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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 620x367, lition-sap-partners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13352835 No.13352835 [Reply] [Original]

So a 20x from here is reasonable, 10x is almost guaranteed imho. DYOR, then fill your bag.

>> No.13352850

It's below ICO price. Can't tell if this is another failed shitcoin pnd or an opportunity

>> No.13352858

Failed pnd obviously this post reeks of curry

>> No.13352859


>> No.13352890
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>> No.13352892

This will be like LTO, all the fudders will buy back in when this goes 10x then cry again when it falls to 5x

>> No.13352905

Circulating supply is 26,762,500 at $0,108 a token puts it in 2 890 350 market cap.

For a project that is designed to be used by businesses in Europe since it follows GDPR compliances with the deletability function in their blockchain, already serves 800+ households as an energy provider in Germany, has a business deal with volksbanken raiffeisenbanken (cooperative of german banks).

Richard Lohwasser their CEO went to speak in front of the german parlament a few weeks ago, regarding blockchain technology.

They also have a very close relationship with SAP (136Bilion Mcap company), SAP's CTO wrote part of the Lition's whitepaper.

I think this has a pretty good shot at reaching 30 milion marketcap, which is not even top 100 on coinmarketcap and is a 10x from here.

>> No.13352914

>deletability function in their blockchain
This is utterly retarded.

>> No.13352919
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So this is you then??

>> No.13352941

No pajeets in my fucking threads, either you put some legit arguments on the table or gtfo.
>Partnered with SAP
>Not on cmc, room for upcoming pump
>2m marketcap
>26m circ supply, low total supply
>Below ICO price, trading only since hours
>No major exchanges, YET.
>Solid team, no nignogs/trannies/pajeets
>CEO in contact with the German parliament
>Working product already
>GDPR compliant for real adoption
This is not your average shitoken

>> No.13352944

Same copy passe on the same thread ? Fucking pajeet

>> No.13352956

Wew, so are you telling me that pajeets exist? Quit crypto then.

>> No.13352966
File: 79 KB, 1280x498, 115115543454554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First day of shilling at biz. They will buy in a few days when it's gone up as always.

>> No.13352970

Deletability works off the chain, lurk moar

>> No.13352976

This is used in their enterprise side chains for businesses, since for a business to use blockchain technology to store clients data, they need a delete function,in case the client leaves so they can delete all his data.

This is crutial for mass adoption of Blockchain technology for businesses all over the world, and that's exactly what Lition is doing.

An example of this is a 20 million dollar syndicated loan deal between Volksbanken and a real estate development company.


>> No.13352979

so you got called out then? listen my curry friend, next time u invest in launchpad projects.

>> No.13352984

>so you got called out then?
Trying this hard, fuck off cringelord

>> No.13352985

What is total supply? Any explorer to have a look around?

>> No.13352995

Yep, etherscan as usual. Total supply is already low, but on top of that keep in mind that all unsold tokens will be burned.

>> No.13353003
File: 121 KB, 1072x486, lition token supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken from this article https://medium.com/lition-blog/update-litions-token-sale-summarized-9e95fa8a6e58

>> No.13353010
File: 10 KB, 361x57, shill4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schadenfreude intensifies..
now below ico.

>> No.13353037

Do not spoonfeed. This shit will pump on its own and I don't want brainlets onboard. Let the lazy asses DYOR.

>> No.13353039
File: 419 KB, 3510x2084, ogp-picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CEO went to speak in front of the german parlament

The german government is very interested in Litions technology, because Lition is providing them with working solutions for their green energy agenda and blockchain related developments.

>> No.13353059

We got it, pajeets use tg, nothing new. Step up your fud, rajneesh.

>> No.13353076

SCAM, dumping hard on idex, maybe i buy some 1/10 from ico.

>> No.13353122
File: 43 KB, 491x491, jou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe i buy some 1/10 from ico.
Good luck with this, you filthy cockroach

>> No.13353126

The sap partnership is not real. They have simply paid a massive chunk to a SAP big guy to be an "advisor"

How is a blockchain that allows stuff to be deleted even useful...

>> No.13353175
File: 35 KB, 927x245, SAP 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't Fuders at least bring up some interesting points and not straight up lie?

>> No.13353184
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>> No.13353187

>The sap partnership is not real. They have simply paid a massive chunk to a SAP big guy to be an "advisor"
Big if true. No, seriously, even if this was real, who the fuck cares? Are they connected? Yes. The end.
>How is a blockchain that allows stuff to be deleted even useful...
How is blockchain even useful in the first place? Don't mind me, just fucking with you. Real answer is: lurk, then talk
>muh blockchain fundamentals, I'm here for the tech
Get real, this shit is on another level compared to your average crypto poc, the deletability is OFF THE CHAIN, to comply GDPR, why? Because it is used in the fucking real world already, faggot.

>> No.13353195

"The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas. The GDPR aims primarily to give control to individuals over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU."


>> No.13353201

Conglomerates on board and super solid from end to end. This is a no brainer long term investment.

Lets go boys

>> No.13353209

This says it all.

>> No.13353219

reminds me of Unibright. German, low market cap,
clients like Lufthansa, Siemens, Samsung and still tanking like a rock.

>> No.13353221

In a few days the pump will start. Marketing will roll out. Get in before everyone else

>> No.13353225

tbf UBT had its pump.... After tanking forever.

>> No.13353242

>The absolute state of the fud

>> No.13353262

Yeah all fucking right I'm.buyung later and ride the inevitable pump and dump but stop shilling I can't buy until this evening.

>> No.13353541

Dead cat bounce, it will absolutely dip lower. We are in a bear market.

>> No.13353550

Loaded up thanks for this

>> No.13353716
File: 756 KB, 959x1024, 1555504971966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We most definitely are not. Bears will still be talking about a retrace to 1k when we hit 10k.

Get in NOW and load your BTC and alt bags before it's too late.

>> No.13353833

Finally something legit on biz

>> No.13354015

Now THIS is a shill

>> No.13354019

Wait for hours with the shilling ffs.. I need to stop waging

>> No.13354201

the german government is a bunch of incompetent boomers, most of them don't even use the internet, all they do is talk.
Germany is the country with the worst internet infrastracture in europe, even behind fucking Romania have almost no fiber connections, no or ridicously overpriced wifi in trains and cities, dsl 2000 or only overpriced 3g for many small cities, copper wires from the 50s with max dsl 100k and unreliable stability in the biggest citiest. Ee are just starting to get LTE and fiber because buisnesses are starting to move to the netherlands because of that. And they talking about using blockchain tech, lmao.
So tldr: It means nothing

>> No.13354369
File: 78 KB, 465x493, 04300B0B11594F7DB42EFE4A297861BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yfw fudding an entire nation and the fucking world wide web to accumulate more
It is a new whole low level, even for /biz/

>> No.13355124

any retard who misses this boat deserves it. Stay in CHX bleeding and watch this do a 5x.

>> No.13355265

I agree, this is a no-brainer at this point

>> No.13355273
File: 21 KB, 787x531, graph-2018-broadband-high-speed-en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right, tho.

t. German

>> No.13355293

germanistanfag here
hes right though

>> No.13355340

it's just an erc20 token build ontop of ethereum.. ill wait for it to dump 90%

>> No.13355387

Where can I buy this token?

>> No.13355409

Bibox and Idex. Soon this will be shilled everywhere

>> No.13355943

i market bought 140,000 LIT. i'm top #36 wallet. i'm a LIT whale. proof: 0xA4Be1cB01866934DdB5e06d0Cb9ad5999FC94Ff1 get a small bag guys, i think this will 10x short term.

>> No.13356089

or you gonna dump on them lol

>> No.13356148

Based. Buy or stay poor, anons!

>> No.13356195

Buy Bolt. Thank me later jeet

>> No.13356243

no one cars, spamming cocksucker with that random eth address. How does that prove anything

>> No.13356264

Lition is going times 5 in the next 2 weeks. I know you feel it rajeesh

>> No.13356281

btfo with your stinky LIT shills. Become a chad today. Buy Bolt. Easiest 5x before eom

>> No.13356408

Who already /green/ here? Don't sell too early faggots, still plenty of room to grow. You have been warned.

>> No.13356450

You post this in every Lition thread. Worst ever shill.

>> No.13356462

Rajesh's and stinky linkys are gonna be committing mass suicide in the next few weeks

>> No.13356473

Don't talk down to me Mr. Jeet. Know your place in society. Now shoo shoo

>> No.13356484

All in on Bolt

>> No.13356556

Is this a new shill tactic to come and blatantly lie about projects?

Up 60% and counting. You can apologize at any moment, Ranjith.

>> No.13356597

Flash OT news: link is one of the most legit crypto-projects, like it or not. If you shitalk it you clearly lack self-judgment and fell for the fud, in which case I suggest you to lurk moar and learn to filter the shit. DYOR, /biz/ is dead these days.

>> No.13356937


>> No.13356982
File: 51 KB, 480x480, 1552908138672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roasties are starting to shill. Better buy fast before the normie train starts buying in.

>> No.13357034

Buy before wagies get home in few hours. I'm calling 3 cents tonight EASY.

>> No.13357321

Do you mean 30 cents, smart guy?

>> No.13358240
File: 190 KB, 1080x1110, IMG-20190327-WA0041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2x in less than 24h since my call lads, that took place on the absolute bottom. Exactly like the last time with caspian
>pic related
Archive: >>/biz/thread/S13125176
Next time, just listen.
However I renew my opinion that this shit will reach 10x easily, so another 5x from here. 20x is also still on the table.
Today OP was not a faggot, again.

>> No.13358398

Yes, thank you

>> No.13358484

>thank you
This is not how to /biz/
>lurk moar
Go with the second and fuck off

>> No.13358491

No problem, smart guy.

>> No.13358552

good buy in price?

>> No.13358553


>> No.13358560

Go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit

>> No.13358563

Remember to upboat each other when you're done, fuckin newfags

>> No.13358594

Stinky linky kys

>> No.13358598

It's still in price discovery and it went parabolic all day long, so either you buy or you get left behind imho. Btw do what the fuck you want, I don't spoonfeed.

>> No.13358609

Yeah, I hate that "It's just getting started" meme, but it's probably unironically just getting started

>> No.13358650
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>> No.13358654
File: 589 KB, 2314x1462, Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 6.35.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's actually pretty funny that besides the 0.01% of us, the rest don't even know this coin is a 100million project right now. this is a once in a life time opportunity to change your life forever.

>> No.13358838


>> No.13358868

You're not fit to flip Sergeys big macs

>> No.13359408


Looks like it will pump after all, just bought my bag. I'm on the pajeet team now!

>> No.13359444

whats a suicide bag

>> No.13359769


>> No.13359904


>> No.13359912


>> No.13360817

Minor cool off from the pump to 2x, it'll do another leg up soon.

>> No.13360824

whats a suicide bag to gather
how tf can you have lost everything its literally been hours and its dipped what like 2 cents? >>13359912
and pussy

>> No.13360838

It's the bag I'm getting in because I'm fucking ruined AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.13360871
File: 20 KB, 300x400, cz hayes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]