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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13390065 No.13390065 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto Hedge Fund Trader, former FX Trader at the Chicago Board of Trade here.

You are about to get financially raped.

>> No.13390074

NEET who became a millionaire trading coins here.

You are all about to make it.

>> No.13390080

>51% attacks are happening
OK retard thanks for the editorial. You go 51% BTC and hurry back to let us know how you got on.

>> No.13390081

>You are all about to make it.
Especially LINK marines, who will make it several times over.

>> No.13390083
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>> No.13390093

Who wrote this, because they clearly are misinformed.

>> No.13390109

>jcho710 spamming this board again

no thanks


>Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin SV

not sure if serious

>> No.13390112


>> No.13390121

I probably know you. Every trader I knew in Chicago knew fuckall about crypto though, even when they thought they knew a lot. They were ignorant to the point of embarrassment but would never admit that.

>> No.13390128

Hahaha you utter faggot can't block me here. Didn't you get wiped out from a shit call recently? Have you no self awareness? DICKHEAD

>> No.13390139

>t. No brained single cell parasite with no money
Broke peasant shoo shoo.

>> No.13390149
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Some seriously cringeworthy "insights" by this kid. Look at this retarded cope, I've seen this type of shit on /biz/ before too.

>I can't understand the tech behind Bitcoin
>it confuses me
>therefore it confuses everyone
>therefore people cannot relate to it!
>therefore it will fail

Extremely low IQ cope.

>> No.13390163

You're a pathetic clout chasing pageet, your calls are shit, and everyone is laughing at how stupid you are. Good luck waiting for that two digit bitcoin you delusional faggot lmao

>> No.13390168

Since you're smart I'll give you the greenpill. The president of Hedera Hashgraph, Tom Trowbridge, is a Goldman Sachs alumni. Globalists already know about hashgraph and will be dumping TRILLIONS, not billions, into the Hbar. They are engineering an asset with virtually zero risk, but with an associated return from staking, plus the utility of the network (primarily financial transactions, contracts, and markets/clearing). This kind of asset has never existed in history; this is bigger than we can likely even comprehend. They did a pre-sale in accordance with US regulations about 7 months ago, but tokens have yet to be released, as they are waiting for the OK from the SEC. They are saying the launch will likely be sometime this summer, but no actual date. Just a heads up

>> No.13390172

Shut up idiot

>> No.13390175
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>> No.13390182


>> No.13390201

>sir please do the needful I giv u poopill of hedera hash graph. Very good coin for you.

>> No.13390216

made me chuckle

>> No.13390226

>>Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin SV
>not sure if serious
the whole bcash fork nonsense made bitcoin drop from 6500 to 3500 so to a point it is quite "destabilizing"

>> No.13390269

How can one shill a coin that isn't even available yet? I am giving you good info, take it or you're a brainlet

>> No.13390301

>late adopter VC scam shitcoin
>good info
Anon, I.....

>> No.13390320

How so? I invested between October of 2017 and January of 2018. I am over 90% down from my initial investment. I am over 600% down from the all time high of my investments.

Please explain how I can get "financially raped". I've already lost about all my money. If it goes from $200 to $0 I don't really care. Going from $7000 to $200 was far worse

>> No.13390333
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Make an actual argument against hedera or gtfo. And you can miss me with that FSF anti-proprietor ideology that Stallman dishes out. Hedera has good reasons for their patent and the source code will be open review. You might hate it, but old money will wont

>> No.13390356

>please engage with my shilling
Engage with my dick

>> No.13390369

>crypto hedge fund trader
>you are about to get fucked
>I represent institutional money in crypto. That's right, the pretend internet money that you bought as a hail-Mary in the early part of the decade has now become a new asset class, one that financial institutions are actively investing in right now, all over the world
>somehow this is bearish
Anon, do you realise what a retard you are? If you manage anything at all and this isn't a larp, go all-in on Bitcoin and stfu

>> No.13390371

Yep, can't really argue with those points(except maybe 3 and 6). Bitcoin is still overvalued and is probably falling to $1k this year.

>> No.13390392
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trips of truth, checkem faggot >>13390333

>> No.13390412

>checking your own digits

>> No.13390453

You have yet to contrive an original thought, much less a coherent argument. Are all poorfags this pig-headed?

>> No.13390464

Peasant. Shut up already.

>> No.13390470

>Crypto Hedge Fund Trader
Hello Ranjeet.

>> No.13390502

Literal dunning kruger. You must have lost an absolute ton!

>> No.13390536
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>> No.13390556


>> No.13390563

>"You have yet to contrive an original thought, much less a coherent argument" (tops fedora)

>> No.13390564

And they're advertising on biz? I knew we had some high rollers on this board

>> No.13390569

Nice samefagging you pathetic fucking loser

>> No.13390580

shouldn't you be working on your 401k or whatever scam you boomers like to push as smart

>> No.13390582

stop samefagging Rakesh

>> No.13390585

t. Dirpunder

>> No.13390595
File: 195 KB, 220x258, 64D83F96-9C8C-48EE-A3D8-BD13574CD9EC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag just checked his own trips
the absolute fucking state of biz

>> No.13390608

Cool VPN bro

>> No.13390655

>check your own trips

>> No.13390661
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