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13372871 No.13372871 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I realize chasing money is a worthless pursuit because the whole concept of money is to enslave others making them work for something that has no inherent value and that those in power can print endless supply off and that the only worthy pursuit in this short life is to try figure life’s meaning while avoiding taking any part in ((their)) game

>> No.13372874

Life doesn't have any meaning. Make money passively so you don't have to be on the ass end of their game just to be comfortable.

>> No.13372875

fast forward
life is about energy, about you being able to use energy that is not your own
now you want the power and money is a tool to get power

>> No.13372882

That's the world we live in. Accept it and accumulate wealth or stay poor.

>> No.13372894

t. brainwashed goyims

>> No.13372911
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You shut your fucking mouth you little bitch. I have more power than you could ever imagine. Just to drop your pathetic little roach brain a hint; The Queen of England is going to die in October.

>> No.13372933


It's the greatest hustle of all time, and all of humanity is completely blind to it.

You have to admit those jewish gangsters are clever.

>> No.13372963

Literally why were in crypto, faggot.

>> No.13372976

>the whole concept of money is to enslave others


Instead of doing things for ourselves, or helping one another, money forces a master/slave relationships on our interactions.

"I will give you that piece of paper, but first you have to do this for me. And then that piece of paper will allow you to force others to do things for you"

A society built on money is a sick society, doomed from the beginning.

The alternative? Having a community where education is about learning how to grow your own food, build your own house, not depending on others to survive. And where our interactions are built on helping one another and sharing knowledge, rather than on master/slave relationships with a crab mentality where everyone tries to climb on top of one another.

>> No.13372982

It doesn't matter if money has no inherent value when you can exchange it for things that are valuable nonetheless. This is not a difficult concept. It's either this, or we all go back to being tribal hunter gatherers.

>> No.13372989

If everyone's a farmer, how's anyone supposed to have the time to specialize in fields greater than skills meant solely for survival? Get fucked, commie.

>> No.13372998

blackpill: life's meaning is immortality through reproduction and dynasty building
best way to achieve that? money
obviously you don't want to be a kike about it, else all that you sow is destruction, of both your enemy and your bloodline
just be excellent, and acquire resources as a natural consequence of your ability

>> No.13373048

Here comes the hate.

If your education taught you how to grow your food and build your house efficiently you wouldn't have to spend every day of your life doing it. You could have your own house quite young, without being enslaved to others on credit for 30 years. You wouldn't spend 10 hours a day growing your own food, you're not farming for 1000 people, just what you need for you and your family. Then once your basic needs are ascertained you can spend the rest of your time doing whatever, including pursuing knowledge, and sharing it with others rather than keeping it to yourself so you can enslave others. Sharing is such a horrible thing to you.

Right now you're entirely dependent on a society you can't function without. If this society collapses most people wouldn't know how to survive, it would be complete chaos.

>> No.13373074

mfw you are just another idiot pretending to know truth

>> No.13373114

Are you that schizo anon that said he sees the future and that Hillary is the next president?

>> No.13373141

Thats why everyone should pick up a Resistance masternode. Literal gains over the golden bull. Sell shovels don't look for gold.

>> No.13373200

Yeah that's me. I don't see the future, I remember the past. Time is in a loop.

>> No.13373203

>t. just read the Rothschild threads.

>> No.13373212

I will hustle my way to the top. You will remain a salty leftist cuck bitching about muh capitalism.

>> No.13373247

What does knowledge have to do with anything? This is like 1st grader shit. Literally everyone(except for total fuck retards) knows how to grow food and buil a house. Even if you never specifically saught ought the skill I'm sure you've someone swing a hammer or dress game before. Don't be mad at us because your stupid ass still hasn't figured out that 1+1 equals 2. You will never understand this because it is far beyond your mental capacity. People like you benefit more from out current systems anyway, so what the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.13373297


I bet you believe everything your teachers told you. Redpill you cuck.

>> No.13373427

I see. Remember chainlink or not?
And what do you attribute your power to? Why do you think you have it?


To the top of what? The pyramide? Well enjoy falling down the farthest when the pyramid built by others finally collapses, retard.

>> No.13373523

>I realize chasing money is a worthless pursuit...
Yes it is, the "chasing" and "pursuit" part, but it's really uninformed to deem it worthless. With your growth in ability and skill coupled by renown and reputation, the terminal role of chasing and pursuit goes to money and you'll never have to worry about it.

>...the whole concept of money is to enslave others making them work for something that has no inherent value...
It's not the whole concept of money, rather a fraction of it. It doesn't enslave, no one is stopping you to go off the grid and /out/living, no one is pushing you to get that new phone, no one is telling you to go to McDonald's. It's a powerful contemporary motivator, and something new will come along.

>...and that those in power can print endless supply off...
Yes they can, but no they won't. They can't risk turning it into Reichsmarks and bolívares soberanos.

>...that the only worthy pursuit in this short life is to try figure life’s meaning...
Yes. YES.

>..avoiding taking any part in ((their)) game
Chances are: you'd be found, deceased, in a gutter somewhere with a string of dead mutagens. As with the technology today, a single person can no longer store the current entirety of human knowledge to have all the bases filled as it was in the 1900, even a surgeon cannot perform a critical surgery on himself.

>> No.13373600

Chainlink is unironically a key component to helping me maintain order of these memories. Since most of the time when you remember something, you're not thinking about the date, and memories aren't always necessarily in order. You can remember two things at the same time that happened years apart. So I actually use Chainlink as an anchor to order memories around. It's not the only one, like Obviously the presidential election is in late 2020, so that's when I know Hillary gets elected. Anyway, the way I use Chainlink for this purpose is that it's the number 4 grower in the crypto market in 2021 (According to some website list. I don't remember which site, it's not one I ever use before or after. Someone just links it here on /biz/.) This is a memory that resonates with me because it's also its 4th year of existence since it came out in 2017. I know its kind of a dumb reason to remember it, but stupid shit like that helps me put memories together like mnemonic devices. So I got some memories I know that happen in 2021 because I'm pretty damn sure they're around this same time period.

Obviously you just care about making money, so I think it tops out around $4.50 USD, don't remember how many sats that is at the time. I actually don't follow it all that closely, despite the fact I know it's going to be an anchor memory, so I can't really give any good advice as to when you should get in and out other than when the top is.

>> No.13373608

I hate mentioning this because it obviously harms my credibility (what little if any I had, lol), but it all started with hallucinogens. I don't currently do them nor was I doing them when I started remembering things before they happened, but the first "event" I'd say was a really bad acid trip. I was getting extreme deja vu like every little action I took I've done a million times over and it gave me a massive panic attack. I've done hallucinogens before (mushrooms and lsd) and had a similar feeling like I was getting to something big and I'm pretty sure that was it. Like I finally broke through the mental barrier that prevents people from remembering the fact that they've lived the exact same life over and over again. It wasn't right away, but a couple years later after I hadn't done hallucinogens for quite some time, I started having similar deja vu "attacks" and it eventually developed to the point where I could not only remember things before they happened, but do it in a relatively calm manner that didn't result in these panic attack episodes. Although it's much more calm now, stress and extreme emotion are a great tool to really access this. So I've been thinking it's actually a survival mechanism that's linked to adrenaline. Like how it seems animals know bad shit is going down before humans even have a clue. I think it's something we lost when we developed reasoning abilities because our ancestors could figure out when something bad is going to happen through logic, rather than pure instinct.

>> No.13373658
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>Life doesn't have any meaning.

>> No.13373667

ok but do you want to live in a whole in the ground or live in a decent apartment? or how about afford good health care and medicine when you get older?

>> No.13373672

It doesn't, unless suffering is the meaning. Time is in a loop and that is an absolute hellish fact for the vast majority of living beings. Pitiful lives and gruesome deaths are the norm in this world. Doing it once is bad enough. Doing it repeatedly for all of eternity means that this place is literally hell for most life forms.

>> No.13373677

Yep, I will be a feudal overlord over plebs like you. Good thing I'll have guns, ammo, BTC and a doomsday bunker /innawoods/ and I will gun down all of you parasites if and when society crumbles.

>> No.13373698

t. Sub 90 IQ
If you believe that then why not kill yourself?

>> No.13373707

Because as shitty as life is for most living things, I got it pretty damn good in comparison. I die young anyway, so there's no point in speeding up the process only to be reborn and starting allover again.

>> No.13373717

So you don't believe what you're saying then, do you? You can't be anti-natalist if that is your opinion you dumb pseud

>> No.13373722


>> No.13373732

>the whole concept of money is to enslave others making them work for something that has no inherent value

But this is why i play the game ..

>> No.13373735

What do you mean I don't believe it? I didn't say life is hell for everyone. It's literally heaven for some people. I'm kind of on the edge of neutrality. For me, life is more like purgatory than anything. I feel like I'm just waiting most of the time and that's quite tolerable.

>> No.13373743
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>> No.13373757

Damn please tell me more about what the future can be like and how I can harness these abilities?

Why don't you try to go to public places and try to share the knowledge with people?

>> No.13373778

You can create meaning all while being aware it's still meaningless. What kind of pussy kills himself unless it's a survival option

>> No.13373789


>> No.13373799

So what the fuck are you talking about then
>Life is meaningless
[citation needed]

>> No.13373819

I agree time is not linear, but why would it continue in infinite loops? That doesn’t make much sense. I think what might be happening is that you can access the future somehow, but I don’t think it keeps happening again and again, I think every part of the time is happening at the same time but the way we process it is linear. Would you agree with that?

Wtf is that

>> No.13373859

Well I die young, so I don't see any part of the future that really impresses me. 2022 is just like 2019.
I already mentioned how "these abilities" began. I don't really do much to harness them. I kind of just sit around thinking about a topic and sometimes I remember something about it that hasn't happened yet. It just pops up like any other memory would. So this ability doesn't work for "surprise" events. Like I didn't remember the Christchurch shooting (or any shooting really) or Notre-Dame burning down, because I wasn't even remotely thinking about anything close to the subject before it happened.
>go out in public
Lol. As if anyone is going to be listen to the ranting and ravings of some guy on the street. I really don't have a whole lot to say anyway. So even the few people that take an interest would get bored of it easily. Not to mention the fact that I preemptively call the death of a world leader, like I said the Queen of England dies in October, so that's certainly going to get me on a list I don't want to be on.
I'm saying that the vast majority of people and other animals live a shitty life where they're constantly exerting themselves just to survive and it only ends when they finally meet their gruesome demise, like how most animals tend to die by getting eaten alive by another animal.
Yeah, I could definitely agree with that. I think maybe my perception of it may just be "loops". It's not like I think there's a first or last loop, so they're not really numbered. They just exist. Like how all of the information on a vinyl record is always in the same place, it just depends on where the needle is that determines what's currently being observed. What I really hate about this idea is that it means the future really is set in stone no matter what I do. It's not like I feel any different "this time" than I normally do. I had these memories "last time" and I still made all the same mistakes as "the time before that".

>> No.13373879


>> No.13373905

>I'm saying that the vast majority of people and other animals live a shitty life where they're constantly exerting themselves just to survive and it only ends when they finally meet their gruesome demise, like how most animals tend to die by getting eaten alive by another animal.
................................................and this is bad why?

>> No.13373934

Dude, if you don't have a problem with that in itself, then there's nothing I can say to change your mind.

>> No.13373952


And the whole queen prediction......no

But nice commi reply

>> No.13373970

The vinyl record is a great allegory. But I disagree on the fact that the future is set in stone, I think that although the future “you” already exists, nobody can take away your free will and you can still shape your own future.
For an example if you start lifting now, there is nothing that can take away you losing 10 pounds in two months from now and the future simply bends to your will.

>> No.13373974

Look at this dude

>> No.13373977
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The meaning of life

>> No.13374007

I love the optimism man, but when I get those deja vu attacks, it feels like literally every moment is predetermined, no matter what I choose to do, it's the same thing I always choose to do. I wonder if it's because I'm such a meek guy and tend to let the world push me in the direction it wants. The rest of the world can't even tell its in a loop, so of course it's always going to push me in the same direction at any given time. Man, even with this concept in mind, it seems like even the little things in which literally no one else could influence my actions, I do exactly the same thing I do in every "loop".

>> No.13374012
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>> No.13374026

Jesus christ. Some of the responses in this thread make me fear for the next generation. Money, on it's face, does not have problems. It is when it is filtered through a communist cartel, like the Fed, and when you can't keep your emotional pursuits in check that shit goes bad. Money is a tool. WE are the ones capable of being ignorant/evil, not money

>> No.13374083

You're thinking of scarcity you autistic. Scarcity is bad. Money is just a uniformly barter system so specialized fields of work seem viable and everyone doesnt have to spend their time farming.

>> No.13374108

OP is correct for the most part, the problem is that literally everyone around you will do whatever they can to push you into situations where you're either trying to struggle to get ontop of others, or where you'll get pushed to the bottom of this hierarchy of energy extraction. I'm a long-term NEET, and even though it's utterly ridiculous for the average normie to want to get me back into work, the normies around me do everything they can to make my life miserable because they feel bad about their own, and not having any financial power puts me in a situation of subjection to their wills. I hit rock bottom with this when /pol/-normie types got Tony Abbott elected to power to push through "work for the dole" schemes, which are now resulting in vastly more waste as NEET's and those those who are too dysfunctional to work are now mostly moved over to study allowances and so on, bloating the accreditation system which is also built on hierarchies of exploitation. The malice of the wagecuck should not be underestimated.

>> No.13374116

But as long as you’re moving in the right direction, it’s not a bad thing that you’re just moving in the same way you’ve already went through, right? The worst thing that could happen is if you stopped trying just because you know you will end up in the same place that has already been set for you.
Also how did you arrive at the conclusion that you die young? You just got a dejavu related to it when you thought about your life or something like that?

>> No.13374121

You're just talking about determinism, pre-determinism, and fatalism
nothing new

>> No.13374215

It's a bad thing because I didn't like how shit went down "last time" and I'm going to have to do it again, including all my same mistakes.
Which brings me to my death. I have not done any drugs other than alcohol and nicotine since 2013. By 2022 I'm extremely stressed because I miss some really good Bitcoin runs that by all means I should have became a millionaire from. I mean it's not just the fact that I didn't become rich, I'm just so damn tired of working and living with my mother; getting rich would just be a means of escape. I currently know that it's LSD that results in my death, but by that point I don't care and I just want to escape into drugs again, even if it may kill me. I hate that I know this and my perception will be altered in the same way it always does by that point, so my actions will be the same.
My death was literally the first thing I remembered before it happened. It feels so determined now that other shit in my life has happened after I preemptively remembered it happening. When I first remembered it, it freaked me out so bad, I was certain it was coming up that year. Now I know it's not until 2022, so I guess the fact that it's further away puts me at ease a bit.
Anyway, basically I die after I take some LSD because it puts me into a bad trip and I either die from a stroke/heart attack or do something that results in my death before I'm sober. At one point I look into a mirror and saw half my face drooping like I had a stroke and I black out after that. So I dunno if my body or mind fails first. The blackout could either be my death or I could just be too stressed to be able to consciously perceive my actions and I get myself killed. I know it's an absolutely retarded way to die and I hate that's where my life is going. Like obviously I know I should just not take the LSD, but the present version of me has no say in the actions of what I do in the future.

>> No.13374228

I even know when and who I get the LSD from. It's next summer from my buddy who is going to throw it away because he was microdosing on it, but wants to sober up before going back to his job. He does contracted work in which he spends periods of time having fun with no current employment and then he goes back to working with literally no days off, not even weekends. So anyway, it's hard to say no to free drugs and by that point in time I'm stressed enough to consciously consider it a "backup plan" because I know what's going to happen with it. At the time I figure I'll throw it away if I make money off the next Bitcoin run. So the obvious solution is to not accept the LSD, but I can't not do it for some reason. I do it every life time.
Sorry if this is long, rambley, and a little incoherent. It's just about bed time for me.
I guess those concepts could be applied. I'm trying to break free of my bonds and render such concepts null.

>> No.13374253 [DELETED] 
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>I guess those concepts could be applied. I'm trying to break free of my bonds and render such concepts null.

>> No.13374266

Oh and back when I first remembered my death, I didn't realize it involved drugs. I thought I was literally just going to have a panic attack out of nowhere that kills me.

>> No.13374281

Dude, yeah determinism can be applied to what I'm talking about, but its not the focal point in the slightest. It's just what pisses me off about the main subject.

>> No.13374307

Lol I just realized why you deleted your post. You shitpost on /int/ quite a fucking lot, Britfag. So I guess you're actually going to be affected in some way by the Queen's death this October, huh?

>> No.13374336

Or it's an abstraction of resource you fag

>> No.13374454

Money should only be created when work is expended for it. Interest would not exist and banks could not just print endless money.

>> No.13374538

>even a surgeon cannot operate himself.

Not in Soviet Russia

Leonid Ivanovich Rogozov (Russian: Лeoни́д Ивáнoвич Póгoзoв; 14 March 1934 – 21 September 2000) was a Soviet general practitioner who took part in the sixth Soviet Antarctic Expedition in 1960–1961. He was the only doctor stationed at the Novolazarevskaya Station and, while there, developed appendicitis, which meant he had to perform an appendectomy on himself in a case of self-surgery.[1][2]

The dude operated himself using a mirror and some lamps, he accidentally cut the lower intestines which he resutured on the spot and kept going.
He was working again in 10 days. Absolut madman

>> No.13374699

It doesn't

>> No.13374729

Killing yourself/death also has no meaning. There's no incentive to die, so why do it? You can play video games or watch a movie and recognize that they make you feel good, but does that mean they have any larger 'meaning'? Not necessarily, same as life.

>> No.13374844

Yeah it does, he just told you, he suffers. 'Suffering' is the only meaning he can find, so suffering is the meaning of life. He would have no immediate recognisable incentive but to avoid suffering, which is the premise of his argument

>> No.13374853

[citation needed]

>> No.13375225

Very interesting, anon, thanks for sharing. Hope we all make it

>> No.13375373
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That's not the concept of money.
The concept of money is a bargain with the chaotic nature of the unknown that is the future.
t. Jordan Peterson

>> No.13375486

Life may not have a meaning but as long as you are alive you can find out all sort of interesting things, perhaps even the meaning of life.

t. Orochimaru-sama

>> No.13375490

I need money to protect my family though

>> No.13375500

you act like this is a bad thing. Youd still be liviing in a cave jerking off to cave paintings if it werent like this.

>> No.13375607

I think the meaning of life is to enjoy it. Arbitrary value systems have been put in place to enslave us. The truth is might makes right. Evolution is the only really truth. Everything that runs contrary to evolution is nothing more than an arbitrary construct.

>> No.13375624

t. 20 year old zoomie

>> No.13375633

how do you know? You're limited in your perception and have no evidence to back up this claim. Because some pagan's believe in thunder gods, does not discount the physical workings of electricity. Could it be that this knowledge is above your current station and understanding?

>> No.13376094

I guess you learn something everyday.

>> No.13376114

>thinks any of this have a meaning or anything is anything

>> No.13376142

Yes and no. While what you said is true, it isn't necessarily a bad thing. Computers this good wouldn't exist if it weren't for people believing in the monetary system. At the moment, we need wagecucks to produce them, or no one would do it.

>> No.13376175

holding a bunch of shit coins isn't "selling shovels"

>> No.13376312

I realized that I'm a loser, who gambles on shit coins because I have nothing else. No friends, no education, no training, just a dead end job and low self esteem.

What's sad is that my shit coins are my life atm. Even though I'll never be rich with a few thousand.

I wish I was a normie. Have a normal social life, college, clubs, dreams, ambition.

I want to die