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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13380153 No.13380153 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings faggots!
In order to prove I am not a bullshitter, feel free to claim a instagram account for free, this is not a giveaway, its just in order to proof the small boy grown up ;P

150+ accounts running
4 vps already
Doing 100 accounts daily atleast, found Instagram Algorithm, soon starting the takeover of brazilian digital marketing scene.

>wanna grow your business?
>wanna improve your digital marketing?
Real hustle, real solutions, real deal.

No bullshit, cracking the crackers, hustling the hustlers.

Next stop: 1.000 accounts :)

The nights without sleep rewarded me.

Its a brazilian holiday today, just talking :D

>> No.13380203

Where did you get your proxy list from?

>> No.13380206

fuking kek how much money do you earn per day with this. don't you hate being the lowest of the lowest in regards to online marketing? even if you earn a few hundred bucks with this shit - i promise you this is a fad and you can start with the next bullshit pajeet biz idea in max. 1 year. this is no long term business.

t. former super affiliate making $X,XXX per day

>> No.13380208
File: 27 KB, 235x372, 8b7f89ef848f35dd315511bfde6df0ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heya that's awesome !
Could you get me the name : Tauchain , on Instagram :)

Cheers man

>> No.13380233

Private source, burned a lot of cash before.
Its already taken?
Bro, when I started to claim about money? You came showing yourself, not me, I just wanna crack IG algo and make something new.

I am ok with being the lowest, used to that all my life lol.

>> No.13380247

5 accounts for you

Username and password

Also they are not cracked, I did them by myself.
Just attach a new email to them or whatever you want as long I used a generated email.

>> No.13380257

i am just saying its acwaste of time. this whole thing reminds me a lot of the garbage shilled on BHW, i used to rank for payday loans and forex stuff back in the day with comment spam, GSA SER, XRumer, and all that stuff. made a killing but those days are long gone.

i am just saying stop wasting your time learning useless things - it will stop working and you are left with nothing. this is not a biz you can rely on its a short term hustle

>> No.13380271

Bro I cant find anything here, for sure I have to figure something out..

I love bots, I really love it, I learn by doing and reverse engineering things and well.. IG to stop me will need to ban real users.

Life is useless unless you do what you want, and I will use my farm to help what I like and love so its fair.

I am already with nothing besides my own mind, I just want my farm to push my projects that doesnt depend only of IG.

My mentor was doing 100 to 1kk monthly with his farm shilling his brand.

>> No.13380280

How do you login to these?

>> No.13380286

instagram just ask for username and password
Like I said its there username and password
got it?

>> No.13380290

I tried Monica and it didn't work

>> No.13380323

Someone probably already changed, let me give you more.


I am not fucking with you, they really work bro.

Also if anyone need help to activate Instagram/Tinder/Badoo and so on with a Number just say it.

>> No.13380342

Goodluck bro, I feel you when you say, "I am ok with being the lowest, used to that all my life". When we make it, it will be all that much better.

>> No.13380375

Someone needs to catfish retards on badoo and screenshot. Gl brazilbro. We'll have a beer and a line when you make it out.

>> No.13380385

I am really fucked bro, I dont even have words to say it, there are days I just wanna a car hit me or some crackhead come and stab me because I denied (by purpose) to give him my cellphone.
I mean, its friday bro and I am here, lol, people are traveling and living their youth and I am fucking learning how to create fake instagram in order to reach something I dont even know that can be reached.

Then I have to hear "oh yea you sucks I was making 10.000 a day 10 years ago" from guys that doesnt even understand.

I am literally doing shit for almost free just to sustain the vps and the proxy, shit isnt easy neither being given for free to mee yet I am here.

If someone ask I will tell the truth, if I wanted to lie and manipulate people I would be doing it already.

Anyway its fine.

I need to stay away of the lines, played too much with the snow princess and almost became frozen.

I can get numbers to badoo (I just use a service for that that I use to phone verify my accounts too), just hope you stay alive fren. Take care!

>> No.13380395


Nice, willing to try this.

>> No.13380411


Are you still doing CPA? Or built a sustainable biz?

>> No.13380420

Let me give you the key
4k stogram to rip hashtag photos (its free, just search a known hashtag and rip 1000 high quality photos and you have 333 days of posting if you post 3 times a day), just see the miniatures and take out unrelated content.

For automation: jarvee, massplaner or GMT2, just get some reliable proxy and a VPS.
4GB vps is $12 and can hold up to 80 accounts.

With jarvee you can offer social media management services and so on, for courses you can try googIe academy (its free), I have ike 20+ certificates that are worth the same as wind.
If want more hep just hit me in teegram after.
Doing nothing yet besides grow the farm and buid strong accounts, once I found my unique way then I willl do my own shop/brand and shill it to the bones or just get affiliated to something.

But first I need a farm.

>> No.13380446


good lad

>> No.13380451

So you are creating a "farm" of fake instagram accounts to follow your fake brand account? How does that generate money?

>> No.13380472

If you are really in ow budget just use 5 day jarvee trial, then reset vps, use other email and get more 5 days, just need to export and reimport the settings in jarvee.

if you have a business I can teach you child/mother slave.
What is fake and what is real?
My followers are organicall, I will start ripping Vkontake profiles, 200 photos of persons for each new account, how can you tell what is real and what isnt since I use a Spin Tet with over 1 million combinations, lol.

Why my brand will be fake?

With 1k accounts I can easily control small and medium size hashtags already.

>> No.13380479

After you make it of course. Shit is dangerous. Gl buddy.

>> No.13380554

Thanks fren, we will all make it.

>> No.13380593

My question is how does that generate money you mong
Who cares if it's real or fake followers

>> No.13380614

Bro Instagram is literally used by millions and worth billions,w hat you think can happen when you control some part of a high traffic niche?

>> No.13380689

>wanna show us how you have grown your businesses?
>wanna improve your digital market?
i am very happy for you favelanon. 1 of my irl friends creates bot scripts too.
I wish you best of luck on becoming the biggest shillwhale in all of Brazil. The cash will start rolling in soon.

>> No.13380709

Thanks fren, I just wanna help people, some guys sell fake pupies and other shit, with my farm I can purge any scammy project that I face.

Learning and learning and learning even more, doing different things in order to get results to compare.
I dont know where this will take me, I just wanna do it and see how it goes.

I simply really like bots and their growing.

>> No.13380807

what sit he value of having these accounts? i don't get what you're doing

>> No.13380823

I am creating hundreds of accounts that look legit.
I can repost 3 daily, so if 1000 accounts, 3000 repost.
20 messages each, so 20.000 messages daily..
And so on, use it as a way to advertise anything I want

>> No.13380852

I dont get what he is doing either and his broken english is not helping, but what I think he is doing is generating bot accounts to create fake engagement via picture posts and comments to make them look organic, then use those accounts to follow his brand and make it look like he has thousands of real followers then dominate the lesser hashtags of his brand?

>> No.13380880

No fren.

I will have 1.000 accounts, each one with atleast 1.000 followers.
I will set them to comment and like my main account, so I will stay on the explore page of several hashtags because of the engagement, and I will use the smaller accounts to reach, message, anything else people that I usually wouldnt reach with main account.

I am creating accounts that doesnt look like bot neither can be traced by patterns, period.

>> No.13380961

so ti sounds like what he's doing is something for which what you suggested could be an application, but it seems he's really amassing a fucking army of real-looking accounts for whatever he wants

could you make a bunch of accounts message a specific profile? practically DDoS someone;s post with comments?

>> No.13381169

Yes I can, I already have 140+ active accounts and 70 sending 20 messages daily, so 1.400 messages per day atleast.

I can set all of them to report a specific user and bang, account down.

>> No.13381233

i am def on the same wavelengths. consider starting a charity at some point

>> No.13381252

If you want, find people who wanna buy likes and followers, I set my accounts to do it and the money is your.

>> No.13381278

while i know the market is huge in certain areas that is going to become a taboo subject in my eyes. So like other projects im in I will sit patiently on the sidelines.

>> No.13381399

Spam Zucks account and post results?

>> No.13382466

are instagram accounts complicated to create anon?

>> No.13383030

Smartypants, why don’t you try to get some advertising jobs as well? play this shitgame of being an influencer and get paid for flashing a pair of brand x sneakers here and there?

>> No.13384041

Hey FA. Whats your telegram again I want to add you. I would really like to try this. GL fren.

>> No.13384109

Im trying something similar to this, but instead of creating new accounts to follow my main account, I created a macro to follow other real users and then unfollow the ones that dont follow back. Also unfollow users that have a low followers to following ratio since they are less likely to unfollow me.

In one week I have gained 100 real followers on my main account, currently sitting at ~4900 followers.

My ideas like you said are to play the shitty influencer game and shill products once I reach 10k followers.

Other ideas include creating and selling accounts once they reach over 2k followers on various niches (op couldnt do this since his followers will be fake)

>> No.13384318

Fala, man. Parabéns pelo projeto, taca esses scams na cara dos mlk.

Você recomenda algum lugar/vídeo/livro etc pra aprender a fazer reverse engineering? Sempre fui curioso sobre esse tipo de coisa.


>> No.13384940

Easy when you know what you do.

>> No.13384950

I do follow unfollow, like I said I grown all the small accounts in cycles so I will have atleast 1.000 accounts with 1.000 followers each one.

Olha, sinceramente não sei nenhum tutorial, tenta ver no blackhatworld se tem algo parecido.

Sorry for take so long, was sleeping.

>> No.13385071

Vou dar uma olhada, vlw

>> No.13385085

Caralho, que putaria de forum

>> No.13385275

Use a real OS you fucking bastird, what the hell is that winblowz 10 shit

>> No.13385411

These threads are my I love /biz/.
Many will call this bullshit but this is the hustle spirit.
Even better, which it is in this case, he the OP anon give out information to everyone.

Thanks OP!
I will not copy you but the tools and the background information are great.

>> No.13385460

Nice give me a free instagram please

>> No.13385674

How, my pc is trully garbage fren.
I am just giving back the help frens gave me.

>> No.13385785

all these instagram have 0 followers. what's the point

>> No.13385941

I am just giving accounts right now, I never said grown accounts giveaway, maybe in future, but now now.

The reason I cant giveaway grown accounts is that someone may do some shit and its my IP on them :)

>> No.13386030

arent you using vpn anyway why does it matter

>> No.13386034

so like, how would this give you any monies? you sell follows/likes/ etc by people buying them on forex?

>> No.13386134

I am using proxy, imagine if someone use one of the accounts I give to threat a politician and so on, my ass in trouble for no reason.>>13386034
I am selling accounts, selling management, improver, targeted likes, targeted grow and so on.. later I explain need to take some fresh air.

>> No.13386631

I am back if anyone need answer, support or guidance.

>> No.13386724

Very interesting contgratz to you

>> No.13386745

what is the best tool for you to automate posts for future release?
Or general the best tool to handle an instagram account on the PC.

>> No.13386803

Jarvee let me set up future posts using campaign mode, I think all other tools have this repost option too (GMT, massplaner, etc)

>> No.13387196

What a day

>> No.13387274
File: 639 KB, 916x963, 1555714423828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing the same but I have my own way of creating accounts

I have 3 per niche
grow them with my own software (far better than jarvee) and using power likes from [REDACTED]

Been making a lot of money.


>> No.13387293

do you guys ever got banned or your posts / account ghosted?
Can't instagram dedect bots?

>> No.13387308

youre very stupid. as expected of a monkey

>> No.13387332

Yeah but you can minimise that

>> No.13387342

not too many different IP logins on one account
not too much of a bot-like posting behaviour?

>> No.13387410

dont wanna reveal all my secrets but

max 2 accounts per ip
make your own proxies/residential proxies
have the bot also browse the web like a human would
only buy high quality likes, dont buy followers at all unless youre trying to sell a product or something or appear better

>> No.13387650

What is redacted?
I will get power likes when my account is bigger.
In the start yes, but I learned how to warm up and got better proxies.
Thanks, any news?

I use 3 accounts per proxy, all randomized and never at the same time.
How can I do my own residential proies?

>> No.13387660

My main problem is that I cant find a way to make my 4G mobile connection to be used as a remote proy, searched everywhere, offered people money but the ones who sell that service dont share how they did it.

Locally its simple with dongles and hotspot... but the problem is that I want to use them on my vps like normal proxies would.

If I manage to do it then its game over.

>> No.13387667

Can I reach you?
I am just focused in growth, didnt studied the monetization part yet.

>> No.13387711

Also sorry for taking so long to reply, doing a many things here in real life.

>> No.13387785

[REDACTED] sells 4g proxies for a good price

>> No.13387813

Cant read, shows redacted..
my telegram is @favelanon

>> No.13387837

the joke is that instead of telling you what it is they just write [RETACTED]

>> No.13387848

Ah, fine anyway, isnt like new to people mock me for fun.

>> No.13387920
File: 86 KB, 1026x263, Screen Shot 2019-04-20 at 6.56.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck is this supposed to bring you money

>> No.13387999

Like I said I am creating bulk profiles, this means I can use they to anything I want, such as follow, respost or send people messages, resulting in people reaching my main account and getting into my store and become my followers.

There are many ways to monetize it, Instagram is a social media and you can reach many people.

>> No.13388002

gvp bro. open a ticket for a proxy with name of country and city you want it in

>> No.13388013

I know gvp, also know other suppliers and a chinese and a russian who have farms with over 100k accounts too.
I wanna do my own proxies so they are virgin

>> No.13388014

sure get wickr

>> No.13388019

Also thanks for the recommendations by the way.

>> No.13388024

Thats what im telling you. they sell virgin proxies in like a million cities

>> No.13388045

my telegram is @favelanon
my wickr is @favelabuddy

>> No.13388049

Going shower, come soon.

>> No.13388063

The problem is that the majority are already flagged/abused, I bought 300 proxies from different providers and just 30 were useful.

>> No.13388248

Anyway soon I will start my own social media marketing agency and wont have too much time for this type of things.

>> No.13388259

Dont do it

focus on growing accounts instead and sell services to gvp and the likes

>> No.13388411

Sell to GVP, so I profit like 1% of my own work and they profit on me?

>> No.13388426

I sell things to them and profit a lot it depends what you focus on nikka

>> No.13388569

What you sell to them?
I did the wickr bu you didnt messaged me.

>> No.13388616

cheap and expensive ones both tons to be made in both. ill msg you

>> No.13388642

Gl favelanon it sounds interesting, worth a try

>> No.13388670

anon, do u have some e-mail contact?
Pls let me know

>> No.13388786

Hit me on telegram/wickr.

Also I am feeling bad sorry for take solong to reply frens.

>> No.13389470

in telegram appears wickr 110 sucriptores?

>> No.13389629

>Then I have to hear "oh yea you sucks I was making 10.000 a day 10 years ago" from guys that doesnt even understand.
>I am literally doing shit for almost free just to sustain the vps and the proxy, shit isnt easy neither being given for free to mee yet I am here.
>If someone ask I will tell the truth, if I wanted to lie and manipulate people I would be doing it already.

You should. If you're really from a favela you've been dealt one of the shittiest hands from life aside from being an african nigger. Instead, you're spending your time doing something pajeets and chinks have been doing and have a great system of doing for worthless pennies. Just scam people. Morality is a human construct for those born well off enough already that will never NEVER have to worry about basic necessities like food, water, shelter, or getting fucking mugged for no reason.

>> No.13389898

What is your probem?
I am not scamming anyone, if I wanted to scam I coud easiy backmail people with tinder and fake profiles, I am doing this to help and well... I wanna see where this take me.

I am not doing the same as pajeets or chinks bro.

Thanks anyway,