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File: 206 KB, 1242x1267, 1555822619344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13390240 No.13390240 [Reply] [Original]

Is capitalism the best economic system?

>> No.13390245

wtf is wrong with that thots left arm

>> No.13390248

implying a thot is capable of complex thought.

>> No.13390275
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Would you rather live in south korea or north korea?

>> No.13390344

kek, this is good bait

>> No.13390360

I'd rather live in Byzantium

>> No.13390365

>he defers to MMS propoganda when confronted with uncomfortable questions
based and un-pilled

>> No.13390417

One has a supreme leader the other has some dude named moon I think the choice is obvious

>> No.13390416
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>> No.13390437

That dumb cunt scoot by on her smelly vagina and looks down on everything around her. One must wonder if a being like her can even be considered human.

>> No.13390457

must one?

>> No.13390636


>> No.13390646

Where do you faggots even track down these random Instagram screenshots? How deep do you have to dig?

>> No.13390648

Global warming and ocean acidification says no

>> No.13390666
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Climate change is natural, not human made. Cunt!

>> No.13390685

Satanist cockroach puppet detected. Faggot!

>> No.13390701

Capitalism would be well past fossil fuels if nuclear power wasn't banned by by human hating psychos.

>> No.13390702
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Thank you! Nobody has ever said such beautiful things about me.

>> No.13390707


>> No.13390737
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Don't you start anon

30,000 scientific papers can be found behind these many following links:

IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report SPM, IPCC AR5 WG I SPM, IPCC AR5 WG II SPM, IPCC AR5 WG III SPM are all conveniently located at: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/syr/

IPCC: Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report


NASA links



Temperature rising

Sea Ice Melting

Sea level rise

Antarctic gains ice, sea ice declines

No scientific body of national or international standing rejected the findings of human-induced effects on climate change

Solar Minimum; the explanation that the sun is causing warming is wholly wrong

NOAA Climate Extremes Index

Global weather balloon data

"Global Warming is Al Gore's Scam"
Gore was born in the 1890s?

"Global Cooling in the '70s"
Yes, by one book.
Also, when scientists predicted an ice age, they were talking about 10,000 years from now.

The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus


>> No.13390932


Yeah that's nice, but we have the data from before NASA changed the numbers to fit the model so all of that is worthless. Guess what, if you give a government organisation trillions in unchecked budget to research a possible apocalyptic scenario, they'll just lie to keep the money coming. All your bullshit is very simply explained by human greed. US senate already had a hearing about this, that's why the US pulled out of the bullshit Paris climate accord. Paris just taxes western nations and shovels money to china and india. Two of the most polluting space faring nations. Again, this is about greed.

>> No.13390984

>has a massive collection of links on hand to contradict uppity goyim.
Shut the fuck up lizard kike. Even IF it was human caused, it is the fault of third world animals who can only be stopped through mass murder. There is no reason to sell our sovreignity to globalists when our own nations are saintly by comparison. Keep pushing and you will find out what a real gas chamber looks like.

>> No.13391001

capitalism is the best economic system at large scale communism is best at family scale socialism is best at tribal/municipal scale.

>> No.13391009

Did you just get the internet or something? You can find all kinds of shit very easily. To be honest with you I really think it's the future

>> No.13391027

Its literally caused by wide margin by USA and China

>> No.13391048
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>> No.13391050
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North Korea is Best Korea

>> No.13391090
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Maybe you should go make a visit. I am sure the supreme leader would welcome you with open arms.

>> No.13392156
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>> No.13392209
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>> No.13392211
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Imagine being such gullible retard that you fall for capitalist propaganda

>> No.13392220

All that picture shows me is that commies can't afford meat you retarded South American.

>> No.13392222

Nasa doesnt receive trillions. Politicians do from oil Lobbyists. And you are spreading their bullshit for free. Good retard.

>> No.13392229

Were those numbers provided by the soviets themselves?

>> No.13392237
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eat shit

>> No.13392243

by the CIA actually. I know facts make you uncomfortable so lets see what mental gymnastics you guys come up with for this one

>> No.13392267

Your link doesn't tell how the study was done. For all I know they could have studied the well off elite.
For sure they didn't study the people in the forced labor camps in Siberia.

>> No.13392285
File: 575 KB, 1420x2453, Screenshot_2019-04-21-08-03-57~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's unironically an incel defending the USSR on the alleged basis of caloric intake. Imagine how stupid you have to be to use the internet, derived from the capitalist economic system to bash capitalism.

Imagine being so fucking stupid you have to cherry pick to find one positive thing, when the CIA clearly says different overall about how much a failure the USSR is.

Please don't bother replying incel, you got BTFO.

>> No.13392299

The more I see of social media the more I doubt it

>> No.13392310


>> No.13392313

How well do inmates eat in the US privatized prison system Im curious. Do you know how averages work?

Here you can read how the report was done. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/DOC_0000498133.pdf

The number are based on food imports and food production materials

Here is also an article drawing from different sources coming to the conclusion that on average the calorie intake was similar to the US in Protein Higher in Carbs and Lower in Fats


>> No.13392315

One must.

>> No.13392323
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>Glavlit Gang has joined the server


>> No.13392327
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Yes. Not her fault there are dumb ass man wanting to throw money at any women they see.

>> No.13392334

>Calling USSR redpillers incels

USSR stood for traditional family values and production equality, and people lived objectively better under it, you're refusing to look at the data.

If anything, the inceldom brought upon western males by the media is being perpetrated by capitalism.

Gotta sell those nikes goyim :)

>> No.13392336
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The Chinese and Vietnamese certainly seem to think so

>> No.13392337
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No, but Fascism is

>> No.13392341
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>> No.13392358
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>Imagine how stupid you have to be to use the internet, derived from the capitalist economic system to bash capitalism.

did you seriously just use this shitty meme argument while calling me incel. holy shit. stay retarded.

I am not cherrypicking a point about the USSR retard. I am debunking a statement that was made in a form of an unfunny meme earlier ITT about how the USSR supposedly had no food as it is so commonly memed among bootlickers.

>> No.13392360

Capitalism is not the best economical system. It's just the least shitty.

>> No.13392380

Anon, you know that fascism are pretty much socialism right?

>> No.13392381

>its not the best everything else is just worse

wow what an intelligent insight. You are truly the deep and independent thinker we need in these increasingly divided times

>> No.13392388

>gets BTFO
>tranny discord comes to help
Like pottery.

USSR had no values or culture, Russia today has no culture. They're uncouth savages who destroyed any semblance of if when they killed the Tsar.

Lenin was so fucking stupid he actually wanted the destroy the Bolshoi. Imagine advocating for that moron who sought to destroy the true history and culture of Russia. This is just one example.

Please don't reply again kiddo, another incel BTFO.

>> No.13392410

>Please don't reply again kiddo, another incel BTFO.

TOPKEK. Thank you for your sevice comrade but we dont need false flaggers to pretend to be retarded on 4channel. At least tone it down a bit. dont act TOO retarded its unbelievable

>> No.13392414

>got blown out
>still replying to me
I told you don't incel.

: -)

>> No.13392420
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Atleast it doesn't promote the degeneracy and rampant consumerism of the capitalist system which seeks merely to destroy identity, borders and culture on a global scale

>> No.13392426


>> No.13392437

No, is the best one.

Is the only way to move a depravaded society to consume (work), you cant feed people if they dont provide somehow value (if they consume food, someone has to make it) the historical counterparts as comunism only slaved the society to reach the same goals (to eat) the problem comes when there is no competition, if noone compete against the government to provide food, it becomes a corrupted systen.

So the key to the system is competition, wich derives from nature law what makes us live better. You can start from total 0, and create one of the biggest corps in history in less than 20 years, yet they only requiremt is work and a brain, something people lazy and retard cant achive, no wonder why the countries who hate capitalism the most are usa and european ones they become weak.

>> No.13392445

Yeah, you are bootlicking pig. Go suck some lenin and jewish commissar cock.

What idiot comes to a hyper capitalist cigar afficanido SharePoint to shill for some inbred jewish ideology because their caloric intake finally caught up with Western Standards after 4 decades?

You. : -)

Another incel wrecked

>> No.13392453

So we better mental-slave people to *believe* in some form of nationalism to make them work (for others).

This may work for sub90 iqers.

>> No.13392454

I worked in Ivy league science. Anon is fuckin insane but yes its basically what happens. Results always go the way of the funders its a miracle. I know of peer reviewed studies which were 100% fabricated and which are unchallenged to this day and are accepted as evidence. Literally made up dates etc. or "wrong" dates were just tossed claiming they are "contaminated". Godspeed aluminum foil anon

>> No.13392456
File: 130 KB, 600x431, 1545819203963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found out why the soviets didn't starve.

US literally gave them food so they wouldn't starve.
"The action is part of a broadening Western effort to help the Soviet Union. The United States has already given $2.5 billion worth of food credits in the last 11 months, almost all of which has been delivered."

"In total, the U.S. deliveries through Lend-Lease amounted to $11 billion in materials: over 400,000 jeeps and trucks; 12,000 armored vehicles (including 7,000 tanks, about 1,386[44] of which were M3 Lees and 4,102 M4 Shermans);[45] 11,400 aircraft (4,719 of which were Bell P-39 Airacobras)[46] and 1.75 million tons of food.[47]"

1.75 million tons of food to the soviets... FROM CAPITALISM. HA HA HAHA! PRICELESS!


>> No.13392464

Don't post that. The incels are going to reeee at you, they can't handle the truth.

>> No.13392469

Also look into the american scientist Norman Borlaug who is individually responsible for keeping Russia and China from starving to death by the millions which, until his arrival at the scene, had been par for the course

>> No.13392473
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>that comic
https://youtu.be/5DdWNNh5mc4?t=307 5:07

>> No.13392495


>> No.13392498

Capitalism will become obsolete in our lifetimes. Automation and AI will leave most of us technologically unemployed.

Anyway, imagine getting to smell an ass like that. I would give anything to smell a woman's ass.

>> No.13392552

The U.S.S.R subsidized the American economy by giving you a boogeyman as an excuse to build this colossal war state

Norman Borlaug worked in Mexico and India. China and the U.S.S.R got rid of famine by 1960.

The only reason the U.S supported the Soviet Union in the thirties was so that Hitler and Stalin would murder each others population to devastation and the world would be free from competitors to the Anglo-Zionist world order. Unfortunately Hitler decided to also head west, and the Anglos had to align with the Soviet Union or risk extermination at the hands of Hitler or a Soviet dominated European continent.

>> No.13392572

>I have never lived in the USSR but let me tell you all about the USSR
western commies make me cringe hard

>> No.13392577

>The U.S.S.R subsidized the American economy by giving you a boogeyman as an excuse to build this colossal war state

That is some impressive mental gymnastics.
The US was a boogeyman to the soviets equally you know, not that this would really benefit the economy anyway...

>> No.13392585

The Great Chinese Famine lasted until 1961/62. So no, they didn't get rid of famine by 1960 if millions were still dying of famine due gross mismanagement (The Great Leap Forward) and the Four Pests Campaign.

Another incel wrecked.

>> No.13392588

Lmao commie revisionist history is hilarious

>> No.13392590

>Burn up oceans of oil over the course of a century.
>Spew unprecedented levels of unnatural emissions into atmosphere for a century.
>Its just an incredible coincidence earth is heating heating up at this exact point!

Brainlet detected.

>> No.13392627

based Bezmenov. He warned us and the goyim were too demoralized to care.

>> No.13392658
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>Imagine how stupid you have to be to use the internet, derived from the capitalist economic system to bash capitalism.

>> No.13392668

East Berlin, or West Berlin? We've already done this experiment many times with amazingly similar results.

>> No.13392791

Complete moron. For every 1 job automated, 2 jobs are created.

>> No.13393506


>> No.13393517

Internet is a government derived invention

>> No.13393522

This, via DARPA

>> No.13393534

Photography distorts perspective.

>> No.13393552
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Mind blown, by such a concise and credible conclusion.


>> No.13393607

>gets shown evidence
>the evidence is false!

There's just no helping you

>> No.13393618
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The internet was created by public enterprise, not corporate enterprise.

(Google started via state funding. Research into the first google algorithm was publicly funded.)

Also, all the tech that went into the first smartphone was created by public enterprise, what Steve Jobs did was compile the technology (which is a genius thing to do, I'm not denying that).

However the idea that that private enterprise has created all useful technology, is radically false. It's a lie perpetuated by Libertarians.

We have the tech we have today due to a mixture between public enterprise and private enterprise.

Venture capitalism tend to invest for 3-5 before wanting a return on investment. That state will (for better or worse) invest in something for over a decade before it bears fruits, something which private investors aren't willing to do. We wouldn't have the internet without long term and patience investment, which was made possible by public enterprise.

Economist Marianna Mazzucato debunks the Libertarian myth that the state never produces anything of benefit in her book; The Entrepreneurial State.


She isn't arguing for the destruction of Capitalism, she is arguing against the pro-free market crowd's myths and lies.

>> No.13393647
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But the gov didn't expand it to what it is today.

>> No.13393658

Since 1954, Soviets were ruled by the same overlords as US are.

>> No.13393664
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>muh buy something else
>every corporation uses sweatshops indirectly
>reinforces the comic's society part
you and beaniefag were so confident in your retardation

>> No.13393691

The us military, DARPA to be exact, created the internet you dumbshit

>> No.13393728

>Bud the NASA changed the nubbers becuz they're part of the Illuminati so all that data you presented is wrong and I don't have to read it!

>> No.13393742
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The Fascist economic theory (Corporatism and Syndicalism) is definitely not Socialism.

It's a hybrid economic system; it has elements of state capitalism, nationalization and social welfare mixed together.

Under corporatism, industry leaders collude with state planners. The market isn't necessarily controlled by the state, but it is directed by the state.

Under syndicalism, unions play a stronger role. There is collusion between the state, industrial leaders, and union leaders.

Honestly (I'm not a fascist) but I think that if someone steps back and looks at the history of what has worked to develop countries historically... The fascist economic theory is the economic theory that is the most backed up by economic history.

State Capitalism (meaning state planning and regulation, combined with a capitalist market), public enterprise, nationalized industries, and social welfare have done far better than any other economic system. (Pinochet implemented free market capitalism in Chile, and it was a disaster... Literally doubling the rate of poverty. It wasn't until he died, and they began implementing regulation and social welfare that the poverty began to dramatically decrease. Also China didn't start to have it's economic boom until Deng Xiaoping abandoned Mao's centralized socialist economic policies, and embraced State capitalism. Free Market Capitalism and Centralized Socialism have been shown to be bad for countries historically... For an introduction into what I'm speaking about, please read:

Bad Samaritans By Ha Joon Chang (liberal)

and Free Trade Doesn't Work: What Should Replace it and why By Ian Fletcher (conservative)


Both are pro-capitalism, but neither support free market capitalism, and both give strong arguments why Libertarianism is dangerous for the economic well being of the working and middle class.)

I don't like Fascist governance, but I am very impressed by Fascist economic theory.

>> No.13393754 [DELETED] 


Yes.. That is public enterprise.

DARPA is a part of the state, it's not a private company. It's not private enterprise.

You didn't refute anything, so I have no idea why you called me a dumbshit... Because you literally just agreed with me.

>> No.13393761
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The Retardiest thot I ever seen.

>> No.13393778

U need to post more feet/soles for people to take your argument seriously

>> No.13393787


It was created by a bunch of organizations, please do more research.

State/public enterprise created the internet.

What you wrote, doesn't refute anything I wrote.

>> No.13393835

what are you? a filthy communist?

>> No.13393865
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Yes, because it gave the technology and research freely to the public in order for it to develop.

In contrast, corporations purposefully try to prevent collusion to better technology, through intellectual property.

We would arguably have much better technology, and health, if Big Pharma and Tech companies didn't restrict others from developing things further, through intellectual property rights.

(Attribution rights are OK. Meaning it would be OK for a company to have the right to state that it produced that particular good or service, but they wouldn't have the right to prevent another company from making the exact same good or service under their company's name.)

Here is a free market capitalist arguing against intellectual property rights...


Here are centrists arguing against intellectual property rights...


>> No.13394121

No. Crypto-anarchism is the best economic system, and it is the future

>> No.13394404
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i'm thinking about making it an inforgraphic since it's a recurring theme. there are a few problems tho first it's just a theory of mine not so much facts, second i may have tried to bite off more than i can chew and may or may not be pushing the transitional properties of systems too far... sometimes less is more.

what do you think sounds about right?

>> No.13394472
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>> No.13394487
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How the public sector can continue to drive innovation:


>> No.13394495


If you make that infographic, I will definitely be one of the people posting it around the web.

I came to a similar conclusion...

I support Green-State Capitalism nationally, but I also support giving more power to municipalities (like Murray Bookchin proposed) so that we can have more locally homogeneous economies and cultures.

>> No.13394535

> socialism shared burden
nice subversion, shill
burden only is shared in capitalism
Us goypitalism = socialization of losses, privatization of profit
In white socialism, all the corporations were state-owned, hence shared burden AND shared profit. Massive gains for the working citizens

>> No.13394575
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The people's republic of China? The country governed by a single massive Communist party? With five year economic plans? With about half of all essential industry owned by the state? With social family planning? With centrally planned location of both capital and labor? With effectively no enforcement of foreign "intellectual property" rights? With massive public investment in infrastructure, including more high speed rail build in the last decade than exists in the entire rest of the world combined? With re-education camps for superstitious morons? With regular execution of capitalists who violate the will of the Communist Party?

Markets and profits play a major role in China, but it is far from a free market system.

>> No.13394581

just try reading the fucking column, it doesn't mean actual happenings you can think of it as "propaganda" if you like.
btw i actually lived in socialism all gains to working citizens are imaginary

>> No.13394604

I lived in it as well. Not imaginary, Ask your parents then.

>> No.13394609
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>> No.13394617

however, desu, what sucked in socialism was the precursor of current chinese social credit system.

>> No.13394626

Imagine the color of that bikini after a day of wearing it and eating taco bell

>> No.13394642

i remember, they too, we waited 14 years to get a landline. we tried to buy a car, you had to enter a lottery and when your name was finally drawn you didn't get to choose the color (whatever was at hand that's what you got) when there was still leftover bread from 2 days ago you couldn't ask for the fresh bread you smelt no they said "official policy is that bread is perfectly consumable for 3 days" every store was state owned so there was no competition or anything they could shit on your head so long they adhered to the letter of regulation and so on and so on. it was unimaginably shit with today's standards.

but people felt safer in their place and employment. there was no homelessness or unemployment. i wouldn't want that crap back but a lot of failures are pretty nostalgic.

>> No.13394692

to me what sucked in it most was the absence of choice. the marvels of capitalism is there is 150 types of shoes in a store instead of 2 (1 everyday and 1 for exercise) there is an abundance of goods and services the only limit is your wallet. back then there was fucking nothing. and yeah the nanny state was involved in all parts of your life. we grew up with slogans like "milk! life, strength, health!" turns out they just tried to rev up the dairy industry there are absolutely no health benefits to cow milk for humans it's just a few people tolerate it because they are mutants.

>> No.13394704


>> No.13394735


>> No.13394753
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You say it sucked because you were poor, but the countries that adopted "socialist" policies were even poorer before they adopted these policies, and they industrialized more rapidly than the nations with liberal market economies.

Compare the USSR to Brazil, China to India, Slovenia (or the rest of Yugoslavia before its breakup) to Portugal.

Even East Germany grew faster than West Germany in terms of real GDP and productivity advancement throughout the Cold War. The reason the DDR remained poorer was that it was only about half the size of the Federal Republic, was far more devastated by WWII, and even before the war had no region as industrialized as the Rhine-Ruhr, nor a trade port as important as Hamburg.

>> No.13394771

Yeah, 150 types of shoes to choose from, yet never be able to own a house.
Not usre about your country, but in mine, any minimum wagie could afford an apartment and if he was not lazy then house, whose 50% building cost was rebated by the state.
There was central planning for house designs, but no mc mansion atrocities on the other hand.
Infrastructure boomed from roads, schools to hospitals with affordable high-quality education and healthcare. Fertility rates were rising.
Since the fall of socialism, subsequent occupation "governments" were unable to keep the pace of developement. Circa 80% less infrastructure built throughout the same time span.

>> No.13395042


>> No.13395089

>You say it sucked because you were poor
everyone was except for the tovarish that ran these countries. in hungary that was specifically state capture by jews.

>> No.13395109

>never be able to own a house
Only if you're a low IQ poorfag. Natural selection faggot, dont bring your Marxist shitskin policies to my country

>> No.13395111

>There was central planning for house designs
yeah hail commie blocks!
>Since the fall of socialism, subsequent occupation "governments" were unable to keep the pace of developement.
the problem is they steal every fucking thing. because socialism ruined these nations the people don't actually understand that in a democracy the citizens have to watch out relying on the establishment to curb it's own excesses is literal insanity. it's not that capitalism is not a far more superior political system it's that these hybrid systems we have that are overly socialist (big chunk of the payroll is redistributed, high taxes, lot's of social policy spending etc) create an unprecedented opportunity to not only corrupt and steal but spend it and live like fucking kings. so yeah i blame entirely socialism even for the shit going on today. western european countries don't have this state capture by mafia problem interestingly.

>> No.13395123
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Only an economist believes in infinite growth.

>> No.13395220
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Ffs don't be so dense. I said house plans.
Commie blocks were apartments.
You could opt in for a house, with a 0% interest rate load and 50% cost of building materials rebate.
Architecture of blocks was horrible indeed. but functional for the purpose of society.
They could build an entire town from the scratch withiin 10 years.

>> No.13395225

Blockchainism will revolutionize the economy and kill capitalism

>> No.13395229

>Only if you're a low IQ poorfag. Natural selection faggot

In industrialized societies, the poor: those with the lowest cognitive ability, have the most kids, and the highest IQ populations: skilled working class and professional-managerial classes, have the least. The very rich have the option of having many kids, but they are too small of a population to matter much.

This is why eugenics is so essential.

>> No.13395230

of course infinite growth exists, there is no such thing as scarcity, not in this solar system. there is only technological/cost barrier to more abundant resources. infinite growth but not all the time

there exists enough land mass and planetary bodies for 1 trillion humans without even denting resources across various planets.
hydrogen is the most abundant element in the solar system
titan is filled with methane
europa has tonnes of water
and you can get water from saturns rings.

so yes i do believe in inifinite growth, just not infinite growth all the time.

>> No.13395241

and what you never knew is the economy was so shit it was completely financed on international debt. unsustainable hidden behind a false sense of stability and safety and the overall quality of life was not actually good. we didn't knew that how shit it was back then for sure.

>> No.13395306

Depends for hungary. My country had zero net debt, actually Russia owed some insignificant amount to us.
American wealth and quality of life went down rapidly as well so it may be a general situation in the world uncorrelated to the system change in Europe. That could pass as an argument.
However, pointing out the benefits of socialism, is now defined as a wrongthink in the current legislation, so go figure.

>> No.13395375
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Things slowed down for Russia, and thus for the whole COMECON bloc in the 1980s because of a global oil glut. If the USSR had persisted into the 1990s when oil prices stabilized (with a brief dip in the late 90s) and then shot up in the 00s, it likely would have gone back to the levels of growth it had in the 1960s and 1970s.

There were some inefficiencies in economic planning, but they pretty much all could have been solved with 1990s era computers.


>> No.13395471
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>I see your science, but I FEEL otherwise

>> No.13395473

but this is the thing about socialism it's unsustainable at large scale. people are generally self interested except for their kin and maybe their tribe. the only system that aligns with that taking it as a natural incentive is capitalism. but no system of governance so far is immune to corruption. and the biggest issue with a completely free market capitalism is environmental sustainability is poorly represented by the incentives. no individual can take effective responsibility for it either. you can stop buying a product that you don't agree with the manufacturing practices of, but you are just one vote in a sea of votes. as a capitalist enterprise if the eu decides they ban your product or hit it with a heavy import tarif unless you comply you gonna feel that. while you just gonna laugh at morons who think tweeting about not using your shit is gonna change anything.

>> No.13395500

based and redpilled

>> No.13395507

well direct democracy is immune to corruption and in the internet era it should be feasible but if we learned anything from the fake news campaigns russia waged on the west and their sweeping success it really is a bad fucking idea unless the process of decision making is significantly slowed down it would be very torch and pitchforky rule of the people.

>> No.13395580

CIA is unironically a communist institution, look into OSS.

>> No.13395632

The Apple argument is valid, this comic is complete cancer and gay.

>> No.13395652

Capitalism is the most efficient/effective/resilient economic system for the purposes of those who benefit from economic systems generally. Which is to say, capitalism is the best economic system ever devised to accumulate wealth with. Which is what all economic systems were built to do, even though they all purport to do the opposite (allocate goods and services in the most efficient, meritorious and equitable fashion possible).

The 'fairest' economic system is when there is no system at all. Yes, with all the looting, raping and pillaging that entails as well. Because all systems are levers which those with means will use to enrich themselves by.

Your choices are, be at the mercy of nature and random chance (no order/no economic system), or be at the mercy of those with means (capitalism or, really, any economic system). As a little guy, you can look forward to getting roundly fucked either way.

>> No.13395696

>Unfortunately Hitler decided to also head west
Frogs and Bongs declared war on him, nigger.

>> No.13395716

feudalism was more viable than anarchy or we would have stayed with anarchy. capitalism is more viable then feudalism or we would have stayed feudalistic. socialism is weird it's either a dead end or practiced in moderation along with capitalism is the next evolutionary step.

>> No.13395725

Explain footfags to me. I just don't get it.

>> No.13395737

they get hard from the smell of yeast

>> No.13395749

The state, but almost entirely the military is responsible for some pretty awesome tech. The state however is fucking awful at making optimizations for said tech.

>> No.13395804


That's why economists like Marianna Mazzucato and Ha Joon Chang propose a hybrid system, where public enterprise and private enterprise coexists and benefit people based on their strengths.

However, we have seen increasing rhetotic from Libertarians/pro free market capitalism advocates that say that the state only gets in the way of innovation (which like you agree, is nonsense).

>> No.13395816

>Here is a free market capitalist arguing against intellectual property rights...
>and thats a good thing

IP is fake and gay.

>> No.13395819


I don't have a foot fetish, but I can appreciate pretty looking feet... Like the girl's in the pic.

Do get a bit turned on by pretty looking feet, but I mainly get turned on by thighs, ass and a smile.

>> No.13395846

This is fucking retarded. There is nothing communistic about the family unit. There is absolutely hierarchy, inequality, different outcomes, etc. Just because your relationship with someone is more than money, doesn't make it communist. jfc

>> No.13395855

GDP is literally just money printing at this point. Anything that includes government spending as economic growth is fake and fucking gay.

>> No.13395910

Industrialization means nothing when the quality of life of the average citizen drops or remains the same. The fact that you try to shame people for being poor while seeing only industrialization as a measure of a country's success shows how hypocryptical and callous you are.

>> No.13395914

This only occurs because welfare. The whole fucking thing is dysgenic af.

>> No.13395916

i didn't say your family is communist i said it works best at that scale if you are hell bent on doing it. btw hierarchy is not how healthy family dynamics are described and inequality between minors and adults is not what social inequality is about.

>> No.13395936

>There were some inefficiencies in economic planning
More like the whole thing collapsed because of centralized economic planning.

>> No.13395968

>Libertarians/pro free market capitalism advocates that say that the state only gets in the way of innovation
There are plenty of examples of the state trampling on innovation. Most of these come from other private companies using the state to stifle competition though. So really what needs to be done is reduce the power of the state and people won't be incentivized to use it against their competitors.

>> No.13395995

>Most of these come from other private companies using the state to stifle competition though.
just call that corruption
yes power vested in a select group will be abused. 100%

>> No.13396009

>btw hierarchy is not how healthy family dynamics are described
Oh great, so you just let your shithead kids do w/e they want because obviously you're just their friend, not their parent.

>and inequality between minors and adults is not what social inequality is about.
I didn't say that, however its still valid. I was mostly talking about how individuals are not equal. Just because you and your sibling come from the same people, you skills and abilities are still going to vary sometimes drastically. This will cause massively different outcomes. Equality is a complete fucking farce. My wife and I are not equal, neither are our kids.

>> No.13396031

>Equality is a complete fucking farce.
not where i came from i feel sorry for your family hope they will be alright.

>> No.13396120

btw you are thinking a bit too much in terms of power and control mechanisms... here is the real question: in your family does everyone partakes from the families goods by their needs, or by the value they produce? do they provide for the good of the family in their own way and according to their abilities or everyone is expected to work full time in a factor or not eat?

>> No.13396175

almost a tit slip there... nice

>> No.13396185

also, just realized that the captain is looking down the one chicks shirt. there's a lot to take in here

>> No.13396195

Don't just imagine but VISUALIZE the smell.

>> No.13396215

kys retard

I don't think of my family in economic units, you retarded communist.

>> No.13396318

>I don't think of my family in economic units, you retarded communist.
then you have a bit of a communism going on m8 sorry about that.
btw if you actually read anything i'm pro capitalism all the fucking way. my only issue with free market capitalism is that environmental sustainability takes the backseat and the individual acting in his self interest can not effectively take responsibility in this regard. which is why some form of government and policy making and thus redistribution of wealth is required. if only we could keep the fucking bureaucracy at a bare minimum... but it has a tendency of over inflating it's own importance and budget until quarter of the population works for the fucking government.

>> No.13396343

>if you don't view everything through an economic lens then you must be a communist, an ideology that views literally everything through an economic lens

absolute state

>> No.13396368

no i'm just saying if you do not look at your family as an economic unit then you are probably have communism there without even realizing. but it's also perfectly natural. capitalism would be a shit system for a family to run by. imagine making your kids work and pay for their tuition housing and sustenance or worse issue them "childhood-loans" that they are expected to start pay back with interest after they come of age... that's what capitalism in the family would look like.

>> No.13396450

Yeah and under communism they'd just be forced to work with no pay at all, then starve to death. Using economic theory to describe family dynamics is pants on head retarded.

>> No.13396506

You're using retarded definitions for both words, something like "if it's passionate it's communism!"
If you think capitalism (or more broadly, the people that defend capitalism) is about maximizing profit then you're just a victim of the socialist background noise that the culture had become after Gramsci.
Capitalism is freedom, it's not maximizing profit. I can choose to be passionate about my family and maximize my profit with strangers in a market system, and it's still capitalism, because I'm free to choose.

>> No.13396549
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Why yes, I am a comfy currynigger. Hodling comfy dot-head silver stocks is tre comfy.

>> No.13396577

>they'd just be forced to work with no pay at all, then starve to death
>a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs
fits healthy family dynamics almost 100% outside of actual legal ownership.

communism definitely works at family scale and it isn't a horrible experience by far. and that is all i said on the subject. capitalism works too of course it's just fucked up.

>> No.13396601

>You're using retarded definitions for both words
no its the fucking dictionary definition literally, it's not about passion. at all.
>a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs
>Capitalism is freedom, it's not maximizing profit.
yeah no it is some degree of freedom or atleast choice and a constant struggle to maximize profits (you can of course choose to fuck that up). but whatever helps you sleep better.

>> No.13396605

God you're fucking dumb.

>> No.13396621

good. you are out of arguments then.

>> No.13396745

No retard. Children aren't expected to contribute much if at all and I don't give them "free shit" or share my property with them because of some stupid fucking Jewish ideology. I do it because I love them and want to support them to give them a good life so they'll be prepared to go out and compete in the world.

These incentives have nothing at all in common with communism. If anything they are more in line with capitalism. I'm invested into my children and the better I prepare them for the world the better my investment will pay off. You actually are retarded.

Also as I said there is no equality. On important matters I have more sway than my wife in some situation and she has more in others, my children have almost none in any situation. Unless its something trivial or non-consequential. My wife and I have vastly different abilities, when she does work I still earn more than her, etc. So take your Das Kapital book and shove it up your ass.

>> No.13396816

>Yeah and under communism they'd just be forced to work with no pay at all

There are different types of communism.

Anarcho-Communism doesn't involve authoritarianism, and is decentralized.

What you seem to be referring to is Marxist-Leninism, Stalinism and Maoism. Those were Authoritarian centralized socialist states.

IME most capitalist don't know much about Socialism and Communism and think that Socialism/Communism = Authoritarian Centralized Socialism.

Kibbutz Communes are examples of Anarcho-Communism.

Anarcho Communism was practised in Ukraine by the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine.

Anarcho-Syndicalism (very close to Anarcho-communism, it could even be called IMO a form of Anarcho-Communism) was practiced in Catalonia, during the civil war.

Basically...There are different types of communism.

>> No.13396843

>reddit spacing

Give me a fucking break.

>> No.13396847
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>because of some stupid fucking Jewish ideology

I wouldn't go throwing that around, as some kind of derogatory remark.

Free Market Capitalism and Austrian economics was popularized in te 20th century by Jewish intellectuals...

Ludwig Von Mises
Ayn Rand
Robert Nozick
Murray Rothbard
Milton Friedman

All Jewish.

I'm not anti-semitic, I don't dismiss nor adopt ideas if someone is Jewish or not, but if you are... Then by your own reasoning you need to abandon Free Market Capitalism. (If indeed you support free market capitalism.)

>> No.13396850

>reddit spacing

This isn't /pol/, noone cares about 'reddit spacing' on /biz/.

>> No.13396902

>Also as I said there is no equality. On important matters I have more sway than my wife in some situation and she has more in others
> My wife and I have vastly different abilities, when she does work I still earn more than her
>These incentives have nothing at all in common with communism.
of course they do. you provide for them because you feel compassion towards them and you don't want them to fend for themselves. that's pretty much it.
that entire post is just fucking priceless. you proved my point perfectly. i'm out.

>> No.13396905

Capitalism isn't an ideology as much as it is an observation of markets. Marx was a kike, the communist revolution that slaughtered white Christian Russians was led by Jews. There is a difference here.

Communism's fundamental tenant is theft and forced labor.

Actually we do. I don't mind white space, but look at his fucking post and tell me its not an absolute abuse of it.

>> No.13396910

Goodbye, retard.

>> No.13397048
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>Capitalism isn't an ideology as much as it is an observation of markets

No, it's an ideology.

It is a set of policies, that determine the ownership of capital and the rules of trade.

Those polices haven't emerged naturally, they are implemented.

There were different economic systems that emerged before capitalism was implemented by states, like Mercantilism and Feudalism.

It's not a description, is a prescription.

The model fails to account for how the overwhelming majority of countries did not develop due to free market capitalism. Economic history of various countries, time and time again, shows that hybrid economic systems are best for economic development.

If you want to understand what I'm talking about, please read...

Bad Samaritans By Ha Joon Chang (Liberal)
Free Trade Doesn't Work By Ian Fletcher (conservative)

Both are pro-capitalism, but pro state capitalism, not free-market capitalism.

Also, the capitalist description of what motivates people is demonstrably false.

Behaviour economics experiments after experiment has show this.

I know you immediately think they must be wrong, but science is often counter-intuitive.

Monetary reward leads to improvements when it comes to repetitive work. The more money, the better the performance. However, when it comes to creative tasks, it's show that the more money (beyond a tipping point) THE WORSE the performance.

Studies have also shown that money has a negative effect on morality and empathy.

If you want to learn more, please read;

Drive By Daniel Pink - which summarizes a number of studies.

Also these link, which summarizes studies...



It's a deeply flawed 'observation'.

Again, I highly recommend Drive By Daniel Pink.

Here is an introduction to the book's content...


^^^ 10 minutes long

>> No.13397072
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>Marx was a kike

So were...

Ludwig Von Mises
Milton Friedman
Ayn Rand
Robert Nozick
Murray Rothbard

Whatever pro free market capitalist books, websites or pundits you read, probably have cited those names and their books as recommendations or authorities on the subject.

You seem to be selectively anti-semitic.

Do you call all free market capitalist promoters Jew followers?

>> No.13397127

tl;dr criminal abuse of white space, go back to le*dit.

>> No.13397175
File: 89 KB, 500x375, climate models suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming
>oh noes!
The models are wrong, there are no positive feedbacks, we're looking at 1-1.5C total warming from a doubling of preindustrial CO2 levels.

So literally nothing.

>> No.13397200

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc [Embed]
interesting thinking about sending it to my ceo
it's hard to guess how he would take it or what conclusions he would draw tho... worst case he would decide i'm overpaid.

>> No.13397202

Not a footfag but will try to answer generally.

All of the observations made in the course of mating are measure of fitness to produce quality offspring. A large subset of these qualities includes having good DNA. How do you measure 'good' DNA? Our ancestors did not sequence the genome and look for sequences linked to disease, they used heuristics. Some heuristics related to feet exist (Estrogen -> Small feet) but none of these get to the heart of the question. One possible heuristic is examining the parts of the human body which require considerable fidelity in the genetic code to create. Any deviation from universally accepted ratios of beauty would indicate that the underlying code was faulty or that the process by which it was grown into an organ was not reliable. These deviations are much more observable when there's lots of ratios available for comparison (face, feet, hands). Foot fags just learned a different, equally valid, rule for assessing quality of DNA.

>> No.13397246
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>some dude named moon
the south korean president is a chad named moon.
pic related.

>> No.13397346

underrated post

>> No.13397447

a direct democracy is a terrible idea with every result being mob rule every time.

>> No.13397506

like i said there should be experiments made towards the third part tho, if you introduce a mechanism that slows down consensus and allows for wide discussion before an action can be taken it's possible it would work.

the way you can achieve this is to introduce protest votes that cost the voter. imagine a crypto system for distributed trustless support and voting where anyone can propose a change in law but he needs significant number of signatures in support for it to be put to vote. then if a sizeable minority opposes say 10% or 20% they can cast protest votes which would delay the vote with a second run and even stronger consensus requirement. you would get rewards for participating in direct democracy by voting these tokens can be used for proposing votes and protesting them. or something like that... the way voters are registered is like normal voting only instead of casting actual votes into the urn you place your private key in it in the stamped envelope you receive. this guarantees not only that 1 vote per natural person may be cast but also a great deal of anonymity.

>> No.13397514

>you place your private key in it
public key (or it's hash) fuck. you wouldn't ever reveal your private key i'm tired.