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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 24 KB, 1176x157, 1_CfJSWe0o74fvMqcClRC5Jg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13352134 No.13352134 [Reply] [Original]

oh, you bought Eterbase instead of NEXT? Cute.

>> No.13352314
File: 511 KB, 2396x836, NEXT 1000x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek anon.
1) Eterbase got fucked with panama paper connection and ponzi scheme link.
2) Got caught dumping marketing reserves on investor heads (never released a promised statement)
3) Exchange delayed until fucking June.
4) Did swap to XBASE Cash to prevent some bullshit issue (this was a cover up to draw people away from their brutal dumping.
5) Fatal flaw discovered in smart contract, getting delisted from everywhere.
6) Down 90% in one night.


NEXT has grown over 500% in 3 months.

NEXT Team debunking fud in professional AMA: https://medium.com/nextexchange/ama-for-next-exchange-hybrid-crypto-asset-exchange-platform-d165e53366b3

NEXT Team meeting with Dutch Parliament: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/482226240/next-exchange-visits-dutch-parliament-for-smart-regulations-regarding-cryptocurrency-exchanges

NEXT team own Blockchain proceeding well: https://www.reddit.com/r/NEXTexchange/comments/bbv3pd/nextchain_testnet_flash_update/

NEXT Team big exchange update with fiat trading coming in 1.1 (includes new UI, fiat trading, Blockchain integration with asset deployments on their own chain): https://www.reddit.com/r/NEXTexchange/comments/b440h6/commonly_asked_questions_exchange_blockchain_other/

Has a professional no bullshit team.

Anyone who was fudding NEXT and buying XBASE over it has plain and simple -> made a mistake.

NEXT is the next 1000x in this bear market. Clean your eyes and realize this.

>> No.13352324

NEXT Fudders absolutely BTFO

>> No.13352346
File: 12 KB, 229x366, 3131231254664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeees buy this coin! no fake devs and admins telling us that it is useless information to question the legitimacy of the team lol..

>> No.13352347
File: 249 KB, 1652x1226, Xbase dump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it is blatantly obvious from this chart that the xbase team was dumping, also a good indication of project sentiment. Do not touch this shit with a 10-foot claymore.

>> No.13352358

All you anons are literally throwing money into these exchanges meanwhile the Resistance presale is quietly chugging along.

>He missed the the biggest ICO returns of 2019

>> No.13352372

Yes except they literally had shown that Massman is real in the Plebbit ama they held. Nice FUD XBASElet

>> No.13352389
File: 26 KB, 455x225, 2019-04-03 13_55_36-Telegram (28663).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13352444

Hello Ramakrishna, who pays you after your coin was assblasted??

>> No.13352581

There were some uncertainties around NEXT, but when was the last time you could buy an exchange and platform token at 1m cap? The team is good and honest. Don't forget they survived the bear market.

>> No.13352947

B-but m-muh muhssman
Please don't buy it's a scam, please guys

>> No.13352963

*AMA destroys fud and coin continues its upwards trend*
Pshh nothing personnel kid

>> No.13353208

This, which speaks volumes about a team. You’ve got projects that raised millions and are dropping like flies trying to roll our “alphas” and then you have NEXT. Pure Eurochad CEO (tech background) and COO (Finance and project management background) who actually have their marbles in place.

And their community is only fucking growing. Telegram sentiment is one of the most positive ones across the space. Crazy undervalued.

>> No.13353236

KYS.. It's a scam and people are selling u retard

>> No.13353281

Did any of you fags even try to withdraw FIAT? Uh?
Right you cant because its a fucking scam.

>> No.13353294

because it's not yet implemented, that is after v1.1

>> No.13353301

Good luck banks approving FIAT ramps to literal scam coins. Naive as fuck.

>> No.13353313

lol, they are approved by a legit dutch bank your brainlet

>> No.13353354


>> No.13353366

You are missing the point completly, fiat to shitcoins wont happen, ever not on this exchange, not on any other and if you think so you know nothing about how governments and banks operate and hunt down tax evasors.

>> No.13353386

What? Sorry I didn't realize you worked for the government and had inside info...oh no wait youre just some asshole on the internet with an opinion waving it around as fact. KYS

>> No.13353439

Ok mate, see you when it does happen.

Btw, altcoin to fiat is entirely possible. Especially if you’re blockchain permits you to tokenize fiat and appropriate AML/KYC is in place.

Are these the lines that XBASE managers gave you on your poo mission? Please go back to them and let them know that its not going to work.

>> No.13353446

Uh oh, people are selling huh, uh oh! You know it went up 500% in 3 months right?

>> No.13353457

>people are selling u retard

>he doesn't take profit on the way up

never gonna make it

>> No.13353480

I dont own any exchange coins.
Xcm did the same with estonias government which is the most friendly country in the crypto space and they cant move forward with their shitcoin plan because of untracibility of most of the shitcoin funds so whats your point.
Crypto space still needs a lot of internal madurity to move to FIAT.

>> No.13353500

You really need to read this: https://medium.com/nextexchange/next-exchange-visits-the-dutch-parliament-in-pursuit-of-smart-regulations-for-cryptocurrency-fd1edae3c158

And this: https://www.google.ru/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/NEXTexchange/comments/bahz82/join_us_for_the_first_official_nextexchange_ama/

Before continuing on to run that clueless mouth of yours.

>> No.13353509

>I dont own any exchange coins.
kek, never gonna make it

>> No.13353518

But I did and both say nothing? Fucking kek the delusion is real.

>> No.13353540

Nevermind, you’re fucking stupid then.
I’ve lost interest in this discussion.

>> No.13353553
File: 868 KB, 1242x1937, 53E7B206-4316-41BA-ADFF-EF4DF96FA135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last reply, for an utter mong like you.
You need to KYS ASAP.

>> No.13353583

Do you underestand that competition on FIAT to crypto exchanges is extremely big and that netherlands is behind?
That means literally nothing, fiat to shitcoins wont happen.

>> No.13353602
File: 883 KB, 1242x2057, 4B624A0D-3C05-4E04-A971-BCBEA31640CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ you are thick. Yes there is competition, yes there is 1st 2nd and 3rd fucking place. Your point is what exactly?
Pic related.

>> No.13353621

Working with=/free pass to everything.

>> No.13353873

So are the xbase reks gonna jump in on next now? Or are they too humiliated after fuding the project for so long?

>> No.13353941

Not humiliated, but too stupid. Look at their Telegram. "buy the dip", turbokek.

>> No.13354865


>> No.13355016

Not a good idea to invest in this if this is what happened. They raised enough money and had enough time to ensure that this does not happen. Personally, I would not use the XBASE trading platform after this debacle.
These guys are our of their league and it is clear. Also their community is filled with inbred pajeets.

>> No.13355037

And brainless niggers.

>> No.13355754

NEXT is a SCAM as well.

>> No.13355780

shoo shoo XBASElet

>> No.13355782


>> No.13355828

source: BTFO xbasefag

>> No.13356622


t. rekt plebs