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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 767 KB, 622x787, 7DFED4D2-D9DE-40BB-9156-99928D0F7CEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13362420 No.13362420 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, unemployed.

I have $1000 to invest. I lose it? Homeless shelter. I win big? Sky’s the limit.

Need to make this work, got 2 young children.


>> No.13362435

BAT, its going to at least a dollar pretty soon. Possible on the 24th.

>> No.13362444

That's risky and involves crypto (IDEX), but LIT might really pump high and if not, FTM will surely rebound in close future

>> No.13362461

the jew was just volunteering for the lulz

>> No.13362464

Female to Male transexuals?

>> No.13362481

Is TON bullshit?

>> No.13362493

Yeah we are seeing some nice gains day to day

>> No.13362524
File: 8 KB, 244x250, 1542755885888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down with such projections

>> No.13362539
File: 236 KB, 1000x750, A0415C3E-3D85-454E-BD53-3BEED806DBCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything more cringy than alt-right passive aggression?

>> No.13362550

passive? U havent seen brenton yet then

>> No.13362785



>not buying TELCoin
>Shorting KuCoin
No wonder you're poor in 2019

>> No.13362787


>> No.13362792

Literally free money kek

>> No.13362794


>> No.13362797

Delete this you're going to ruin a good thing.

>> No.13362833

>I have $1000 to invest. I lose it? Homeless shelter. I win big? Sky’s the limit.
Even if you win big and 10x your money. what then? That's not 'winning big'. Use your 1000 dollar to get your life back on track, find work and invest your job money.

>> No.13362860


You mean gamble.

>> No.13362904

even a shit temporary stacking boxes kind of job
you'll have 1000 dollars in no time and none of the homeless shelter risk.

Fuck you for even thinking about doing the risky and drastic get rich quick shit

>> No.13362941

Mossad put him there for the photo op

>> No.13363092

>2 young children
>on the edge of homelessness

Invest in bus tickets to the job center, and get a job

>> No.13363098


>> No.13363140

Buy VIC.

>> No.13363517

This is why I visit biz kek

>> No.13363536

Telcoin is literally a fucking shitcoin
It's already mooned last year too despite it being a shitcoin

This shit is going to 0

>> No.13363865

Cheaper on anons link

Dropped 32 eth thanks buddy

>> No.13363932

no helmet unironically suggests that and owen is likely taking the piss to further his point all jews are indeed parasites

>> No.13363956

Sucks man. I lost my job in '14, it was tough. So I'll throw you a bone. Go short with everything you have on 23 April around 1200 UTC. Don't ask how I know and I'm not giving you anything else. Cap this or don't

>> No.13363963

>on verge of homeless shelter
>2 kids
>which slot machine should I dump my last $1k into?

Unironically, kys and leave your family the $1k

>> No.13363971

no helmet and a polo. Notice the other guys wearing heavy jackets?

my guess is that is a office jew come down to the job site to tell his crew "how things should be done"

>> No.13363984

Don't gamble your family's financial security on shitcoins you degenerate cuck.

>> No.13363986

also i dont know how i feel about owen. He says some good things then starts talking about secret kings. Does he not get that hes some on youtube and people just want to laugh at him and be entertained?

>> No.13364039

It's not gambling, we bull now. Everything only goes up

>> No.13364254
File: 27 KB, 235x372, 8b7f89ef848f35dd315511bfde6df0ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agoras tokens , unironically.
However it's a long hold, you'll need to grind a few years longer for the sake of your kids.

Good luck man

>> No.13364290

It took that long to find 1 hard working jew? They did hard labor in Egypt once 2000 years ago and said no thank you.

>> No.13364314

I've never once in my life seen a Jew in a position of manual labor or in any type of law enforcement, military, or rescue.

Every Jew I've ever met either owned a business or was self employed or was at a senior position in a big company

>> No.13364359

you need 2-3 bullruns with perfect exits to make your 1k into anymore than chump change

get an income retard

>> No.13364382

Get yourself some meth and LSD. Get your life back together. Be careful with the meth though.

>> No.13364698

Unironically just went all in

>> No.13364753

this Telcoin scam still going on? i saw this shit like 2 years ago and almost fell for it.

>> No.13365080

I am sorry for the situation you're in.
Understand that /biz/ is not here to help people like you. Nothing in this world is. /biz/ is here so paid shills can earn their living and scams can drain the funds of the newfags and the gullible.

>> No.13365277


Only the goyest of goys would break a sweat for another man's profit. Do you want to do that goy? Get all hot and sweaty for your big boss man?

>> No.13365671


>> No.13366019

Easiest arbitrage of my life

>> No.13366485

Btt kek

>> No.13366958

Unironically this op

>> No.13367015

This is actually a really good pick. This project is turboautistic as fuck in a very good way.

>> No.13367067

Pasta and ketchup probably

>> No.13367077

Like 1000x in 5 years potential

>> No.13367080


>> No.13367128

Put 250 into LINK, 250 into BAT, forget about them for two years, go get a fucking job with the other 500.

>> No.13367147

Buy blue chips like BTC/ETH/LTC/BCH

Don't forget to claim your Cereneum airdrop for holding the blue chip PoW chains


>> No.13367158

Go all in on Bnb. Backed by the largest exchange, it’s safer than stocks. Once people realize this, shits gonna go insane. Way better than some sketchy startup you don’t know shit about.

>> No.13367473

Only sub 25iq brainlets will sleep on this KEK

>> No.13367990

Tron or bta

>> No.13368234

They're wearing jackets to hide their thin physique.

>> No.13368304

Biggest meme with the biggest gains.

That coin is the ultimate money machine at least 1 time per year.
Wich means buy now and hodl 3-10 months from now (due to possible news and stuff they have in the backhand I tend more towards july-september for the pump).

>> No.13368358

k, you seem boring

>> No.13368730

Unironically based and moneypilled

>> No.13368773

All in nano right fucking now. Or you will regret it by this weekend.

>> No.13369116

Dropped an eth

>> No.13369441

All in on eth dude

>> No.13369584

No wonder you have 1k to your name. Do NOT invest money you aren't willing to lose. Furthermore only invest in 5k to 10K chucks or more for more reasonable returns. Investing 1k is a waste of time.

>> No.13369612


Kek fucking korma boys

>> No.13370121

Get in here virgins

>> No.13370592
