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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13358201 No.13358201 [Reply] [Original]

You can hate him for BSV but the guy is an absolute alpha.
>BS in engineering
>Created the largest betting company
>Escaped the feds all over the world
>Became more alpha as he aged

>> No.13358208

he's a literal criminal and looks like a devil.

>> No.13358227

Surprised they haven't brought on McAfee to complete the Triad of Fucking Insanity.

>> No.13358371

he aint into mariage

>> No.13358379

step 1: get the Calvin Ayre haircut
step 2: make a website and a twitter
step 3: incessantly shill low market cap coins
step 4: ???
step 5: kys because ur calvin ayre

>> No.13358390

yeah that is surprising a bit i bet for $100k he would get a nice dragon tattoo

>> No.13358400

Based as fuck, unironically. How do I become an on the run gunslinging (mentally) YOLO-esque certified "made it" criminal online tech startup gambling crypto entrepreneur?

Reminder: Breaking the law is fundamentally redpilled. Fuck the state. Illegalism is high spirited. This man is a role model. Satoshi would be a fan, and if he isn't then he should be.

>> No.13358414

>founded bodog in 2000
>bitcoin had code for poker specifically
>craig involved in online casinos

>> No.13358457

Jeez, why can't I be smart enough to invest in a guy wanted by the feds. What could go wrong.

>> No.13358497

Yet you invested in Bitcoin? Makes me think

>> No.13358504

No doubt he's smart, but unfortunately he hitched his wagon to the wrong horse. CSW is an absolute fool, and if he is Satoshi, he should have stayed anonymous.

>> No.13358512
File: 90 KB, 1000x929, kirbyishappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it hilarious how even /biz/ has apparently fallen into full on bitchhate mode against CA and CSW, just like the goyim on Twitter and Plebbit? I've seen less hate for Hitler on Tumblr.
>Inb4 salty newfag comes in here with his "I LOVE /biz/ memes" copypasta.

>> No.13358595

Just closed minded kikes lad, fuck em

>> No.13358635

the thing is... why is csw so anticriminal but makes a partnership with a money launderer. Answer: csw is a intel agent and calvin now works for the feds after they got him. that's how he avoided prison.

>> No.13358722

McAfee has morals. Not many, but some.

>> No.13358780
