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13359346 No.13359346 [Reply] [Original]


also general getting girls thread,

>> No.13359362

I've never had 1 whole bitcoin.

>> No.13359388
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Its only 50 bucks, we all have bunch accumulated.
Would be shame to go through what if again.
World currency is needed in DPRK too.

>> No.13359394

how many u got?

>> No.13359399

Few, been here since 2011... :)

>> No.13359401

That's cringe bro

>> No.13359410
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Thanks, not mine but found them hilarious too.

>> No.13359415

I had 1 BTC then I bought shitcoins again wew lad

>> No.13359416

i have 140, what do u think? more?
kys lmao

>> No.13359429
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i had 1 that i bought at 250 dollars, held it like 5 years and sold a third last year around this time when it was above 9k

>> No.13359430

.21 btc club reporting in

>> No.13359445
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140 is plenty enough even with modest investment horizon.
Shouldn't take long before we hit the zeitgeist once more.

>> No.13359452

thanks i still have 1 whole btc as a hedge but i think bsv will pump soon, too many shorters out there. im tempted to buy more for short term profit

>> No.13359465

>tfw only 1.5 BTC

I don't expect to make it, but hopefully this makes up for wasting 4 years of my youth somewhat

>> No.13359497
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enjoy the ride losers

>> No.13360204


Always looked like a scam since the beginning. Avoid.

>> No.13360288

if you don't have at least 10 BTC don't even bother

>> No.13360293
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Scam? Dragon slaying is still under progress.
I would argue that BSV has the sleekest style right now.
New logo shouts out loud classic original vision. Im loving it!

>> No.13360307

bitcoin cash was pretty gay lmao

>> No.13360327
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Agreed, its time to grow up from youth experiments into manhood.

>> No.13360341

SV is infinitely gayer. A Scam lmao. BITCONNENEEEEEEECKKKK!!!

>> No.13360358
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the coping from bsvtards is actually a marvel to witness. while the stupid scam coin bleeds to its death

You are financially independently ruined

>> No.13360360
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Feelin' pree gud

>> No.13360370

Do you never stop the shilling? You guys are really well organized these days, but I don't think that's going to save your pet project here. You can't kill crypto by ruining its reputation associating it with scammy coins and fraudster devs. This last week should have been a good lesson for you. Join in the fun or get the fuck out, but you're not sinking this boat. It's been too long afloat already.

>> No.13360371
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Cash is gay, SV is homotolerant.

>> No.13360388
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Believe or not but im lonely wolf. I rarely use 4chan or reddit.
BSV is where i feel like 2011 again. Lots of tech demos, services and buzz popping all over the net!

>> No.13360390


Drop it to .5. It's a hedge, not a get rich coin.


It's "okay" but XRP is better


This team is fucking weak. Their website looks like another flash5 marketing gimmick trap for normies to flood into, so the owners can sell.

Partnerships are.... other altcoins? Seriously? Dude, get the fuck off this coin.


Your only real hold. Focus here. Drop that linda crap my dude.

>> No.13360401


Literally from their partner website

>"Electra is Payment Coin
You Can Spend

>NIST5 blockchain we’re ensuring funds are protected from malicious attacks.

Smells of a Flash5 babby's first website marketing gimmick scam. Avoid.

>> No.13360409

Unfortunately CSW is ruining BSV with his stupidity.

>> No.13360446

I don't buy that, you are not creating 2000 threads on your own, not even chainlink has been shilled this hard here. All this shitshow is making crypto look bad and I think that's the whole idea. But honestly, you're wasting your time, at this point I think you'd be better off creating your own coin and joining this market. It doesn't look like it's going to disappear.

>> No.13360469

Their team

>Through over 20 years in developing businesses from incubation through to maturity and sale

means this guy has experience building up, then burning things down. Not maintaining.

>identifying and closing new business, growth of existing business, and the merging of partnerships.

"Merging" ie SELLING

>Having over 6 years experience as a General IT Consultant and 3 years running multiple businesses,

Random fucking tech support normie. Literally NO CREDENTIALS

>Gaelin has worked as a marketing and communications team member for various brand building initiatives including software applications, clothing lines, and musical artists

Right, because you want your crypto expert to be a clothing retail normie and shitty basement music producer

>Dave Grear became involved with crypto currency in 2015


>> No.13360491

yeap, traded my way up from .05 to 1 corn since january of 2018. i have a feeling i'm going to be just fine.

>> No.13360507

We have to disagree on that. Ppl dont understand Craig and his talent.
Simply respect our right to exist or face resistance. This ride will not stop with lame excuses.
We occupy too many fanatics who are committed to see where this road leads.

>> No.13360564
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I have no idea why BSV support is so plentiful today.
It seems logical that majority is upset for political censorship happening with Twitter and these "exchanges".
Same rules and rights for everyone. That was too much to ask, BTC camp feel threatened and with good reason.

>> No.13360576

What good reason? No doubt CSW was trying to make as many enemies as possible by attacking basically every other crypto, but truly the only thing BSV is a threat to is your wallet if you're dumb enough to buy it.

>> No.13360600

This meme is the most retarded I've ever seen.

The BTC camp is the one putting the most effort into the payments area.

>> No.13360616

>It seems logical that majority is upset for political censorship happening with Twitter
Okay, now please answer me and don't run away like a coward: does suing people over Twitter posts for their expression of freedom of speech count as "political censorship"? Or it's some other kind of censorship? Last time I checked, the court of law is an institution of the state.

>> No.13360667

"Magical crypto friends" is bullshit facade where "nice guys" decide who to fuck.
We have always fought for dominance sure, but unspoken rule of equal opportunity was broken.
Lots of optimistic crypto enthusiasts were punished by unhonest cartel power ONLY because CSW is autistic and likes to provoke his competitors.

If BSV is not taken seriously, we need to be more loud.
Preserving original protocol should not make anyone uncomfortable!

>> No.13360721

You're a faggot. You have XRP and Shit coin Linda. At least you have a whole Bitcoin, I bet you're holding it on an exchange though.

>> No.13360749

If you refer to Adam Back, defamation and libel were accurate criminal offenses.
There cannot exist fruitful freedom of speech without legal responsibilities.

>> No.13360784
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yes.......in 2012 and immediately sold it because i didnt know what to do with it

>> No.13360802

>If you refer to Adam Back
What about all other twitter fags? (I'm not gonna list them)

>There cannot exist fruitful freedom of speech without legal responsibilities.
That's what proponents of "anti-hate speech laws" say. Did he threaten to murder anyone? Did he pose a threat to anyone's life? No? Then it's freedom of speech.

>> No.13360805
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Sick of hearing about this scam. It died. Let is rest in peace.

>> No.13360812

wow man you are gay I want to punch you in the face on behalf of yourself.

>> No.13360835

stepping in lads

>> No.13360858

Wtf? Organized harassment w/ mob mentality is not healthy nor count as free speech.

Bitcoin is not scam, it is game theory build upon p2p cash system.
BSV will be world currency since we are government friendly option.

>> No.13360896

Its a scam dude. Get out while you can and invest in a chadcoin like ETH

>> No.13360911

check it fags, had like 1.4 near the height of the 2017 run.

>> No.13360912

All harassment so far has been coming from Craig's side. It's him who started threatening people, sending out legal letters and putting out a reward for doxxing them. Has anyone done anything similar to CSW? Has anyone threatened to hire a burly Muslim man to kick his ass in real life? I doubt it. All people did was say that he was a liar which is perfectly within the freedom of speech. Pretty fair too, considering Craig's history of forging documents.

>> No.13360925
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Eth is scam, money skellys erc-20 token casino is nearing its end.
>>13359445 FloatSV will provide real assets, commodities and currencies, thats exciting!

>> No.13360952

tell me, what's it like being a poorfag?

>> No.13360974

Im feeling that you are telling me one sided story.
Legal letters are not harassment. There has been placed kill bounty on CSW, so i'll fully understand him getting paranoid.
When you bully savants, expect everything. Do i need to remind what happened to Terry Davis after anons had their fun.
Satoshi might be pathological liar, that wont take away his importance in CS.

>> No.13361032

>Legal letters are not harassment.
Sure, they are straight anti-free speech violations. They tell people to delete their freely expressed opinions under the threat of lawsuit. So called "defamation" in its vagueness does not differ from "hate speech", those are two identically gibberish concepts actively utilized by the powers-that-be.

It's FINE to call Craig a fraud, whether it's true or not, whether he likes it or not.

>> No.13361092

hate speech is necessarily the equivalent of defamation when you are able to frame the predicate of your fame, reputation and so on upon some objective and indisputable moral Truth or achievement, which is an arbitrary task when you also occupy the position of authority that ajudicates and influences within public opinion what constitutes ‘good’ or ‘evil’, using your own success as proof of your mandate to judge such things.

Man this system is totally and utterly fucked in such a massive and irreversable way.

>> No.13361112

Believe or not but its possible to make lots of harm with organised harassment. There is no reason why one should stand such abuse.
I have no doubt that Adam Back and their magical cartel wanted to hurt him economically.
Luckily we are not blind fanboys, court will understand how fucked up their motive were.

Its NEVER FINE to justify organized harassment, that is typical anarchist bullshit.

>> No.13361115

I have like 4. No big deal. What, you don't want to be a multi millionaire in a few years? Sucks for you I guess.

>> No.13361124

Israel bombed the USS Liberty

>> No.13361160

The word "organized" implies an organization. The only organization in our case is nChain. That's actually where organized attempts to shut posters down have been coming from.

Individuals expressing their opinions on a public platform do NOT constitute "organised harassment".

>> No.13361165

i bought bitcoin back in 2013? when it was 495$ and sold 2 coins at almost 1k... little did i know that it would jump to 20k shortly after in the comming year. FML i was a normie they just took a gamble 1 day on coinbase.

>> No.13361246

much worse than your baseline understanding of despair