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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1339377 No.1339377 [Reply] [Original]

Alright faggots. From next week the shit will officially hit the fan as global markets panic like crazy on the Brexit vote.

Discuss trading setups and strategies.

>> No.1339381

I predict dead cat bounce on Monday, followed by continued sell off on Tuesday.

>> No.1339382

Markets shrugged off Brexit already. You should have bought last week like everyone else.

>> No.1339385


Accumulate everything that is falling several percentage points below it's average. Be smart, avoid FUD and shitty short-term assets.

>> No.1339390

brexit + bitcoin halving = moon

>> No.1339392

doubt it. Shit already hit the fan on Friday. Should've bought at the open

>> No.1339411
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Long on gold/silver. Day trade volatility. Cryptos also look promising, but should be handled with care because their value is tethered to fiat currencys.

>> No.1339414

You never buy at open

>> No.1339417
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Continue following my risk-tolerance-appropriate asset allocation plan with a diversified, low-cost portfolio.

>> No.1339441

>you never x
...said every poor person ever

>> No.1340199



>> No.1340214

BTC should go up with the small crash now, right?

>> No.1340216

Nikkei opened up 2%.

>> No.1340225


>> No.1340231

>Should've bought at the open

>Not know how bid/ask works


>> No.1340235
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>> No.1340245

Meanwhile dow futures gapping down.

>> No.1340692

Often when there's a hyped sell-off from an overnight event you can catch an early bounce buying at the open as things settle down later in the day
>The More You Know

>> No.1340705

Of course you can. Except when you can't.
/dice roll general/
fuck off

>> No.1340959

Futures crazy. Hoping for meltdown b/c short.

>> No.1341900

>something has to work 100% of the time to make money
this fucking board

>> No.1341941


>> No.1342293

I bet day traders will lose money no matter what they do, because they're fucking day traders.
Get a real investment and a real job

>> No.1342319

Well shit will flood in EU soon(July/August are even more crazy). Buy USD and wait for increasing panic, it has just began so no need to rush yet.

>> No.1342335

By shit do you mean immigrants and/or another Greek bailout?

>> No.1342403
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I think that damage by immigrants is done already. EU politicians think that they can mimic good old USA and gain near free workers from illegal immigration and keep wages low. Instead EU has gained 99% of welfare abusers that will eat all internal devaluation. Germany fears using external devaluation and thinks that internal is invulnerable vs inflation(eating savings that devaluation gives) but welfare immigrants are actually doing that, literally.

Greek will make nice negatives to French and German banks that's sure but government adjustment program is already paid, so it's like a comedy play.

Big thing is that if we see couple weeks of sliding in EU stocks, Brussels may press panic button and out law short selling(like in Greek). That is real catastrophe. I'm looking for this since, immigrants and Greek debtz is not on table atm.

France and Germany has elections coming up too! Time to pop some popcorn since next year is going to look more like medieval Europe.

You will have plenty of time on EU stocks! Fun times are just around the corner!

>> No.1342443

....I'm moving all my assets into gold.

>> No.1342454

I am losing money no matter what I do. I cant find predict support or resistance, every new article that comes out with market predictions is making floors drop. I'm really going to have to do some studying tonight and rethink my strategy for tomorrow. Some articles have came out predicting this will be worse than 2008 housing crisis if other nations start voicing prospects of voting on leaving EU. If this conversation doesnt stop the markets may continue to tank all year. Right now I have all my money out. If I sense we've hit bottom I'm going to pick a few stocks that I think were disproportionately oversold to buy

>> No.1342462


Shit, how would one abandon the EU boat? I might move to SEA.

>> No.1342470
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Total fucking newb here, I'm a mathematical modeler that deals a lot with natural resources and other shit, so analytics is something I'm pretty good at, quick question

What is the best way to buy stocks? Like TD Ameritrade or something like that? And when you buy them do you just get some kind of receipt or what? I'm just coming into this fiasco and I'm going to start with baby steps like 5 grand or something.

>> No.1342491

Actually it has work both (a) at least 51% of the time, and (b) have a better expected rate of return than alternate uses of your capital. Neither of which the tripfag claimed let alone proved.

You're not the smart one on this board, kid. You're one of the dummies. The sooner you realize this the better off you'll be.