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13346404 No.13346404 [Reply] [Original]

Why do employers care so much about a gap in employment? Why do they think that is their business?
The relationship is purely this: You are seeking services. I am offering to do them, for a price. Either of us may terminate this relationship at any time. That's it. That's the employer/employee relationship.
Yet employers think they can alter this relationship and turn it into some kind of dystopian nightmare where we must all be good worker drones working 365 days out of the year, every year, until we die. No breaks. Why?

>> No.13346414

Because you need them more than they need you.

>> No.13346442

No I don't. I'm not even working right now, and I'm fine. But without employees, they would die.

>> No.13346451

Because they want you to THINK you need more them more than they need you. Otherwise unions are powerful.

>> No.13346492

This. The common lemmings have been brainwashed since day one. It is unfortunate but that is just how the machine works. If all the cogs were to stop working at once then the machine would die. That is why there will always be a disparity.

>> No.13346595

If I'm going to invest my valuable time and money in training a new employee I don't want someone who clearly doesn't care enough about work to have a steady history

>> No.13346628

They want subservient worker drones.

>> No.13346691

If I'm going to invest valuable time and labor, I don't want it to be for an employer who clearly wants to micromanage my life outside of work. Honestly, companies like that can die for all I care, I would rather be homeless than a slave.

>> No.13346699

its their business because they have 20 other people knocking their door down for the same job that don't have gaps in their employment

>> No.13346708

Supply and demand. There are more than enough wagecucks willing to be treated like retarded slaves, and not enough jobs to go around. Therefore an employer can often get away with being picky on their selections.

Just lie. You owe them nothing. Use a voicemail service as your reference for your "gap" job.

As an employer myself I would prefer my employee has recent experience in the field so they require less training and adjustment. If I get two equal candidates but one hasn't worked in a year, in taking the one with more recent quals unless they have an ethnic name, in which case their resume goes directly into the trash.

>> No.13346709

This. After cashing out enough to not have to work, every interview I had where I stated that I want to work to have something interesting to do ended up with the potential manager being not really unhappy, but stressed out and scared.
They want their little whack-a-moles that he/she can whack at will for relief.

>> No.13346734

References are the biggest thing holding me back from a job. I'm a socially isolated NEET with no one in my life except for my parents. Just let me flip burgers so I can rejoin society.

>> No.13346743

Are you looking for someone to tell you that it gets better? It doesn't. Become your own boss at any cost.

I am considering scaling back my op because I hate managing employees almost as much as I hated being one.

>> No.13346744


Boomers Anon.

They take more from you to fuel their need for Corvettes and monster.

You ever heard a Boomer laugh s they tell you they'll get their ssi and you'd be lucky if you did?

You see, the boomers robbed us of a life, we're here to take care of them.

Who told you to go to college?
Who took the ssi?
Who tried to use the military budget to build their wall?
Who's allowing for immigration, race wars and divide in America?

Boomers Anon. Boomers.

>> No.13346746

Oh dude references are such bullshit, I just make up names and use numbers that go straight to voice mail.

>> No.13346756

Boomers invented the internet. BOW DOWN

>> No.13346762

Lie. Just fucking lie.

Everybody else is full of shit. You are crippling yourself for no reason to compete fairly against people who are exaggerating at best.

>> No.13346777


They didn't though, that was gen x.

Boomers legit leech off gen x n gen y.

>> No.13346854

But then the lemmings go hungry Anon. The system works because it works.

>> No.13346916
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How picky are these faggots about the kind of work in your gap? Like if I was in IT and took a year off to do remodeling or construction if I wanted back into the IT world would they treat that year of doing manual labor the same as if I wasn’t working at all? Or would it be enough of a hindrance where they would take a different wagie in an interview that was coming straight from a different IT job? Also could someone shoop this so Arnold says “I’m a NEET wherever I want to be, I don’t have to look for a job like YOU!”

>> No.13346920

What a ridiculously idiotic perspective. They don't want to micromanage you, they want someone who has a steady track record. Obviously that's less ideal than someone without a steady track record. If your "services" that you would provide are valuable despite your shit work history, then you would get hired anyways. Otherwise, you're just another useless faggot with what seems to be an equally useless job history. Its pretty fuckin simple

>> No.13346930

How would they react in an interview if you explained your gap by saying you were basically retired, but the government fucked your cash cow and here you are.

>> No.13346932


>> No.13346941

What a ridiculously idiotic perspective. You're a boot-licking slave bitch with stockholm syndrome. Enjoy being micromanaged.

>> No.13347021

Riiight, and here I was thinking I was working because I want money. Crazy that my current employer can retroactively micromanage my life so that I have no gap in my work history. I just figured it was because I've always wanted more money.

You're retarded btw

>> No.13347046

interviews are conversations to gauge your personality

think of it at the bosses perspective, they could give 2 shits about studying up on you and all the other employees they have to get through

if they notice a gap in employment its a good segway into a conversation about what you did with your time rather than just blindly trying to ask about shit on a piece of paper

>> No.13347272

bootlicker cope

>> No.13347300

I respect a bootlicker more than a helpless parasite ward of the state like you. At least the bootlicker tries to support himself. You just exist and consume.

>> No.13347381

Nice cope

>> No.13347386

Seething wagie

>> No.13347539

Lol stay poor

>> No.13347599

wagie wagie get in cagie
all day long you sweat and ragie

>> No.13347982

I've been lying on resumes for 4 years and I get job offers every time. Feels good man

>> No.13348026

literally gay lol

>> No.13348054

You don't want to work for employers like that

I shit test my employers by letting them know in the interview that I don't work for them, we work together

>> No.13348607

I'm currently employed and applied for another position somewhere else. After I got confirmation that they wanted to interview, I applied to four other places.

Regardless of where I end up, I'm going to quit any of them and go teach English in Japan like a proper weeaboo next year. I don't give a fuck. Loyalty gets you nowhere. There's always going to be an opening somewhere for you to sustain yourself. Just lie their faces and look out for yourself.

>> No.13348673

>found the cuck

>> No.13348695

Because they already have a lot of candidates lined up for the job so they have to look for reasons to filter out people.

>> No.13348721

In reality, everyone is trying to brainwash each other.

>> No.13348899

Become a professional. Own your title. Have a set of skills.

Took 4 months off while quasi in a hiring process. Last interview after numerous tests and backgrounds and medicals, the HR rep point blank makes comment. "Anon it's odd that you quit your job while still in the early stages with us, what did you do?"

I told her the truth, I rode my motorcycle around the country and on the last day when they called me in I had to choose riding 1500 miles or flying home to make the appointment.

I then proceeded to tell her it was for mental health so I was refreshed for my new job since I knew it was mine.

Take fucking pride.

>> No.13348966
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idk who the fuck you work for, but my occupational situation is that of the first part of your post.
>The relationship is purely this: You are seeking services. I am offering to do them, for a price. Either of us may terminate this relationship at any time. That's it.

Me pappy always used to say "work with vim and vigor or be replaced by a nigger" so I do just that.

>> No.13349018

>Why do employers care so much about a gap in employment?
Because normal people need money to function in daily life, so it is basically a given that you NEED to work, by not working for extended periods of time it raises serious ?s about wtf is going on in your life. Ex) Was this dude in jail/in rehab? What was he doing for 18 months if not working?
>You are seeking services. I am offering to do them, for a price. Either of us may terminate this relationship at any time. That's it. That's the employer/employee relationship.
Except you're not going to step in day 1 and actually be able to do your job. No matter how low IQ your coworkers/tasks are, they all learned what they're doing there, how to do it most effectively, and how Mr. Shecklestein wants it done. That takes time of them paying you to teach you things where you're not actually contributing much, in the beginning you're hoenstly more of a drag because not only are people having to spend THEIR time on the clock teaching you shit, but you are likely fucking things up here and there. They need to sink resources into training you and they can't waste that on some unreliable fuck who can't hold down a job or can't be bothered to go out and get a new one for over a year straight despite the fact everyone needs money to survive and you're likely not a trust fund baby

moral of the story is same reason they ask for work references. you can kill the interview but if there's no one in your past worklife who is willing to say 'oh yeah anon, he's a good worker' you're probably not worth hiring.

>> No.13349104


>> No.13349112

But I made $150,000 in savings and I want to take a 4 month break. I can clearly afford it and have no problems looking for a new job after. Who the fuck cares what I've done during that time?

>> No.13349148

into the trash. I fucking hate motorfucks, and I've been around the angel type. Jesus christ those fucking guys are unbelievable to deal with, always the violence.

if u dont give me what i want ur gonna have to get it at gunpoint extremes

>> No.13349167

You clearly don't give a shit about your employer who paid to train and hire you since you want to fuck off the second you get some cash with no care as to how it impacts them, so why should they give a shit about you? You're basically the pink haired slut roastie mad that she can't find a quality guy because they're all smart enough to stay the fuck away from a lack of stability

>> No.13349170
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I fucking hate the stupid "extracurriculars" part.
Like, is 12 years and at least 2 more of being in school sitting down and talking to your retarded classmates that don't give a shit about school not enough for them to realize that everyone has those shitty social skills that they want and that pretty much every normal good person is able to become a manager after learning the ins and outs of it?

>> No.13349196

The good ones don't. Thats 20% of employers
The shit ones are afraid of people who can make independent decisions like leaving an employer/ having worked on your own business/ job hopped for skills and money.

>> No.13349198

I agree with this too.
"So anon I see there's a gap here between jobs. What were you doing in that time?"
"I was working on some software projects and brushing up on my programming abilities."
"I see. What kinds of projects?"
"I made a _____."
"Wow that sounds very interesting." And then the employer fucking moves on.

Have the blank ready, whether you did it or not. That's all you have to fucking do. 2 sentences and a "project" that you could have done at any point in your life. Just shove it in the blank. Hell just shove what you WOULD HAVE DONE in that time if you weren't a lazy shit. It'll work just fine.

>> No.13349245

NO anon I did this. I quit and came to teach in Korea. It's fucking hell. I know it sounds amazing but it fucking sucks. I'm an actual fucking slave here. Jobs are only offered on a year-by-year contract and at the end of every year they line us up and tell us to our faces "Fired." "Hired." "Fired. "Fired" etc. These people expect you to work 12+ hour days every day at no extra pay. It is NOT worth working in Japan or Korea just to live here. Living here as a NEET is fucking amazing though. Just... trust me you don't want this. Make enough in the US or wherever first so you can NEET it up here instead.

>> No.13349269

My current employer treats me like a rotting pile of shit though. They don't care about me. Why should I care about them?

>> No.13349341

Africa Twin 1000cc. Camping gear. Ridden it across the USA and have ridden a different one across half of the African continent.

Associating adventure bikers with Harley gang fags.

What a fucking fag you are.

>> No.13349351


because it's a stain on your perceived character, that you're a quitter and unmotivated. basically any job where you punch a clock and wageslave for them wants reliable people that show up 5 days a week 50 weeks a year. If you have unexplained gaps it's simply a red flag that you're an unreliable worker and might just ghost them no-notice and leave em out to dry

you'd want the same thing if you were hiring some peon schmucks to help you with your growing business/entrepreneurship venture

You gotta play the game and act like you give a fuck because you as a wagie want the same thing: RELIABLE PAYMENT. Literally the only benefit of waging. The alternative is to go out and fend for yourself and be self-employed/start a business

>> No.13349377
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>> No.13349401
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>unless they have an ethnic name, in which case their resume goes directly into the trash.

>> No.13349403

I can't fucking do this anymore. And I have the money to take a few months off. This job requires so many hours that I don't have time to look for another job at the same time though.

Can I just take a few months off to find a better job and explain it away with a project or something? I don't know what else to do.

>> No.13349414

Because the system is set up where u cant just go work whenever you want. Products must be produced timely, etc. Blame consumerism or capitalism bro.

>> No.13349584

They want people where payday is relevant to their ability to spend money. They don't have nearly as much leverage over people that know how to avoid constantly being on the edge of bankruptcy.

>> No.13349692

I still remember when Bitcoin was going up and I was getting paid $40k a year and treated like shit and I went to the bathroom, made 1 trade on the toilet, and came out $7,000 richer. Manager starts shouting at me when I came out and I left. It put some things in perspective.

>> No.13350170
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yes you can fucking do this

>At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I have to go to work — as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I’m going to do what I was born for — the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?”

>So you were born to feel “nice”? Instead of doing things and experiencing them? Don’t you see the plants, the birds, the ants and spiders and bees going about their individual tasks, putting the world in order, as best they can? And you’re not willing to do your job as a human being? Why aren’t you running to do what your nature demands?

>When you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, remember that your defining characteristic— what defines a human being — is to work with others. Even animals know how to sleep. And it’s the characteristic activity that’s the more natural one — more innate and more satisfying https://www.brainpickings.org/2017/01/03/marcus-aurelius-meditations-bed-work/

Try getting off this lebanese penny farthing forum for a while. When you get off work, that is YOUR TIME: read more, lift weights, try meditation, learn to paint/music..., pay off debts, save money, invest, and plan on starting your own business in the future so you don't have to wagie wagie anymore (maybe some suicide insurance in crypto just in case, lambos on the moon...etc). but if you really do need a break for a while, make sure you do this >>13349198

good luck

>> No.13350752


How are you going to lie when you have no tax records on your background check?

>> No.13350762

The advice you gave was to my own post. Also, my problem is that I don't want this to be my career. I've thought a lot about this and I'm just not a teacher. I'm not at all happy doing this as a job and I would be much better off in a position that required me to use my brain. Being a teacher is essentially mindlessly dealing with people because high school math is obviously very easy.

Also I have about $180,000 in savings, realistically, $20,000 of which is in Bitcoin and ETH. I just don't know how to grow this money because as a teacher abroad I can only save about $1200 a month so it's very, very slow.

>What was I brought into this world to do?
I don't believe that I was brought here to be a teacher. There are better things for me. That's what bothers me, but at the same time I'm terrified to quit. I really think I'm going to do it this December. That's what bothers me.
But explaining the potential gap while looking for a new job after that scares me.

>> No.13350819


this, they want slaves who are living paycheck to paycheck, who will be trapped with no option of quitting or they starve

anyone who doesn't need the job to survive is dangerous to them, because their leverage is severely reduced

>> No.13350825

I work a horrid job. Used by other coworkers due to my low status on the totem pile. Hypocritical office supervisor who reprimands me but turns around and pulls worse behavior against me. Heck I ended up having to cancel fmla usage due to a medical issue that appeared. My supervisor's response? A smile and happiness because she won't be left alone with all the work. I didnt want to risk going into surgery due to an illness and her response is that!? I'm clearly better at the job than her and a hardworker. Was gonna ask for a raise. However i learned from a coworker that supposedly they dont give raises due to the union and as such its during performance evaluations. So why am I working so hard and being disrespected yet the black guy sits around on his phone and passing off work to people who cant say no, yet gets paid more than me heck he doesnt get rold ro work harder either? Supervisor even defends him as Ive been the only one on the team willing to call out his behavior. Supervisor even asks me for advice on work she should know. Im the 3rd lowest paid employee if the math checks out. Only lower ones are the lady who started after me and the new girl who looks like they'll take advantage of like me since she seems smart enough and hardworking

>> No.13350827

Since when do background checks access your tax records? You retarded son?

>> No.13350852

I once, in general conversation with my supervisor and a coworker said "I don't really need this job." After my supervisor said she doesn't like waking up early but then remembers her kids have to eat so she comes in. So my honest response is reprimanded at a later date and she treated it as if I "came at her" wtf she doesn't even understand the mean of that phrase!?

If i bump into her in public i have no intention of scknowledging her idk how I'd handle the workplace after that but im sick and tired of that womans fake behavior

>> No.13350867

They can do employment history verification, which shows your job, salary, and dates worked.

>> No.13350876

Extensive background checks, security clearances. They will ask for tax records.

>> No.13350888


Absolutely this. Being debt free and having savings tilts the scale back in your favor. Knowing that I can leave my job anytime makes me not put up with bullshit, and some companies hate that.

>> No.13350924

Idk, I got hired after a year off work, no excuses needed.
In reality bosses treat themselves like aristocrats. They're fucked up, often low IQ sociopaths. Aka boomer faggots.

>> No.13350935

These are very easily faked and not verifiable by a 3rd party if you’re smart about it.

>> No.13351037

Oh I'm sure they can be. It really depends on the job you're applying for. If it's a government job? good luck.

>> No.13351045

Where do I apply to jobs?

Indeed is fucking trash. I can apply to 500 jobs and get a dozen automated phone call BS I'm not gonna bother wasting my time on. I'm thinking of just calling up local recruiting agencies.

>> No.13351063

Its because of too many women in hr that overthink everything and are incapable of good decisions and sound judgmeng

>> No.13351069


>> No.13351073

Dumbest post I've read on here all day

>> No.13351082

>t. not employed

>> No.13351132

Of course they are. Are you retarded? Ofc you would do it the same way once you’re the boss.

>> No.13351786

linkedin is the best by far, just do all the steps to set up your profile and it's way better than anything else.

also I took a big gap off and it wasn't hard to explain at all. I told them why my last job sucked and that I wanted to take a break to chill out and figure out what I wanted to do. to get past filters I listed the end date by the year rather than the month so it seemed recent but I never lied about it in the interview.

>> No.13352642

what makes NEET life in Korea/Japan good?

>> No.13352823

Japan is the country where the fucking NEET word originated, when your senpais made the word "NEET" to be known to the world, you bet their ass they know what theyre doing.
Also, NEETing it up in japan is a dream of mine too, at worst you can just sell raws to scanlations or something, as long as youre smart opportunities will come.

>> No.13353596
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>seething this much
Like clockwork.

>> No.13353603

Which is why they're so good with technology.

>> No.13353966

I'm not an expert on the matter, but i would say that they want good obedient slaves. If you have gap, you are already a little rebel. They want work, work, work, with cheap wages.

>> No.13353971

If they want obedient, cheap employees, all they have to do is import them from the third world. They do it. Since decades.

>> No.13354652

Lol, reminds me of the time my boss hired a person with a clean track record, but you know the only thing that person was ever good at? Pushing the work to others while they disappear because they clearly do not know how to do the work, nor even bothering to learn. So yea, having a steady track record means shit.

>> No.13354667

Because there are other applicants u stupid fucks

>> No.13354681

If you can survive without work then you're not going to bust your ass working seventy hours a week just to survive and they don't need you

If you have good references just lie they don't have time to check up on every little employee

>> No.13354696

And now you're doing the same thing for airline points

>> No.13354697

I am, but continue coping

>> No.13354965

>not making up/doing cool shit to put on your resume for the gaps
not going to make it

>> No.13355010

>trips of truth checked
gen x master race

>> No.13355063

>trips of truth again
i am prepared to leave any job day one. keep the leverage on your side. make yourself invaluable, let them know you can leave at anytime and you can get most of what you want

>> No.13355380

Thank you anon.

>> No.13355434

I took off 6 months before interviewing for my current job. I told them I was traveling and it was never mentioned again.

>> No.13355457

This, so much this.
Especially if your manager is an older boomer. If a person is not scared about being fired he is "problematic". Just look at how really valuable contractors are treated, managers hate not when they lose their power whether they understand this feeling or not.

>> No.13355817

As someone who was in your shoes, get something lined up beforehand. I thought quitting would ease my suffering and it did for a short while, but meeting it up for a whole year was hell.

Find a low stress job you can stand and think about your options/set your life up the way you want there. Alternatively lie and say you were travelling or family issues etc. Employers really just want to know you were doing something responsible. You're gaming another human not a corporate entity.

>> No.13356629


>> No.13357425

>But without employees, they would die.
yes, but there is no shortage of willing drones who DO work 350 days a year. thus, you need them more than they need you, as employers as entire demographic can simply afford to cut out "rebellious" workers. additionally, those who cannot afford to quit their job are desirable simply because they can extract more value out of the laborer before their theoretical tipping point is reached.
basically, this won't change as long as 60% of americans can't even scrape up a $1000.
a poor worker is a desperate worker and a desperate worker is an exploitable worker.

>> No.13357498


opportunity cost
and game theory
incentives and alternative choices too

>> No.13357537

This guy gets it.

>> No.13357568

Imagine if everyone had this attitude. In fact, if consumerism would just die, employers would be scared of losing people and would have to keep sweetening the deal to keep anyone. That's because people would need far less money, which means they gain nothing from working extra hours. I've done this before and my boss actually begged me to stay, because no one else is competent enough but I really wanted to leave after I made it in crypto. I live on very little and I'm happier and I no longer think about pleasing employers, it's up to them to make a good deal for me. As long as they do that, I'll do what's required for my job. If they give me more, I'll put in extra effort.

>> No.13357582

that is the safest but dumbest strategy

the key is to float through the job doing bare minimum to stay on payroll as long as you can meanwhile dumping all of your money into bags to sell to the next idiot
create connections inside the company so you will never lose your job and make dumb sarcastic remarks to all the clueless "I've been working here for 31 years" useful idiots

>> No.13357596

To play devil's advocate here: Surely the one who hasn't been employed in a while is likely (not guaranteed of course) to work harder because their need for current employment is greater?

>> No.13357605

The place I'm applying to has hour limits, I don't intend on staying longer than a year anyway.

>> No.13357647

Where's the background? Course looks like Scotland but the mountains almost certainly are not.

>> No.13358367

Read "Life without a windshield", you'll like it anon. And don't listen to the haters and the losers

>> No.13358542

Employers don’t want some desperate to work faggot.