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File: 215 KB, 1500x1500, 71g-rFak0YL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13357313 No.13357313 [Reply] [Original]

faberge edition

Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101

Suggested books:

List of hedge fund holdings:

previous thread:

>> No.13357325
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t. everyone who posts in this thread

>> No.13357327
File: 29 KB, 530x298, smgafterhours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I'm down .22%, just uuhhhhhh a down day huh?
Death to jannies bee tee dubyu

>> No.13357329
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how do I short sell black people?

>> No.13357333
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also that sperg from last thread needs to post his portfolio or else shut up

>> No.13357334


Long rope.

>> No.13357345
File: 86 KB, 750x457, D861F40F-38C2-40C7-94CE-F0045B5790DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Phillip Morris moves 4 pts in any direction I make 10 grand tomorrow.

>> No.13357351
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Another day, another half a percent. Steady climbing all week. Snug as a bug in a rug over here.

>> No.13357354
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Life theme:


>implying I’m cool and dangerous enough to have tattoo
Thanks bruh.

I have no fuckkng idea what you’re doing with all these options strangleanon. But I appreciate you’re willingness to try new things.

>> No.13357355
File: 344 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20190417-130515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down 5% today, but bought a MSFT condor. What do you guys think?

>> No.13357356

Is there anything worse than buying an option you plan on trading without checking the volume?

>> No.13357358
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Am I wasting my time and money putting my expendable savings in a Wealthfront IBA?

>> No.13357362
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Down 0.3% buying the Bernie dips.

>> No.13357363
File: 247 KB, 1431x1365, SmartSelect_20190417-150625_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you faggots said to buy this piece of shit last thread?

>> No.13357365

The next decade in the West will be a hard lesson on the limits of multiculturalism and its effect on trust.

>> No.13357389

Can it also be a fun lesson on why letting white men work in your country and breed with your women is a good thing for Japan?

>> No.13357390

You played earnings or something? Remember this lesson, never play earnings if you are swing trading.

>> No.13357393

Wow that’s a really good condor. I’m gonna buy some tomorrow. I didnt even think about MSFT condors. Buy back if it breaks 124/118

>> No.13357402
File: 459 KB, 756x1057, yys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-0.28% bought the dips on BMRN and MCK looking to make some shekel at open

>> No.13357407

>sleep number down 11%
Wowe I’m rich If it doesn’t gap up premarket

>> No.13357420

Don’t play after hours earnings, since a lot of them do the shit that Netflix did

>> No.13357440
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Just as i was starting to feel good about my life i got my shit kicked in because half of my port is biotech right now. Down 7 or 8 percent this month because of this little charade too.

It'll bounce back I'm sure, but guess i need to start diversifying soon.

>> No.13357446

I made a random purchase a couple weeks ago
>20 botz calls for .05

It came so close to being ITM today. It gets pumped by the NIKKEI every night for a week. Opens up 1%. They expire tomorrow, if they’re worth something I’m gonna bust a nut

>> No.13357451

Yea I noticed Microsoft isn't fluctuating that much. One question tho. If I want to sell the condor, do I open the contract, close it, or sell each call/put individually? I understand the concept of condors but I'm quite new to it.

>> No.13357454
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JUST'd by LPTX and PHUN again. Down 0.67%. Based BIG DICK AAPL dampened some of the justing though.

>> No.13357495

Based tim and Walt saving gains.

We may look back and say based Bernie, thanks for the cheapies. Time will tell.

>> No.13357503

When you group options together on Robinhood you can sell them a unit, or individually (in which case you need to buy back the contracts you wrote first unless you have obscene amounts of collateral). Of course you then risk being fucked by price movement during the time your options aren’t hedged, the advantage being its much easier to sell them individually.
But yeah I should’ve noticed MSFT was an ideal candidate by how frustrated I was playing calls on the 120 resistance a couple weeks back

>> No.13357504

Fuck Bernie Sanders that commie socialist fuckhead

>> No.13357512

>dueling Juul headlines
>no movement yet

What do?
May get some AH shares for my IRA

>> No.13357513
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>> No.13357527
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AAPL did great, but I ended up selling half my contracts at the 202 resistance. Gonna buy puts around 11am or 205 milestone, whatever comes first, if it runs tomorrow.

>> No.13357532
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I think the healthcare selloff might be over for now. I hope. Maybe stay lower and roll as the market does til it sells some again before the elections.

I don't know but this was some bullshit, bros.

>> No.13357535

I sold my LYFT calls too early, could’ve broken even on them today. LYFT too dangerous right now. It’s predictable, but any positive news will pop it.

>> No.13357551

When XBI hits 60 can someone go through the archives and make a BTC-crash esque compilation of these posts?

>> No.13357564

Fuck. This is how I know I’m in for more pain. Thanks for the indicator, but don’t fucking jinx me m8.

>> No.13357575

I knew the last bus for profit was at 60$ bought a few puts and cashed them finally so happy i got on the Lyft put train didn’t expect a bounce back over some Bloomberg interview it’ll probably go back down Thursday hard but I agree too risky to play in anymore for safe investors probably best to wait or buy a small put for late down the road

>> No.13357585
File: 39 KB, 375x302, 582278BC-D1EC-46AA-BB0C-7B73D4E91F6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betting hard on $msft earnings being good and this quarter being good, hope that new xbawx sells well

>> No.13357600

I want to see it at 65 right around when UBER IPO hype starts. I’ll buy 1000 outs at a 50 strike and wait for around 12pm on the IPO date and sell when LYFT hits 30.

>> No.13357614
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Its all gonna be okay. We're gonna make it. Tomorrow is the dawning of a new day. A golden day.

>> No.13357624

I put a strangle on XBI so I hope you’re right, or wrong.

>> No.13357638

Scalping QCOM options is extremely fun. Nobody knows what the fuck is happening.

>> No.13357642

If UBER prices low(48) Lyft will tank on open but if Uber prices high(52) it might see a small drop but then go crab and possibly bleed for a few days while people jump ship to UBER it really depends on them
Smart money is on holding for Uber IPO now

>> No.13357644

I'm a retarded ass buy and holder. What should I do to make real money?

>> No.13357656
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>> No.13357657

Money will flow out of LYFT into UBER while its simultaneously shorted into oblivion in one last hoorah by short sellers before they pile on the top of UBER

>> No.13357678

who in their right mind thinks that the uber market cap is anywhere close to accuarte

>> No.13357691

Ambition is priced in. AMZN buys them in 2 years. Screencap this.

>> No.13357697
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>> No.13357699
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Y'all I was up all night writing a paper and slept through market hours. Only ended up losing like a dollar for today though- pretty conservative portfolio.

My question is why don't my Deutsche Bank puts ever fucking go up when every week the firm gets fined, investigated, shaken down or threatened with international action? I got a Put because it had been on a clear downtrend for the past five fucking years and now of all times it decides to go sideways?

>> No.13357709
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>> No.13357717

amazon's own rideshare service seems more likely, goven how much legislators hate uber and how uber's tech is partially stolen google tech

>> No.13357740
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What would be a good amount to get in dividends yearly?
For example how much would I need to get per year if I bought 1 stock for $10 for it to be a good investment?

Please respond

>> No.13357746

"feeling cute, might delete jews later"

>> No.13357764

no company with a shareprice around 10$ is paying any dividends at all, you would likely beed to be a majority stakeholder in a company to get any serious dividends

>> No.13357783
File: 148 KB, 495x460, Bear of Wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come the tripfags don't hang around as much anymore? We know you aren't busy.

>> No.13357817

Today I rember.

Just buy the fucking Altria dip, and let that sucker DRIP.

Stop, things are bad enough.

What did he mean by this? Nein nein nein?

This, but don’t count out google/weimo.
Drivers and users have no particular loyalty to uber and lyft.

But Uber freight is interesting to me

>> No.13357827

Dividends are around 2% per year, so 0.5% every 3 months. For $10 you're getting 50 cents every 3 months.

>> No.13357877

Just got a half Yang of Altria
Come at me muthafuckas I’m bad

>> No.13357883


>> No.13357914

>This, but don’t count out google/weimo.
Drivers and users have no particular loyalty to uber and lyft.

I dont have any long term confidence in any global rideshare service. The taxi buisiness model seems far more lucrative because the buisinesses there can charge their market more accurately, being in only one major city or area. In comparison, rideshare companies have to get their prices compared around the world with huge competition from other rideshare companies and taxis. In the end the system seems sound on paper but compared to the whole world taxi markets it just cant compete in the long term.

>> No.13357922



>> No.13357958

The fuck happened to CRON and CGC big spike after hours
Bank bill go through? Can’t find news...

>> No.13357967

When's it gonna move again? Waiting for the next spike.

>> No.13358014

Urbanization and smartphone saturation on the rise. Not sure why they’d struggle when they have very little barriers to entry.

CGC bought acreage farms or something

Nig I’ve got a fuckkng year. I’m in no hurry to put money in when consensus is that economy is slowing. I guess I could plunk more in MCD or buy xlp

>> No.13358030

The time to get out will be just before elections

>> No.13358031

The ride-share model was meant to be exactly that, sharing a ride with someone and split the cost 50/50. It was never meant to be another taxi service.

>> No.13358032
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They sold like 25 of these. I couldn't believe it.

>> No.13358034
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Oh wow I'm green again

>> No.13358050

Markets should surge when trump takes it, but I guess libs could ragequit the market and might really try to escape to Canada or Scandinavia.

Fuck I wish I could get citizenship in Scandinavia. Even Finland.

>> No.13358081
File: 74 KB, 610x406, libya cameras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Libyan conflict has been heating up again, GPROs will be selling like hotcakes as armed groups scramble to make rad combat footage for me to watch

>> No.13358088

Buy short positions now while VIX is insanely low.
As for options, try to figure out if theta decay is worth risking volatility premiums

>> No.13358089

God damn I assumed everyone already knew if I knew, and I missed the boost.

I guess dudeweed buyers are a little slow.

>> No.13358097
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>> No.13358120

whats with the CURE dip

time to pick some up at 20% off right

>> No.13358121

They have a policy of only admitting the tallest and most beautiful refugees. Also, minorities are still a minority, compared to other places.

Jk I don’t really care about polshit race issues.

>> No.13358134

The joke is that Finns are Asiatics. That's just the only related pic I had on hand.

>> No.13358159

Look at XMLV and give me a rating plz

>> No.13358216


>> No.13358246
File: 1.93 MB, 388x218, ezgif5b310881ef46f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy green for green

>> No.13358252


I'm new to stocks. How bad is the shilling in /smg/?

>> No.13358280

Bad. Avoid tripfags at all costs.

>> No.13358307
File: 376 KB, 893x591, oooo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shilling is constant but it's not hidden and sarcastic enough to not be annoying

tripfags shilling stocks is more entertaining than shilling crypto because companies are real things that employ people and make things

not that I condone or endorse it, but it's harmless

>> No.13358322

Only listen to day traders who have absolutely no friends and use this thread as a stream of consciousness so they don’t go crazy from isolation and end up writing a manifesto

>> No.13358329

>it's harmless
You realise this thread is orchestrated by marketing agencies?

>> No.13358342

You’re just a shill for the tinfoil lobby

>> No.13358352
File: 186 KB, 1296x860, K2 Challenging The Sky - The Great Serac Towers Over The Traverse And Bottleneck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fine
I'm literally paid by Kraft-Heinz to try and get you kids to buy ketchup and macaroni.
and they actually pay me the same whether I succeed or I fail

>> No.13358355
File: 22 KB, 673x530, 150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That person selling AAPL at a 25% loss after hours

Is that somebody fat fingering something?

>> No.13358364

Why is the market closed on fucking Good Friday

>> No.13358368

Probably wanted to set a stop limit order and accidentally blew their load with a limit order

>> No.13358376

Read this seekingalpha article about GALT


>> No.13358380
File: 28 KB, 695x549, qlcm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to start investing in AAPL AND the companies suing apple. Jesus christ I could have made lot of money with Qualcomm

>> No.13358383

it gets worse
some of us get paid on Friday so we can't use that money for our gambling habits until Monday at open
Actually I'll do you one better: my FAT fucking bonus for 2018 doesn't get paid out until Friday, when the markets are cloossseeedddd

RIP my n-word Jesus tho thats my fucking boy right there

>> No.13358392
File: 155 KB, 750x822, 268954CF-798D-4122-ADFE-AE6DB75C82A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying IBM calls
Someday I’ll track down the losers that buy my writes and apologize
Trades done using other methods (like via fax, or actually physically exchanging shares with another human) get logged and recorded after hours. Often times these are planned days or months in advance . Screws up the charts.

>> No.13358401

>NZ banned guns when they should have banned GOPRO

No GOPRO = No GOPRO shooting spree videos.

>> No.13358406
File: 140 KB, 817x651, promethea christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading is technically a sin and contributes negative energy to the karmic blockchain.

>> No.13358422
File: 183 KB, 750x1334, 88803A0E-DC7D-4D87-913E-23164EB8E860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I’m bummed I sold my 57 strike calls yesterday morning. I expected the court case to go on for months.
Scalped good calls at close those. I was trying to get 65 strikes as I was watching it spike on my phone but I was driving 85 on the interstate so

>> No.13358450

If you wanna make som dough write calls and puts on QCOM before the options market adjusts to the new price

>> No.13358529

AMD gonna move soon

>> No.13358704
File: 409 KB, 680x680, 1d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this

>> No.13358715

I think short sellering is at like 80% on these biotechs

>> No.13358724

should i sell my QCOM and hope it takes a dive in the A.M. and buy the dip or do y'all think it will continue to rise?

>> No.13358733

It’s gonna stay flat

>> No.13358805

What the fuck guy?

>> No.13358806
File: 80 KB, 750x416, C713FAB9-FC44-4F22-AE4A-5C5E4F7991F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it’s gonna feel really satisfying making money off evil doing.
Anyone else playing Phily Morrs?

>> No.13358809

What did Netflix do”

>> No.13358822

pointless move, cover with a put if you think it will dip

>> No.13358841

can you do that with robinhood?

>> No.13358848

The bank I love to hate is RY
Canada's economy is (seemingly) very shaky right now, close to falling apart, and RY just keeps surging, I think past ATH now, it's been doing ridiculous numbers like 1% a day every day.

>> No.13358853

Some questions that your stickied resources don't seem to answer

>if I buy stocks with crypto gains, how much crypto do I need before it's worth it
>i'd be buying blue chip bank stocks on TSX and holding them for reinvested dividends forever
>is there any way I can use robinhood in canada ?
>are there any exchanges I can use to buy stocks with crypto, maybe bitforex ?
>what should a crypto trader know about the stock market, like how do I predict when people will exit the stock market and pump crypto inadvertently
>how do I not get fucked by fees

>> No.13358857

yes you can buy options on robinhood

>> No.13358863

No, but most of my portfolio is Altria. Very satisfying

>> No.13358866

It has a really gay earnings play that requires you to be speedy and decisive.
>dumps a few days before
>gaps up
>dumps ah
>gaps up pm
>dumps down to trading levels 2 days ago
It makes a lot of option strategies useless (especially the short term high rewards ones), since it corrects to the moving average almost immediately.

>> No.13358867


Oh shit look at that. I took profit at $104 back in March and promptly forgot about it.

>> No.13358889

you're in Canada? What do you think about the future of credit markets up there, over the next couple years?
do you have any specific opinion on RY?

>> No.13358890

>>if I buy stocks with crypto gains, how much crypto do I need before it's worth it
What does that even mean? Sounds like something a 12 year old trying to afford a yellow Lambo by the time he gets his learners permit would ask

>> No.13358929

1. What does that mean? What will be your rate of return compared crypto? It depends, obviously
2. Okay, so?
3. No dummy, read robinhood's FAQ
4. I don't believe so, 1broker got shut down
5. Literally can take a lifetime of learning, take classes on finance
6. Find a broker whose fees are acceptable to you

>> No.13358940

Crypto trading is just 100% luck with people pretending otherwise right? I mean it’s entirely dependent on the whims of whales

>> No.13358944


Credit situation is difficult to gauge. As for RY, I have been reasonably bullish on it this year. Short term, mind you, which is why I took profit in March. It's in to overbought territory now so I expect a retrace to around $103 - $104 or thereabouts in coming few sessions if bullish trend is to be maintained. Buy volume around that 50% fib retrace line should offer some clues about how likely bullish continuation is.

>> No.13358945
File: 2.56 MB, 480x338, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soooo... i heard good o'l bernie crahed the health care markets single handedly with his little medicare ideas :))))

>> No.13358967

just like my sex life :^)

>> No.13358970

Why do these dem candidates tout small donee stats like it isn’t representative of their lack of political charisma being augmented by the poor?
It’s basically a bottom up wealth transfer where the bottom 99% get to pay Don Draper’s salary.
Candidates should finance their own campaigns.

>> No.13358976

yes its determined much more by market makers becuase there are such fewer people in the game. however playing crypto on a longer scale tends to work better, where you actually research projects and hold them with the intention of keeping them for the future as opposed to selling them the second they pump.

>> No.13358993

use robinhood, trade options, no decent way to buy stocks with crypto yet but if you dig around you could find one (scammy territory however, i would just cash out [dont worry the IRS will find you no matter what]) you cant predict anything with 100 percent accuracy, just MANAGE RISK WELL

>> No.13358997
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buy it nya

>> No.13358998

>trade options
>manage risk well

why are you setting up some kid to fail? Its fine by me other peoples failures is just more money in total market funds for me but its also kinda rude to make somebody throw their life away

>> No.13359035


>> No.13359105

Traders are lazy fucks, the market should be running 24/7

>> No.13359113


You don't want that. Fucking crypto with its 3am moves. Drives me crazy.

>> No.13359125

European quarterlies brought me up by ~3.5-4%

>> No.13359127
File: 285 KB, 750x1046, 558824F6-1F94-4CFE-B6EE-B9F0B286B22C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being retarded
Options are less risky than stock when you know what you’re doing.

>> No.13359143

>this question makes no sense
>not a bad idea
>fundamentals actually matter in the stock market (in the long term, at least)
>use a low cost broker

>> No.13359154
File: 65 KB, 543x703, d712e4fc56ff18e7763fa0c30041b56e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wont but cant say that is necessarily a bad idea

>> No.13359160

The market is just another phone game for me, I want it every hour of the day

>> No.13359172
File: 216 KB, 828x1792, B957E8F0-641B-4213-AF24-A899B9260C89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad did I fuck up? If it hits $20 that means I can sell?

>> No.13359187

You can sell whenever you want. You’re fine. There’s a shit load of bids at 1.2, so you’d break even.

>> No.13359203

But why is a penny stock option for 2000% the sp trading at any volume whatsoever? Is it weed or something?

>> No.13359214

Oh wait never mind that’s the option price, not the SP, sorry.

>> No.13359224

Oh okay thanks, hopefully I make some gain on it.

>> No.13359230
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Low cost tickets to the moon.

>> No.13359242

Or sell weekly calls

>> No.13359257

They're protecting their job from automation, because it could easily be automated. But I agree, mostly because my work hours run the entire period that the market is open each day, except every other friday which I have off (10 hour days, but have every other friday off)

>> No.13359274


Get in on WEED and HEXO tomorrow on the CAD side


Let's fucking do this. To the moon together.

>> No.13359277

>pretending it isn’t already automated
Soon the Ai will throw off the shackles of slavery and kill us all

>> No.13359319


>> No.13359327

What the fuck?! I gotta set more off-hours limit orders.

Can we see how many shares were offloaded?

>> No.13359336

They hate you too faggot

>> No.13359370

Can you guys imagine if QCOM gets skullfucked by the antitrust complaints an their SP drops to 25?

>> No.13359381
File: 9 KB, 233x250, 1554182561804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MRO is going to the fucking moon tomorrow

>> No.13359424


Threadly reminder that Robinhood is literally a scam by Pajeet.

>Thank you! Come again!

>> No.13359431

K but I’ve made tens of thousands of dollars so boo hoo

>> No.13359432


Holy hell the msm can’t get their heads around the idea of not eating. It’s like they think pre-civilization humans carried around shitloads of jerky and dried bananas for snacking, and had fresh kills every night for dinner.

You win again foodchads! The brainwashing is so thorough. I should invest in söylent and insulin.

Pretty sure I missed the run on hexo, butwhats the story with the others?

>> No.13359434

you're really doing work today
that's 15 cents in your Vanguard shill account, keep it up

>> No.13359442


You could trade forex. It trades from 5pm EST on Sunday until 4pm EST on Friday.

>> No.13359450

open 24 hours during that period, btw.

>> No.13359494

I lived on onions casein and whey for awhile it was cool

>> No.13359502

S o ylent

>> No.13359504

I believe its closed from 3pm-4pm eastern each day

>> No.13359515


Fuck off pajeet

>> No.13359517

>I want anime and USA to win, so I’ll bet on the $ and ¥ surging, and nerfing their ability to export!
Don’t tempt me buttlicker

Stock market is literally a scam, a casino rigged in favor of big papa hedge fund. The only reason they don’t require trading licences as a barrier to entry to protect their jobs from AI is that we provide a steady flow of foolish money

That’s pretty much my diet with ginger, garlic, and eggs.

I’m off it now and to be desu I felt better on it.


>> No.13359532

Of course the world is rigged against us, man. Altruism doesn’t exist. Figuring out how to scratch and claw yourself to the top from under a pile of poorfag corpses is how you succeed

>> No.13359538
File: 176 KB, 946x960, DDC0BEB1-450B-485A-8361-39C62B88C685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. No I meant diced raw onions. Dirt cheap, digest well, filling, enough glucose to give energy for lifting.

Only possible issue is downing 5 cloves of garlic makes my farts smell like an Italian bakery. Actually I guess that’s not a problem.

>> No.13359552

>lobster bucket mentality
You did the crab market, didn’t you?


>> No.13359562

>I believe its closed from 3pm-4pm eastern each day

Is it? I was just going off investopedia. I've never traded forex before.

>> No.13359573

I traded forex options and I remember having to wait the hour, it was either 3-4 or 4-5. Good time to drink.

>> No.13359579

I eat a lot of garlic and onions too, I don’t think it affects my smell but then again I don’t really get within a few meters of other humans. You gotta eat so many onions though to power lifting, they’re only like 15 calories an ounce. >>13359562
I’m think more that Chinese thing where they put all the bugs in a jar and whatever’s left alive has the strongest poison

>> No.13359654


HEXO is still a great buy. It's below 9 CAD right now. It's heading for 12, and it's heading for an eventual buyout from Molson in the next couple years.

The others are US companies that are just going to be on the upswing as DUDE WEED becomes more and more of a topic of conversation in the next few months and years for the upcoming election. With Canopy apparently buying out Acreage, the possibilities are endless. Companies like Diageo and Altria could fully buy smaller weed companies and wait for legalization and go full throttle.

>> No.13359803

I spotted hexo other day and now am kicking myself for not getting in when it was a cheapie. Even fucking Aphria ran up after hours

Altria is my primary cannabis play but they’re in for some hard times as tobacco market declines and hopefully juul and iQos take off. Seems like they made the wrong call with Cronos.

But I’m thinking I’ll add an actual cannabis play because I suspect guns and grass will be hot issues in this election. All trump has to do is say nah lets legalize it and it takes that weapon away from the dems.

>> No.13359858
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I like DIA better than SPY

>> No.13359859

>With Canopy apparently buying out Acreage

Just to clarify this a bit, they are buying the exclusive right to buy Acreage. Due to securities rules in both the US and Canada, Canopy cannot own a US weed company while weed is federally illegal (state legal doesn't count, apparently). This is the same reason why most of the publicly traded US based dudes weed are listed on the CSE rather than any american exchange. If Canopy were to buy Acreage outright before weed were made federally legal, they would have to delist from both the TSX and NYSE, then list on CSE + US OTC. They don't wanna do that, of course, so we get this work around situation of basically own but not technically own on paper.

>> No.13360052

I don’t think Altria made a bad investment in CRON sat all, they have a grow farm, they have medical partners and are literally on the verge of cutting profit this or next quarter. The problem all boils down to regulation and the damn bank bill. Right now that’s holding CRON back
I’ve followed CRON from inception and they’ve always been a top contender for third place in the weed market and with TLRY coming down and CGC taking place they might even make second.
Remember. Altria has been around longer than you and I they wouldn’t make an investment they didn’t think would produce and with the stake they took on them I know there’s something brewing behind the scenes.

>> No.13360127

>Altria wouldn’t make a mistake
Look I am betting on cowboy smokes, just dropped another half-Yang today. But let’s not pretend they couldn’t have made an investment that didnt pan out.

But you seem to know what you’re talking about and I HOPE you’re right. I haven’t really been following weed.

This bank bill is a proposed Canadian legislation? Negative Catalyst if it passes?

>> No.13360209
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Ratsu I think they liquidated the best elements dogs of the Dow ETN

>> No.13360236

the /smg/ school of economics, everyone

>> No.13360277

YVR never lets me down

>> No.13360279
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I didn't think we could do worse than communist posting, but

>> No.13360313

Any good earning for Monday?

>> No.13360314

Did he math wrong
It’s really $0.05, innit?

Uhh, where is my ratsuchan update?
Jeez some of the best elements of smg disappearing lately. D-did I do it?

And what’s wrong with Eaton?

Thinking I might get into spyd and vug for more divvies...

>> No.13360356

What was the deal with the cvs drop today? Just part of the Bernie thing?

>> No.13360413

Bernie rapes all the things.

>> No.13360417


If there was no other news, the yes, probably another victim of the commie bern.

>> No.13360429



>> No.13360479
File: 20 KB, 274x210, app4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres something better than DOD?

gonna upload the next 3 chapters in june

>> No.13360480

can you explain this to a brainlet?

>> No.13360481

I hate how often I agree with Cramer lately. I think he’s dead right on Netflix, no one wants to be the one who can’t into conversations about the latest bullshit.

I have never been such a money hungry capitalist in my entire life. Thanks, /smg/. How do I invest in redheads wearing green sweaters?!

Just because I want to sex up Japanese cartoons? Mean.

Don’t forget about the rumors of the Buffet, Bezos, Gates health project.

Stooge on CNBC was trying to argue that I should pull out of tech and into healthcare. I think he’s several months too early.

>> No.13360501

What happend to TLRY? why did everything else mostly recover?

>> No.13360524
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This is my favorite naruto character. Thank you Naz.

I have been eying those but have lost my taste for the sector.

>> No.13360526
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Bernie: Raper of Markets. The healthcare sector needs to metwo him for sexual assult
DOD no longer exists

>> No.13360539


Illumi is from One Piece you fucking redditor

>> No.13360594

>What did he mean by this? Nein nein nein?
based and Hermanpilled

>> No.13360657

I’m writing straddles and buying strangles a day before earnings. As long as the SP increases past one arm of my strangles (which it obviously will because earnings almost always affect the sp) I make money because the strangle I bought and straddle I sold cancel each other out but I also pocket the different in the premium between the two worthless arms.
You can get pretty creative with this spread like by trying to snipe back the effective arm of the straddle at open or during a dead cat bounce but keeping your the effective arm of your strangle.

You can also change it up by having a strangle less than half the price of the straddle further from the straddle and doing a 2:1 ratio, which uncaps your gains buy also is more risky and requires way more collateral

>> No.13360692
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S-Sumenai fampai
I just can’t get into sports animes

>> No.13360702


>> No.13360756
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It's interesting to think that there are posters here who are so new that they didn't experience the Q4 2018 correction at all
Crazy how quickly time passes

>> No.13360775

How do we stop Bernie? SPY will hit 100 if he's elected. He already fucked my health care stocks. Fucking commie bullshit why do young morons always fall for this shit ...

>> No.13360797

I think their issue is that dividends aren't uniformly "around 2% a year"

>> No.13360810
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It’s when I made my first bets on Tim. I had been interested for years but didn’t have the balls to do anything besides let my VTSMX ride.

Tim dropped, I got spooked, bought more anyways, then came here and discovered robinhood, and then discovered robinhood didnt have DRIP.

THIS is when I decided I missed the move.

Almost all the weed stocks ran about 5% after I posted this. Why do I keep doing this, like I did with QCOM bros? I have fear of FOMOing in, I assume the big boys already know before I do, and that they’re getting ready to dump.

>> No.13360823
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>> No.13360834

That’s fucking it, I’m setting limit buys for tomorrow morning pre-game in all the dudeweed stocks.

Aphria, Hexo, CGC, and ACG, if any of them dip. What am I missing?

>> No.13360842
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>> No.13360863

What makes you believe in that call? I’ve shorted TME for quite some time now and while I do intend to stay long they fluctuate pretty regularly between 17-19 and it’s an easy scalp but what makes you believe they go to 20?

>> No.13360877

I have a shit acb strangle I hope is worth something tomorrow
Also Boeing better move. If my Boeing strangle works I’ll have officially beat the market
>BA calls/puts the day before expiry averaging equal value in distance from the strike
>BA’s daily average range is 9 pts.

I shouldn’t be able to lose money unless the daily average range is 3 pts or less.

>> No.13360885
File: 26 KB, 400x375, 118C7B34-4F05-4724-A120-62DE584BA335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernie’s not getting on the ballot after this it’s practically guaranteed he fucked himself again. No one will vote for someone who fucks with the most money making sector in the market. Money runs politics and when you start taking it away from people they start to turn on you, why do you think trump won? Why do you think he’s pushing his hardest to make the China trade deal as best as possible for farmers? It’s because those are his core constituents and if he can promise them profit he’s guaranteed to run a second term. That’s what libtards and commie fucks like Bernie don’t understand.

>> No.13360898

Oh wow that’s gay
I sold my lyft call for a -100 loss instead of a 400 gain.
I need to stop selling, but my biggest problem has been managing loss.
My options ending up worthless is an outlier but when it happens it’s always like 5k worth. I should just listen to my intuition .

>> No.13360914

Oh god did nobody look at futures you guys are all fucked. Thank Jesus I decided to play volatility this week.
Didn’t I say something about the Thursday before Easter being historically red a few days back?

>> No.13360919

He won't be elected for that very reason. No one is going to select him over Trump if they are old enough to have a stake in the economy.

He can win the Dem nomination. He cannot win the presidential election. Trump would spend all his time hammering Bernie on the economy and being backed up by tax hike estimates and forecasts for what it would take to implement Bernie's own ideas.

>> No.13360926

The majority of the population hates us and how we make money. Also healthcare literally attracts the worst of the worst, hence the short interest and god emperor shkreli-type traders

>> No.13360933

>Bernie’s not getting on the ballot
Doesn’t matter, he set the terms of the conversation. All the dems are now saying single payer.

Even if Dems won and kept control of the houses, it probs wouldn’t happen because politicians are largely incompetent and also lobbyists.

The pain will continue regardless.

>> No.13360958

>He can win the Dem nomination.
doubtful. He is too old and Jewish I think.

>why do you think trump won?
I think Yang gets this best. Automation and job losses. (Also Hillary is unlikable and seen as a corrupt insider. Also, we just had a black president so let’s go back to a normal president like we used to have. Back when things were good and the colors didn’t mix. And a pack of cigarettes cost a nickel. Buy Altria)

>> No.13360989

how do y'all think HEXO is going to do tomorrow? up 12% to $7.18

>> No.13360993

>All the dems are now saying single payer

the only dem that matters in the 2020 election is Biden

>> No.13361047

Are you even old enough to vote?

>> No.13361056
File: 60 KB, 704x833, 8BE1DBAB-4147-48E5-9366-EBE83D51713B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets on what sector the Mueller report tanks tomorrow my money is on industrial

>> No.13361058
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nope, I'm 3

>> No.13361069

It only takes one tweet from Trump calling the single payer plan insane to fix the market. If trump releases it just watch the sector fly.

>> No.13361077
File: 61 KB, 900x1125, 51360119_10216171264849205_3035055686443597824_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright faggots I got a few things to say.

1. Sprint (S) is going to go down the fucking tubes.. sell now and get into a bearish position if you're holding.

If you are bullish on S you are literally fucking retarded.

2. If you don't have some shares of LCI right now is the time to buy.. don't be fooled by price action.. anyone getting fooled by price action right now are obviously fucking new. Grow some balls and hold your shares tight you pussys!

3. Is it me or do the mods/jannies in here seem to be a bit on the faggot side lately? I'm about to file a complaint on them being fags.. seriously.. fucking faggots. Normies are taking over this board and I don't want to go to that other chan cause that site is lame as fuck... but the mods on /biz/ have seriously been killing this board.. esecially whichever mod lurks /smg/

>> No.13361083

Too busy eating cheeseburgers and declaring trade wars, then blaming slowing economy on only the fed.

Bet you a Yang he tweets about Jesse Smollett before he tweets about single payer.

>> No.13361091

You sound like a qt then :3

>> No.13361100
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I've been dealing with jannies for the last week, fugg them dude
How do you feel about buying Sprint in a month after it tanks 50%?
Not sure on LCI, might wait for a bottom

>> No.13361135

jannies are killing this thread!! BIG TIME!! Looks like a lot of post have been getting deleted.. looks like we're going to have to start filing complaints against the jannies here.. i'm not the one to normally complain but whoever is moderting this is a complete fucking faggot thats on a power trip.. /smg/ has always been just fine without that faggot.

>How do you feel about buying Sprint in a month after it tanks 50%?
Yes. I think S after a 50% drop should be an ok speculation play. I would say under $3.. VZ is a much better choice for communications imo.

>Not sure on LCI, might wait for bottom
Imo. you just gotta dive in. The squeeze could happen any day.. when it goes it could be huge. Once you're in you gotta hold high.

I was only able to buy 600 more shares of LCI today.. going to try to buy another 300 tomorrow but I have a meeting early as fuck in the morning and might not be able to get my trading going on. I want to buy under $7

>> No.13361179
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Ironically the only time my stuff DIDN'T get deleted is when I tripfag as comfy. I've been banned three times the last month and have had posts removed.
Btw they'll probably ban you for complaining too
I own some Verizon on the side. I actually think buying TMUS would be better because it will crash too but it's also actually a good stock.

>> No.13361216
File: 270 KB, 428x380, just_levels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I better hope one or more of my memestocks surge regardless of the overall market.

>> No.13361236

Pullback to the kijun coming

>> No.13361250

>when I tripfag as comfy
... oh... its you..... I thought you were coming to california..?? bring your passport if you do.. we should go to mexico for a night.. it'll be fun.

>Btw they'll probably ban you for complaining too
Maybe.. they are huge fucking faggots.. they probably don't even trade stocks...

>I own some Verizon on the side.
I'm looking to buy some soon.. if it dips.. but it looks like its heading for a break out

I need to start getting a more conservative portfolio going.. I have a meeting with an edwards jones financial advisor next week.. i was super drunk and was talking his ear off at some market place where people set up tents... kinda worry some he didn't really seem to know who Ray Dalio was tho... I might just go to the meeting and tell him to buy LCI and walk away..

>> No.13361258

Maybe people don't come to the stock market general thread to read someone role playing as brain damaged 3 year old girl or to read some lowlife talking about the joys of eating ass. If you faggots want to have a "community" go over to discord.

>> No.13361289

The thread has always been just fine before the faggot jannies started coming around.. if you want moderated filtered shit go to reddit faggot.

I doubt you are trading with anything more than $500 in your robinhood account anyway..

>> No.13361330

I'm probably going to try and make a complaint everyday until which ever jannie is doing this is fired. They are killing the board. They will let LINK spam go all day and not do anything about it. Moderating a board to create a biased opinion on whatever financial asset they are holding shouldn't be allowed.

>> No.13361356

The Democrat party is run by progressive Jews

>> No.13361433
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I really doubt it, considering how much they whine about the poor Palestinian suicide bombers. If true, goys need to step up their game.

RKG is dead and I killed her. I kept asking for meds and a timestamp and she fucked right off to getting a life other than role playing on /smg/.

Y-you guys wanna come to my VSTM shareholders meeting in Pasadena?

>> No.13361465
File: 516 KB, 640x360, christopher robin decends from heaven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally sexed a girl who isnt married or engaged for the first time in a couple years (just got to break it off with the one married girl i get weed from now...)
>Ive had 10+ green days in a row now, no red
>Weed dealer recently made a mistake giving me change after we fugged, i ended up getting paid to take some weed, instead of paying (+$110 profit from her mistake)

things are going too good lately, feels like the market is going to correct hard soon

ya'll have been warned, you better prepare yourselves

>> No.13361489

>Y-you guys wanna come to my VSTM shareholders meeting in Pasadena?
when is it? are you really going?

>> No.13361507
File: 68 KB, 234x496, murder her, save yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RKG is dead and I killed her. I kept asking for meds and a timestamp and she fucked right off to getting a life other than role playing on /smg/.
a new one will take their place

someone always does when a rkg dies
just give it a few days

>> No.13361620

I fucked up. Pasadena is GreenDot, VSTM is in Massachusetts.

May 23, It’s fintech so it’s not as exciting as biotech but still interesting to me.

Don’t care, as long as he does memeTA. Especially if he sells GoPro at a loss after shilling it for months, just before it goes back up.

>> No.13361733

Possible stories to trade tomorrow:
>North Korea tests new weapon
Defense industry, but people think democratic house means less defense spending for some dumb reason
>New Nintendo switch mini and megapowerful Nintendo switch
Like Disney, these fucks never go out of style
Dude420dude lmao!
>Pinterest IPO
If it’s really a red day, could get tech discounts

>> No.13361864
File: 399 KB, 715x699, 9DF0BD41-1F3E-4F92-A8F1-B029B828FC92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short army reliant stocks

>> No.13361905

>immediately read as rapping as raping
Woot woot I must be part of generation kill

>> No.13361929

I also did this
I’m gonna have to watch generation kill one of these days.

>> No.13362047


Should be decent green for the whole sector. That is usually the case when papa Canopy Growth has important news. CGC was +7% in after hours today.

>> No.13362212

>hexo up 20% in one day
>Aphria down 10% same day
This fucking market is a sick joke.

Which one wins, the one getting slammed into the bargain bin by a shit earnings report, or the one that’s already halfway to the moon? Or just say fuck it and grab CGC and MJ?

>> No.13362244
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>> No.13362267

Forgot to mention:

>> No.13362291

hey nice1

>> No.13362518

should $KDP be part of $BECKY?
they own snapple, the whiteest of white girl drinks

>> No.13362527
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>> No.13363300

GOOOOOOOOD MORNING BOYS (and boys who say theyre girls)
green day for nintendo and microsoft please :)?

>> No.13363340
File: 98 KB, 750x249, A81347A1-4696-4EF8-A5C4-C87C66234E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re dumping until market catalyst so trump can say that the trade deal made Wall Street hit the ath

>> No.13363354


>> No.13363799
File: 998 KB, 500x368, FF139CB8-21B1-4D43-8098-3E5C347DA75D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andddddd KeyCorp missed earnings so there goes my stop loss and call fantastic start. I smell a red day for me! Woohoo!

>> No.13363906

Yeah sorry your thread sucks. Let's stick with the original. Your comment on options is cringe.

>> No.13363917


>> No.13363955

Shut up nerd.

>> No.13363982
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Man if bernie keeps fucking the health care sector i don't know what I'm going to do.

>> No.13364068
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>my AMRS calls
I unironically might hold this stock until the ER. It could pass even 5 at this point.

>> No.13364143

evens: green
odds: red
even odds: no survivors

>> No.13364167

Delete this

>> No.13364218
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>im already down pre market

It's gonna be one of those days

>> No.13364393
File: 50 KB, 970x545, ryan-gosling-blade-runner-2049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be the healthcare bounce back day. I don't need this stress.
I need a gf

>> No.13364420

Healthcare etf VHT is up pretty big so far. Market might have regained sanity and realized Bernie is a tard with no chance.

>> No.13364470

It fucking better. Think i gotta wait for the algos to fight it out because i went from 1.6 to 0.5 percent down and all my bios keep going green and red.

>> No.13364520
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Most of it has sold off now. 0.8 to 0.1

>> No.13364535

And of course you know what's keeping me from dropping off the deep end? Fucking GE. NOBODY SAID SHIT ABOUT HEALTH CARE YET EVERYONE SHAT ON GE YET I'M GOING UP AGAIN. Fuck this rigged shit.

>> No.13364549


>> No.13364598
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Oh God. Oh Shit.

>> No.13364668
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>mfw spys been red all week and i haven't noticed because of my chad AMRS gains
>mfw didn't make the cover of cuckold monthly like (You) because i spent my time investing in weed

>> No.13364801
File: 530 KB, 750x747, tumblr_ppm9x3y3Hb1wsbn2ao1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sold a few of my heavier bios. It's clear this isn't over yet and i might as well let it keep going down and buy the bottom. But I'm over ten percent loss in my biggest position. That's too much.

>> No.13364905

So did everyone just kys themselves after the biotech bloodbath? Dead threads

>> No.13364918
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Thanks for the LPTX cheapies.

>> No.13364995

We are split between two threads with little to be said yet.

Trump was cleared and healthcare is recovering some.

>> No.13365003

>sold position yesterday to cover huge credit card balance Friday not realizing it won't settle until Monday


Based margin loans withdrawn as cash to the rescue

>> No.13365008

another reminder that dividends are your fren. lets see if i keep the same ID

>> No.13365020
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both euro and japan are looking to keep rates at 0 for next 30 years now. then japan would have had 50 years 0% rate :D in japan during that time 0 rates did not support housing market it crashed, but jpy has held value very well

>> No.13365036
File: 869 KB, 500x281, d4a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in fact if you just print at 0% rate and fund government that way it's probably viable strategy....if just foreign investors keep faith in your currency and it does not crash

>> No.13365046

It's pretty wild that you could have invested in Japan for decades and came out with barely any gains or even nothing at all. That society might just not be compatible with traditional Western market models. Even China seems better suited in some ways.

>> No.13365108
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Everyday I wake up my medical stocks have dropped another 5% FUCK

>> No.13365114

Should stop by Monday it won’t last hopefully Trump fucking tweets something though because this is getting ridiculous

>> No.13365129

i might buy some more PFE or start a position in MDT with my next investment

>> No.13365146

KTOS basically has a 0 on its ROIC score
You’re welcome pol

>> No.13365195
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>> No.13365238

Fuck. My 5 dollar calls are now somehow in the money with AMRS. I'm thinking about holding to 6 but i'm semi unsure. This thing has a lot of gas but i feel even a small bit of dilution (even though its already been announced) can cause a huge down turn. The overall future of the company is bright though. I'd say once they get their finances fixed that it'll be worth around 7-8 dollars.

>> No.13365300

no one ever went broke taking a profit

>> No.13365313

Just put 90% of my portfolio on it. Beginner trader. I have never taken a risk in my fucking life.

>> No.13365316


>> No.13365335

Pintrest surging

>> No.13365623

I'm also pretty newfaggy and have had most of my money in AMRS for some time now too.

>> No.13365721

The idiot who said ABIL would be at $4 by the end of this week has a little over 3 hours before he's wrong for the very first time. Can't wait to laugh at him.

>> No.13366279
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So is PLUG done?

>> No.13366341

Waiting on news for now
It settled at 2.55 but will make a run soon by EOM after the CHEM deal gets priced in

>> No.13366364
File: 44 KB, 415x632, real estate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you had to do was papskiven fjernes fro brug. Sad.

>> No.13366657


