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File: 213 KB, 1245x994, hepatic-panel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13356425 No.13356425 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a high-functioning alcoholic. I work in a major west coast city in a major advertising agency as a senior-level manager. AMA

>> No.13356429

Which coins you hold?

>> No.13356433

Hi Craig

>> No.13356440


>> No.13356447

He said high-functioning.

>> No.13356467

Does it means that alcohol has not fucked you up?
Also how much you drink?
I'm in love with alcohol+weed but I'm going to laid off the weed and probably the alcohol too.

>> No.13356468
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>> No.13356603

Yeah, I'm not fucked up physically yet, I know that as I age (I'm just 30) that the behavior becomes even more risky as our organs age and abuse continues, though I know of a guy who died from withdrawals at 26. I began drinking at 18 like most of you.

Doctors generally tell me that I'm very lucky and have a strong liver. Test results surprise them.

At my "worst" (best?) I drink 126 shots in a week. My absolute "maintenance" is about 56. I'm really weird about my alcoholism and I actually measure it out--I always have to have at least 4 shots to feel SOMETHING, which I will do in the morning and at least once I get home. Sometimes, not often, in the office itself.

I've taken a break now and then and did withdrawal management with Librium which I was able to do work high on (though Librium doesn't get you that high, even at a 100mg dose). It just makes you sweat though.

I'd advise laying off alcohol for physical reasons, it wrecks the body. I work out and I'm lucky I have a fortunate liver is all for me. Stick to the weed if you have to though. If you're worried about your alcohol intake, talk with your primary care physician about withdrawal management with Librium.

>> No.13356621

To append this, I've been diagnosed with fatty liver twice, which resolved itself after two weeks of no drinking each time

>> No.13356646

I have about 5/6 shots a night with a few beers

I might have 10-20 on a weeekend if binging. I workout daily, and stay extremely hydrated. I’m curious as to how my liver is turning 35 this year. Iv has blood tests done before and not had issues, but not specific liver tests. I never drink before or during work though.

>> No.13356656

Why not take a work leave and do a hero dose of shrooms. Do it you fucking pussy.

>> No.13356661

stop drinking, now.
its expensive and keeps you docile
it's about much more than just a choice of pleasure or a feeling or any 'reason'

the point is you THINK about it all the time
you mind is FULL of THOUGHTS
those THOUGHTS are from SATAN

it's a spiritual battle, not a physical one.

>> No.13356666

Yet you still go back to alcohol? Quit while you're ahead man!

>> No.13356670
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and quit your shitty job for your shitty company

any job that can be done DRUNK isn't a real job
you need some REAL feeling in your life
that's why you search for it in bottle
but that's exactly the opposite of where you will find what you need

that is how they keep you down
mindless word and drugs
alch is a mind-numbing drug

>> No.13356688
File: 87 KB, 1024x576, 1555473524301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you drink so much?

>> No.13356690

That's how my fun shit started, usually downing 3-6 shots of vodka while doing extra work at home or while chilling on a weekday then binging hard on weekends. Staying hydrated is awesome, and makes the drinking more enjoyable as it progresses; and no hangover.

If you've maintained that lifestyle for a while, it's DEFINITELY worth talking to your primary physician about and they'll run probably 4-5 blood tests to check you out at first. If things look bad they'll have you do an ultrasound. I'm a big reader of /r/cripplingalcoholism over at that shit Reddit and there are guys even in their mid-20s drinking hard who are already experiencing cirrhosis, which is fucking awful.

Anyways, start popping a Super B Complex vitamin with at least 100 B1 daily and talk to your doctor and be honest.

I'm just lucky and fucked up!

>> No.13356709
File: 573 KB, 680x666, Image+Pasted+at+2017-9-13+07-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grow the fuck up you child
you literally talk slow, and think stupider (like a woman) on ANY alhchol.

Not after 20, not after 10, not after 1....the FIRST SIP starts it.

Stop it, NOW.

>> No.13356710

>diagnosed with fatty liver twice
>keeps on soaking up
I see you are a degenerate gambler and an idiot just like us. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.13356734


Yeah I've debated having a psychedelic trip but I dunno if my mind is in the right place at this point in my life. Maybe in a year or few. I avoid all other drugs (even caffeine) than alcohol and the occasional weed, but I am intrigued by psychedelics.

>> No.13356740

I just calculated, my wife and I go through 2-3 1.75litre bottles of vodka a week. We are both very successful “normies”

50-60shots a week for me I would say. Jesus you drink a lot anon! I started smoking weed again and iv been calming down with the alcohol.

Thanks for the info anon.

>> No.13356752

Yeah, well, the price is no longer a problem for me. Several years ago when I was a fresh-faced Account Coordinator I would realize that, but I can afford to get shitfaced on Chopin vodka straight now without problem.

Hail Satan, I guess, to you

>> No.13356765

well said

>> No.13356803

Any alcoholic with a high tolerance knows this is false :)

Yeah, 50-60 is pretty fucked up too. Definitely talk to your doctor about it and get some blood work done, if it's really that much they'll probably at least want an ultrasound to check for fatty liver. If your doctor isn't a prude, it's cool to be upfront with like "hey, I know I have a problem drinking, but I don't want to stop, I wanna be moderate, let's check out my liver and shit and go from there" maybe even mention Librium taper and stopping drinking for like a month just to normalize your body or something before drinking again, casually; godspeed

>> No.13356806
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as alcoholics always do, you have missed the point complete, and 'explained' away your rational to an argument I didn't make.

Your brain isn't working correctly. You think you are doing 'good' work but you are actually doing shitty work, but you can't tell because you are drunk all the time.

You are literally making a bad argument against a point that I did not make. Hence, my point is proven.

>> No.13356807

Kys scum.

>> No.13356822

do you take TUDCA or UDCA

>> No.13356837

> Any alcoholic ... knows this...
That's the point. You can't tell. All alcoholics do is smile it off, because you can't tell.

>> No.13356866

I had to look those up; no, I don't take any liver medications as I've never been diagnosed beyond anything such as withdrawal and really basic fatty liver; again, I'm pretty damn lucky since I've been treating myself like this for several years now

That said, I load up on supplements and get regular blood work. I take fish oil, resveratrol, super b complex, multivitamin, creatine, and vitamin d. I also eat extremely healthy. I also regularly exercise. All of this has probably helped me in one way or another avoid worsening of physical effects.

>> No.13356897

If you neets actually worked in a high stress environment, you would understand why people drink. After work, I like to have a few drinks to wind down and relax. That’s my way of relaxing.

I work with quite a few high functioning alcoholics and stimulant addicts. I would bet op is much more successful than all you fags and will end up living a longer life as well. People have been alcoholics since they figured out how to ferment alcohol. My family is German and iv been taught it’s normal to drink every day after work, and more on weekends.

>> No.13356921

tudca is basically the otc version of udca you can get on amazon. normally used by oral steroid users, but can be used by alcoholics for similar effect on protecting/repairing the liver. one of the few non fart powders.

>> No.13356924

If that's what being successful entails, then I'm content with being a failure

>> No.13356926

You can relax without drugs, think about it if you can make a reflexion you will see how pathethic your statement is.
Druggies are losers.

>> No.13356944

I have an alcoholic friend he is 28 years old
he has been to 3 rehabs and had bad withdraws a few times

I feel like something in his brain is now damaged, I don't let him drive me places after a few easily avoided close calls
his hands still shake and is taking some new ADD medication on top of some other shit

I feel like he's slipping futher even though he isn't drinking anymore
he never leaves his parents house or looks for jobs anymore
just coffee and cigs and dull and depressing conversation when I visit him

what can I do to help him?

>> No.13356946

Thanks for the details--I just did a quick Google overview of it, I'll look into those more, I've heard of milk thistle also being helpful but have never used it

>> No.13356973

Good for you.
No I can’t anon. I don’t like the sober life. Not for me. Like I said, people have drunk alcohol forever, most of them lived long lives.

Drinking alcohol is bad, as is eating unhealthy, as is not exercising, as is gmo blah blah blah. I’m in great health for my age and look much younger. Your probably a balding neet that’s 22.

>> No.13356988

>I work with quite a few high functioning alcoholics and stimulant addicts.
Proving my point.
I work/worked in your industry you alchoholic dolt.
As I said, it's not real work and you are doing it badly.
Look at the state of Hollywood/Media/Advertising.
Look at the amount of COPE.

That's the point.
You are a CATTLE stuck in a CYCLE in a CITY [FARM] being fed DRUGS.

> My family is German
German sure, but the cucky kind.

This anon gets it. The alcohol helps him COPE with his meaningless existing.

>> No.13356996

> I’m in great health for my age
> Liver fatty twice
> Never Sober
> Great Health
Except you don't actually do anything all day.

>> No.13357017

Not me faggot

Iv not had any health issues, I also don’t drink more than a couple beers a day or two a week and don’t have any type of withdrawals.

>> No.13357026

History of Epi?
ever had delirium?
Abstinence symptoms?
Do you drink in the morning?
Beer, vine or distillates?

>> No.13357072
File: 44 KB, 512x642, E88509F7-3710-4B7F-891D-49F4E833F0E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German sure but the cucky kind
My grandpa has one of these fukboi. Go drink your onions

>> No.13357078

I work in advertising, I'm not a doctor but I've done some decent research into the subject...

You mention the bad withdrawals, which should be avoided. Any withdrawal he goes through he should do in an ER or see a doctor for outpatient Librium or similar prescription. No one should have go through a "bad" withdrawal with alcohol with there is medication out there to help. He should also avoid any cheap/poor detox centers, I've heard stories about those and they sound atrocious compared to what at least the middle-class can afford.

His brain could be damaged. I've heard of Korsakoff syndrome, but that's rare and more scary than perhaps is led in the comment. There are a couple other ones out there too. Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernicke%E2%80%93Korsakoff_syndrome

again, rare, especially at that age I would imagine

Hands still shaking can be a result of neuropathy, but again I doubt it at that age even after heavy drinking for years, but possible

I think him driving, without those syndromes, should be fine, but I dunno what those close calls were--if he was intoxicated, obviously avoid those drives

It's good, at least, that his parents are able to provide for him and that he has a roof over his head. There are many people on the streets with addiction that don't have that luxury.

Anyways, my advice: get him to see a doctor, tell him to be honest, he probably will need to withdrawal from the alcohol--request a heavy Librium taper for this, and he probably should get on an antidepressant or something as well, Hydroxyzine has helped anxious alcoholics in the past and it's easier to get prescribed than a benzo from a doctor, also recommend therapy or at least he attend AA (call the AA hotline and describe the crowd you want to be with--they vary from crazy addicts to high-functioning professional people)

>> No.13357082

lost one of my best m8s to alcohol. he died at 27. take care of yourself OP

>> No.13357090

Ever try Phenibut? Currently an addict myself to a GABA-antagonist, just not alcohol. Very similar though.

>> No.13357103

maybe, but strong men create good times, and you are the weak man created out of that good time.

Advertising is a fake-ass job. I work in that industry. I know everything 'people' like you do. It's not fancy, or magic. It's common-sense.

>> No.13357122

Draper is that you?

>> No.13357126

thank you for the suggestions I'll save this post and do some research
he attended AA for about a year but stopped going relapsed and went to a detox rehab and has been sober maybe 30-40 days this time
I don't want to get too personal with him, but I invite him places a few times a week to work out or visit mutual friends and he's been declining invites or not picking up at all so he can just sit in his basement

but I'll research it and consider suggesting some things to him
he drank 2-4 bottles of wine a day for a couple months and his dad made him quit cold and he had hallucinations that was his worst withdraw

>> No.13357145

no historoy of epiliepsy but my father has it (he was never an alcoholic, but drank regularly) and I have no history of seizures

Never had the DTS (for people unfamiliar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delirium_tremens )

Yes, I've withdrawaled a handful of times and simply sought Librium for it, no problems there, and I was able to not miss work while doing Librium tapers (which I guess is also rare, according to my doctor, who recommends people just chill at home while doing that)

I prefer Chopin vodka and the occasional gin but I can settle for wine, I never drink beer

>> No.13357152

Dude lmao ill save u a bad trip bro u need antabuse scrp l8r

>> No.13357205

thanks, I appreciate it, I'm doing the best I can to keep an eye on my health while I ride this ride, if it gets too dangerous I'd like to think I'd get off the ride

great inquiry, but no, I haven't after reading some risks initially (this was back a few years ago when nootropics became just more mainstream), I will do more reading into it

>> No.13357209

i know aa works for millions but I'd rather be an active alcoholic than attend aa meetings regularly desu. those gatherings are fucking depressing for someone under 30, bunch of boomers who smell like stale cigarettes and telling you they've spilled more beer in their life than you've drank

maybe just need to "find my bottom" still

>> No.13357262

I appreciate the insult but I agree with you, most advertising/marketing agencies suck and are full of unintelligent people outside of the creatives (note: I'm not a creative); consultancies do a much better job of treating the client... but they're also way more expensive

I'm actually in talks with a couple of the Big 4 on their client-side marketing teams... dunno how that will pan out though

I wish, but then again i only watched part of season 1

>> No.13357286

you're probably right, I don't tend to find many professional 20-somethings at bars during lunch like me

>> No.13357300

Aa does not work. Independent studies prove it. Iv actually went with a friend who was on probation to one meeting and it was the most depressing shit I ever been through. Unhealthy fucks who have been “clean” for 10-20 years, but smoke 2 packs a day and replaced their alcohol addiction to coffee and shit food. A guy legit stroked out when I was there. I guess that sober life doesn’t work unless your healthy as well.

>> No.13358298

As a Slav, that's pretty unimpressive for an alcoholic
Test LD and GMT as well

>> No.13358319
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Wait, are you the "advertising guru" that always FUDs BAT and posts about how it'll never work?

>> No.13358343
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tfw you need to numb your pain with alcohol I feel you anon.

>> No.13358359

That foooking ID!

>> No.13358427


>> No.13358441

no u ghey lol

>> No.13358464

Bahahah dude 150 ounces in a week of liquor is heavy for you? Come to where I live.
You drink maybe 4 ounces of liquor a week. Hahahaha
Man, around here most people will consume 50 ounces in a Friday night.
Saturday night is the same. Then followed by the slow drink on Sunday to level you out.
I know women around here that consume more alcohol then you and you think your an alcoholic.

Get fucked nig nog.
No doctor tells you your lucky to be alive.
There are literal people that need I repeat NEED 10-12 ounces of alcohol to start their day, then consume all day and finish the night with another 15-20 ounces of booze.

Boy, your just a child in a mans game. Hahahah

>> No.13358475
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>and will end up living a longer life as well.


>> No.13358500


56 shots? Jesus christ, my record in a week probably doesn't reach that and I was a fucking drunk at college. Get your shit together man.

>> No.13358509

I'd get laid more if I was. Wanna fook?

>> No.13358513

rooking numbers m8.

>> No.13358517

I used to do 15-20 shots a day every day for 3 years. Eventually started getting some bad pains in my pancreas for a few hours every morning. Stopped drinking a month later and the pain went away, but that shit scared the hell out of me. Glad your body has held up better than mine, but I'm also grateful I got scared off of drinking round the clock.

>> No.13358532

>At my "worst" (best?) I drink 126 shots in a week.
my average was 20 shots a day until the state of tennessee decided I'm not allowed to drink lol

>> No.13358559

Asat and alat a very low for an ´alcoholic´.

Hows your sleep?

>> No.13358581

I got 2 DUIs in my early 20s. Yeah I'm retarded but I've been sober for over 10 years now which is pretty cool. If I kept drinking I'd probably be in prison or just a hardcore alcoholic right now. Instead I'm in great shape and have aged well compared to my old friends. I still go to AA once a week, which I enjoy. Yeah I'm one of those guys. It's kind of like a fight club thing. Seeing all those miserable people every week makes me feel better about myself.

I hit rock bottom early. Some people can handle alcohol but I can't, because I'm a retard and do stupid shit when I drink.