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13359320 No.13359320 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13359341


>> No.13359378

why is 'gay' a part of the name, no other better name for him?

>> No.13359453

He's gay.

>> No.13359498
File: 109 KB, 1253x698, 1555457376503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because somebody decided it should be

>> No.13359567

It’s a well known fact that his name is HOLEDING HANK. Fucking retards

>> No.13359572

some idiot tried to call him gayboy and didn't type the y

>> No.13359576

Not that there's anything wrong with that

>> No.13359598

fuck u and your lame meme forcing. it’s not even funny nor creative

>> No.13359603

His name is Hodling Harry

>> No.13359607
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>> No.13359640


>> No.13359647

>unique meme about holding

>> No.13359671

Lol only question I have:

What happens to gaybo after 2022?:

Does he start moving back in time or does he disappear?

>> No.13359758

the thing is all good memes are sort of relatable/make sense in a way. sideways crab because crabs walk sideways, npc because they have no characteristics, pink wojak cause that’s how we all look when crypto is dumping hard. but gaybo? it would be funny if it’s supposed to illustrate stupid redditors or something but a hodler? could’ve been so much funnier/more creative

>> No.13359791

Gaybo being gay fits the hodl theme, you dont hold roasties nor hoes, he knows women are not worth the wait.

>> No.13360512

who are you quoting?

>> No.13360631

Because gaybo is gay

>> No.13360743

gaybo is his nickname brainlet

Also, I want to make a shop of him on the new zealand shooting scene but google won't pull any results of the dead mudslimes, anyone got that one pic of the dead bodies?

>> No.13361301

imagine not understanding the perfection that is gaybo

>> No.13361308


>> No.13361360


>> No.13361600

I call it
Modern Art, Modern Gaybo

>> No.13361608
File: 16 KB, 757x466, Modern Art Modern Gaybo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call it
Modern Art, Modern Gaybo

>> No.13361622

fucking brainlet can't comprehend gaybo's junxtoposition of post-modern anguish and the eternal hope of humnaity

>> No.13362017

your meme is crap just face it

>> No.13362174

This just may be my favorite meme of 2019 yet

>> No.13362183

Shittiest force-fed meme in the history of biz.

>> No.13362193
File: 69 KB, 477x883, 1555363487456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more Gaybos

>> No.13362279
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Mainnet 2022

>> No.13362295
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>> No.13362310

you're wasting your breath
this "meme" is from the guy who unsuccessfully tried to push the ugly red pepe for a full year
you're talking to him, his proxies, and some trolls along for the ride

>> No.13362412

Gaybo Creator reporting in: I love how controversial and split the rise of gaybo is