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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.13 MB, 1199x503, rekkkkkkkkkkkkt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13347442 No.13347442 [Reply] [Original]

CHOO CHOO, all aboard the REKTrain!

>> No.13347451

Give it a month, people will post on here
Sometimes Im jealous of those who can buy and forget about their tokens, not today.

>> No.13347463

stop my penis can't take any more!

>> No.13347472

>muh 4d chess

>> No.13347518

I’m in It for the tech fag!

>> No.13347523

it'll bounce back. Buy the dip retard

>> No.13347741
File: 304 KB, 770x775, 1529558894778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it'll dead-cat bounce, I'll reverse buy the inverted dip before the final mooning to 0 faggot

>> No.13347758


Oh man what makes this all the more glorious is there were actual idiots who held a huge amount


>> No.13347952


>> No.13348019

the overwhelming majority of faggots who got this shitcoin for free ended up market selling it around $120
as soon as this shit even came out everyone was already to sell it.
the price never really recovered and was on its way down down down anyways before the delistings.
as of today there has been 2 more exchanges with a total around 20% of BSV volume (if u believe that isnt all wash trading) moving toward delisting
rumor in the whale discords are 3 more exchanges are following suit before the month is out.

>holding BSV right now is a 100% full proof way to lose your money

>> No.13348052

Buying at these prices is practically stealing

>> No.13348159

Exchanges removing coins is pretty gay. I actually lost Bytecoin on Binance, and CLAMs on Bittrex because they deleted the wallets. I gotta pay more attention to the delistings. I have bots that buy/hold/sell pretty much all the coins so all the delistings usually effect me.

>> No.13348166

Muh vishun

>> No.13348173

in this case completely warranted creg himself asked for it when he said his coin is not for speculating trading or investing.

>> No.13348179

For a second thought it was a xcm thread, nevertheless both have the same fate.

>> No.13348252

Stealing your future

>> No.13348333

Yes, I hate you, and yes, we are keeping all the logs of the FUD and yes, BTCsv is

my vision.

I won't post here anymore.

you are in for a very bad suprise at the halving. if you don't get it or don't understand it I have no time to lose telling you (again).

proof of work speaks for itself.

and you will be persecuted for the fudding that's going on here. we have an immutable copy of this muh basket weaving imageboard, with dates and logs and the content, the pedos, the shillers and the criminals too.

many big non-pothead and non-chink players are in with me and my hash factories. you are about to get dumped on neets. winter is not over.

>> No.13348378

hey Creg, was losing millions and becoming the best known crypto scam artist part of your plan?
what's next? going to jail for perjury in the courts?
we all know youre a compulsive liar. lel
and i told u once before that we would crash your BSV scam fork into $0
youre the most pathetic piece of shit that crypto has ever seen and faggots like you are whats killing this market

sue me sue me you fucking faggot ass pedo

>> No.13348400

Real satoshi wouldn't need a court. He would have signed with the genesis blocks.

>> No.13348417

creg is unironically the biggest moron in crypto

>> No.13348418

and thats what the court is going to require creg to do, sign a genesis block.
its the only way to prove that hes actually satoshi and he cant do it otherwise he would have already done it

>> No.13348427
File: 4 KB, 205x246, 1554211757667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are people this dumb on /biz/

>> No.13348441


>> No.13348465
File: 113 KB, 549x413, fucku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got more free speech than your entire country.

At least in my country, people are allowed the right to criticize and to satire. AND you can't even bankrupt me, because lawyers represent you regardless of the money you have HAHAHAHA!

However, we do have "abuse of law" which will land you in jail for unfounded pathetic lawsuits

>> No.13348495

im with this guy.
and what this law fag >>13348333 doesnt seem to understand is that smart anons NEVER talk to police or any kind of investigators.

>creg will never even be able to prove that ive said anything about him
i hope that creg enjoys paying my lawyer fees tho because its going to be $1 million USD/hr

>> No.13348509

i would argue that would be whoever buys tether

>> No.13348512

TUSD is the only safe stable at the moment.

>> No.13348551

i don't know how safe dai is but that's the only stablecoin that is not absolute retarded bullshit.

>> No.13348635

DAI is having some major stability issues right now that the devs are working on fixing.
the main issue seems to be too much supply and not enough demand among some other issues.
while both TUSD and DAI are ERC-20s only TUSD has a more solid stable track record than DAI.
we will see if the devs can fix DAI in the coming months, until then, i wouldn't sell into it.

>> No.13348725

the devs can't fix the market i don't know where you go this. the stability issues come from dai not responding to apr rate adjustment because btc is bullish and lot of people try to get out of dai the moment it peeks upwards. the problem is this recent bulltrap changing market sentiment not dai specifically.

>> No.13348760

actually i read an article a few days ago on coindesk about the devs working on a solution for DAI to make it more stable.
i mean DAI still is an excellent project bc that one major thing it has going for it is that it isnt USDT and its on ETH

>> No.13348782

it's the only decentralized (at least non-backed) stablecoin i know of. an amazing project, idgf about eth tho.

>> No.13348797

nigguh u rly need to take the ETH pill.
its the strongest and safest asset in the entire market.

>> No.13348847

not for me. i only really care about btc the rest is just curiosity inherently worthless but sometimes still noteworthy tech.

>> No.13348865

You guys wint believe me. But I am on the inside. Btc sv is a scam coin. Lol at people buying it now

>> No.13348885

yea man but surely you see the inherent value in a smart contract powered crypto, at least i hope.
bringing smart contracts and getting BTC core to scale is just a pipe dream at this point
sure BTC will always be king because its better than digital gold but the real utility and usefulness resides with ETH

>> No.13348914

>surely you see the inherent value in a smart contract powered crypto
it's more like smart contracts powered by crypto. and we could replace eth in a day. we could literally make an eth 2 that is better bootstrap it and it would be useful. if you try that with bitcoin it woudln't be fucking useful it would be a worthless piece of crap. so while the tech and capability is valuable the coin itself is not.

>> No.13348920


>> No.13348950

point valid and taken.

you might want to dyor on the future deployments on the ETH network, ie 200k tx/s, 1s confirmation times, PoS, etc the passive income off of staking alone is worth going all in on it. while i hesitate to shill u more i do hope you do the research. got a plane to catch.

and if youre lurking in here Creg, fuck you and fuck your scam fork

>> No.13349063
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>and if youre lurking in here Creg, fuck you and fuck your scam fork
lol at this mass insanity

>> No.13349300

Stop larping faggot, craig doesn't write anything like this.

>> No.13349332

Nobody with above 70 IQ calls it "btc sv". That designation makes no sense lmao this board is fucking infested with retard shills

>> No.13349407

just sv or sanjays vindaloo

>> No.13349510
File: 40 KB, 480x428, 1549037774074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is not Avalanche with centralised checkpoints nor is it Segwit with LN.

>> No.13349527

bitcoin is consensus first and foremost about a shared reality something you cashies dont get.

>> No.13349990

Holy shit it the same namefag loser
You are fucking glowing
And for what it's worth, we are Bitcoins not "Cashies" Roger Ver and that dopey chineseman rkd BCH

>> No.13350020

Do you even sleep you little loser?

>> No.13350152

when the fork hit, people who claimed and instantly sold are the only ones who made any money with BSV
and it is my suspicion that Calvin is one of these people (lol)

>> No.13350158

you mother fucker son of bitch
your mother is dog
i shit you

>> No.13350188
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My sincerest best regards gentleman.

>> No.13350218

Anyone else buying the dip?

>> No.13350242

Shitload on Okex

>> No.13350249
File: 145 KB, 670x424, 1555285456656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so you're the one who gave away your purchasing power to me for free? Thanks mate, your sacrifice won't be forgotten.

>> No.13350250

what a satisfying ending to what's been a gigantic stain on the face of crypto. Get fucked, faggots

>> No.13350381
File: 245 KB, 532x405, 1548797451613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up you little cocksuckers, you are either with Craig, or against him. He fucking invented this shit, so he has the RIGHT to destroy anything in this space as he sees fit. How fucking DARE you faggots develop anything involving crypto without his express permission? Well, you've really fucked up now, because Craig is coming after you degenerate anarchists, and you will lose EVERYTHING, and probably end up in prison because of it. You "investors" have participated in the illegal buying and selling of unlicensed securities, and have encouraged others to do the same, which is also illegal.
I'm forwarding this thread directly to Craig, as he is a very good friend of mine from the bathhouse scene. Prepare to get fucked like only Craig can fuck, you retards!

>> No.13350613
File: 53 KB, 750x562, 59920c4e0dafe82400633e08-750-562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story bro, can't wait to see Craig in jail for impersonation.
Also I'm the Queen of England, so Craig being in London got to obey and respect me.

As a proof here's my picture, Proof-of-Queen™

>> No.13350663

look here faggots, i'm the real satoshi nakamoto. i named bitcoin after my idol and favorite pokemaster. if you ask me to sign with my private keys again im going to sue everyone's internet service provider that posts on this board to force them to doxx you. gotta catch em all.

>> No.13351580

Are you threatening me with a good time?

>> No.13352197

>You are fucking glowing
i am

>> No.13352211

that absolutely assblasted, rectally ruined, anally annihilated face of an sv holder. perfect picture!

>> No.13352256

I can't wait for all bitcoins to die and projects that actually do something to take over, supporting bitcoin equivalents dapps on it.

>> No.13352345

bitcoin is the only one trustless permissionless public ledger to date that is secure. your "more advanced" coins ain't got shit on btc. and of course btc will probably never be able to do what they can do. the only one true crypto and a hoard of utility tokens and later on 1 or 2 major standard smart contract platform is what the future holds.

>> No.13352364

but of course if blockstream got his way all other tokens and smart contract platforms will be sidechains to btc and pay royalty to them. i don't think it will go their way tho. this tech is literally built on being opensource and free innovation. trying to control it is like trying to herd cats. only brainlets like creg and nchain think it's a good idea.

>> No.13352367