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13366134 No.13366134 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people obsessed about success, being on the top, etc. So if everybody is successful top manager, makingg 100k per second, who will clean the toilets, build the roads, make my club sandwitch? It’s all seems rigged

>> No.13366153


>> No.13366166

I work to make money to fuck bitches. I don't work to see bitches. All that hot ass gonna disturb my money making. Bitch, can't no nigga take my hoe, do you really think I'm going to let you two bitches take my hoe, my bottom hoe at that?

>> No.13366169
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>who will clean the toilets

you will clean my toilets, wagie

>> No.13366173

>Why are people obsessed about success
Because they don't want to be the ones cleaning the tables tardo

>> No.13366177

Yep, we all can't have the good life, that's why we're all trying to climb on top of one another like crabs in a bucket.

Unless we can automate all the menial tasks so we all could have decent things

>> No.13366199

This is literally not even an issue, OP.
For every successful person, there are hundreds of worthless, lazy retarded sacks of shit who will never amount to anything and will never try to.
Poor people will always be poor because of terrible financial habits passed down to them through a long succession. It's a generational curse that they can't break even if they want to.

>> No.13366227

Its entirely possible to break those habits. All about who you surround yourself with. It is rare though, for sure.

>> No.13366254

seems pretty fatal.
so if my grandparents and grandgrandparents were wagies, I have low chances of making it? doesn’t seem fair. I thought Western civilization is all about equal opportunities. fuck man

>> No.13366406

I just want to make enough so I can afford the shit I want and stay as far away from society as fucking possible

>> No.13366572

>can't break
Wrong! We're Aryans, not lowly animal scum.

>> No.13366597
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>> No.13366726

>it all seems rigged
Gee why would (((someone))) want the goyim constantly putting in 110% effort into wage cucking for worthless pieces of paper and spending 80% of their income on things to impress the other retards and roasties? On a deeper level success typical brings more pussy which is a primal evolutionary drive so there’s that mixed with the fact it’s a dangling the carrot tactic for wage cucks.

>> No.13366770

Look at documentaries about animals. Life on earth and maybe the whole universe is set in a way that there are many losers and few winners.

It sucks but thank god VR is coming and we can finally all live our dreams.

>> No.13366798


>> No.13366809
