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File: 47 KB, 472x315, Craig Wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13359478 No.13359478 [Reply] [Original]

All memes aside, this faggot is 10x smarter than probably 99.9% of /biz/ posters. He might not be Satoshi but he was involved from early on


>> No.13359501

If he's so smart he'd contribute something useful to crypto.

>> No.13359512

>this faggot is 10x smarter than probably 99.9% of /biz/ posters

But he's also more dishonest and deceptive. Don't even know what's better.

>> No.13359536

Nothing necessarily wrong with being a driven asshole though. Not everyone can be a nice guy PR machine.
The lying I agree

>> No.13359548




>> No.13359558

I don't hold his coin but you're coping unironically

>> No.13359564

The hilarious thing is that he'd have everyone loving him it he was humble. Everyone loves to hate narcissists. He did this to himself.

>> No.13359601

People are complex lad

>> No.13359623

what lying?
I've digested almost every article pro and con and have never seen real proof of him lying.

>> No.13359636

The editing of the blog posts and so on..

>> No.13359643

Are you trolling, mate? He has an extensive track record of forgery. Starting with the infamous case when he back-edited his blog post to pretend he was related to bitcoin back then.

>> No.13359687

I think he is fed up with clown world and wants to do some work desu

>> No.13359695
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1200, nurse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we know

>> No.13359705

> smart
> pretends to be satoshi without reason
> get rekt, his shitcoin gets delisted

>> No.13359764

Well, thoughts on the blog post editing?

>> No.13359786

How do you faggots not get that he's MI6 or CIA?

>> No.13359846

creg is the essence of clownworld

>> No.13359890

Thoughts on having legitimate reasons to smoke-screen your pseudo-identity?

>> No.13359926
File: 260 KB, 752x1156, Eh9y7QW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the identity was not even his in the first place?

>> No.13360050

Could be... As a computer engineer I know BSV is better than both the reinventing of the wheel occurring with LN & BCH so that's where I'm at.
(And the only reason BTC was not allowed scale was because of the banks, and it can, and will scale in BSV)

>> No.13360058

and that's why you must avoid him because hes gonna make you 10x-100x poorer

>> No.13360087
File: 879 KB, 3098x1762, CSW fake whitepaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is, CSW has a knack for taking things from others and passing them as his own. Whether the tech is legit is a different matter altogether.

>> No.13360130
File: 60 KB, 400x400, SS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine for a moment being CSW
>Invent bitcoin
>Become super-rich
>Have a coterie of big-brained nerds worshiping you like the second coming
Why on god's green earth would somebody at his level give a single flying fuck whether or not everyone loves him?
You need to have already won the game to even begin to understand this guy's psychology. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if half the reason he's such a dick is that he wants to see how far he can push people, either for the lulz or so he can see who is and is not a superficial cunt worried more about social niceties than the actual fucking truth.

>> No.13360156

Your theory doesn't cover the part where CSW forges documents/evidence. If it was simply about him being a dick, that would pass.

>> No.13360201

True, but it's also blatantly obvious that the old system would attack a new and better system (via disinfo etc)

>> No.13360216

The so called "disinfo" is coming from Craig himself.

>> No.13360217

No one gives a shit faggot, go shill your shitcoin elsewhere

>> No.13360241

You mean you *think* he forged a bunch of stuff because you are low IQ and listen uncritically to 24/7 whiners on reddit and their cult following of sophist retards.
Don't think someone like CSW really cares about that either.
CSW being Satoshi and not giving a single fuck It is unironically the best explanation for this whole shitshow. Search you feelings, you know it to be true.

>> No.13360249

I reckon you're gonna find one sooner rather than later budser, keep the chin up.... And remember, Bitcoin is more than just an electronic cash system, it's a truth machine.

>> No.13360255

>Nobody gives a shit
kek, BSV has dominated this board more than even LINK the last few weeks. The crypto world could not give a greater number of shits than they currently do for CSW. It's pretty hilarious, honestly.

>> No.13360257

Same place I'm at on the whole thing tbf. He's a dick but so are a lot of people so it's whatever on that.. but why would he fabricate documents, etc? Why even make himself a well known figure in the way he did anyway and then pretend he didn't want it to happen? No one knew who he was until he went out of his way to draw attention to himself. I remember back when he did some Skype call at some conference when he first started LARPing and some Boomer woman said "... and you are?", lmao.

He's lying about being Satoshi and has a lot of to gain from doing so but there are a lot of odd things about the whole thing

>> No.13360274

Yeah because it's fun to watch an arrogant shyster fuck get his just desserts. He can fuck off and fade away into irrelevancy now

>> No.13360301


>> No.13360303

>CSW being Satoshi and not giving a single fuck
Why is he so desperate to sue people for questioning his legitimacy, then? Why did he put out a reward for doxxing some no-name twitter fags like a militant feminist SJW?

Don't you find yourself trapped in catch-22 when you believe that he's secretly Satoshi because he demonstratively faked the evidence of being Satoshi, when that "evidence" is what made you believe so in the first place?

>> No.13360318

>Thinking this speed bump will stop him
Yeah... nah. People probably thought that when he started getting media attention and got called out as a fraud to begin with about 5+ years ago. The level of narcissistic personality disorder he's operating on means it burns until the host is dead or in prison, desu

>> No.13360334

Then I hope someone literally kills him and that faggot Calvin

>> No.13360339

Why? Bit much tb-h. He triggers s-oys

>> No.13360345


>> No.13360423

lol seething
Who said he was desperate? Projection much?
His history, patents and papers are enough to convince me. (You have read those, right?) Gavin and a bunch of others saying he provided private proof is just the cherry on top.
Notice how everyone who hates his guts has obviously never read anything he's written. Instead they rely on faggots like that guy who posts obsessively about CSW on reddit to interpret what CSW has written. They are satisfied believing "it's all just a bunch of gobbledygook" an illusion you could easily dispel if you read pretty much anything substantial he has published.
The problem is 99.99% of people in this space just aren't qualified to evaluate his actual writing, so they just rely on group think. Whoops.

>> No.13360460

aussie live action shitposter

>> No.13360461
File: 281 KB, 798x1211, forged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this

>> No.13360498

>Who said he was desperate?
Well, he's mad at people calling him a liar and is trying to sue them for that. Most of them are simply exercising their freedom of speech. That's pretty close to desperation on his part.

>His history, patents and papers are enough to convince me.
"Papers" like this? >>13360087
Can you explain such "coincidences" in any way at all?

>They are satisfied believing "it's all just a bunch of gobbledygook" an illusion you could easily dispel if you read pretty much anything substantial he has published.
You see, what it is plain and clear is how he's consistently, methodically involved in falsifying facts, his biography and documents. The famous blogspot case is the most notorious one because of how easy it is to verify. Are you familiar with Internet Archive? You don't need to rely on any faggots and self-proclaimed experts to go and see it yourself.

>> No.13360811

>Either not understanding what an academic paper is or still ignoring that he hasn't read one
You are a hopeless moron. Enjoy the show over the next few months. It's gonna be pretty confusing for people like you.

>> No.13360822

Checkmate indeed, and this is only one of the tens of times he has been caught red-handed.

>> No.13360837


>> No.13360841
File: 174 KB, 384x522, nguyen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enjoy the show over the next few months.
Is Craig Wright gonna marry Jimmy Nguyen?

>>Either not understanding what an academic paper is or still ignoring that he hasn't read one
By the way, you haven't answered my question. Are you able to explain that "coincidence" with Project Blacknet?

>> No.13360843


Because the crypto swamp of Twitter "influencers" and ICO scammers needs to be drained. These people are a cancer.

>> No.13360856

So feminists and SJWs shutting down "hate speech" are also OK?

>> No.13360872

CSW is married with his wife..

>> No.13360876

The fact that you think this trivial shit needs to be "explained" is exactly why you don't get it. There are tons of plausible explanations and even more implausible ones. How many? Should we write them all out here? How about... who gives a shit?
Read just one paper or patent and try criticizing that. Any other anons with real expertise in a relevant domain: you can either listen to these retarded tools or browse the CSW literature and engage the ideas for yourself. It's not hard unless you are lazy and used to having your opinions pre-digested for you by dickless morons.

>> No.13360884

Since when is scamming people some included in the freedom of speech right? It's freedom of speech, not freedom to scam.

>> No.13360906

So you're asking me to ignore all the instances of him being caught trying to falsify some document in order to give some basis to his wild baseless claims of being satoshi. Why even look at anything else? Once established he's a con-man I don't need to read more.

>> No.13360913

You seem to completely miss the point. Oh well, if reading comprehension were your strong suit, you probably would have at least tried to do some real digging into the relevant literature by now.

>> No.13360930

What you fail to understand so far is that CSW has a habit of "borrowing" papers and patents from others. So his weird, not so ethical behavior does not necessarily invalidate his technical ideas.

What are you referring to? Everyone has been saying that CSW is a fraud, that's not "scamming people".

>> No.13361493

He already proven that he's dumber than 99.9% of biz posters by claiming to be Satoshi

>> No.13361535
File: 32 KB, 720x736, mmmgrayons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, this is the second time you choose to just drone on using second hand information rather than actually pick up a paper and read it. You unironically deserve to be poor at this point.
You are right that his complete disregard for academic ethical quibbles doesn't invalidate his ideas, though.
Seriously though, go do some actual reading. If you are not a brainlet, you will see what I mean.
Here's your

>> No.13361941
File: 27 KB, 900x900, 2957B07B-9295-4493-92EB-0950E5E789D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fren
I’m roachtoshi, I like to forge signatures, edit old blogposts and fake identities

>> No.13361969

>>He might not be Satoshi

but anon, he constantly says he is?

are you saying that he's a compulsive liar?


>> No.13362129

He's not that smart, he just seems smart to <110 iq people who can't separate technobabble from deep technological insight.
If you have ever been involved with sociopaths, this is what they do, they learn the lingo and mannerisms of some subject matter, then bamboozle people with a flood of seemingly profound nonsense. Meanwhile they try to fill their pockets as much as possible.
Think about it... satoshi, a patent troll? Really?

>> No.13362209

he is 10x dumber than he could be if he stopped lying and getting caught

>> No.13362217

he is clownspunk he was very active in the early days on clownspunk bulletin boards indeed

>> No.13362225

You are all paying for that cheap Antigua resort losers

>> No.13362274

lmao just watch any interview with him; he is such a clumsy fucking liar it's unbelievable

>> No.13362313

god I hate contrarians

how is it possible to be this fucking gullible and be this fucking smug about it?

you're a moron, embrace it

>> No.13362315
File: 85 KB, 520x311, 44D73E42-025A-4C2D-99CD-F1D41C323EDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13362316

ues liea nd technobabble and trolling mostly i still dont understand how people think he is saying smart things fuck this clown timeline!

>> No.13362334


>> No.13362339

he is dr who for you ;)

>> No.13362580

He literally contribute more than anyone else combined! Don't like it? well, you know the rest

>> No.13362605



Dr. Wright for the win

>> No.13363072

Yeah but he was in crypto circles years ago. Very early

>> No.13363088

Then he should know that his forgeries would be easily discovered by people obsessed with correctness, security and verifiability of data.
He should also know that the only way to substantiate his claims is sign a message with teh key.

>> No.13363104

Does not matter. He is still a bullshit artist.

>> No.13363126

I know.
I know. I don't think he is Satoshi

>> No.13363139

if i let my sandwich sit in the sun for a week it'll look pretty complex, too

>> No.13363291
File: 452 KB, 847x924, frog clown2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clown world flag
based jimmy