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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 588 KB, 1439x1594, Screenshot_20190417-123458_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13355456 No.13355456 [Reply] [Original]

Is he a confirmed /biz/nessman? He had to have seen this thread >>13345946 yesterday, no?

>> No.13355466

Who is this guy?

>> No.13355470

Calvin! The guy who tells Craig what to do.

>> No.13355478
File: 145 KB, 1031x876, B75CBC40-EC2D-498A-BCC9-BF65A6565164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apex cringe. How much is sanjay paying this clown?

>> No.13355480

Never heard of him, sorry

>> No.13355488

Why cant he just send one bitcoin to another wallet. Job done

>> No.13355522

You know why.
He knows why.
But he'll never ever admit it.

>> No.13355534

but muh tulip trust

>> No.13355550

Whoever this guy is, he is an absolute dumbass.

>> No.13355555


>> No.13355556
File: 182 KB, 1440x1459, 23AC234E-5D8F-485D-9213-D3B65C7ECF8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/x/ here, I’m sorry but you goyim do not know the powers that are working “behind the scenes” for team bsv. In 5 years binance will merely be a forgotten relic of the past much like bittrex is today. The “Craig curse” has now been invoked on cz and his chink Ponzi casino. What you don’t realize is that bitcoin is “gods money” the Jew tried to subvert it via blockstream which is only a temporary roadblock. The majority of bitcoiners have lost sight of what is important and the freedom that bitcoin brings by kicking the money changers out of the temple and care more about the price than the principles of what bitcoin is. If you have money on binance I hope you enjoy getting “goxxed” in the upcoming years. Screencap this post and remember it.

>> No.13355558
File: 738 KB, 600x900, it deal with.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trips and double dubs, this guy knows what up

>> No.13355570

Ok this is the last drop those fuckers have no moral any longer they are evil incarnate.
Chink, devour them.

>> No.13355571

BSV was Calvin's scam from the beginning. He paid Creg to pretend to be satoshi and shill BSV. It was all a fraudulent money grab from the beginning and the markets know its a scam and are delisting. both of them are convicted criminals.

>> No.13355572

grats on the quints

>> No.13355615


are you a candians ?

>> No.13355621

Quints of realistic observation

>> No.13355636

Please rate this Shill:
Effort: 5/10 (some threads here and there)
Quality: 3/10 (cringe af)
Response Capability: 2/10
Meme General: 4%


>> No.13355645

If true big

>> No.13355679

face of mentally illness

>> No.13355713

cringe overload

>> No.13355716

you better screencap BSV node count and BSV node price, cause this shit will go straight to zero
CSW is fraudtoshi and Ayre a pedo.
CP_RETURN was their final target.

>> No.13355729

That some shameful and seriously desperate shilling. I can't believe this guy became a billionaire.

>> No.13355739

Suetoshi tryna be the bill gates of crypto. It's not gonna work.

>> No.13355750

kekalek ione can hope Craig does actually totally lose his marbles and starts believing he is the reincarnation of Christ attempting to throw all the money lenders out of the temple via the methodical and patient submission of an ever increasing amount of patents

>> No.13355775

>Posts pictures of other peoples yacht as his own.

Pick one.

>> No.13355809

>bitcoin streetshitter version
>underage dancing team photographer
Stop posting anytime

>> No.13355840

Calvin has the money, Creg is the eye candy.

>> No.13356456

Wew lads, chekt

>> No.13356480

>imagine how the catholic church would react to jesus showing up today

The only people claiming to be Jesus today are unironically homeless schizos. Fitting.

>> No.13356496

dub quints or truth

>> No.13356502

Craig wanting to now prove in court that he is Satoshi
99% sure he's referring to Craig swearing under oath that he's Satoshi.
Which is of course absolutely meaningless.

>> No.13356539
File: 192 KB, 345x446, signal-2019-04-15-221158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you say so..

>> No.13356649

0.0105 is confirmed

>> No.13356678

That thread is legendary.

>> No.13356720
File: 601 KB, 630x630, 1535081596963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how dare he

>> No.13357370

>saketoshi fagamoto is bitcoin jesus

>> No.13357397

Jesus did have to deal with similar issues


>> No.13357520

carig wright BTFO
kek has spoken

>> No.13357791

Okay this is epic.

>> No.13357809

>Creg will get killed buy the Jews!

>> No.13357828

>I'm gonna be mysterious anonymous guy bc BTC needs to be decentralized and not dependent on any leader!
>Wait let me prove it it's really me I'm the leader I invented it!!

>> No.13357837

Top snek

>> No.13357881

calvin is the sort of boomer who would hang out on an imageboard with people 40 years younger than himself.

>> No.13357886
File: 394 KB, 824x656, 1526332926002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>craig gets banned off twitter
>tries shitposting on Medium but the (You)'s just arent the same
>now is back on twitter but using whoever this ayre faggot is as a public mouthpiece
holy shit

>> No.13357963

but jesus would perform miracles

csw just spews bullshit

>> No.13357971

how much are you getting paid

>> No.13358151


>> No.13358179
File: 459 KB, 960x541, craigwright1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a pretty handsome looking fella I will admit

He is the absolute Chad of crypto. All the jealous demon kikes hate him, because they know that they just can't stop him from winning.

>> No.13358192

he is not chad he is stacy

>> No.13358244
File: 109 KB, 769x1280, 1543500993127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is king Chad.

If you don't like it STIFF

and you are probably a kike

>> No.13358256
File: 117 KB, 488x504, remember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is literally crypto stacy nigga

>> No.13358260

He's not Stacy he's RuPaul

>> No.13358271

All faketoshi had to do is sign the block.

Why is suing everyone easier for him?

>> No.13358274
File: 202 KB, 1200x800, 1528909583998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creg isn't Satoshi but he makes a good point.

>> No.13358277

the point is he smokes cock like a chimney

>> No.13358286

I know m8 I was just making a joke

>> No.13358370
File: 92 KB, 750x500, 5D18C5AE-CC88-4278-B12B-173CFA6A3FE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you on that you see chimneys smoking cock and where can I get some

>> No.13358494

he is smoking cock compared to a hooker like how a chimney smokes compared to a cigarette

>> No.13358511

Thanks just bought 6 billion

>> No.13358855

i see my mistake tho i should have said
creg sucks dick like he holds 600 patents on dick-sucking.

>> No.13358886
File: 224 KB, 1383x1127, 1549346280783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice digits

>> No.13358892

jesus would pretty easily prove he is jesus...

>> No.13358921

i love jesus ANS Craig S. Wright!

>> No.13358930

yeah i guess we would ask him to walk on water for starters.

>> No.13359136

>observe my works
>pretended to own wallets with a documented chain of ownership not leading to him
>tried to use a fake signature to prove he's Satoshi
>documented in court as faking the physical signature of his business partner to gain access to bitcoins the court probably didn't have access to anyway
>made a dogecoin clone

>> No.13359162

i think you could say that's his signature move

>> No.13359181

These. WTF is wrong with Satoshi not trusting us!
Its like we are acting as pigs from Animal Farm..