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13384416 No.13384416 [Reply] [Original]

Just use nano wallet for the first time to send money to someone. This shit just fucking works. I dont see how biz is so blind not to see this? So impressed

>> No.13384420

shh i'm accumulating

>> No.13384425

How much you got anon? 3200 nano here . If only the rest of biz knew how comfy things really were.

>> No.13384468

That's a nice stack

Currently at 7500

>> No.13384505


>> No.13384507

based nano chads

see you at $100 when biz niggers still wait for chainscam mainnet

>> No.13384519


>> No.13384529

Nano? More like No no i'm not buying this crap xD

>> No.13384537


>> No.13384545

proof or larp/schill

>> No.13384550

Also, for those anon that want to see just how fast Nano is

>Download Natrium on iOS or Android
>Put your wallet address into nanofaucet.org
>Receive and send transactions < 1 second


>> No.13384557

Can you explain why it is so fast compared to, say, bitcoin?
Is it because of low volume?
When its volume picks up, will it be slower?
Is it less secure than BTC?
Is it inflationary?

>> No.13384562
File: 223 KB, 1242x1804, E83978BB7D714DCAA5C7D4AA8925D015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap based af

>> No.13384580

The main difference is nano is Peer-to-Peer.

>> No.13384589

crypto as a currency is a meme. How the fuck is there still 1 deluded person thinking crypto will be used as money.

>> No.13384642

it's a better shot than picking one of the 500 identical buzzword vaporware 'business' shitcoins that will never be used by any business because all corps have their own blockchain solution

nano is the only guaranteed x100 in this market, anything else is just gamblnig

>> No.13384671


>Can you explain why it is so fast compared to, say, bitcoin?
Nano doesn't use a blockchain architecture, it uses something called a block-lattice. Both are decentralized.

>Is it because of low volume?
No, the speed has nothing to do with volume. Since Nano is a DAG vs. a blockchain, it has a higher throughput (TPS), which can theoretically support 7k+ tps. A stress test was done a few months back and Nano performed 750tps+. It's been even more improved since then.

>When its volume picks up, will it be slower?
No, see above.

>Is it less secure than BTC?
Bitcoin has been around since 2009. Nano (formerly XRB) has been around since 2015. Nano still needs more time to verify it's security.

>> No.13384702
File: 207 KB, 377x659, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit just works , hit up nanofaucet.org yourself and get some free shit to try it out.
I have a suicide stack in case Link does not hit 1k.

>> No.13384719

Fuck I wish I wasn’t a poor fag. I only have 1200. And can’t afford more. But I think 1200 will be plenty to help me out.

The reason I got into nano was because of someone’s prediction here on biz January of 2018. He was completely right about the btc dump to 3k. The second part was to buy nano. So I bought as much as I could at .86 cents. The guy already saved me so much money when btc was at 12k. I pulled out due to his prediction. But nano really is the god coin if you’ve ever used it you’d know.

>> No.13384735

>reddit tries to shill nano

>> No.13384751

What post?

>> No.13384750

>treating coins like sport teams
>letting reddit get rich out of spite while you wait for le based /biz/ coin to climb above 60c


>> No.13384763

>letting reddit get rich
>buying at 30 and still holding at 1

>> No.13384776

>not using the opportunity to buy the bottom well knowing that there is a ton of redditors not selling because they are married to the coin and cos they bought high

imagine being that blind

>> No.13384781

There were multiple. They were pretty much during Jan 2018. Look up xrb or nano during that time. His hints were in the IDs he posted with as strange as that is. He posted under the trip T

>> No.13384789

falling knife etc

>> No.13384842

>trend reversal months ago

imagine such mental gymnastics simply because you unironically identify with a malaysian basket weaving board's groupthink


>> No.13384844

I used my bank to send money to someone, they instantly received it and were able to use it to purchase any item in any store. I don't see how biz is so blind not to see this? So impressed.

>> No.13384849

>trend reversal

>> No.13384873


>> No.13384875

based retard

>> No.13385193

Im poor I have only 100

>> No.13385217

1200 is plenty anon, to think a year a go people would consider this a fat as fuck stack. Give it time and itll happen again.

I live in Ireland, and most banks cant do this. If its bank to same bank, itll take 48 hours to process. If it's your bank to a different one It can take 3-5 business days.

>> No.13385230

Nano’s relationship with BitGrail, their main trading platform, was incestuous and dirty from the very beginning. However, after “Bomber”, CEO of BitGrail found out that his exchange had been hacked for 80% of their Nano assets in October 2017, close to 10% of total supply of Nano, the relationship between Nano devs and BitGrail became criminal.

>Insolvency of BitGrail and missing 10 million nano, discovered and made public by the Nano community [1][2]
>Missing transactions on BitGrail, discovered and made public by the Nano community [2][3]
>Single transactions replicated multiple times on BitGrail, discovered and made public by the Nano community [4][3][5][6].
>Millions of Nanos moving out from BitGrail, when the exchange was closed for withdrawals, discovered and made public by the Nano community [7].
>Withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks due to alleged ‘maintenance’.
>Withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks due to ‘KYC’ excuse [8] [9]. Hundreds of thousands remained unverified [10].
>Withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks, due to alleged ‘pending withdrawals’, which were never processed [11].
>Nano withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks due to node problems.
>Customer support ignores tickets – not just for days but for weeks [12]
>Bomber increasingly unhinged and psychotic. Insults his customers on social media for asking legitimate questions [12]. Nano community expressed concern to the Nano devs.

>> No.13385240

Just download the wallet and try it. It’s really that easy.

>> No.13385243

>Accounts connected to Nano devs moving around millions of Nano, do arbitrage between exchanges. [13][7][14].
>Accounts connected to Nano devs moving around millions of Nano move assets to safety. Just one of these accounts handled 50million USD [13][7][14][15].
>Insider trading on BitGrail done via accounts connected to Nano Devs. Traded tens of millions of dollars [15].
>Nano dev team used incestuous relationship with Bomber to get instant KYC verification [16], impossible for standard Nano investors.
>Ordinary Nano investors accounts blocked from doing arbitrage, moving assets to safety or doing insider trading, unlike Nano dev team. Stuck with coming 80% loss [17].
>Zack Shapiro (Nano dev): Everything under control. Just too much work with KYC. Not insolvent. (statement made 4 days before BitGrail insolvent) [18].
>Zack Shapiro: No reason to worry, BitGrail doing normal KYC, “scams don’t do that” [19]
>Zack Shapiro: “Yes, you can [trust BitGrail]. I talk to Bomber every day and he’s a good guy. We’ll get it all sorted next week. Just hang in there” [20] [21]
>Zack Shapiro: Confirms BitGrail is a serious business. “Opposite of an exit scam actually” [22]
>Zack Shapiro: BitGrail is “Legitimate. Complying with the laws of their contry” [23]
>Zack Shapiro: “Funds are safe on Bitgrail…Again, funds are safe” [24][25]
>Mica Busch (Nano dev): ‘‘funds are safe, [BitGrails] representative account does not show any suspicious activity’’ [26]
>Nano: “Be assured that your funds are safe” [27][28]
>Person who discovered and exposed 50million USD account being connected to Nano Dev team, got later banned from Nano subreddit [13].

>> No.13385254
File: 63 KB, 878x474, 97ACA8E6-36BD-44AA-BDD4-C4322EDAB920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nano community member who discovered/reported that nearly all nano on BitGrail was missing, was forced to delete initial post titled; ‘10 Million XRB Possibly Missing XRB From BitGrail’ [2] and repost under different headline ‘I need some help with tracing funds’ [1].
>Nano team systematically deleted threads of investors’ concerns and the sharing of new information regarding BitGrail [4].
>Nano dev team confirmed knowing about all BitGrail problems, told investors to relax, and promised a thorough investigation [29][30][28]. ‘Developers are taking care of that’ [31].

>Nano Dev team claimed to do all they could to investigate and find missing Nano. No update since. Nothing done. [32]
>Nano community did all the work, themselves researching/investigating. [33][34][35] [32][41].
>BitGrail victim group representative, Espen Enger met with Nano lawyer Josh Kleiman in Italy [36]. Details of the deal made with the Nano team is not made known to the BitGrail victims.
>After meeting between Enger and Kleiman all criticism of Nano Dev team became banned on BitGrail victim discord [37].
>Change in BitGrail victim group management. Protection of Nano Dev team and suddenly non BitGrail victims used as hostile mods on BitGrail victim group discord [38].
>Don’t be surprised if Enger gets millions, and/or cushy job at Nano when all this is over. As a big thank you from the shady Nano team.
>Multiple pending and coming lawsuits against Nano foundation and Nano team members. Outside the original BitGrail victim group, now Discord BitGrail/WebCoin Lawsuit [39][40].

>> No.13385263
File: 230 KB, 1080x1920, 55FA9F54-C41F-41CE-A471-7121EE59F6D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Footnotes to the above Nano -BitGrail Crash (and Nano dev team involvement)
[1] https://archive.is/8mMEU
[2] https://archive.is/LUN33
[3] https://archive.is/V30nG
[4] https://archive.is/pk03o
[5] https://prnt.sc/ilv1gl
[6] https://prnt.sc/ilv0p6
[7] https://archive.is/Wkgvn
[8] https://bitsonline.com/raiblocks-nano-bitgrail-epic-fail/
[9] https://archive.is/CKs1V
[10] https://imgur.com/a/rOn3Seb
[11] https://archive.is/RW944
[12] https://archive.is/DM6Nl
[13] https://archive.is/acLnr
[14] https://imgur.com/a/Owlui
[15] https://archive.is/pC3vC
[16] https://imgur.com/a/mJMhlx3
[17] http://archive.is/86eDr
[18] https://imgur.com/a/aFYpDyk
[19] https://imgur.com/a/KNg2src
[20] https://imgur.com/a/o8lIwDz
[21] https://imgur.com/a/urpgzwv
[22] https://imgur.com/a/G7fgqWV
[23] https://imgur.com/a/4YcVEji
[24] https://imgur.com/a/IWP2thd
[25] https://imgur.com/a/rFV6BJy
[26] https://archive.is/bfd0Y
[27] https://imgur.com/a/ql0cjLP
[28] https://archive.is/dykfh
[29] https://i.imgur.com/ddzQlVw.jpg
[30] https://i.imgur.com/7xwM1Lx.jpg
[31] https://i.imgur.com/e8n7fWo.jpg
[32] https://archive.is/lTCkP
[33] https://archive.is/o1BmU
[34] https://archive.is/8Md3N
[35] https://archive.is/f4Q8E
[36] https://youtu.be/40aufi9oJno?t=10m16s [Open] [Open] [Embed]
[37] https://imgur.com/a/gQmoQv0
[38] https://imgur.com/a/d8xG4QL
[39] https://archive.is/MbWv1
[40] Google: silvermillerlaw com 2018/04/2018-4-6-DE-1-CLASS-ACTION-COMPLAINT-1
[41] https://archive.is/0R8Qe

>> No.13385313

fuck off with your same shit fudpasta

>> No.13385318

>itll take 48 hours to process. If it's your bank to a different one It can take 3-5 business days.
I hope your country eventually catches up, Australia has always been decent when it comes to banking technology, Osko allows you to instantly send money to anyone and it only requires their phone number, regardless of their bank. We've had a surge in Neobanks who have better apps than most main banks without ridiculous fees, they also offer cool little features. You can link a "virtual" debit card to Apple Pay, making it independent from your physical card in case it's lost, stolen or still in the mail and inactive. We also adopted contactless payments very early (I want to say around 2011 or 2012) and as a result, NFC payments.
Probably the only benefit to living in this shithole. Unless crypto can match any of that and allow payments in any store with no fees, it will forever remain a scam that only exists for people to invest in.

>> No.13385333

Yeah, sure, I read all that and think you might just be jaded. You can say there was some wrongdoing on the teams part in how they handled it, but it’s in the past. They were more or less delt a shitty hand I think. They are still actively working on improving nano and the community is active and other devs are seemingly always making new things to use with nano.

None of what you say really convinced me they are out to scam anyone.

Thanks anon! I sure hope 1200 is enough. Might try to hit 2000 but that’s now double what I paid for my current stack.

>> No.13385371

Thank you for answering. I will look into it.