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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13376647 No.13376647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is their problem? I want to get just one fucking match and I will instantly delete this piece of shit and never use it again. one fucking match.

I bet they are targeting people like me with this tinder plus and tinder boost bullshit, knowing that I won't quit until I get the one single match I'm looking for. At this point I don't even want nothing to do with some random degenerate whore, I just want the fucking match. Is that too much to ask for?
I literally make a new profile every half a year, with high confidence, "this time I will get a match", but every time my hopes get brutally destroyed. The app is fully rigged and they are squezing every single penny out of your pockets with their bullshit P2W shit which doesn't even work. They are using people like me just like casinos are using addicted gamblers. I fucking hate these jews.

what the fuck am I supposed to do in order to get the desired match and break myself free of this prison set by jews? Do I have to walk up on the street to a random roastie and threathen her to give me the fucking like on tinder.

>I'm fucking tired of this bullshit scam

>> No.13376687

why do you want a "match" so badly? the truth is that even if you are completely average, there's always gonna be fatties and single mothers desperate enough to like you, but you won't necessarily like them back so there won't be a match. if you really wanna know if people like you just fucking pay for tinder gold and shut the fuck up.

>> No.13376694

horrendous innit.
then again, go outside and meet a woman

oh yeah, you dont know how to. me neither. we're stuck in this fucking dystopian nightmare

>> No.13376704

Post a pic of yourself.

>> No.13376710


Honestly the problem is probably you. Tough pill to swallow, but likely the root of your predicament.

>> No.13376713

You can hide some of your face if you’re paranoid.

>> No.13376715

Like I said, I just want to get the match for the sake of it. I can't believe that there is not a single women who would even accidently give me a like. the game is fully rigged

>> No.13376736

You’re just ugly and autistic

>> No.13376758

>Tinder thread
inb4 200 replies

>> No.13376760

I dont think you appreciate the competition you're up against. Average women have their pick of countless chads, if your profile does not make you look like a 9 or 10 or super interesting, there's no chance

>> No.13376768

Post face. You can compile a montage and not tell us which face is yours, and we'll assess them all

>> No.13376769

and why should they? do you even understand with how many men you're competing? stop thinking in pre-social media tinted glasses, you're literally up against thousands of dudes in one area, also consider than women would rather fuck the same hot guy than settle for somebody else and you'll realize that the odds are not in your favor. I guarantee you there is a normal woman out there who you could match with but given the situation, just how likely is this to happen? not much. just deal with it faggot

>> No.13376770

>tfw live in rural area and only have 50 matches
feels bad

>> No.13376784
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Are you not man enough to swipe right on beauties like this?

>> No.13376790
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I get about 5 a day with this. Usually one is very attractive (8+) but don't always reply although already met up with one. Had it for a week now.

>> No.13376798

Don't worry about it too much Prandeep, all pajeets have a tough time getting matches.

>> No.13376803

Obese, polgyamous, single mothers, tattoos, extremely unattractive is what I get in the states.
Cute but not hot, quirky, intelligent, sweet, generous, normal weight is what I get when I travel outside the states.

>> No.13376804
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Just turned 21

>> No.13376811

Idk how to put this without sounding like a fag but the last girl I fucked said verbatim “you look like a college chad” and even I got sub par results from tinder. Sure I had over a hundred matches but I had to dance like a court jester and say all the right things to get girls far uglier in person than their pictures to meet up, most of the sex was extremely sub par as well (though one art hoe off there was one of the best lays of my life but she ghosted). Tinder gives these thots unlimited options, don’t play their game lads. You have to be damn near a male model, have perfect pics and amazing text game to pull above average girls on tinder. The internet had me stooping to girls far below my capabilities, get your shit together and talk to girls irl, they lose their shitty attitude in person.

>> No.13376815



>> No.13376826

sad state of affairs

>> No.13376837

I'm pretty sure meeting up with a 7 or 8 and having date arranged with 9 next week is approaching chad tier or maybe already there.

>> No.13376845

It's because of the structure of your face and shitty profile bio and lack of self-awareness of it is the cringe part.

>> No.13376847


>> No.13376850

Also why don't you post yourself or give us some chad advice?

Everyone here is so eager to criticise each other yet no one ever offers help or ideas.

>> No.13376866

Are you saying I have a Chad face? I'm fairly sure I don't and have been successful cause funny

Also what's wrong with bio pls?

>> No.13376897
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holy fuck

>> No.13376899

Clear skin hygiene, defined jaw, low-body fat, full head of hair, nice teeth. You're also 6'3".

Your profile could say "pee pee poo poo buy link" and you would have chicks messaging you regardless. Everything is wrong with it.

>> No.13376910
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in my criteria, I'm absolute chad. But the thing is, that everyone has their own criteria. I acknowledge the fact that my criteria is very different from the majority.

the fun part is that I actually managed to lose my kissless status by making out with absolute 5/5 goddess just a week ago, after giving an hour long monolog lecture of my superiority. that was pretty bizarre desu.

>> No.13376923

big yikes

>> No.13376932


>then again, go outside and meet a woman
>oh yeah, you dont know how to

You *DO* know how. Women are programmed not to react to advances unless it comes with some batshit ego boost VIA likes and thumbs up.

>> No.13376949

One? Lmao dude I have over 400 and only been on for like a year

>> No.13376994
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impressive. this thread is not concerning you then. unless you want to share some tips.

>> No.13377047

Christ died on the cross 2019 years ago today so that some woman could shit out this sad wretch?

>> No.13377064

I'm ugly and therefore dont use Tinder. Simple as that

>> No.13377129

>waaah waah women don't like me
>"why don't women like me?"
This is a real tough one, anon. Hope you can figure it out.

>> No.13377135
File: 3.32 MB, 1440x2560, 20190419_125422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matched with this QT the other day
Gonna pound her gash in at my crib

>> No.13377182

All these responses to this comment are exactly what you need to hear anon, based asf

>> No.13377201

The reason you don't get matches is cause your profile fucking reeks of non-self awareness. Bet you have mirror selfies you tiny feeble faggot.

>> No.13377213

Why is this on /biz/ - Business & Finance?

>> No.13377227

>increase your search range to max
>don't log in for a few days
>log in
>decrease your search range to min
>only get the people who liked you

Or if you somehow can't get any matches still, increase the time you don't open tinder. Longer you are off tinder, harder algorithm works to find you a match so it can spam you to open it.

>> No.13377239
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because I'm /biz/nessman
actually not
what are the odds, that no one accidently or inadvertenly likes my profile? that is my point. Tinder isn't even showing it to anyone.

>> No.13377260

>be black
>at a huge disadvantage when it comes to online dating
>still have 660 matches on tinder

If you’re white and can’t do well on tinder, then you’re truly ugly

>> No.13377302

hahaha we are the same bruh.
whats funny is i have been growing braids, which I know is a turn off for a bunch of uppity white hoes in my city, yet have still been pulling at decent rates this past year. u ugly fools need to hit the gym and stack link

>> No.13377307

Do you live in some garbagetier rural town? It's fine if you are under 35 and live in a high density area, even if you're not a chad. Just have some charm or something interesting in your profile. Maybe you're just boring or live in some rural hickville.

Do you swipe right on every profile? Maybe you'd have matched with some uggo you swiped left on.

>> No.13377311

Have sex.

>> No.13377371

20yo in a million+ habitant metropolis.

>> No.13377404
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Think like a true /biz/nessman. Whores get paid to have sex with men, you get paid for selling cryptocurrency. Would you expect someone to randomly give you 50 bucks in BTC or ETH if you just post your address everywhere? No, of course not, then why do you expect the same thing from the sex market? What you're doing is asking people to give you for free a commodity that has a price. It's no wonder it's going to be almost impossible.

>> No.13377413

I have had the exact same experience.

Want to know why?

You and I just aren't attractive - and women only want to fuck attractive men. Tinder is real life but streamlined. Accept it or surrender to the negativity.

>> No.13377447
File: 501 KB, 1389x2194, IMG_20190417_194641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No tips but here's a kek from this past weekend

She was a absolute brap hog milf and I was still wasted so couldn't even tell lmak

>> No.13377477

>woke her up to jerk off on her
>didn't jack off and wake her up to a blast of jizz into the eye socket

>> No.13377482

Not sure if they still have the feature, but I got so many dates on that app just by connecting my instagram to my profile. It's a business IG that has like 30k+ followers. Before I did it I was rarely able to get past having a basic convo. After adding my IG it was like night and day. They trust you more and high follower counts are just as good as having millions of dollars to them. Pretty wild but it works.

>> No.13377495

She must have been still water also because I fucked her then just pulled out all over her body

>> No.13377507

then she's just bitching about not orgasming

>> No.13377543

Clout is seriously the most important thing to thots now.


>> No.13377603

Wow, you must be grotesque. RIP.

>> No.13377623

My fellow nigga

>> No.13377695

plz write PhD instead of phd

>> No.13377722
File: 412 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20190418-131209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post conversation and I'll let you know if you're going to smash.

Pic related is before.

>> No.13377733
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yeah,I don't get it.
>go to gym and be yourself
literally 5 years of training, 6'2 ; 198lbs ; ~11-12% bodyfat
My noticeably asymmetric face makes it all worth nothing.

>> No.13377752

Wtf does sled mean

>> No.13377756
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After smashing

>> No.13377772

Dude literally go on Instagram and find smutty bitches in your area and ask how much they charge. Instagram is backpage now just be discreet and ask to talk over kik or something
Check for the lipstick emoji it’s a unanimous sign of escort service be warned though it won’t be cheap(1k starting) otherwise call one over some escort service damn why are incels so dumb

>> No.13377798

the be yourself meme isn't for you but for the other party. Nobody wants to weave through bullshit to discover a POS.

>> No.13377825
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>implying that I'm a degenerate who can't resist biological powers
kek. what a degenerate you must be if you genuinely propose that.

>> No.13377849

is that a man?

>> No.13377864


>> No.13377871

Lol so you’re a masochist then? I mean seeing how sex is pretty easy to pay for nowadays and you’re obviously starved enough of it you had to shitpost about it here it sounds like you just want (You)’s

>> No.13377872

moar plz

>> No.13377873
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Currently waiting for this slut to message. Will ruin.

Yeah I fucked his asshole

>> No.13377876

Nice, post more.

>> No.13377889
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Day after

>> No.13377895

More. And explain what 'sled' means.

>> No.13377900

yeah, gay most likely

>> No.13377906
File: 8 KB, 250x202, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you even read the thread? I said many times that only thing I'm interested in is getting a match on tinder. nothing else. I can easily maintain celibate, when I can look at myself through mirror and masturbate

>> No.13377923


>> No.13377928 [DELETED] 
File: 2.21 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20170611_101546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sled is sc law enforcement.

Gayer than a 3 dollar bill

>> No.13377935

I got a match a week in a medium sized college town and I'm pretty average. Maybe you're just ugly.

>> No.13377952

Ah. So you’re being literal lol ok well here’s another (You) go shitpost on /b/

>> No.13377955
File: 2.19 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20170611_101546-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sled is sc law enforcement

Gayer than a 3 dollar bill

>> No.13378187

How old was she

>> No.13378203


lmao incel

>> No.13378338

You're too ugly for modern society. This is the issue.

>> No.13378366

Massive cringe

>> No.13378379

This is post hits the nail on the head and no replies? For fucking shame. Anon you are me.

>> No.13378405


This is correct. Real world I can pull 7-9's. Online that switches to 5-7's. Women have too many options online. Some of the average ones that I'm casual with show me their matches and they basically have every dude imaginable hitting them up constantly.

>> No.13378412

tinder only works if you're not ugly and you know how to text-flirt

>> No.13378457

Yet you want the dopamine hit from getting a match on tinder.... But are unable to. It's time to realise your lot in life buddy and suck it up.

>> No.13378981

What will be the catalyst that gets women back in line? I’m projecting a generation of suicidal cat ladies or roasties that will have to settle for a beta and wind up on Prozac because they hate their lives so much. Problem is they will cope and blame men, something needs to happen to balance the scales. Imagine 30 years ago before cell phones, no woman could juggle 5-10 dudes a week unless they were really something special I would imagine (if any legit boomers are in here and care to confirm or correct this idea it would be appreciated). If someone can figure out an app or something that takes them off the pedestal and makes the dating game at least resemblance of 30-40 years ago they would make a killing.

>> No.13379007

Let me guess she pump and dumped you? It’s cool banging girls like that but eventually you realize all of them are stringing along and possibly fucking 5+ dudes at a time and it gets old/feels gross if you have morals slightly above a nigger.

>> No.13379052

Just come to south Texas you'll get TONS of matches. Lived up north never had any matches. Move to Texas, fucking Tinder stays lit 24/7.

>> No.13379060

I got banned from tinder.

>> No.13379071

It's fucking easy to get a match. I a 25 kissless virgin and actually downloaded Tinder back in 2016, before I accepted that I will die a virgin. I got around 250 matches in 3 months, not including bots. I think a lot of people just swipe right by default. Anyone can get a match. But women only want Chad.

>> No.13379241

Jannys off on god Friday I see fucking nogger