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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 138 KB, 382x376, Screen Shot 2019-04-20 at 5.18.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13378281 No.13378281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why dont you beta males get gfs?

>> No.13378297

All women are whores.

>> No.13378304

this. the one thing women have going for them the ability to start a family, they give away for momentary attention. filthy thots. this is why i am marrying a virgin from the middle east when they turn 18.

>> No.13378327

>wages haven't increased since 80s
>all income goes directly to rent and health insurance
>politicians threatening raising retirement age
>politicians threatening to destroy social security programs
>politicians game the system and rig the rules with citizen united
>politicians pass patriot act we live in 1984

Give me a reason to give a shit about this place

t. 30y/o volcel. I will not bring a child into this world. fuck this gay earth.

>> No.13378328

Not worth jumping through all the hoops just for a hole when I can just use my hand

>> No.13378330
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>> No.13378331


>> No.13378336

All men are retards and most are manchildren

>> No.13378349

Girls don't want beta males :(

>> No.13378350

Because dating is waste of time, money and energy. I've done it, I have had roughly 20 sexual partners and two longterm relationships. Dating has changed in today's climate and the only way to win is not to play.

My friends have tons of success with women. Some have probably fucked somewhere on the order of 50+ women. They spend all their money wine and dining thots from Tinder and Instagram. They also know jack shit about crypto and are degenerate alcoholics. Everytime we hangout it's until at least 5am, we close out the bar and do a bunch of blow. I spent $200 hanging out with them last Saturday.

That is their lifestyle, and that is the dating culture these days. I have not been able to find anything steady in years and I'm not interested in playing retarded mind games with used goods on a degenerate dating app. I am focused on making money, that's it.

>> No.13378355

tell me sweat heart, how many partners have you had?

>> No.13378357
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Because a traditional lifestyle has become counter culture and I get written off in my career, social group and family circle if I don't swear by atheistic nihilism.

>> No.13378361

Need to make it and get Chad muscles first

>> No.13378368

don't say just be yourself

>> No.13378382

men and women share no common interests except having children

>> No.13378393

Millennial men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos.

>> No.13378422

I agree with the volcel. I'm not a cel though, I got an asian girlfriend. We won't breed though, just gunna TINK it until we die.

Having kids is irresponsible unless you have >$1 MM net worth.

>> No.13378423

>most are manchildren
all people are children, they just get better at hiding it

>> No.13378426
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>> No.13378439

I am too ugly to get one, I don't even look at pretty girls anymore

>> No.13378443

I like how your response to an over generalization is another over generalization. You're never going to make it.

Painful truth right here.

While generally you're correct, I would say there are girls out there worth dating. My current girlfriend of 5 years has a STEM degree and is generally awesome to be around. Sure, she might cheat one day, and I'll deal with it if/when it happens, but to me it's worth the risk.

>> No.13378444


Women's standards have gone up to insanely retarded levels. It's not about men or porn or any of that stupid shit, there's a line of incels ready to fuck any 3/10 obese whore but even they want only Chad/rich cock inside them now.

>> No.13378448

>Business & Finance

>> No.13378450

Fucking never "be yourself." That along with "everybody is special" is some of the worst advice millennial were brought up on.

80% of people are dumbass shitheads, and don't be "yourself" be the best person you can be.

>> No.13378461

Doesn't have to be a virgin, but I agree on the other two. Tats aren't a deal breaker, but massive debt is.

>> No.13378466

Women standards haven't changed - men stopped approaching in real life. They only get approached by Chads who don't have anxiety attacks over it because they are masters of the process so this is the only pool of men they consider as potential partners.

>> No.13378471

Fair enough friend. I'm not going to tell you to lower your standards or "man up" sometimes people are ugly as sin. Your only option is to get rich or accept celibacy. Good luck.

>> No.13378476

Spotted the incel copers

>> No.13378482


>> No.13378484

>men stopped approaching in real life
Because 95% of basic bitches laugh and toss drink in your face. Trying to approach american women I've been pushed, slapped, laughed at, ignored, drink faced, and even once kicked in the balls.

Asian women, especially STEM students, have none of these problems and WAY lower standards when it comes to white guys.

>> No.13378495

There are good women out there and I'm happy for you and your girlfriend. Going through the effort of finding one is not worth it to me right now though. I work 50+ hours a week and need at least the rest of the year, and probably a good chunk of next year to accumulate more crypto. After I make it I will have all the time in the world to navigate the dating scene. After that happens I guarantee that all the flings and potential love interests who decided to drop me when I was broke and wagecucking will NOT be getting a second chance.

>> No.13378496
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1337 too.

>> No.13378498
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spotted the poofter

>> No.13378515

I guess there were like 2 girls interested in me but one of them was a horse psycho without a leg and the other one an objective 3/10 with heavy makeup weirdo, so I could see no point in suffering, losing virginity to these girls would be worse than losing it to a whore

>> No.13378549

Yeah totally fair enough. Don't do it just to do it. Honestly sex and relationships are overrated anyways. Yeah it's good but honestly a couble of beers and a good game with my friends leaves me way more fufilled then banging a girl. However I've never banged anything over a 7/10 so maybe 10s are better idk.

>> No.13378556 [DELETED] 

if you wanna b urself u might just wanna end it
this world is no place for (You)

>> No.13378645

LoL, having children if you’re white and in a ethno-state in Europe that’s at least 70%+ your ethnicity is good no matter your financial situation. Having white children in any anglophone nation is kek’d since you’ll get fucked and your children will probably get raped, brainwashed or killed by the brown hordes.

>> No.13378866
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Are suggar mommys into beta males? Or they also want chad?

>> No.13379004

Women only want Chad. Relationships aren't worth pursuing because you're guaranteed to be cheated on, if you're not a Chad.

>> No.13379109

>I'm not having children
>fuck this gay earth
100k upvotes have been deposited to your accound

>> No.13379124

This is pretty deluded thinking. The majority of women don't cheat, same as men.

>> No.13379142

Fuck off aged roast

>> No.13379161

The overwhelming majority of women cheat.

>> No.13379171
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>> No.13379182

And you base this on what exactly? Your mom being a whore?

>> No.13379191

Are you talking from experience?

>> No.13379193

>woman has a ONS with chad from tinder
>woman now thinks she deserves chads
>no chads want to commit to her
>thinks she’s above betas and they sexually disgust her
When women are easy they die single and depressed.

>> No.13379204

Statistics. It's been projected that over 70% percent of married women have at least one affair within 5 years of marriage.


>> No.13379301

>In a 1991 study, sex researcher Shere Hite found that 70 percent of married women have cheated on their partners; a 1993 follow-up study found that 72 percent of married men have as well
So you agree then that men are just as bad? In any case, that's American women, and it's cherrypicked data by a "sex researcher" who most likely has an agenda. Why not link to the actual study?

>> No.13379330

The study is cited. You can easily find it. And I seriously doubt American women behave much differently than other women do.

>> No.13379353

modern culture destroyed the womans role. they work they do drugs they lie they cheat they steal they fuck you over in court and destroy your soul after divorce bby stealing your own children. Its awful. total reformation of humanity and destruction of the judeochristian narrative is the way to restore the basics of life

>> No.13379365

damn anon who hurt you

>> No.13379373

>And I seriously doubt American women behave much differently than other women do.
Your doubts are unfounded. And you didn't answer my question about men. The street appears to go both ways, no?

>> No.13379375

Women are awful.

>> No.13379376

Women have married the state. They don't need a man to provide, they can ride off affirmative action and #metoo.

>> No.13379394

Seething roastie detected.

>> No.13379399
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>and destruction of the judeochristian narrative
Almost had me there schlomo

>> No.13379417

Way to dodge the question again. Seems your narrative is falling apart based on your own source.

>> No.13379422

The only arguments I ever hear for why I should bother with women anymore is
>muh genes muh white race
>uh...... have sex ;)
I've been with more women than most people and have had a few long term relationships and it isn't worth it. It's a waste of time and energy and sex gets old. Having a family of my own would be nice but having to go through years of trial and error trying to find a woman in the .0001% that isn't total trash just isn't worth it. Dying alone sucks but whatever. It's better than some of the bullshit I've been through trying to stop it from happening.

>> No.13379425

good friday and passover are both celebrations of murdering the first born of non jews. When you see the drumph saying happy passover don jr should be smashing his screen. No one helped the jews get more people under their banking and law organized crime scheme than jesus and hitler.

>> No.13379449
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>> No.13379452

You've done nothing to counter my claims. There's no narrative. Only statistics. Most women cheat.

>> No.13379454

Why is this still up where are the mods of this place,this proves that /biz/ is a joke
>sage btw

>> No.13379467

And men cheat at the exact same rate, according to your source. So what's your point? It's clearly not a problem with women only.

>> No.13379479

oh your innocence is so nice. maybe you will never have to know that most humans are no more than talking hyenas. Its not their fault jews steal and scheme and crave corruption of power. They cant help stealing any more than a hungry dog or a nigger

>> No.13379493

I'm going back to my original post, where I said that relationships aren't worth pursuing. Assuming that you trust yourself that you won't cheat, it's simply not worth pursuing relationships. It doesn't matter which sex cheats more. The truth is that the overwhelming majority of women cheat. As a monogamous male, I've therefore concluded that relationships aren't worth the humiliation.

>> No.13379523
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There are more reasons but here are some points on why millennial men are single:

+ Women climb higher and higher on the salary latter while still expecting to find men that earn more than they do.

+ If both man and woman care about their careers it makes it hard to make a proper family.

+ Women assume that men will do more of their tasks in life while assuming that men will still do all of theirs.

+ Women speak up about feminism non-issues. Men hear this and ask himself, "do I want to deal with constant remarks like that the rest of my life?"

+ Women behave more and more like men, thinking they can be a "bro" too.

>> No.13379536

Have fun cucking your DNA out of existence. You will be replaced by bloodlines that aren't self-defeating.

>> No.13379549

Back to /pol/. At least I'll have my dignity.

>> No.13379561

>producing no offspring and hence contributing nothing to the future
>living of life of hedonism
Found the liberal

>> No.13379575

And you'll be married to a roastie and not even have the assurance that the kids are yours.

>> No.13379580

It's mathematically impossible for men to cheat in the same numbers, because men have fewer options

>> No.13379601

I honestly feel bad for people like you.
>Better not go outside, might get hit by a car.
>Better not eat this steak, might get food poisoning and die. B

You either believe both studies or neither. When you cherry pick them to make yourself out to be a victim you become the male version of a feminist.

>> No.13379643

There's no cherry picking here. Study after study has shown that the vast majority of women cheat.

>> No.13379661

That study you cited claiming 75% of women cheat is pro-polygamy propaganda written by a literal whore feminist.

>Shere Hite is an American-born German[2] sex educator and feminist. Her sexological work has focused primarily on female sexuality. Hite builds upon biological studies of sex by Masters and Johnson and by Alfred Kinsey. She also references theoretical, political and psychological works associated with the feminist movement of the 1970s, such as Anne Koedt's The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm.

>In the 1970s, she did part of her research while at the National Organization for Women. She appeared nude in Playboy[volume & issue needed] while studying at Columbia University[when?] and also posed provocatively in a typewriter ad to earn money for her college fees.

Other selected works of hers include:
>The Hite Report on the Family: Growing Up Under Patriarchy (1994)
>Women and Love: A Cultural Revolution in Progress (The Hite Report on Love, Passion, and Emotional Violence) (1987)

If you're going to let (((them))) convince you not to get married and have kids, you are probably too mentally weak to be a father in any case.

>> No.13379725

not business

>> No.13379753
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Btw check this out: https://youtu.be/F7vArjs9bwA
Start from 3:13 if you are impatient.

Good discussion on the subject. Personally I've always argued for legalizing prostitution, with rules on how the business must be conducted.
+ Can make cities prettier by getting street prostitutes off them (if it's in the rules, which would make sense to follow if you have a legit sex business).
+ Would produce tax revenue.
+ Would reduce power that gangs/pimps have (less income).
+ Would reduce human trafficking.
+ Would increase safety for the working girls.
+ Would get rid of sexual frustration in a lot of men that otherwise eventually results in violence and/or taking risks.

oh yeah? i'll make it my business, buddy.

>> No.13379793
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Focus on your wealth and keep take care of your health.

A man's family was once sacred and respected.

Now it can be taken away on a whim and leave you broken emotionally and financially.

Live free and enjoy things in this world. You as a man no longer need to bear the burden of raising kids because you are no longer respected for it.

>> No.13379815

Alfred Kinsey was a sick freak
He used literal pedophiles as "sources" for his so called "studies"

>> No.13379840
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>why dont you beta males get gfs?
Because i am into boys.

>> No.13379881

Yet he's still widely cited as an authority on sexual research. Pretty much everyone in social science is a sick fuck. The """science""" they produce is only intended to hypersexualize society, put the genders against each other, and demoralize us into becoming nihilistic hedonists who has no desire to look past a day into the future.

>> No.13379901

Because I have a wife.

>> No.13379914

The welfare state and female employment enables women to not remain faithful. There is literally no reason to stay with a man if you can just fleece him with child support or go to work when you get bored of him. Public benefits programs and women in the workplace are the biggest cancer destroying the family unit and are a massive to contributor to why everyone is so mentally ill and socially stunted.

>> No.13379918
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>it's another sour grapes incel thread

>> No.13379922

lol this is such horseshit. The Netherlands has legal prostitution and all that did was encourage migrant trash from trafficking third worlders even harder

>> No.13379930

It's another assblasted HPV infected whore

>> No.13379939
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>> No.13379949

Really reaching with that image. But nobody cares, you're evil and will be remembered as a member of the movement that turned everyone into fatherless weaklings and of course the reason AIDS mutated and went airborn

>> No.13379963

Most of the time the idea of me getting a girlfriend only comes from societal/peer pressures. Seeing all my friends getting married and having kids isn't a good enough reason for me to try to do the same.

>> No.13379968
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This is your brain on 30 years of no sex lmao

>> No.13379991

Baseless shaming is not an argument I'm afraid.

>> No.13379992

Because being single and childless is... amazing?

I just want to get my dick wet and bust some nuts down some thot's throat. Don't care to have a child with a whore

>> No.13380003
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No arguments, just facts, incel.

>> No.13380008

What exactly does nazism have to do with you closing your legs, sweetie? I can smell your nasty chidless pussy discharge from a mile away. Yucko

>> No.13380012

Why would a woman come to this board? Legitimately curious. If you want to raise your value get in the gym and learn makeup. Only men have to deal with this risk laden business activity and gambling shitcoins

>> No.13380013

Aspiring cat lady detected

>> No.13380017

seems like a cool guy

>> No.13380026

It's cope. Men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos and the discord tranny knows it

>> No.13380038

t. beef curtains roastie cunt

>> No.13380044

says the virgins

based fuck tattoo whores

>> No.13380059

he's right. so go back back and bury your head in the sand, normie.

>> No.13380066

this times 6gorillion

>> No.13380067

>because i wear a condom
GOTEM! honk

>> No.13380078
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>> No.13380091

Because im top fucking busy helping my parents pay their mortgage and also trying to make it with crypto, I've had a couple gfs and everytime its just been issues with money and living situations.

>> No.13380092

Who hurt you?

>> No.13380094

In order for me to agree with the comic I would have to believe that females deserve any sort of agency whatsoever.

>> No.13380102

Also, the thot bubble has not popped yet, still got most bitches w
Thinking way too highly of themselves these days, I'll just wait until the thot market crashes.

>> No.13380105

Muh incel bogeyman even though whore acceptance culture is correlated with high rates of adult male virginity

>> No.13380106

Reminder that writing this includes your mom,granny,daughter,cousin,niece,female friends,nurse,etc...

>> No.13380114

Grandma? Nah probably not. She's from the era where men enforced natural gender roles. But most of those other ones? Absolutely.

>> No.13380125

Such a shit meme lmao, seething cope

>> No.13380135
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>> No.13380154

It's YOUR fault for not choosing the right candidate for you. You just didn't judge well enough all these times.

>> No.13380175
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Just what are you trying to accomplish here? There's literally a video here >>13379753
that talks about research findings about how men with little sexual access go haywire and get violent on women either via sperging out like Elliott Rodgers or flat out sexually assaulting them like in countries with low access to sexual outlets and high male to female ratios.

Just what are you trying to accomplish by shaming guys here? All you're going to do is contribute to the stereotype and it'll come back to haunt women in the worst ways possible.

>> No.13380212
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I'm sure you'd also come up with a thousand excuses why you wouldn't man up and follow through with your sad threats, incel.

>> No.13380230
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Now let be reasonable here
I am a 21 so vorhin, but everyone in my social circle/family thinks i had Sex, because i spend time with a few roasties occaisonally, so if i get laid, i just had a dry-streak ;^)
Its not even the fact that i dont want or cant get a gf, but im working part time while college, so i dont have that much spare time to waste

The incels have a point, I Met the nicest girls, just to realise they had 7+ Partners

But So do the roasties, nobody wants to sleep with some betamale, but because of the thirst, Most will act like one.

Its really just a fucked society with unironically noone but ((them)) to blame

Also dont hate on roasties. Simple advice. Unless they are mocking cunts. But other roasties realise that too, just ignore those

>> No.13380238

Vorhin = virgin
Fuck phones

>> No.13380246

Based. Are you me?

>> No.13380254



Stfu retard

>> No.13380266

Wasting time on business and finance board discussing about women. Stay poor

>> No.13380276

A virgin with that body? Something is sickenly wrong with a society where this is possible

>> No.13380357

For me I’m 30 and have had sex with a handful of girls and had one long term relationship. The truth is, I most of the time cum too fast and have been addicted to porn since a young kid. So I’ve not performed well, and it hurts my sexual confidence. So much so that I feel I won’t truly please a woman or she won’t truly love me. Plus I fear that if I find one, she will dump me one day because I’m not good enough (which has happened to me).

I’m living at home right now to try to save money. A lot of girls have tattoos which I don’t like, or have kids, or I just get the feeling I’m the guy they’re gonna now settle down with. I also fear of getting raped in divorce if she grows tired of me after all the effort I’ve put in towards her. It really boils down to fear. We are fearful.

I just feel so disillusioned with the whole process. And I’m not one of those women hating guys. I think women are just gonna do what they are gonna do. They are who they are and they evolved to who they are and I don’t think they intended it that way. It’s just how society evolved. And they’re just people like us with feelings and trying to feel loved too. I’m sure there are lots of lonely women that want to be loved too. But i feel so damaged along the way. Maybe it’s the porn that fucked me up. 15 years of it will do that to a man.

Apps like tinder makes it so I barely get matches and they go after the chads. But the truth is, I get messages from fat girls or less than attractive ones and I don’t talk to them because I’m hoping to get a cute one. So I’m just as bad too

Overall, as time goes on, it just bruises your ego more and more. A lot of us young men, our brains are fried from porn and we’ve been made to feel less than often enough that we just are scared to act again to avoid the pain of what we think will be inevitable rejection.

If when you are developing and grow up reclusive as many of us have, it gets very hard to keep putting effort.

>> No.13380418
File: 167 KB, 409x409, AD54E14D-BA67-4F55-ACF1-1DD9F0AC3BD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what all women say, when you play the field and fuck around with several different type of women and observe the same behaviors not only in theirs but your friends GF’s as well at what point do you not take responsibility that your gender is out of fucking control? I’m with the other anons I’m no incel but my dating experience has been god awful and it’s taught me what to look for which is why I haven’t dated anyone in like 3-4 years (though I’ve fucked several girls in that time). Let me guess? Next you will say we’re all shit people and attract shit women? As other anons have stated it really isn’t worth it and I imagine the joke will be 10-15 years from now we will see a lot of cat ladies and depressed women who had to settle for gross betas (honestly we need a meme to make these dumb betas not rescue them) to serve as a reminder to future generations of women what happens when you act a fool. Sucks we had to be the generation to sacrifice the family unit but man the cat ladies will be funny.

>> No.13380474

There wont be cat ladies you fuckstick there are more men per women alive then women and there is no war or medical problem other societies had to balance out the gender ratio. Guys will date these ladies like they take up families with washed up single mom dirty pussy. There wont be some enjoyment to be had. And that is a good thing. Because the alternative is the government giving them even more of a handout then they already have.

>> No.13380498
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tick tock roastie.

>> No.13380499

I live in the city with the highest concentration of single males in Texas. FML.

>> No.13380552

LOL. You have a super model tier body and clearly a good face too. What the fuck man you shouldn't even need to talk to women if you have a shirtless pic/wear a tight t-shirt. Lmao this post is gonna make some virgins sudoku.

>> No.13380556

Found out my gf is 150k in federal student loan debt. Do I dump her? She’s not really that cute but she’s nice, but god damn... 150k...

>> No.13380571

Where's that?

>> No.13380602

Depends on if she has the means to pay it back. Is she making $100k+ a year?

>> No.13380609 [DELETED] 

1. they are sociopaths who try to trick you into getting them pregnant
2. men are capable of being happy while alone
3. children are expensive and time consuming.
that will get in the way of my hobbies and goals

>> No.13380610

Hell no not even 45k.

>> No.13380620

She got scammed by the student loan meme. Pretty big red flag about her rationality.

>> No.13380653
File: 32 KB, 464x618, 6a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga that's going to take over a decade to pay off even at $1k/month. I say absolutely dump that unless she has a plan to get a government job that forgives her loans or whatever.

>> No.13380668

She really did. Makes me kinda feel bad but I don’t want to pay for this shit. But she’s 32 and she was a 18 yo roastie back then who didn’t give a shit bc she was too busy getting chad cock back then. Looks deteriorated and now she’s 3-4/10

>> No.13380685

This is what keeps going through my head like wtf man.. do I really want to be the one paying for this shit for a “loyal” gf? Kinda feels like prostitution in a way and she can’t even fuck like one.

>> No.13380692

Her getting Chad dick was going to happen, you just gotta accept that any girl you date has fucked around a lot before you came in the picture. An outstanding student loan of that size is on the same tier as her having someone else's kid (in my opinion). It's serious baggage and that's a shitload of debt for someone her age, making less than $50k, who probably is going to want to have your kids at some point soon.

>> No.13380717

I'm 27, probably younger than you, so I'm not sure if you should take my advice. I certainly would not settle for that though.

>> No.13380732

Yea the previous partners thing doesn’t phase me. I fucked around too back then. What does bother me is having to pay this shit, try to raise some future kid and make enough to not want to neck myself for getting into all this

>> No.13380738

Thanks for thinking you’re younger but you’re pretty close

>> No.13380759

Modern women are awful

>> No.13380778

I have a similar body to you. lifting for 4 years now. I'm 27 yo and a virgin. I've dated a couple of very attractive women, but I've noticed during the dating process that they all had mental issues that I didn't want to deal with. I feel fine desu. never had a huge desire to be with girls and most people that I know that are in relationships seem to be very unhappy and/or out of shape. just pursue what you find interesting and work on yourself, that's all that matters

t. INTP 5'10, 156 lbs

>> No.13380791

If you stay with her you're essentially getting cucked, except instead of getting cucked by Chad it's by the higher education bubble. I think I'm with >>13380418 in saying that we should be discouraging our fellow men from falling into these traps. You probably aren't going to be happy about it if you stick with her and after marriage and kids breaking up gets a lot messier.

>> No.13380800

> MBA Job interview

"These words go together right?"

>> No.13380816

>My friends have tons of success with women. Some have probably fucked somewhere on the order of 50+ women. They spend all their money wine and dining thots from Tinder and Instagram. They also know jack shit about crypto and are degenerate alcoholics. Everytime we hangout it's until at least 5am, we close out the bar and do a bunch of blow. I spent $200 hanging out with them last Saturday.


Never tried to sleep around but have 10+ partners due to women wanting to fuck before being in a relationship.

Finally fell for a woman for the first time in 3 years and turns out she has 20+ partners and multiple STDs within the last couple years.

Fortunately make good money so I'll have plenty to distract myself with as I wait for a lonely death.

>> No.13380824

There will be plenty of cat ladies retard I know several already, maybe not to the extent that it will be a gigantic cosmic joke but you bet your ass we will have even more women on anti depressants because they had to settle for some beta they hate. Idk what’s worse for women cats or sub par genes from a beta, both will be hilarious to watch and guys like us that played our cards right and focused on improving our lives and finances will be laughing all the way to the bank HONK HONK FAGGOT.

>> No.13380831

32 yrs old, 3.5/10, and 150k in debt that can't be cleared, even in bankruptcy? that's fucking beta-male as can be. You might as well date a single mom. no point in her being loyal when her dried up pussy can only maybe give birth to a retarded sperg

>> No.13380853
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lol 3D
Just Monika.

>> No.13380872

Millennials are getting married way less and so are the zoomers retard. There will be a ridiculous amount of cat ladies and I cannot fucking wait

>> No.13380877

You’re not wrong.

>> No.13380882

Based and honkpilled
Lol I have a female friend who slept around a lot ended marrying a guy who started out as one of five rotating cocks. They are happy now and he is a good dude. So it works out sometimes I guess. That's definitely an outlier though and I don't recommend anyone here try to turn a hoe into a housewife.

>> No.13380885

I've seen this guy on that joe rogan podcast where tim chews out twitter ceo and exec. He knows his shit.

>> No.13380892

I have to because I'm a below average looking male. I own my own business and have a lot of investments, so my income is high.

The only women that show interest in me are single mothers and ones with cluster B personality disorders.

I have yet to meet a woman that satisfies all of the following criteria
>1) Less than 5 sexual partners
>2) Has job with no debt
>3) No children
>4) No mental illness or baggage
>5) Likes me

I can at best get two out of five. I've just accepted that I'm a genetic dead end and focus my energy on my business, going to the gym, high class escorts, and fine dining.

If rather be alone than divorced.

>> No.13380908


You could literally fuck every famous pornstar escort you wanted and not spend a quarter as much as paying off those loans will cost you.

That it assuming she doesn't cheat or divorce you at any point, Which is asking a lot of a modern woman

>> No.13380926

#1 you gotta throw right out the window these days, fren. Less than 10 might become the new acceptance standard. I was fucking a 20 year old pastor's daughter who had only lost her virginity the year before and I was already the 5th guy she got fucked by.

>> No.13380963

That’s a decent list. Personally idc how many people they’ve had sex with as long as they’re healthy and no kids.
I don’t really want to fuck any pornstar escorts. they’re kinda like an exotic car, great to look at, fun to ride but I’d never want to pay for one

>> No.13380989


I'm not compromising any of those when it comes to marriage. If anything, the cutoff should be 3 instead of 5..

I don't use those rules to turn women away. I keep those rules to myself and if a woman doesn't meet all of them, then she is only a short term companion and I refuse to develop feelings for them.


You should care. Each sexual partner a woman has roughly correlates to a 10% increased chance of her first and second marriage ending in divorce. That number is actually the biggest predictors of divorce.

>> No.13381041
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Feels like everyone in this thread is only going for the hottest or cutest bitches or some shit. Those girls all obviously get more attention and most likely been fucked multiple guys.

>> No.13381043

So if they fucked 10 dudes there’s a 100% chance of the relationship ending in divorce? That’s just making shit up dude. I say take that knowledge with a grain a salt. People go through phases. If she was a whore in college and fucked 50 chads, what makes the difference if she wants a long term relationship and knows what she wants in bed? Honestly, I think you have greater chance of girl cucking you in a relationship if she’s only had 2-3 guys because she’ll always wonder what other guys are like or maybe she’ll fuck your friend bc she’s never experienced the rush of cheating on someone before. It’s all comes down to the person themself.

>> No.13381049

Tits or gtfo

>> No.13381104


It stops perfectly corralating after 6 partners, but it continues to increase as number of partners increases. It destroys a woman's ability to pair bond. There is zero corralation with men and their number though.

You can do whatever you want, but there is real research on this and numbers don't lie.

>Honestly, I think you have greater chance of girl cucking you in a relationship if she’s only had 2-3 guys because she’ll always wonder what other guys are like or maybe she’ll fuck your friend bc she’s never experienced the rush of cheating on someone before

You have a good point here and all I can say is you're damned either way. Marriage in this age is a pointless risk.

>> No.13381111

*all heterosexual and bisexual women are whores

>> No.13381148

This. gtfo our board. There's plenty others for you

>> No.13381177


>> No.13381186

>Applying the same standards to women as to men
>the author obviously had an agenda
>argues that the author then shows that both cheated at the same rate in a follow up study.
Could it be that the percentages belong to exactly the same couples. Girl cheats on guy, guy then cheats on girl.
Women have no evolutionary basis to be fucking around. They literally are doing it for shits and giggles.

>> No.13381200

Based and female pilled

>> No.13381219

Asian gf here as well

>> No.13381222

Believe what you want but married with a kid. You just can't accept the reality that men have finally had enough. Soon it will be like Japan the world over. Women replaced by sex robots. Seething.

>> No.13381231


>> No.13381245

>convincing a beta provider to raise chad's genetic offspring isn't evolutionary

>> No.13381296

Pure mind manipulation
>goes against published data
> believe me instead anon

>> No.13381315
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implying i could if i tried

>> No.13381922

Reminds me of some "women develop mental illnesses if they aren't allowed to cuck their mate after 4 years of marriage" propaganda. Always makes me wonder how monks and nuns cope. And why they manage to live so long relative to other people. Despite many never having sex at all. (Aside of these "priest rape cases," which incidentally is also used for cherry-picked propaganda in form of "abstinence makes you rape children." So even if abstinence lets monks live longer, and child abuse is the exception, with abstinence being the reason for it being doubly so an exception, if not even simply being a pedophiles excuse (IT WAS SATAN WHO MADE ME DO IT)... Monks should have to completely destroy themselves and become hedonist addicts with a low life expectancy, because retarded propaganda dictates it.)

Incels don't want prostitutes, though. They want loving girlfriends. And people who visit prostitutes don't off themselves because they are "stigmatized," but because it finalizes them being unlovable losers. And it makes them feel dirty, because their empathetic view lets them know that they have tainted themselves with whorecuntliquids forever. Your agenda is propaganda, too.

>> No.13381946

That's why lions kill the cubs of other male lions

>> No.13381964

The west is dying what's the point.

>> No.13382000

And I always ask myself why you need statistics for this kind of obvious sentiment? Of course people who fuck around have no concept of loyalty or trust. Nor are they capable of projecting it into the future = they can't think ahead. But still people get married to those types. Has social intelligence really dropped this much off a rock over the last 100 years, or have humans always been this retarded, and it was simply intelligent people of the past having installed good ideals by threatening people via punishment of law (god)? I would never take anything but a virgin. Based on trivial social intelligence.

>> No.13382009

WTF is this thing?


>> No.13382020

Of course people then shit up wikipedia and the entire internet today with their "virginity is bad and we don't know why it's good" dunning-kruger propaganda pseudosciences.

>> No.13382306
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Take an example of this guys and the thots will sort themselves out.

>> No.13382427

Did we all get our heart broken and that's why we are like this, anon?

>> No.13382446

Weakness in economy

>> No.13382474

Kinda got tired of being a dancing monkey. Also I got cucked pretty hard in my last relationship. Still recovering desu.

>> No.13382519
File: 66 KB, 1000x305, ishygddt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. woman