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13385507 No.13385507 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13385519

> he pays full price for no reason
Only if you don't know how to click on coupons first.

>> No.13385518

lets see the pizza tho

>> No.13385520
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This costs 100k a year salary and a height of at least 6 feet in america

>> No.13385523

Not that bad, costs about the same in the uk

>> No.13385526

Trips and I reveal what topping i got.

>> No.13385539


>> No.13385548
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show the toppings big boy

>> No.13385550

ripoff. 4$ in naples.

>> No.13385556

Imagine spending $20 for shitty chain "pizza"

>> No.13385583

Garbage. $20 can get you a real pizza here in NY

>> No.13385588
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I actually hate what most small shops call pizza. Their shit taste like cardboard and they jew you out pf toppings every time, plus its always some pretentious faggot hipster with an attitude, Dominos is based af, and has good customer service, if it were up to me, all the other hipster chains would get shot.

>> No.13385604
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>Real pizza
>New York

You can keep your flappy shit pizza.

>> No.13385613
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Enjoy it while it lasts, one day NY will be a desert of glass.

>> No.13385615

Nigga come to NYC and get a real pizza from a shop run by racist Italian Americans.

>> No.13385626

Where's the best pizza from then faggot?

>> No.13385635

>inb4 anchovies

>> No.13385640

I hate italians.

>> No.13385655

No specific area retard

>> No.13385664

You could have bought a bag of flour, yeast, salt, sugar, sauce, cheese, and probably 3 bottles of store brand soda for that and you could have had at least 10 pizzas.

>> No.13385665

I wasn't asking you.

>> No.13385675


>> No.13385680
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Do you think i want to eat 10 fucking pizzas at once?

>> No.13385682

I actually work in a legit Pizza shop. If this thread is still active in 3 hours I'll share pics.

>> No.13385688

Wow, I thought you faggots were just a meme

>> No.13385702
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>I actually work

>> No.13385735
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>overpaying for shit-tier chain pizza
>not paying half the price for a higher quality pizza from a locally Italian shop

oh wait you can't because you live in the shithole known as Florida

>> No.13385742

I'm a delivery driver, meaning all I have to do is drive around listening to the radio. It's also just a side thing to have more money for crypto

>> No.13385746
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why would anyone ever buy a pizza from a person that looks like this?

>> No.13385769
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we will keep it alive till then

>> No.13385786

why does everyone think italians are so damn great? they just fuck shit up and touch little kids, almost worse than jews.

>> No.13385787


He's Russian

>> No.13385831

no u!

>> No.13385987


Because you get a better deal for your money buying pizza from an Italian establishment than from a Jewish owned corporation like Dominoes

>> No.13386021

well, at least the jews force them to be nice. i dont want to give my money to a bunch of greasy italians who cant even put away their faggot attitude for 5 minutes.

>> No.13386044

Mamma miaaa salty murican fren

>> No.13386112

you ordered online you retard, order over the phone, or use the 50% off coupon.

>> No.13386488
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Show em

>> No.13386511
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This costs me $8 for an uber, $52 for plan b and $1200 a semester for frat dues in tallahassee

and i get as much as I want!

>> No.13386521

>south florida
>not getting hungry howies

>> No.13386531

bunch of nasty roasties.. the one on the left is the only okay one, but she probably has all sorts of stds. ill pass.

>> No.13386541

hungry howies is fucking disgusting, you should feel ashamed, only crack heads eat there.

>> No.13386546
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You do you mate. sorority girls are a great time.

>> No.13386556

You have shit taste.

>> No.13386704

back in 2015 i went to orlando and ordered a large pizza, 12 garlic breads, 8 chicken wings + a soda and paid like 18 bucks... took me and my gf 3 days to finish it off (non burger here)

>> No.13386760

Americans eat a lot more than the rest of the world. That's why they're all so big.

>> No.13386941

Delivery or carryout? that's like 8 bucks if you do carryout

>> No.13386962

You fucking pussy I could eat that all myself in one sitting.

>> No.13386972

>took me and my gf 3 days to finish it off (non burger here)
Wtf, is that why most Europeans are so small?

>> No.13386989

Most likely

>> No.13386997
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>> No.13387006
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>> No.13387022
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>> No.13387029

that's some nice looking pizza

>> No.13387039

>going to Domino's and don't use any coupons
holy shit only niggers and rich people were stupid enough to do that shit when I worked there. you literally could have gotten 2 pizzas instead and it would have been cheaper.

>> No.13387090

Chicago deep dish fuck boy

>> No.13387104

Absolutely repulsive

>> No.13387123
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take the tonyspill

>> No.13387127
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Better than anything here. I made it.

>> No.13387131
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I'm gonna stick with this fren

>> No.13387135

Based. I'd swap out the pepperoni for Italian sausage but that's just me

>> No.13387136
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>> No.13387137
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Costco is pretty good though for the price.

>> No.13387145

finally something that doesn't look like garbage that ameripigs would order

>> No.13387152

It’s been 2+ months since I’ve had any refined or simple carbs.

Fuck you guys..

>> No.13387171


Wait is this one of those dragon dildo unboxing threads.

>> No.13387175

thats a 'za

>> No.13387210


Would eat.

>> No.13387220
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Best washed down with a nice cold San Pellegrino
AHHHH now that's a good drink

>> No.13387232
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You sad poor little thing.
That's a 10 inch tablet for size comparison,12 euros+ 6€ more for a bottle of wine.
Made in front of me in a family owned restaurant,fucking delicious.

>> No.13387235

Listen here for minute fren, as a an American with dual Swiss/us citizenship, the US has everything Europe has. We just happen to have a whole lot of people who live in shitty areas who eat garbage. If you live in a decent city center there’s all the same shit you have (and probably more)

>> No.13387246

Here in Vietnam, dominos has a buy one get one on tuesdays. So I can get two large pizza for like 7-9 dollars. Only con is that, well, I’m in Vietnam

>> No.13387263

Welcome to the rice fields.

>> No.13387368

I fucking wish I took a picture of the bagel I had this morning. Everything flat with loxspread. Yes I am a walking NY outer borough caricature and I embrace it. Our food is delicious.

>> No.13387422

This. Aranciata Rossa(Blood Orange and Orange) is my favorite. Drinking it ice cold on a warm evening after having a nice tuna Pizza or some Spaghetti with Ragout/Bolognese sauce, is the best feeling.

>> No.13387489

That’s a douchy, try-hard, short to wear outside the gym, fren. I know you want to show off your gains, but there is a time and place.

>> No.13387502

this is the reason you're depressed and tubby. Eat a salad and go on a run you fucking lard.

>> No.13387543

this thread is fucking gay as fuck kys

>> No.13387554

Looks pretty homoerotic to me

>> No.13387629

Sausage get

>> No.13387809
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Not gonna lie fren,I do wear shirts like that whenever there is nice weather,i live near the beach,love the sun and the sea breeze.
A few years back I'd agree but nowadays,surrounded by scadly dressed disgusting hambeasts who for the most part have no fucking shame in forcing to look at them by blocking your field of vision due to their mass why should I?

I hate that a girl that literally has to do nothing can show off even if she has nothing nothing to show off while I have to cover myself simply because I look aggressively gay when I'm not

Thanks bro

>> No.13387853

Your boyfriend's cute ;)

>> No.13387900

roll for no reveal

>> No.13387921

Literally every Italian in the US wants to open a pizzeria, it’s like niggers and rapping

>> No.13387931

Guess you guys will never see the pizza. It was sausage.

>> No.13387932

can I do this for a semester and take a 1 credit class? just want some sorority ass

>> No.13387938

Its worse because a lot of them are child prostitution fronts.

>> No.13387943

Can confirm, it's probably because our last names make for an easy pizza shop name. Plus Chinese people do the same thing with Chinese food.

>> No.13387969
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Hehe.. You know what else costs 20$? Your mom last night

>> No.13388034

Their shit pizza tastes like microwaved crap

>> No.13388174

that pizza looks generic and gross lol

>> No.13388541


>> No.13388633
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>order pizza
>pay the tax
>pay the delivery fee
>then pay the delivery man ON TOP OF HIS FEE

>> No.13388828

These don't taste good man. I can't even eat these anymore. It's for little ghetto kids who eat nothing but chicken nugget tendies and unhealthy TV dinners.

>> No.13388840

Can people not make this at home? Dough, sauce, cheese. Not very hard. Organic pizzas at home for like $4 per pie. LOL you people are terrible with money.

>> No.13388846

When making pizza, you don't want to overdo the toppings, because it will cook unevenly. Make sure the center is the least topping heavy. Also your cheese is going off your crust, which is a pain to clean off metal.

>> No.13388851

>spend an hour to save a few bucks
never going to make it

>> No.13388881

It takes like 10 minutes, then wait 30 minutes. And you save more like $15+ per pie. Multiply that by 10 pies throughout a couple weeks. Profit.

Also, you are eating organic, not crap shipped from China

>> No.13388915

Nobody cares you jewish rat

>> No.13388930

I binge Dominos twice per year. It takes me about 6 months to forget my prior misery. After I pound an entire dominos pizza it feels like there is hot ball of lead in my stomach for a while. Next day I feel like a zombie. Dominos is pretty much like drugs

>> No.13388943

its a fucking bagel you retard. Not even an organic one. You can LITERALLY make one at home for like 1/20th the cost.

Are people this wasteful with cash? It boggles the mind how restaurants even exist in the first place.

>> No.13388948

People appreciated the pizza pictures, so maybe you should go ahead and kill yourself you subhuman faggot.

>> No.13388964

They're really good bagels desu

>> No.13388980

Like san francisco avocado toast. Only $17 for a slice of heaven!!!

A fucking piece of bread with avocado on it....

People are indeed stupid sheep. And it works. Just look at Apple.

>> No.13389015

It's literally 4.35 for a buttered bagel and coffee. It's an old school bagel shop not some hipster scam cafe. And they make them fresh daily, on premises, the same way they've been making them for decades.

>> No.13389026


>> No.13389034

This coming from the degenerate basement dwelling fuck who eats himself into a food coma off nigger tier fake pizza.

>> No.13389124

looks like shit desu

>> No.13389191

I appreciate the honesty. Please share pics of your ideal pizza.

>> No.13389243


>> No.13389317
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This thread has made me want pizza now.

What toppings should I get?

>> No.13389319

Can't you just make it at home for like 50 cents?

>> No.13389497

no it doesn't it costs $13 plus whatever u tip

>> No.13389517

Gimme that list

>> No.13389531

>Doesn't hand the driver a $20 and say "keep the change"

Must be tough at 27 going on 28 and never having touched a girl, I feel for ya bud

>> No.13389566

Sausage, ham, and pineapple.

I call it "the haram Hawaiian"

>> No.13389677


>> No.13390263
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, 467EB86B-DE7F-4EB4-8746-323441015F6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is $5 in Michigan

>> No.13390575

$10 USD equivalent in Australia if you get the cheap toppings, pick it up yourself and get the coke from the supermarket.

>> No.13390773
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It makes sense though: burgers are forced to eat a lot, the food-producing corporations make a lot of money. Then burgers get sick because eating so much is detrimental to your health and have to pay a lot of money for medical bills. So you see burgers pay a lot of money to create a problem for themselves and then pay a lot of money to solve a problem which they paid to create in the first place. The effect of this is increased GDP, actually if you want to know why burger GDP is so high this is the basic mechanism it's just applied with a slight variation across different industries.

>> No.13391264
File: 77 KB, 600x400, 10000_BTC_Pizzas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level, poorfag.