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File: 726 KB, 1300x776, Lition_ICOBox_partnership.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13364526 No.13364526 [Reply] [Original]

Just put 3 eth into lition, when should I sell and turn it back

>> No.13364534

When it's 20m cap.

>> No.13364546

Good exit scam, shitty long term hold.

I would sell as soon as it starts going up a bit faster than ETH, then fold back into ETH. You might get .5 if you're really lucky, but realistically I can't tell for sure what the marketing team is planning.

Better safe than sorry. I would go for .5 ETH rather than stick around for a full 1. Especially if you are working with such a small number to begin with. Maybe less actually.... .3? That's a 10% add to your ethereum stack, better than nothing. I play it safe when I can.

>> No.13364569

Around 5x from here would be smart.

>> No.13364580

stay poor pajeet

>> No.13364609

Fuck it going all in with 5.5, you can say you told me so if I lose it all

>> No.13364622

holy shit, never gonna make it

>> No.13364644

You might make it. It's an exit scam.

Exit when the marketing leaders do, and you will be set. Good income potential in the short term. Then dump this trash asap.

>> No.13364648

In crypto you "play it safe" by getting in early. Then you can exit whenever you want. Nowadays you have a limited number of opportunities and you have to exploit the right ones. Lition has a lot of big meme words and is bound to grow.

>> No.13364654

Have you even looked at the project? Damn.

>> No.13364655

Kek. Scam? Are you retarded? Look at the team and their partners. This shit gonna do atleast 20x in a few months you pajeet

>> No.13364676

10% gains on an a surefire gem of a lowcap? jesus christ. the absolute state

>> No.13364687

Could easily see this project around top 100-120 on coinmarketcap, which means 40-50 milion market cap.

>> No.13364690

Yes I just finished reading the cringe tier whitepaper. My god the scam is real.

Look at the tech team. 3 people and one's a woman.

Now look at the ""CORE"" team. Marketers, bullshit artists, and scammers.

Sell at the next high. This is an exit scam based on "green energy" memes.

Yes I looked at the team. The "partners' Are literally other shitcoin alts. You are a fucking idiot. Do research before you post like I had to.

>> No.13364716
File: 8 KB, 225x224, 1538448834270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh look at that, it's already up 10% because that's simply the spread on low cap, low volume new coins. better sell now instead of getting the guaranteed 5-10x

>> No.13364721

Oh you didnt buy in? Well I guess you didn't get to learn basic reading skills in Mumbai, Ranjeet. Buy LIT and sell after 20x and you can live a good life afterwards in India or GTFO

>> No.13364796

All crypto is going up now.

It's a matter of how much does it go up MORE than the others do.

I bought into better coins at rock bottom.

>> No.13364811

What are you even talking about?
https://www.lition.io/ go to the extended team and see technology team, I see 8 people, including project manager, blockchain engineers, front end developers and ux/ui expert.

Plus all the other people in the core team, plus the CEO, which is a child prodigy:

Richard started programming when he was 13 years old. At 15, he was fluent in 7 different programming languages. At 17 he developed and founded start-up Claintern; a Top-10 website in Germany with over 1 million page impressions per day. Later he completed a 5-year university program in 3 years, graduating as the top student in class. Besides shining in Academia, he also shines in business. He was the youngest director in the history of Vattenfall, with $10 bn. USD in sales. Moreover, Richard was the managing director at ExtraEnergie, one of Germany’s top 3 independent electricity suppliers.

If any1 wants to do a deep dive on the project: https://cryptocalibur.com/lition-review/

>> No.13364821

It's just some garbage person that missed the train and too salty to buy in. It's going 20x atleast

>> No.13364824

Op here, 0.4 btc can go in too, I want to make a years earnings

>> No.13364839

Sell to me pussy. I will buy your bags before they 3x.

This thing is going to pump hard. Getting rich this weekend wbu guys

>> No.13364841

Most of these guys suck with vague backgrounds. Only the 2nd tech guy is remotely applicable to crypto. Some of these guys are "just starting in crypto". One's a woman insert to appease feminists with zero skills. LOL this team is weak as fuck.

Do you see the disproportionate number of marketers to tech there? Bullshit sandwich for sale.

Cash and grab. Then run. This can definitely go up with all those bullshitsandwich artists on board. But sell, sell, sell as soon as you make a buck.

>> No.13364857

Let it enter the top 200 and then consider start selling. It will be listed in kucoin and huobi in a couple of weeks.

>> No.13364858

Hey guy. Do you know the company SAP? Or are you just a fucking

brainlet? Carry on now. See u this weekend at 3x

>> No.13364876
File: 123 KB, 832x877, 5161561656446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol there's 100 eth buy orders in the top at Bibox. I guess people see the potential

>> No.13364887

Yes but it's not a big deal. They are like Siemens. They do everything. Does buying a microsoft enterprise edition make you a partner? Come on dude.

Once you see financial names like JP Mordan, Western Union, Bank of Japan, that's when you pay attention for a long term lambo coin.

This is a pump an dump. Plain and simple.

If I had some extra cash I'd throw some down on here to gamble. But I'm sticking to my long term hodls.

>> No.13365081

Mr. Brainlet.

Check who their tech advisor is, Juergen Mueller the CTO of SAP and board member.

They did a youtube video together and the SAP team is working on building with Lition's

Consensus layer. It's not like what you think. This ain't a 'Microsoft' partnership

>> No.13365210

Funny thing is, they also have a deal with Microsoft lol
This gotta be the idex moon mission with less fud of 2019, for a reason.

>> No.13365344
File: 159 KB, 562x794, 1555568798491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13365757


>> No.13365772 [DELETED] 

Nice copy pasta u cuck

>> No.13365783


>> No.13365786

>they also have a deal with Microsoft
i market bought 300 eth worth of lition. am i going to make it?

>> No.13366611


>> No.13366655

>I have enough money to market buy 50k usd worth of shitcoin

You either already made it or are larping