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File: 12 KB, 400x450, nj-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13374774 No.13374774 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck this god forsaken piece of shit State. By far the worst state in the fucking union. From the fucking taxes to the logistical aspects of the State itself, everything about this piece of shit region sucks and I'm leaving this place ASAP. I'm practically begging recruiters to get me out of here:

>Pay ridiculous New York city taxes for not living in New York City
>Half of the State is affected by NYC, the other portion affected by Philly.
>All of our cities are SHIT. The northern cities are essentially extensions of NYC, and Trenton and Camden are complete shitholes
>The State is essentially endless, cookie cutter suburbs with no local culture and no nightlife
>Everyone is a fucking asshole
>Logistically a fucking nightmare. Traffic for days. Route 18, Route 1 are a fucking joke. If you want to get anywhere in the State you'll have to pay
>Major trucking state, deal with trucks ALL THE FUCKING TIME, motels and diners for truckers is NJ they say, they are right
>Oppressive State government has made starting a family and life here literally impossible through outrageous property taxes, good luck finding a house
>NJ cops and courts are essentially the mafia
>Pay a fee to enjoy the FUCKING BEACH


North Jersey is essentially an extension of NYC, but its not NYC and its shit
Central Jersey is nothing, has no culture, just cookie cutter suburbs
South Jersey is no mans land and full of hicks

fuck this state

>> No.13374831

The armpit of the nation lol. Feel bad for anyone living there. Always tops the outbound list for people moving out

>> No.13374850

Oh yea and another fucking thing. Job market. Nj's job market is fucking weird because NYC affects the state and a good portion of people commute north. The other half of the state is filled with either Pharma jobs or State/government jobs. That's about it.

>> No.13375004

Nj sucks in a lot of ways but it is nowhere near the worst state. Will agree on the bullshit traffic and cops though. Police here are tooled up fucking predators looking to suck the life out of wagies trying to get to Mr. shekelberg's office on time. They run these speeding ticket rackets and the courts literally let you bribe them with a massive surcharge to get points taken off. No idea where all the money is going because the state is falling apart .

>> No.13375110

So true, your state sucks balls. I live literally 15 minutes from Fort Lee via the GWB and still haven't set food in NJ in at least a year.

>> No.13375294

True, I fuck with cape may thought I wish the state wasnt so or else I'd buy a house there and chill out

>> No.13375695

Worse than California? Seriously though, anon. Move to kansas if you are while. People are good and there is everything you need.

>> No.13375716

>By far the worst state in the fucking union
that would be Maine.

>> No.13375728
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You guys keep moving here and voting in tax happy leftists like ex-Californians do in Texas
Why are you doing this to us?
>t. PA

>> No.13375742

Jesus that looks like the Korea peninsula

>> No.13375960

It all makes sense now. This explains Fort Lee. Case closed.

>> No.13375979

Maine is like 94% white. Comfy also way less liberal than Vermont.

>> No.13376262

NJ has the most amazing food though. On par with NYC food, mainly the pizza and bagels.

>> No.13376319
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The entire east coast is a smelly shithole full off shitheads who cant drive

>> No.13376344
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>most amazing food
mfw merkins think that pizza can ever be amazing food

>> No.13376426

You haven't had amazing pizza if you think pizza is bad

>> No.13376458

It is worse than California. It's basically California without the nice weather.

>> No.13376532

Doesn't Connecticut top that list? It for sure sucks here too

>> No.13376553

Pizza and bagels are fucking amazing here in the Bronx you cuck. Stop by sometime I'll show you some of the best street food NYC has to offer.

>> No.13376638

left out how NJ taxes rain.

>> No.13376665

A foreigner impression of NJ is it's ethnically a middle east of the united states. Jews and Arabs everywhere.

>> No.13376668

I feel like NJ is the cumrag of NY and other states near it. You guys really do get the short end of the stick, you don't have the appeal that NY does. Practically a flyover tier state that's surrounded by better places.

>> No.13376688

Our pizza is eons ahead of the shit you serve in the EU. And yes, I've tried that shit in the EU, it sucks dick.

>> No.13376700
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good thing this state will be the first to get nuked in the up coming WW3.

>> No.13376709

OP, my exit plan to NC began 4 months ago, and ETA is the following summer. I hate this fucking literal hell hole.
My house has depreciated in value by 12% since moving in 10 years ago. Factor in the exit tax, and I'll be taking about a $60,000 hit just to leave. And I don't even fucking care because.....
Aggressive or passive-aggressive, take your pick, but everyone living here hates it and wants out, and they take their mysery out on each other, whether it be on the road, at work, at the check-out line, doesn't matter. Everyone is in a hurry, and is getting nowhere.
Want an IT job? Sorry anon, Pajeet H1B just took it for 2/3rd the proper salary. He probably doesn't even have the proper certifications, but that college in Fukistan is a great equivalent!
You'll find endless jobs like this being posted here asking for an endless impossible list of qualifications, and a salary about 1/2 what it should be, given the criteria. The employers are so fucked running their businesses here that they have no choice but to hire 1/2 or more H1Bs.
But even with that fuckery, the biggest issue here is the outstanding teacher pension liabilities. We're like 4 years away from our first default on them. The union here will not renegotiate or even change the policy for new teachers. At some point, either taxpayers get nuked to cover it and everyone bails out of NJ, or someone makes the call to slash their pensions, and people that paid into it their whole lives get royally fucked and end up becoming charity. Either way, tax payers are on the hook for that fuck-up, and they can't kick the can any further.

>> No.13376718

Attempting to buy a house for my parents in Jersey and this place is awful for finding anything cheap and whatever is there it’s tiny and it’s septic is fucked or foreclosed

>> No.13376737

>Surrounded by better places

That's the idea, retard. From a comfy nj suburb, you're within 40 minutes to an hour and a half from NYC, Philly, the shore, Atlantic City, etc. Even locally, you have access to tons of great restaurants, bars, Six Flags, other shit to do. There's a reason NJ comes at a premium, and that's because it isn't a bumfuck state like Kansas where the only thing within 5 hours in any direction is dirt.

>> No.13376742

Ughh I'm from New Jersey, can't believe how long I've been living here, op you make me Wana move

>> No.13376832

Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.13377071

>From a comfy nj suburb

That's the fucking problem you retard. We have no culture because we're stuck in between Philly and NYC, and who wants to fucking take an hour to commute to NYC? And pay NYC/Commiefornie tier taxes for not living in the prestige of NYC or the weather of Cali?

Atlantic City is a joke. It's the Chinatown to Las Vegas.

NJ beaches are a disgusting mess and you have to pay to get on the beach, practically extortion for a public area

This state is a piece of fucking shit. You essentially pay exorbiant prices for *access* to Philly or NYC without living there.

I'm heading south and never looking back. Either Florida, Texas, Arizona or Atlanta GA. Maybe even Raleigh. Anything but NJ, NY, and CA

>> No.13377108

You know you can just live in those better places? You fucking nigger, of course you wouldn't understand. Must be an italian too, fucking niggers man, the nerve of them thinking they're human

>> No.13377120

>That's the idea, retard. From a comfy nj suburb, you're within 40 minutes to an hour and a half from NYC, Philly, the shore, Atlantic City, etc. Even locally, you have access to tons of great restaurants, bars, Six Flags, other shit to do
I will GLADY trade all that silly hipster shit to not feel like I want to murder everything. By the time you get in and out of any of these wonderful hellholes (sans Jackson 6 flags area), you're guaranteed to have sat through an additional stretch of time in the form of endless construction, an accident, or just volume, the mood is ruined, and now you're poor because the bridge/tunnel + parking will hit you up the poop chute hard. You're also now late for whatever engagement you were heading there for in the first place. Fuck the cities, they're filthy shitholes, and even the elitist snobs that live there know it deep down, but refused to admit it because it would be admission of being retarded with their finances. That's why they constantly shill it to each other and everyone they run into outside of the bubble.

>> No.13377156

I have immediate family that live outside Raleigh, so I'm not a complete NJfag transplant.

>> No.13377189
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Fellow NJ brother right here, he knows whats up! Can feel the frustration from here only an NJ resident can make.

NYC and Philly are so fucking overrated anyway, they are just liberal shitholes, now they elected for a "congestion traffic" tax in NYC, LMAO, what a bunch of dumb fucking cucks.

Yeah and the Edison area is practically little India now. Indians have taken over the central part of the State. NJ does make assholes, it rubs off everyone, everyone is overworked in the USA but its especially bad in this part of the country.

Of course it is, you *MUST* make over $100k in order to support a family here in most parts of the State. Even if you are a single dude, EVEN IF YOU ARE SINGLE, you'd be hard pressed to live comfortably on a salary below $50k. Between taxes, insurance and rent you might walk away with ~10% left.

Our weather is FUCKING TERRIBLE. You know why? Because we get the extremes. For some reason NJ is cursed with bi-polar weather. We have freezing cold winters and blazing hot summers. We have maybe 2-3 weeks of moderate weather where we can enjoy ourselves in between Spring/Fall and then its back to retarded 30 degrees winter weather and 90 degrees Summer.

Fuck this state, Fuck NJ, I fucking hate it, I'm with you brother. All the sane people head south

>> No.13377193

You might as well just live in eastern PA or new castle DE and take the longer commute to either the beach or to NY, if the only redeeming factor of a state is that you can go somewhere that isn't shit, then why not move there instead?

>> No.13377344

Because unlike bumfuck, flyover cowtown PA and the soulless, sales tax sanctuary known as Delaware, NJ is a great, diverse state with a ton to do in a relatively small space. The central location is just a bonus.

>> No.13377476


>> No.13377525

Well, as long as you're happy. I used to live in central jersey and frankly my life has gotten better after I left. The best beach in the state (Cape May or Ocean City) pales in comparison to beaches in other states.

I will concede that the restaurant scene in NJ is underrated, though.

>> No.13377608

I've been all over the US and Europe. I have tons of issues with NJ, believe me, but it is simply home to me. There's something I find incredibly unnerving about people from the Midwest and beyond. It is this creepy, passive aggressive fake kindness everywhere you go. People on here have described NJ people as 'angry', which has some truth, but what you see is what you get. Everyone's up front with each other at all times, and as a result there's no lingering tension or weirdness. And yeah, NJ has great food. I'm also spoiled by how short everything is from each other. Densest state in the nation, which has it's own ups and downs.

>> No.13377626
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>> No.13377638

One of my personal red flags for women is if they are from NJ.

>> No.13377649

Denial lol. NJ sucks, thank God I moved away to Florida. Good weather, friendly people, cheap living, no snobby uptight neighbors. The list goes on. NJ fucking sucks lmao

>> No.13377673

People from the northeast are aggressive loud assholes and atrocious drivers - but they are fast drivers though

West coast is chill and east coast below jersey is chill

>> No.13377675

>NJ has great food

No it doesn't. Where do you live? Our suburbs are filled with chain restaurants. Filled to the fucking gills. All of the talent is vacuumed up north to NYC or to Philly, get outta here.

>> No.13377677

Working in Newark in IT
Living in jersey city (little India) and my curry is now delicious due to the available ingredients.
Could be worse desu. Yes drivers are nightmarish but I’m remote 2-3x per week

>> No.13377691

Literally posting in this thread from my office in Newark. You in PRU?

>> No.13377711

how much do you pay in property taxes?
my relatives pay like $12k/year to live in a philly bedroom community

>> No.13377713

Left the Mid-Atlantic Region over a year ago. Living in based Texas now with no income taxes, new truck, guns, white people as far as the eye can see and tendies. Comfy as fuck, OP. Come be me.

>> No.13377718

How the fuck dare you? Jersey is for the strong, and weeds out the weak poorfag birds who fly south for the winter. If you come here with no cash behind your name, then you don’t get to enjoy our world class beaches, 4 seasons, pine barrens and other state parks, world class restaurants, central location to the entire eastern seaboard and 6+ mountain ranges, beautiful women, Ivy League schools, and vast cultural superiority to hick shitholes like Arkansas or wherever the fuck your broke ass moves too. This is a pay to play state and it’s game over for you, peasant.

>> No.13377726

Looks like a shitty copy pasta some NJ cuck would make

Literally nothing you said is true. and college is a scam

>> No.13377728

Maybe. Don’t dox yourself.

>> No.13377732

Have you ever been to some of the other smaller cities? I tend to like them as a good compromise.

Princeton has a nice restaurant scene. It's too damn expensive to live in for what it is, though.

>> No.13377745
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>Jersey is for the strong
indeed. we can't all be as enlightened as the fine people of new jersey

>> No.13377755

I live in Middlesex. Amazing family owned Italian restaurants in every fucking direction. The pizzeria market is a bit saturated, but there's tons of great bagel delis, Indian, Asian, you name it. Obviously we have chain bullshit but it isn't nearly as bad as other places.

>> No.13377765
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jerzee represent yo fuck livin aroun trees n shit dawg

>> No.13377768

Lol I live near the area, get outta here buddy you're in denial, its not that great

>> No.13377786

I live here North Jersey is the worst because of everything you just said but as a South Jersey anon id say its kind of comfy a house of the square feet and features is around double the price up in north jersey

>> No.13377823

*a house of equal square feet and features is around double in north NJ compared to south

>> No.13377828

I can disprove that with one word:

>> No.13377863

Commiefornia is better than NJ for 2 reasons, one the weather, two the women. That's about it.

And as a bonus you get actual culture and real cities. NJ has no culture and has no effective cities. Trenton is a crime ridden dump and the rest of the cities are extensions of NYC like what OP said

>> No.13377968

Idk I just fled Illinois and would beg to differ. Illinois loses more people per year and has higher pension debt. The state's governor is a Jew and Chicago just elect their first dike sheboon mayor. Things are going south very quickly. Imagine paying NJ prices but being in bumfuck Midwest. At least New Jersey has other stuff going on in the East coast, NYC, Philly, not Chicago. Lake Michigan is cold af, Wisconsin and Michigan maybe for weekend trips. That's it. Every other direction is corn.

Illinois < New Jersey < California. Easy.

>> No.13377981

>libshits on steroids
>higher prices on EVERYTHING
>taxes are double
>no rights of any kind (even NJ has to have some rights)

>> No.13377987

That's unironically a picture of Camden, NJ, just down the road from me.

NJ has been under a democratic led legislature for decades. Along with Cali and NY, we are setting the example of what the left is capable of. Our governor is a SJW panderer who literally campaigned on raising taxes in the highest taxed state and won, because he also campaigned for muh legal weed.

t. SouthJerseyfag

>> No.13378074

Gloucester & Camden county are nice as long as you stay away from the city of Camden, Pennsauken, Lindenwold & Paulsboro. Thankfully small towns are making a huge comeback and we have Collingswood, Haddonfield, Pitman, etc right in our own backyards

>> No.13378198

Literally the same thing in nj

>> No.13378229

I'm in Burlington County. I admit we're better off than North Jersey, but we're all still within the confines of NJ. Trenton will continue to suck the money and life from every citizen and there will never be anything to show for it except a ton of public sector workers enjoying their retirements.

>> No.13378312

Joizee u pleb

>> No.13378332

The thing I will say bad about nj is that it seems like the highways were designed by diversity hires

>> No.13378375

Central jersey here, i literally spend every weekend in philly or nyc, this state sucks except for beaches

>> No.13378390

>crypto gains tax in Commiefornia is 13.3% (highest in the nation obviously), whereas NJ is 9%
>firearms basically illegal in Commiefornia, but not as much in Jew Jersey
>rent price in Commiefornian cities is $500 higher
>gas price in Commiefornia is over $4, while in kike Jersey it's only $2.50
>Schlomo Jersey actually has a Republican party
>10% fewer people voted for Trump in commiefornia in 2016
>even straws are illegal in Commiefornia
I could go on and on, but you should get the point.

>> No.13378468

Who cares about crypto tax, firearms are illegal in both, rental price is on par with NJ, who cares about gas price, NJs republican party is actually Democrat, Trump is essentially a liberal anyway

You're grasping for straws buddy but at least in Cali you get great weather and beautiful women with fake titties. They are both shit though.

>> No.13378487

That's because pizza's in europe aren't as big(literally and metaphorically), and no, I'm not talking about chain pizza. If you live in philly/nyc/jersey and eat chain pizza you deserve to get shot on sight

>> No.13378506

Also Cali has the tech giants, NJ has jack shit except for pharma. You keep forgetting that NJ is like a ghost state because all of the jobs are sucked away into NYC and Philly

>> No.13378530

I just want yankie pizza :'(

>> No.13378746

You mean, a commuter city. A shit ton of those workers are people who either can't afford to live there or "dislike the city life" living in Jersey City.

>> No.13378920

Have you guys ever had to go to Indiana?

>> No.13379002

What's the comfiest state to live in if you want a calm life surrounded by caucasians?

>> No.13379082


Had an offer out there with a package of about $85k-$90k overall benefits/guaranteed

But for some reason I just couldn't make the jump from a similar state. NJ just seemed to be a runt for NYC. I could've suffered it out for a year or two until I'd make more than enough to afford the city but I ultimately pussed out.

It just seemed like my money was in on way going to go as far as I think it would even if I was frugal and that there'd probably never be enough time for me in the day unless I find a way to buy it or multitask day after day. On the other hand, maybe the city that never sleeps molds you into being an over productive passive aggressive type lol.

>> No.13379128

the one friend I have is from New Jersey and he booked it once he turned 18 lol

>> No.13379381

24 and have a good job in Pharma and afraid I'll end up stuck here for the rest of my life

only thing keeping me sane is that I'm an hour train ride from NYC/Philly

hoping to keep saving up and move to one of those two by 26

i can feel the traffic and jaded assholes sucking the life out of me

>> No.13379408

$85-90k sounds good until you factor in the taxes, paying $1200-1600 a month for an apartment if you want to live alone, burning through a tank of gas every week from sitting in traffic, etc.

>> No.13380155

bump need more people to shit on Jersey with

>> No.13380248

732 here. Comfy as fuck. Stay mad faggots. Also, it's really not that hard to get guns in NJ. If you live in a white town it is super easy. If you live in a nog town it is just as easy but takes a little longer.

>> No.13380555

Man, I feel the same way about Portland, Oregon. I have been planning my escape from here for some time. The only thing holding me back is I am making bank right now.

Here are just some of the shitty things about this place:
1. Homeless bums are camped fucking everywhere.
2. Said homeless bums drop their loads fucking everywhere.
3. Some bums don't camp out in tents, they camp out in broken down vans that take up all the parking spots along a lot of the streets.
4. Pink haired SJW's make up about 50% of the population.
5. Everyone is a fucking flaming liberal. The only based people live in the suburbs or Vancouver, Washington.
6. The liberal politicians let Antifa block traffic without repurcussions. Also let them kick in your fucking car doors and bash out your windows without lifting a finger to try and stop it.
7. I could go on all fucking day but I need to go to the liquor store to help cope with this shit.

>> No.13380581

Fellow 732 bro here. What crypto are you invested in?

>> No.13380598

>2. Said homeless bums drop their loads fucking everywhere.
Lmao. Really tho this sucks. Oregon is probably the state I'd like to visit the most.

>> No.13380627


Yeah, I'm in a blue state too so I know how much more things can cost...

The jump just didn't seem worth it enough and I wasn't dead set on locking into eventually moving into NYC. It seemed really cool but shit man I can save more elsewhere.

>> No.13380643

Nj fellow
Thought this was a big pharma state
Major in bio
3.5 gpa
Only offers from labs were 13 an hour no retirement benefits

Idk anymore

>> No.13380701

Yeah luckily even tho NJ is still pretty expensive I'm in a position where I can save a good bit. Goal is to just live in NYC for a few years while I'm young just to get it out of my system. From what I've heard it really is an amazing place to live, but the novelty wears off quickly and you start to become jaded at how unnecessarily expensive everything is and how you could save so much more in other cities, but we will see. It's been a goal of mine to live there for a while now.

>Major in bio
There's your mistake. Need to major in Engineering (Biomed, Chem, Mech, Industrial) or get a PhD in Bio from a good school to make it in Big Pharma

Bio bachelors alone don't qualify you for shit except maybe to be a test tube monkey

>> No.13380730

Dont think chem pays any more than bio here look it up on indeed. Most chemist jobs ask for masters if you want to make 20

>> No.13380763

I'm talking about engineering, son.

Biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, etc.

Those will give you 30/hr starting with just a BS

>> No.13380771

I worked in Indiana for about a year. Literally the only good thing is cheap housing, but good luck getting a stable job. I'd say it's a decent state for a career start, but there's just no room for advancement.

>> No.13380782

The state is great. Just stay out of Portland and Eugene. The rest of the state is beautiful. Great if you like the outdoors. Come Late May - Early October though unless you like endless depressing rain.

>> No.13380881

>a state
burgers are fucking retards

>> No.13380899

wtf you're right
it's a tried and true caliphate
who could forget

>> No.13380900

You think a biomedical engineer degree would be fast if i already have a bachelors of science in bio. Dont think i can waste away another four years at uni

>> No.13380940

Take the GRE and do an MS in BME

Lots of masters programs will let you in as long your undergrad was STEM even if it wasn't engineering, as long as your GRE score is good.

Will probably take 2 years instead of 4 and you'll have an advanced degree instead of double bachelors

>> No.13381657

Florida looks like THAT now?
Big if true

>> No.13382463

>nobody has anything more than a highschool education
>average income is 18 thousand dollars

yeah. sure. "comfy".