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133870 No.133870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You morons do realize that cryptocurrency isn't going anywhere and isn't going to die, right? Tell me that you morons aren't this stupid.

>> No.133890

Cryptocurrencies will endure. The world will change over to math-based currency in due time.

It just won't be Bitcoin that carries this into the future.

>> No.133893

The only people on the cryptocurrency are underage morons who want to "get rich quick" and don't understand any of the basics of economics. 99.9% probably have never even heard of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip_mania they are almost satirically mirroring.

Unfortunately, as you can tell, this ends up being A LOT of people, and thus A LOT of people are becoming fooled by the idiots flocking in masses to waste their time and money simply because all the other idiots are doing it too.

>> No.133897

Stopped reading 3 words in. You have zero idea what it is that you're talking about. Please get off of the cliched negative bandwagon and get a clue.

>> No.133898

If a cryptocurrency is the future then it sure as hell won't be any of these unregulated third party ones that are literally being created out of thin air and instantly making whoever created them millionaires just because of all the idiots who have faith in the worthless currency. Until a cryptocurrency can be backed by a measurable commodity or a government, you're literally just ponzi-scheming each other into oblivion. Good luck selling your worthless numbers to likewise fools before the crashes.

>> No.133901

Stopped reading 3 words in. You have zero idea what it is that you're talking about. Please get off of the cliched "new paradigm" bandwagon and get a clue.

>> No.133902

> worthless currency woth hundreds of dollars

Top lel

>> No.133908

You morons do realize that tulip bulbs/comic books aren't going anywhere and aren't going to die, right?

Why should the man on the street put money into a relatively illiquid crypto when everyone accepts dollars? It's like buying gift cards. I can understand people living in unstable economies doing it but even then there needs to be a regulator or trustworthy backer. Until then they'll just be the plaything of speculators.

>> No.133909

> anal blasted
> copies what I said and changes a couple of words around.

You are either under age, republican, or ben benanke

>> No.133913

> bernanke
Sploops! Me bad

>> No.133918

> sour grapes keep bringing up the tulip thing
You guys really are pretty close to sounding like sheep.
Also, both of those things are still around with shops dedicated to them

>> No.133921
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>> No.133945

Truth hurts kiddo

>> No.133966
File: 18 KB, 625x626, c26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep mining your dogecoins. They''re TOTALLY worth what people say their worth, just trade them out for dollars anytime you'd like, get your money in the mail! It's definitely worth spending 10 hours a day to make 50 cents worth of ponzi-coins! I mean, how else could a middle-class 15 year old spend their time? It's the new paradigm!

>> No.133974

Weird how people really are doing that and make more money than you do. You seem mad jelly bro

>> No.133991

What is this? Anyone tried yet?
They say they double your bitcoins in 3 days, what do you think?


>> No.134003
File: 133 KB, 767x530, Dow Long Range Trend Graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep playing your comrads for exchangeless-currency, "woth hundreds of dollars," I'll stick with the stock market where real goods and services are exchanged.

>> No.134013

literally ponzi/pyramid/fck you

>> No.134017

Keep repeating that lie. One dsy, it may actually be true.

>> No.134043

How is that ~1% ROI over a few years treating you?
Because my 1200% ROI in mint over 2 days is treating me well.