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13385814 No.13385814 [Reply] [Original]

How do i pretend of giving any fucks to my coworkers when they are telling me stories i dont really give a goddamn fuck about??

I got this problem like 1 year ago , whenever some coworker tells me shit , im just saying "ok" or "thats great" , "i can understand you" "i feel sorry for you " ,"oh no that didnt really happen did it?" "wow" "nice" , but in my mind im just thinking about the next stock im gonna buy and some other financial stuff and i basically dont care what they saying , i also feel bad having to listen some wagecucks problems with his hurr durr car on loan or sports or anything NPC related, but on the other side being a wagecuck myself.

Sometimes my brain just goes afk when the opposite wagie is telling me something....

Seriously why cant we just do our work , have a nice talk after breakfast (instead of having to listen to some wagecuck J.K Rowling Story all the break) and then just finish the shit for MR.Shekelsteins new porsche?

>> No.13385841

another day, another dollar anon
another day, another dollar
i gotta go back on monday

>> No.13385867

>doesn't participate in office politics
>takes what said to him at a very shallow level while not recognizing the dynamics that this represents
Never going to make it. forever a worker drone

>> No.13385885

The simple answer is to not even bother.

>> No.13385929
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Lmao Anon.
I am participating in office politics , but only the private shittalk from others arent really bothering me. Why cant you nolife wagies keep your private stuff for yourself so we can focus on finishing the goddamn job. Cunts.

>> No.13386869

Tell your own stories. Just make shit up. Literally doesn't matter.

>> No.13386890


you have to start talking your mouth off,
interupt them and start talking about yourself

at the end of your statements say things you "you KNow" and wait for them to say "yes i know what you mean "

" i hate how the coffee is too hot you know bob"?


the waether is great today you know stacey


keep doing this till they get annoyed and leave you alone.

make them enter your reality,

dont fall into their reality.

falling into someones else reality is cuck shit. and thats why it bothers you

>> No.13386920

i have this same problem, im socially fucked. every big regret i had in life was always talking to somebody

>> No.13386953
File: 75 KB, 960x960, cde0788e-6585-4594-b8a5-be3b8c4a997c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you op
one day, right after reaching at my workplace, at a Monday, 7am, a npc (there was a lot of 'em there) rushed at me to tell me about how his newborn son spent his weekend, how much he ate, and how much he made a mess in the bathroom; I was already pissed off and literally told him to fuck off, i lost my reason, said to him that I didn't care, that no one cares about his stories and to shut up.
after a few seconds of silence he took his turn to tell me how im a sociopath, that i will die alone, and no one likes me lol.
I didn't even bothered to answer back, cuz he was probably right, but fuck it, at least after it i didn't hear his bullshit anymore.
yea, my english sucks, i know

>> No.13386987

you don't get it
there are npcs that talk nonstop, that thinks that his stories are great and want you to know about every single detail, like what they ate, how they were dressed, how was the weather....
it's really painful

>> No.13387377


Thankyou for standing up for those of us who might not have the courage.

>> No.13387390
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Based. Fuck normalfags and their inane stories. You did the right thing

>> No.13387418
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I rent a room in my house (landlord NEET) to a literal boomer and he won't shut the fuck up about how stupid the people he works with are. I just autistically avoid him until its time to pay the rent.

>> No.13387428

OMGGGG THIS IS meeeeee. What the fuck has biz done to me!?!!

>> No.13387494

I may feel like a white teenage girl after saying this but...

OMG thats SO me

>> No.13387913
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Congrats you are an introvert OP welcome to the painful existence where social interactions with Norman’s and smalltalk feel superficial and drain you where they do the opposite to 60-70% of the population. It sucks dick but you just have to nod your head and grit your teeth silently pretending that you care unless you are fine with being a social outcast(I wouldn’t recommend this unless you are certain you are going to make it in the next 5 years). I don’t mind having convos with normies if we are talking about finance, conspiracy theories, the meaning of life, religious ideas, martial arts, art, or science/the meaning of it all and cool things but philosophy but I do not give a flying fuck about the weather or what Karen in accounting said about bob. I just smile and say “wow that’s really something how was your weekend?” Until they fuck off. I don’t eat lunch with the other wagies since I go out and just that alone makes them think I’m off. Try to keep up appearances so you don’t get fired for dumb little shit any of the other more social wagies would get away with. What really pisses me off is when I’m trying to read Ebooks at work and they won’t shut up about niggerball or gossip.

>> No.13387935

>Buying stocks

>> No.13387949

I'll tell you something senpai, something that has made my life as a wagie better.

Im an introvert like >>13387913 is telling you, but you have to know how to treat people...not to feel sympathy, but to use them. This may sound extremely edgy or pretentious, but if you learn how to listen to people, you can actually use them later on.

That's how I have typical NPCs doing my job sometimes, and I still get paid in full. And yes, their lives are boring as hell sometimes, but you have to endure it. Unfortunately, we live in a multiplayer game, and you CAN'T solo everything IMO.

>> No.13388004
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You're a fucking pussy who tacitly agrees to be an emotional doormat for these people. Get used to it faggot, it's gonna be a long life of this for you if you don't man up and speak your mind.

>> No.13388041

Office politics is for people twiddling their thumbs.