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13359773 No.13359773 [Reply] [Original]

Nofap day 36,

I feel stronger, more confident, charismatic and masculine.

I saw a female today and made strong eye contact. The female knew she was dealing with an alpha male and smiled.

I can see other men and just tell that they're on day 1. There is shame in the subtleties of their body language.

The superpower meme was no joke. I am growing stronger everyday. Why aren't you on nofap?

>> No.13359781

Started my new streak 2 hours ago. Been watching way too much sissy hypno porn recently.

>> No.13359788 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13359800

Those tits are gross and inappropriate, to be honest

>> No.13359815

I have the willpower to do nofap without a problem, but how the fuck do I keep from nutting in my sleep? I hate that shit, and happens after like a week of nofap

>> No.13359824

Because I work in an environment that’s 80% women and it makes me wayyyy too flirty with them and puts my job at risk.

>> No.13359828

It is part of the journey brother, embrace it and eventually you will regain dominion over your body.

>> No.13359837

This year I’ve done 21, 14, 18, 6, and 12 day streaks. I think keeping it down to 3-4 times a week is optimal for me.

>> No.13359838

you don't, sell your dirty cum stained boxers to faggots on Grindr. Let them know it's a 7 day load and they'll give you like $20

>> No.13359839

So will it eventually stop, or do you just have to lie with it?

>> No.13359849
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did that for 3 months, was good. no longer addicted to porn. keep at it.

>> No.13359851

Godspeed brother, you have the power to change your life. Pixels on a screen can arouse you, but in reality you are training your brain to become beta. By literally watching other men have sex with woman you are falling into (((their))) trap and slowly becoming a cuckold. Before you know it you will start jerking off to bisexual porn and voting democrat.I am strong that's why I do nofap. Not the other way around.

>> No.13359868

It stops it usually happens once or twice If I restart a streak.

>> No.13359882

This. On day 75 right now. Only time I nut is with my gf. Been experiencing heavy PAWS as of lately. Shits a trip

>> No.13359892


>> No.13359899

I’ve never had it happen to me before until I hit like day 20. I was fucking trippin, never had a wet dream in my life. Was eye opening to say the least. Lot of men are too stupid to realize their problems stem from over fapping. Kinda sad desu

>> No.13359911

Im on day 163 eat shit

>> No.13359925

Post acute withdrawal symptoms. Some call it flatline but I’ve never had a dead dick. You could say mental flatline. Felt like shit, not in the mood for anything. They will last 2 years usually. But lessen in severity as time goes by.

t. Nofap journeymen for 7 years. Currently on longest streak ever.

>> No.13359945
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Thats my next milestone

I quit the drug jew
I quit the nicotine jew
I quit the caffeine jew
now i will quit the porn jew

>> No.13359948

I haven't been keeping track but it's been at least two weeks. I went to a music festival last weekend and danced with hella cuties, but didn't hook up and now my balls have been aching for days, it's making work unbearable because I'm surrounded by fuckable females.

Anybody got a remedy for blue balls?

>> No.13359965

Lift weights, do pull ups, pushups or run

>> No.13360028

does no fap include sex

>> No.13360078

Depends on who you ask. Sex is fine as far as I’m considered.

>> No.13360146

I've been on nofap for 3 months now. My life has never been better.

>> No.13360874
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Good job Op. Nofap is real and true. There is a reason why our ancestors were against wanking and sexual degeneracy, and there is a reason our greatest (((enemies))) promote it to us through their porn industry while they themselves ban it in “their” lands.

Anybody who is not an NPC would know that semen rentention is key to becoming something great. Hitler was said to hate all degeneracy, be against wanking and even having sex with Women and look at all the power and influence he had. He almost freed humanity. If more people practiced the wash of semen rentention then we’d get more hitlers. This is why (((they))) are so very scared of the nofap movement.

>> No.13360890
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>He almost freed humanity.

>> No.13360894

Godspeed Anon.

>> No.13360904

I’m on 9 days nofap and noporn. Longest I’ve done was 3 weeks.

>> No.13361170

No fap is pointless unless you are the type jacking it 3+ times daily, or you're addicted to some weird porn. It is healthy to do like 2-4 times a week. I no fapped for a month once and it did not help. Honestly has the opposite effect many state. Libido starts to dive.

>> No.13361207

this thread is retarded

>> No.13361257

>Hitler was said to hate all degeneracy, be against wanking and even having sex with Women and look at all the power and influence he had.
Hitler was also one of the lowest IQ Nazis and his megalomania and thickheadedness cost Germany the war and subsequently the right to shape its destiny into something other than a degenerate Babylon of techno raves and doormat for the poor and hungry of the world.

>> No.13361279

Lol Hitler was controlled opposition designed to help with the creation of Israel. He was fully aware of the agreement made by the Rothschilds and was even related to them. Without the holocoast the world would never have agreed to creating the state of Israel

>> No.13361480

wim hof breathing exercises. cold water exposure. matak chia breathing exercises. abdominal floor training.

>> No.13361609

kek... do you read any history books or do you get all your information from 4chan and internet forums?

>> No.13361625

>one month
That’s like breaking your heroin habit by not doing it for a day
Spotted the loser in denial

>> No.13361643
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unfortunately I just fapped no less than an hour ago because I plan on having sex tomorrow night and don't want to bust in 5 minutes

>> No.13361680

If it wasn’t to porn then it’s understandable. I remember my first time getting cheeks. You’ll like it anon

>> No.13361691

there is nothing wrong with having wet dreams thats naturally how your body is supposed to work

no fap aims to stop the negative effects of porn on your mind and to give your dick a break

>> No.13361693

I fap and fuck frequently. Dunno if I could stop myself from jerking off though, I'll literally become sex crazed

>> No.13361725

Just fap to porn without dicks, only women touching themselves or fake pov

All the mental and fatigue issues come from seeing dicks fucking women, seriously, try to fap as you always do but now with softcore porn and you will see the difference, now i can't fap if i see a dick hanging around that's not mine

>> No.13361736

Are you me?

>> No.13361745

praying for you brother

>> No.13361857

Based and redpilled

>> No.13361908

>cafein jew

Fake red pill

>> No.13361947
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Cuz i like orgasms from the dark side

>prostate massage are far superior than PMO

>> No.13362034

>>The superpower meme was no joke. I am growing stronger everyday. Why aren't you on nofap?
Because you're lying or have fallen for idiotic bro-science with no basis in actual science? At most, you are benefiting from a placebo effect. Learning how to talk to women and getting exercise will do far more good then whatever trivial and irrelevant benefits not jacking off is supposed to provide.

>> No.13362083

I only jerk off in the shower like once a week and thinking about rosties i fucked in my Life will i make it?

>> No.13362104

>Nofap day 36,
prostate cancer

enjoy it

>> No.13362133

This has never worked for me. Never received any enjoyment from butt play.

>> No.13362160

probably because youre heterofaggot

>> No.13362199

Fuck the kikes

>> No.13362211

but I was told the nurses at the sperm bank do this to men who are having "troubles" getting hard

>> No.13362280

>I looked at a girl and she smiled at me because I haven't cummed in a month

the literal schizo delusions of nofap.

>> No.13362287

day 1 possessed Théoden here, been doing nofap for 6 years now, longest streak is 40 days... did the jews win?

>> No.13362299
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>> No.13362305


>> No.13362309

> there are redditors on this board that think this 3d wh*Te whore is “fap material”
absolute state

>> No.13362593

>(((history books)))
yeah, what a trustworthy source, lmao

>> No.13362836
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It's not fapping if you don't use your dick to get off, girl

>> No.13363555

beta male cope

>> No.13364012

Nofap for 2 years here.

The first 3-4 days are the worst, then the problem is to break up 2 weeks, then it's 2 months.

However, when you finally do it and totally got rid of the addiction (could take about 1 year), it becomes an important part of your life.

You're not superman, you still have some anxiety approaching women, but you're slightly more powerful, for everything.

Sex is not for pleasure anymore, but it's for conquering women, with the end goal of impregnating them.

>> No.13364091

lmao go ahead retard, quit the breathing jew too while your at it
This is the people who tell you to buy chainlink btw

>> No.13364134


Nofap is incel hopium, your post is laughable, 2 years and you still 'care' about anxiety or women lmfao, grow up kid

>> No.13364980

I've done nofap for like 3 months and nothing changed
I was a functional wagecuck normal guy without a GF before
and the same after
What are the benefits?
It's not like I need no fap in order to leave my bed or to go to work or to do everything else
It's not like I'm gonna increase the chances to get laid or meet a girlfriend if I stop touching my penor
What's the point?

>> No.13365042

Yes, this is very finances and business.
/biz/ lives up to its name of being a bunch of dreamers who'll never hold a job. Not one here applied for janny and it shows

>> No.13365066

>one day a random female glanced my way
>better attribute this to not having touched my dick
It's practically a religion now. Everything that might be considered good by pure chance is due x. And x can be anything from miracles/gods/dicks/showering

>> No.13365519

>all the fucking virgins in this thread
Tee hee

>> No.13365713

This, if you need to stop jacking off 5 times a day to not recognize your superiority and dominant nature over weak, submissive females incapable of earning like you and logic than you should be focusing on building your life more. Of course a porn addiction will cripple that so I commend you if you are trying to break that habit(which is a necessity) but you have to do other things besides not cranking your dick several times a day to view women as the adult children they are and not give a fuck what they say or do because at the end of the day you should be able to recognize she needs you a hell of a lot more than you need her.

>> No.13365813

nofap is fine until your endurance dwindles to 10 seconds. Also the constant raging boners were distracting me from my wagie escape mission. Anyone avoid these problems somehow?

>> No.13365880

True, but look at the greatest country on earth, your conquered, The United Kingdom of GREAT Britain and N. Ireland. It's collapsed into an even worse state

>> No.13365889

why does nofap get so shilled but not nosugar

i have been avoiding sugar for the last 30 days and it made me much more concentrated, i have to go to the toilet less and i could reduce my sleep to 6,5h without noticeable impact

>> No.13365913

after day 3 as soon as I accidentally touch my penis I get a level 10 boner and then I get very frustrated and angry

how do you overcome this?

>> No.13365987

I have the golden no fap hack that cures the urge to fap entirely. I am 7 months sober now.

Set your mobile device screen to gray scale only. You are welcome.

>> No.13366015
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The longest i went with nofap was in highschool 5 years ago , did like 4 weeks , dated the hottest grill in school . Dated a bunch of times but then she left town and disappeared before i could f her right in the p to get rid of these stinky load. Fapped the week after she left.

>Still virgin 5 years later
>25 y/o

>> No.13367114

i do both and i unironically never realized how completely cutting down on sugar helps with your skin and everything. i always thought that the few extra grams i used take can't make that much of a difference, but whew.

nice attempt at justifying your addiction. but i believe in you, anon. we all believe in you. you can overcome it, as well. we can overcome it. together!

>> No.13367142

>sissy hypno porn
stay away from this shit, it will turn you into a suicidal trannyfag

>> No.13367160
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fuck off, shlomo

>> No.13367169

insallah brother, allah will guide you

>> No.13367198

Why not? Just bust and go again like a beast, I'm sure they'll like it.

>> No.13367225

bro-science? how about the hormonal changes your body goes through with each ejaculation? Is that still bro-science?

>> No.13367318

if its not working for you then it doesn't work for you. doesn't mean it won't work for others.

>> No.13367372

Probably means you didn't have a problem to begin with.

>> No.13367402



Fapping is putting women on a pedestal you half red pilled.

You are such a weakling because you know you can't do nofap that now you lash out at nofap guys in order to justify you incapacity to stop your addiction. You try to make people believe it's the nofap guys who are the true looser. Classic projection.

Like a junkie who keeps repeating that drugs enhance his creativity, his perspective, when in fact he is a useless suicidal piece of shit.

By the way nofap in not only about women, but general well being and optimization of your intellect.

>> No.13367446

It gets better after 1 year. Just don't think about sexual thought. Redirect your thought on something else, like reading.

I truly believe that the more you fap, and even the more you think about sex, the less sex you have.

It's like soldiers at the war, the more you think like you are already dead, the more likely you are to survive.

I know it's hard but it's the way to go.

>> No.13367539

Would have to do this for my computer too I imagine

>> No.13368131

Nofap changed my outlook and experience of life for the better cannot recommend it higher for my /biz/ brethren, do not get jewed and dominated

>> No.13368923
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>Fap compulsively for 10 years
>balls start to hurt
>thought it through
>Later see that my balls developed humongous varicose veins, effectively doubling their size - if not more
>Go to doctor
>he said that he never seen anything like this, and that those most likely are used to store excess sperm that my body hyperproduces due to years of compulsive masturbation.
>Go to prostitutes
>shooting hug loads
>mfw my twisted habits made my body a sperm producing and spreading machine ready to inseminate hordes of women

>> No.13368966

I'm starting today. I've been on a trail of degeneracy with omegle, not doing sissy shit I'm not a fag, but just showing off my body to strangers is degenerative enough for me. we're gonna make it boys.

>> No.13368984


>> No.13369017

you don't want big veins strangling your balls, brainlet

>> No.13369026

Hideous ankles. My dick just went limp.

>> No.13369107
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Nofap day 3
I'm gonna blow my load today

>> No.13369113

nofap is for retards, semen retention is for men

>> No.13369133


>> No.13369249


>> No.13369358

this thread is worse then the cute mice with different shirts threads desu

>> No.13369776
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Based. Pump long and strong, stoke the fire, then hold it in.

>> No.13369809

I tried nofap for six days and my balls started hurting so bad. I worried I had twisted a tube or gotten ball cancer or something. Only wanking made the pain go away again.

I felt better and more confident but I couldn't deal with the pain. Is there any way to do nofap without blueballing myself?

>> No.13369817
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>> No.13369825

>The amount of people who fell for the nofap meme on biz
Big yikes. This must be the lowest IQ board on the site.

>> No.13369829

>is there a way to literally blue ball myself without blue balling myself

>> No.13369845

Production of seminal fluid is a resource intensive process. The analyses of Slowtzoff, Meischer and Lode show the semen to contain:

PROTEINS (Albumin, nucleoproteins, globulins, 2.65% mucin, nuclein, proteose, protamin, hemialalbumose, alkali albuminate)
LIPOIDS (phosphorized fats, including 0.412% lecithin)
MINERALS (phosphorus, sodium, potassium, 0.910% calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, chlorine)

The high concentration of lipoids (lecithin, etc.) in the semen, rivaled only by that in the brain, is striking. Since life was always about procreation, once discharged, semen production is always underway, no matter how much you ejaculate in order to ensure survival of species. Therefore, since your body doesn’t know whether you impregnated a female or you just spilled your sheets, you are leeching your body of valuable nutrients. Combined with poor nutrition and you have a recipe for disaster.

tl;dr - stop wanking and wasting precious minerals in your body

>> No.13369966

bruh just lick her clit till she comes and then it doesn't matter how long you last. plus girls love it when you shoot ropes then fuck them 3-4 more times that night

>> No.13369976

just start reading erotic literature instead, it's honestly 5x better to just use your imagination, you feel a lot less dirty than jizzing to pixels

>> No.13369999

Spotted the loser in denial. Kys

>> No.13370010

Double digit IQ incel detected

>> No.13370014

have ever questioned your sexuality?

>> No.13370072

>afraid to even consider not cumming for a day
the literal beta delusions of a cuck

>> No.13370238

Will it help in having sex? Right now, I only like to fap by watching porn and that interferes a lot with normal vanila sex

>> No.13370338
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>> No.13370383
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Stay away from this stuff. It has embedded messages in it that cause depression and low self esteem. It can make you addicted to edging, wasting your time. It can give you terrible nightmares. The reward is not worth the cost. Seriously, if anything just fap to anime traps instead.

>> No.13370417

watch porn less often and only softcore. or use your imagination from the girls you interacted with that day.
nofap is overkill

>> No.13371490
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This. Nofap purism is cultist nonsense wrapped around a kernel of truth: abstaining from ejaculation and hardcore porn will increase libido, as the brain cranks up the dial on aggression and outgoingness to try to increase chances of mating. Conversely, constant ejaculation tricks the brain into a sort of chronic low-grade refractory period to conserve energy. This is nothing exotic, just genes and evolutionary psychology.

Masturbation in moderation does no harm except in the rare individual who is incapable of keeping it moderate (addiction). Or in someone who has internalized a system of shame (nofap purism) and needlessly flagellates themselves for "sinful" lapses.

Just learn how your body works, and how to hack it for optimal performance. Experiment with different routines to see what works for you. Edging can be fun. And steer clear of psuedo-religious bullshit broscience that counts up days like AA coins.

After a long period of edging one of the best perks is that finally releasing it feels *amazing*, like a volcano. Pic related.

>> No.13371516
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>> No.13371523
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>> No.13371528

Dude hypnotic suggestions are really powerful the only way to undo them is to reverse the suggestions for way longer than youve been watching that garbage. Take it from someone whose been down that road stay away from gif