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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13367805 No.13367805 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /Biz/, I'm assuming one of you has tried to get around KYC by making a scanned passport, has this worked for anyone?

Something similar to this:

There has to be something reliable that can get around given how little some exchanges actually check. Has anything like this worked /Biz/ in the past?

>> No.13367811

Using a fake passport is an international crime
I’m good

>> No.13367824


An "international crime"

lol. Oh no. Will the "international police" come arrest you?

>> No.13367825

No thanks, don't want to risk going to prison. Could be audited at some point, government could someday ask exchanges for records, no way in hell I'm risking this if there's even a 0.1% chance I'd get caught.

>> No.13367830

Unironically yes they will and international prison has a lot of Nigers

>> No.13367842

>Will the "international police" come arrest you?
Hope, they sure won't. Go right ahead and let me know how it works out

>> No.13367844

How fucking retarded are you
18 U.S. Code §1543. Forgery or false use of passport

It’s an international crime because you face charges by the exiting and entering country

>> No.13367845

The US Government literally asked INTERPOL to crack down on crypto.


>Rosenstein singled out cryptocurrencies as a tool used by cybercriminals and said regulating, seizing, and tracing cryptocurrencies “demand a multinational response”.
>“We must not allow cybercriminals to hide behind cryptocurrencies,” Rosenstein said at the 87th Interpol General Assembly. “Virtual currencies have some legitimate uses. But bad actors are using them to fund crimes and to hide illicit proceeds.” Rosenstein noted that Bitcoin was the exclusive method of payment for the WannaCry ransomware attack which caused billions of dollars in losses. He also warned about “fraudsters” using cryptocurrency to promote scams and engage in market manipulation.

>> No.13367852


Oh no. "INTERPOL" That most formidable of legal braintrusts. lol.

>> No.13367867

The US has a long and continuing history of not allowing foreign faggots jurisdiction in US soil.

>> No.13367885

I edit my own passport so that when the chinks steal it the data isn't worth anything

>> No.13367894

They'd probably at least send a tip to the FBI so they can start an investigation on you.

>> No.13367913

-stein, eh?

>> No.13367925

I would not use a fake passport to get around KYC. Risk/reward ratio is really skewed towards the former on that one.

>> No.13367933
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international gangstaz, yeah

>> No.13367993
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One of the biggest benefits of living in advance rich and cultured civilization is watching communist and anarcho capitalist play revolution in their safe spaces and also watching them get BTFO literally every time by law and real life

>> No.13368121

This. Fucking kikes can do illegal shit and get away with it but if someone else can do the same then it's anudah shoah oy VEY shut it DOWN

>> No.13368702

Just use decentralized exchanges to trade , so u don't need to worry about KYC / AML

>> No.13368820
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>doesnt know interpol is a thing

>> No.13368843


>> No.13368848

you usually need to make a picture of you with the passport while holding a piece of paper that confirms that you want to use that exchange.

>> No.13368861
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>> No.13368869


Not us citizen, passport or exchange. In fact they're all different countries. Basically are you worried they're going to what start tracking your internet activity or try to figure out who you are?

>> No.13368886


Oh n-n-no not INTERPOL! That international police force that isn't just a loose poorly managed terrible at cooperation association of local police that exists as a fax machine at the back room of an uninhabited office floor no police give a shit to check on.