She makes 300 an hour on busy nights and 50 on dead quiet nights. This is in Australia, so everything is clean and regulated. Pretty fucked. She wastes the money on the most frivolous shit, as well as the standard makeup and shoes shit all girls do.

Meanwhile I make 27 an hour doing retail. I wish I was born with a vagina and above average looks, I'd have 4x the crypto portfolio I do now and a provider.

>> No.13399792

ok kids, experienced 40yo here.
as none of you little shits seems to have clue, i let it rain wisdom for you:
- you pick a thing you want to earn money with
- you stick with it (=years)
- you'll suck at the beginning
- the beginning is a long time
- smart risk = higher reward
- stupid risk = pain & punishment
- doesnt matter what niche, important is that you stick around a long time ; otherwise = no or negative gains

>> No.13399833
File: 13 KB, 275x183, 94974D8E-E9E7-4055-95A2-A40B5F315F89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give me
>a marketing plan
>create an entire plan for me
>do research for me
>spoon feed me
typical woman



oh and kys THOT

>> No.13399836

Rare pepe!

>> No.13399857

>imagine women being actually good with money

Kinda scary desu, they'd build an imperium just by showing some bobs and we'd be still wageslaving and renting

>> No.13399896


you need a pimp. I will work out the details for you and you get to be a whore.

text me 9093401281

>> No.13399906


>> No.13399926

Honestly yeah, the amount of power they hold using their pussies thanks to the sexual revolution is absurd. If they were actually smart it'd be all over for men, at least for a bit until we just easily overpowered them.