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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 270 KB, 1038x524, Komodoracle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13358349 No.13358349 [Reply] [Original]


Your move LINK.

>> No.13358365

>official discord

>> No.13358375

stinklinkers will still hold onto their sergey linkies.
They just want to get dumped on and scammed.

>> No.13358378

I've bought and sold chainlink once at a profit but never komodo. I've heard it's a privacy coin. I've heard it's a platform. Now it's a solver of the oracle problem.

I've been trying to figure out how to run a chainlink node, should I be figuring out how to run a komodo node ?

>> No.13358413

When a worthless shitcoin has to rebrand three times and entirely change the scope of the project, isn't that enough to see that they're just riding off the hype of other projects?

>> No.13358421

seriously drop chainlink and just move to komodo.
its a smart contract platform. zcash fork.

does the stinkLink discord have close to 7k members and new projects luanching every few days? thought so

> official discord invite code : 7TF2CCE

ask there about running a KMD node. they will guide you through.

>> No.13358439

Fucking McDonald's is going to have working trustless oracles before Chainlink.

>> No.13358452

Your move, transvestite.

Can't, I'm straight.

>> No.13358467

What am I supposed to see here?

>> No.13358471
File: 145 KB, 780x432, 1555538269084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13358474

should reconsider, you even get free KMD there, they have a tip bot, just be active. you get KMD tipped sometimes.

seriously most projects are a joke compared to KMD. Especially stink link. 2 devs, nothing to show, thats what stink link is right now.

>> No.13358495

You can't even use proper English. You fucking shit foreigners are so bad at what you do. How will you ever survive without white people and our inventions and empathy?

>> No.13358506

Can't you use any aggregation rule you want for chainlink?

It sounds like Komodo's entire shtick is to say that the data pulled from off the chain can only vary up to 1% from the last time (the previous block) the data was pulled on to the chain...

That, besides being kind of dumb for some use cases, could just be done in chainlink for any oracle feed that thought it was appropriate, by using a different aggregation function instead of the medianizer, which is just the default.

Any criticism of chainlink that considers it to be a medianizer is wrong- either deliberately or naively.

Since they got that wrong, I wonder how good their solution has even been implemented. They don't understand how the prior work functions but we're supposed to believe their solution - even if the design was on point - has been implemented without some huge unintended flaw?

Yeeeeeahhh, no.

>> No.13358527

You retards make such boring regurgitated posts.

>> No.13358534

Ok so this leads to an article mentioning companies like EY which we know are most likely using chainlink. Cool

>> No.13358539

k then captain chain stink.
keep holding your nothing to show for it project.

>> No.13358564

>If there is only a nominal cost to submitting a data point, an attacker can simply flood the chain and move the average or median in any direction.

This seems like a pretty dumb argument, the cost of a transaction on the chainlink network is just a variable, any amount of collateral can be used to ensure this kind of malicious behavior doesn't happen

>> No.13358590

This was predicted in October 2018, no name projects would start popping up left and right trying to ride LINK's popularity when we were close to mainnet. The devs of those scammy projects have been keeping an eye on the pivotal tracker and know time's almost up.

Buy if you want, most massive sea mammals are ready no matter what...

>> No.13358596

What is it like? Being a soulless brown shitskin. Being poor even if you're considered rich in your backwards little country. To know you'll never ever make it, to know you'll always be nothing because God's will demanded you become nothing more than cattle for the rest of us. Born unto this world an animal who can talk.

What is it like? I bet it makes you angry and sad. That anger and sadness will never end.

>> No.13358602

>chainlink shills using discord as fud
State of chainlink shills and holders.

>no name projects
Their project has been around way before chainlink lol.

>> No.13358631

>zcash fork

disregarded as an investment instantly. Zcash, the privacy coin that US government endorses. Yea, no fucking thank you.

>> No.13358665

Where did you go animal? Figure out how to operate a shotgun in the mouth? You can't die, you'll just reappear here in the same stinking, ugly body that you tries to leave in. You're nothing, just a ghost in the reality of time. Don't ever forget that.

>> No.13358675

> a fork of a heavily audited crypto project, that has ZKsnarks ( best privacy tech ) is not an interesting investment.
You know what fork means right?

>> No.13358687

stop projecting man.
your 10k chainstink isn't gonna save you no matter how much you want to believe in sirgay and the 2 man dev team.

>> No.13358697
File: 125 KB, 893x899, snowdin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if Zsnarks is 1000000x more secure than XMR it doesnt matter, XMR is still unhackable and has the advantage of adoption without the NSA backdoors.

>> No.13358701


>> No.13358727
File: 1.43 MB, 1440x2224, 20190417_154444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their project has been around way before chainlink lol.
Not true, pathetic.

>The tolerance is set to 1 percent of the prior price, and it is indeed possible for the price to move more that this during one block. In a real-world scenario, the price reported by the oracle would lag slightly behind the actual price during extreme volatility, but this is not an issue for the overwhelming majority of the use cases (e.g., daily settlements).
Completely useless aggregation algorithm.

>Having Sadam Hussain in the team...

>> No.13358751

My fucking sides

>> No.13358762

im not a KMD fag but it's a very old project. I've been in crypto for four years and I remember it when I first got on /biz/

>> No.13358778

>Not true, pathetic.
Not an argument. Information is all available on coinmarketcap.

>> No.13358784

"Komodoracle" hasn't been in the game longer than chainlink.

Also, nice to see a newfag oldfag, how many Doges you have?

>> No.13358788

>>13358299 (OP)
did you read this at least ?? --> https://pastebin.com/NTsBNY68

the insights in this pasta blew my mind anon

>> No.13358796
File: 224 KB, 1383x1127, 1549346280783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit fren

>> No.13358834

for any anon, this pasta link is about fantom, dn't open it, useless.

>> No.13358851

Literally just another enigma, witnet, oraclize, kleros etc shitcoins that think they can oust link

These shitcoins are a dime a dozen. But theyère too late, chainlink is the industry standard

>> No.13358880

Enigma isn’t a shitcoin tho

>> No.13358995

Great to see copy cats. Means they are all trying to follow in Chainlink steps.

2019 Chainlink will set the tone just like Ethereum did with smartcontracts in 2017.

Buckle up frens

>> No.13359057
File: 242 KB, 1300x1500, 1524869142827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome, all they need now is mainstream adoption from the biggest players in every industry that will utilize smart contracts

>> No.13359083
File: 136 KB, 1640x818, advanced_tech_partner_kmd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh. KMD has more partners than chainlink
Amazon , only kmd is a partner in this category,
ETH is just a standard partner.

>> No.13359280

You can't copy something if it's not there, Chainlink literally doesn't have a mainnet, and everyone knew orcales would be a problem, chainlink is just one of the biggest orcales by marketcap, no one is copying at all since it doesn't have anything.

>> No.13359323

Good point, that's another dumb argument I missed.

So yeah, that's at least two cases where optional behavior is pointed out as a flaw so Komodo devs can pretend they "solved" that flaw.

>> No.13359459

so what have the two chainstink devs accomplished until now? :D