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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 543x331, HashOceanScam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1339084 No.1339084 [Reply] [Original]

You got told a fuckton of times to buy Bitcoin and holding no matter what price it was at since in 10 years you will be rich, but no, as the short sighted moron you are, you had to give your BTC to some scammers.

Now suffer.

>> No.1339098

lmao gg hashocean shills

>> No.1339104

I was going to put $1000 into HashOcean Monday morning. I'm glad they shutdown before I gave them anything but what am I suppose to do with all these bitcoins I just purchased? Just sit on it?

>> No.1339110

yeah i guess you can sit on them. or try gambling on some altcoins.

>> No.1339114

Try gambling. I heard it's a good way to get massive gains.

There's also this Secret Trick I've read about. It's called The Martingale Method. You should try it. Please don't share it with anyone so it won't get patched.

Also, if you send me $100 I will tell you a new safe cloud mining site that's _paying_. ROI in only one month.

>> No.1339128

that sounds great! who do I give my money to gamble with? should I just give it all to you if you promise to give me all the winnings you get from gambling?

>> No.1339137

Trumpcoins lad.

>> No.1339144
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>> No.1339150

Sure, I take a 50% cut but you can trust me. I've had hundreds of clients who've made millions thanks to me.

The only problem is that $1000 isn't quite sufficient for my scheme.

If you can muster up $9000 we should be able to get started on the Beginner Plan. For maximum profits you should look into liquidating all your other assets for this.

>> No.1339162
File: 152 KB, 803x501, QBxVc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose if we keep this joke going long enough someones going to fall for it

>> No.1339172
File: 18 KB, 654x361, hash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm getting this.

Does this mean they're getting hacked?

>> No.1339175

Hahahaha did you fags really think it would last forever?

>> No.1339208 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016_06_26_16_06_08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol'ing so hard at this!

Made a thread stating listing why a large majority of cloud minings are ponzi, then posted about my experiences with genesis mining who have been around for a LONG time, got nonstop replies from trolls (probably hashoceon employees) claiming superiority.

Got return on my initial investment after 3 months and now get this shit daily, currently sitting at a 1.4btc profit from a 0.5btc investment.

3% discount for anyone who wants to get in whilst btc is still rising.


finally fucking lmao again at your cloudhash/hasocean/ponzimining shit.

>> No.1339223

Can you pls do it for me im in massive debt but i got a 120k loan from my nan to pay my dealer off because he said he would wack me if i didnt pay by next month. will you be able to make the money in 1 month? i need about 1.2m to keep him off my back. pls reply.

>> No.1339225

It seems to me that /biz/ doesn't have a mod anymore or the rules have been relaxed because this hashocean shit has been getting spammed every day and nothing was done about it now I'm
seeing loads of begging and shilling threads

>> No.1339236

fuck it, I might as well shill mine.

3% discount code:

so far's been an ok return

>> No.1339239

>doesn't know mods are shills for ponzi schemes.

>> No.1339448

>Still believes on the for free meme.

Janitors and admins are literally pay for allowing this shit.

>> No.1339482

At least I only put in 6 bucks haha

>> No.1339501


This website looks VERY familiar. Maybe they've just rebranded? Taking peoples money in the process. lol

>> No.1339510

sorry, forgot article I found this from

>> No.1339511
File: 16 KB, 325x325, 1450316933790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Isn't it just the same shit?

>> No.1339534

That's what I'm saying. I'm thinking they closed HashOcean and took everyone money. Then open a new site just like the old one and start all over again.

>> No.1339536

I might sign up actually. This time it's the beginning. I will use it for two weeks and leave. What could go wrong?

>> No.1339541

Making one right now. People will keep falling into the same trap forever anyway. Easy money

>> No.1339569

fuck, fell for this, last time I ever invest in a scam.

>> No.1339570


So how do we know genesis isn't all a shit scam? Not saying it is, but why do you believe?

>> No.1339576

Wow, literally invested $300 in Hashocean 3 days ago, thinking it would last for another year or so. Fuck my life.

>> No.1339584

They filed with the SEC. They also have a longer history than most.

>> No.1339585

>ill have to modify my pasta

Report referal spam.
If you have any money in crypto, these scamsites take value directly out of the crypto economy and into scammer pockets.
This money could have gone into your favorite coin's marketcap or into a project with serious devs.

By the way if you really fall for these ponzis please consider letting a >90 iq adult handle your finances.

>> No.1339587
File: 543 KB, 480x228, 1452509495405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1339589


There was a guy on /pol/ that made at thread last year claiming he was a viral marketer for various products.

He claimed the company would give him a list of websites that he had to make daily threads and posts on to shill.

4chan was one of them and he said that the company provided him with 4chan passes. He didn't know if the company bought them or if they worked out a deal with site, but the gist of it was that the majority of sites had made deals with the forums to allow the shilling.

Hash Ocean is pretty much a no name (comparatively) and /biz/ is a containment board for this kind of shit, so it's possible this was just regular people spamming their referral links and not real marketing.

Your first assumption with anything on the internet should be that it is shilling

>> No.1339592


>> No.1339594

I posted a picture of cocaine and got banned, but people are literally losing their life savings in some case to scammers here. I see a lawsuit coming, lube up your butthole Hiroyuki.

>> No.1339596

5 days? i logged in this morning and i received payout in 16 hours.

>> No.1339604

if the other one runs for more than a year too i will invest in that one too.
very satisfied with their service.

>> No.1339626

>t. referal link shill

>> No.1339638

If HashOcean come back online I'll invest in HashOcean, Genesis, and Biteminer. If one closes down I only loose 1/3 my hash power.

>> No.1339655


But they just took our money and ran kid.

>> No.1339657

You're probably right but it's possible the domain got hacked. We'll know in 8 hours when daily payments are scheduled.

>> No.1339659

What was their pricing like? You payed how much up front for how much return per day or whatever? Just curious.

>> No.1339664
File: 2.23 MB, 320x384, snicker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually thinks there's a chance it was only "a hack"

>> No.1339665

All of their social media accounts are gone too. If they were hacked, someone did a very thorough job.

>> No.1339671

I think the minimum was $20 and ROI was ~2 months. But if you wanted daily pay outs you needed to invest more than $200

>> No.1339673
File: 80 KB, 960x740, 1465592481739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much would you guys put in this ?
how long last scam lasted ?

>> No.1339674 [DELETED] 

those were up last time I checked. That's official in my book. Lucky I hadn't given them any money yet.

>> No.1339688 [DELETED] 

those were up last time I checked. Lucky I hadn't given them any money yet. They're official gone in my book now. Lucky I hadn't given them any money yet. There's also this little transaction someone else discovered.


>> No.1339694 [DELETED] 

those were up last time I checked. Lucky I hadn't given them any money yet. They're official gone in my book now.. There's also this little transaction someone else discovered.


>> No.1339696

those were up last time I checked. Lucky I hadn't given them any money yet. They're official gone in my book now.. There's also this little transaction someone else discovered.


>> No.1339734

I don't see why any cloud mining service has to stay up forever. You're basically only renting their equipment until the "ponzi scam* is over. I wonder how they plan on laundering their shekels.

>> No.1339760

What's the price of BTc right now?
I wouldn't be surprised if all the other sites cash out come the next market spike

>> No.1339761

I put in $350, I knew it was a ponzi and was gambling they'd be up for the 2 months. Should have just went to the casino

>> No.1339766

just as you got me interested and i was about to set up my account, the site goes on maintenance mode. is this a bad sign?

>> No.1339772 [DELETED] 


Genesis mining do maintenance on Sunday nights, it's normal for this for a few hours. Sign up once it comes back online and avoid biteminer like the plague.

>> No.1339778


>> No.1339781

good to know, thanks bro

>> No.1339785

what's the ROI with Genisis? some website said it has the worst returns and gives you less and less bitcoins every day and you never reach ROI. Is that true?

>> No.1339831
File: 1.82 MB, 357x296, 1443052164867.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why watching idiots get scammed makes me smile, but it does. All while the same scams are being shilled in this very thread.. probably by the very same NEET scammers. m00t was right.

>> No.1339845

last time i checked dude they had many ten thousands of bitcoins in their addresses connected to their layering addresses containing hundreds from those the payouts happened. this 5k is really nothing in their game.

>> No.1339886

also would like to know this, willing to invest all my money in this shit

>> No.1339899

while we are at it, is there actually any point in starting small with this, throwing 50 bucks in there?

>> No.1339901

I'm not sure why there are so many idiots shilling against HashOcean, they've been paying out to me daily over the last 6 months. If you do not trust them simply don't buy their services.

>> No.1339902

>what's the ROI with Genisis?
last time i checked it looked like "not ever"
at least on their btc

>> No.1339908

how lomg did this scam last? didnt they open january of last year?

>> No.1339911

kek.. you serious?

>> No.1339918

You can stop now.
They can't pay you for shilling anymore. They are gone.

>> No.1339925

Got to give it to the "i know it is a ponzi but i hope i got in early" shills, that was a creative hook.

Smells a bit like desperation though

>> No.1339929

Also great title op lol

>> No.1339931

How did you figure that? I plugged their hashrate into https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/difficulty and it seems you hit ROI in 5 months, unless I'm misunderstanding something

>> No.1339932

we will see in 4 hours

>> No.1339934 [DELETED] 


ROI for me was just under 3 months, as you can see from my picture earlier in the thread I now just get daily $8-9 worth of bitcoin sent to my wallet.

For the dumbass trolls you don't have to invest, I warned everyone about hashocean multiple times and the exact reasons why. Difference with Genesis is that they have been around for 5+ years and they are easily available to talk to online, as well as giving you the option to control what your mining power mines and easily accessible info on your payouts. If you prefer eth/doge/ltc/uno/whatever you can just pump your power there. Hashocean was like invest your money with us, we promise it will be used for mining kek. Its funny because I've seen multiple people drop large amounts ($2k +) into hashocean recently and they refused to listen to my warnings, even after the proof I posted showing my returns with Genesis.

My discount link for the last time for 3% off any mining package - https://www.genesis-mining.com/a/343035

>> No.1339937

yeah you get your rewards halved in 15 days from now on and difficulty growth must be factored in. i don't know their calculator but i read some analysis from anons that mine and they said it will never fukken happen.

>> No.1339941

they have been gone for most of the day, what makes you think they will return in 4 hours? howmuch did you invest?

>> No.1339951

not saying they return in 4 hours but if i don't get my scheduled payments then i know they are gone most likely till that it just might be the domain or site issues.

4 hours and all will be known for sure.
i made 300% roi so the stakes are pretty low for me. i'm curious tho if their little tale about the hackers stand or it's just smoke. i don't see much point to lying tho if they ran with the money might as well just cease com.

>> No.1339952

I invested $62.00. Mined for 5 day's...
Not my money but still feel like I lost the $62.00

>> No.1339972
File: 269 KB, 1046x1401, roi_genisis_mining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm getting real sick of the Genesis Mining shilling, because the math doesn't work out. At least for HashOcean there is a potential for profit (even if it was a ponzi), there is no potential in Genesis mining.

What you don't tell people is that each GH/s has an associated daily cost. See image attached for rundown

>> No.1339975

>there is no potential in Genesis mining
not exactly true ;) devil lies in the details
there is a potential for profit in usd denomination what they don't add is "if bitcoin price goes up". but basically in that scenario not mining just holding yields greater profit.

>> No.1339989
File: 301 KB, 984x846, gen_mining_waste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we treat the daily maintenance as electricity costs $0.80 per day, it wouldn't be profitable even if bitcoin hits $1,000 right this very moment.

>but basically in that scenario not mining just holding yields greater profit.

Exactly, it's like OP said

>You got told a fuckton of times to buy Bitcoin and holding no matter what price it was at since in 10 years you will be rich, but no, as the short sighted moron you are, you had to give your BTC to some scammers.

>> No.1340161


Bernie Madoff was registered with the SEC and had a long history too.

Why would you risk your hard earned BTC in any of these obvious ponzi schemes? Blind Freddie could see they are going to run off with all your btc.

Just get some Trumpcoins, at least nobody can disappear with them.

>> No.1340819

now anons i can report sadly no payment.
grab your torches and pitchforks!

>> No.1340822

Wew what a surprise

>> No.1340823

no surprise it's just people shouldn't jump the gun every time a site is offline hashocean had several of those.
not paying is something else. grounds for concern.

>> No.1340824

>Just get some obvious Scamcoins

>> No.1340837

I support this kind of activity because it clearly shows shilling for what it is: lying to take advantage of people for profit, and shills for what they are: liars and criminals.

That's what makes me smile when I see this, and other shit like the ethereum hack, cause all a shill is ever going say is it's guaranteed money, when the reality is there are 18 ways to lose everything with no recourse in this uncontrolled and ungoverned economy, where anyone can pull this kind of shit at any time without consequence.

The shill will always understate the risk. Fuck shills.

>> No.1340872

>falling for a ponzi
At least I hope you got in early

>> No.1340914

Well, I invested a small test amount in March to see if their projection on returns was true. Despite the increasing difficulty meaning my returns slightly decreased over time, I was still on course on a full ROI by the end of this month. Unfortunately, I stopped receiving 'profit calculation' emails on Friday.

Thankfully, I had automatic payout switched on. I was sitting at around 90% of my investment. I feel for the guys who came in late with a risk.

>> No.1340923


Sorry Anon, part of the Crypto life means absolutely 0 scam protection.

Currency of the future.

>> No.1340943

sue who? did you not check they are not even a company their legal contact doesn't exists.
these signs have been posted a hundred times here i myself listed them in almost every thread about it.
you have no legal recurse as you have no idea which russian fuck from buttfuck russia scammed you.

>> No.1340975

Reading the btctalk thread, they had 700000 accounts.
Even if 1 in 10 is a real person or even 1 in 100.... how many idiots are there????

>> No.1340983

Yes the future belongs to non-idiots, but then again it always has