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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13341973 No.13341973 [Reply] [Original]

How have cars turned from something that people pay for up front based on a decision that was almost entirely made on financial grounds into 'I am willing to completely destroy the next 5-10 years of my life so I can show off to my friends for one month'.

Like, how can you sink that much money into an asset that depreciates in value. I knew nothing about cars, saw that three of my friends had between them just spent about 190k on toyotas between them to keep up with the jones's so I went and bought a car for 1k and learnt to fix everything on it.

In the end, my total investment is about 4k, the car is now worth 6k. Their cars have devalued steadily, and one of them is already talking about trading his in.

Did everything become more expensive before or after finance became the way to buy things?

>> No.13341981 [DELETED] 

are you retarded? you can buy cars for a grand or 2 which last a life time to bring you from point a to b

now if you wanna race or/and attract normies and whores to feed your ego you can spend 200k on a ferrari which is a fun thing to do btw speaking on experience

>> No.13341994

The concept of living within your means is foreign to most people.

>> No.13341995

Why in the hell would someone drop $125k on a bland, soulless shitbox

>> No.13342002

After. Think about why college is so expensive. Because every dumb mother fucker on the plant (at least in USA) can get a loan with no credit check from the gubment

>> No.13342006

Australians have the biggest dick measuring contests. You'll see two cars like this parked out the front of a dive rental property out here.

>> No.13342033
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I recently bought a picrelated
>180mph top speed
>1/4 mile in 10sec stock
>Great fuel efficiency and reliability
>can do oil change and lots of maintenance myself
>chicks love it

Mfw only paid $3000 for it. If you're smart, get a bike. Inb4 the coping faggots saying "b-but you'll die"
Fucking pussies

>> No.13342043

why would anyone buy a new 125k$ shit toyota when i can buy a 2-5 year old literal ferrari for that money lolwat?

>> No.13342052

Because that 2-5 years old Ferrari is gonna cost you 15k a year in maintenance

>> No.13342054

Its a very common sight in America too
>shit apartment complex
>$12/hr job
>finances a 10 year old high mileage BMW or Mercedes

>> No.13342056

you are very likely to die though
not because of your own mistake though but because a soccermom in her leased 125k usd landrover will t-bone you at 60mph going over a stopsign

>> No.13342061

Im fine with my 10th gen civic thanks. Has all the amenities of a modern car for $15k and will last at least 20 years

>> No.13342063

better buy that ferrari in cash and pay 15k maintance than lease/finance that shit toyota and pay 15k in (interest)

>> No.13342084
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Posting today on behalf of my Friend and life partner John who posted earlier today (pic related) he sadly died in a motorcycle accident. Head taken completely off as he slid under a truck trailer. He will be remembered as tough and courageous and a hero in the LGBT community. Here's to you John.

>> No.13342126


>> No.13342141

By the way, this is where all of the retiring boomer money in Australia is going. They sell up, buy a landcruiser and a caravan and go touring Australia until they run out of money after a year or two.

Then they just come back, shack up with their children secure in the thought that they are leaving their children a Landcruiser as inheritance.

Clown world.

>> No.13342150

Dates and grocery shopping must be real fun. I mean, you do have a fridge that you stock right? A pantry that needs items? How many fucking trips does it take to bring home a few bags of groceries. A fucking 12 roll of toilet paper is one fucking trip for you.Riding home with it strapped to your back...that's a good look.Won't even go into bad weather.

Bikes are only good if you also have a car to use when needed as well.

>> No.13342155

Owning a car is a scam

>> No.13342164

Good riddance, this is what bikers deserve.

>> No.13342171

Because people have exceptionally poor financial literacy because it isnt taught to people.

>> No.13342271

I've been driving a bike for about 6 years now. Recently got rekt in an accident. Almost died but I'm alive somehow. Would ride again:
+ easy mobility on a city with too much traffic
+ cheap af
+ low expenses on gas
+ easy to understand, I do the maintenance
+ cool to hang out with chicks
+ easy to park anywhere

I live alone, so grocery shopping is fine. Maybe if I had kids or hosted orgies I would consider a car, but I'm not into that stuff at the moment

>> No.13342743

Busa is cool but it's also an ugly fat hog.

I'd get an R1.

>> No.13342770

If I earn 1 milion in crypto why not spend 100k on a car, that milion would taste better

>> No.13342774 [DELETED] 

top kek

>> No.13342777

>not because of your own mistake
heavy eyeroll
as yuropoor, bikes are everywhere in my country and they're consistently the worst drivers
the average biker in his twenties suffers from heavy dunning-kruger, treats other traffic like a GTA game and gets angry when they don't all move like NPCs while he's zooming at 60mph between 2 lanes of vehicles going at 20mph
bikers force everyone else to babysit their incompetence. insufferable faggots

>> No.13342837

top kek

>> No.13342872

Imagine not buying shopping online lmao fucking boomer dinosaur

Bike is infinitely better than a wage cage on wheels
And yeah dates are fun, women love bikes it makes them orgasm

>> No.13342891

but you'll die

>> No.13342984

>trips of absolute truth amigo

I don't know where the notion of "if my bike fits there I am allowed there" came from. Literal shitheads on two wheels. Luckily their lifespan is usually very short, most won't make it past 25. Shame that there is always a fresh batch of them very spring.

>> No.13343190

would never ride a bike.

T. Used to be an EMT.

>> No.13343437

The Landy is such a cool flagship that Americans scarcely have any idea what it is, the flagship of the best mfg in the world. They literally only sell the one top outfitted gasser here, no other trim packs available. If a 'poverty pack' diesel was on sale, it be the only car anyone would. Toy is in the unique position that they could cannibalize all their sales of sequoias 4runners highlands ravs tacos and every other Ute and crossover on the market, but they choose not for whatever reason. This is why an 11 year old model, the 200, is almost a hundred grand new take it or leave it. Auto became expensive because of boomers. They accepted that the economy would be based on 1800's tech, and that the illusion of choice of shitbox is free domain.

>> No.13343481

More like
t. Pussy
We all gotta die someday

>> No.13343525

I would prefer that day to not be in the next week, but you do you.

>> No.13343530

Car salesman here. It was definitely after. Just look at what happened with student loans. They now top credit and auto loans, second only to mortgages. Credit and mortgages can even be a good debt. But no one should ever finance a car under any circumstance ever. You’re going to throw away a lot of money. Buy a pre owned or lease a new.

>> No.13343540

how the hell is that shit over 100k? The design looks like it came straight from 2005

>> No.13343543

>Not believing in fate
Lmao basedified crystallised pineal gland like that fly in amber from jurassic park

>> No.13343593

I don't know. I'm still driving a 2007 Honda Civic. Runs great. Why waste money?

>> No.13343597

There are a small group of people that are what you're describing, but most people are willing to pay out the ass for comfort and that matters much more than showing off to their friends. I can pay extra and have a camera on the back so I don't even have to turn my head? I can have sensors tell me when a car is next to me so I don't even have to turn my head? I can have my phone automatically connect to my sound system so I don't have to plug in a cable and press some buttons? I can have a car that will slam on the brakes automatically so I don't even have to pay attention that much? Sign me up and yeah I'll pay more than I should because I spend ~1,000 hours a year in a car and I like to be comfortable, also you can't enjoy money when your dead and some of the new safety features on good brands might save your life vs an old crap car.

This is the same reason you're seeing food delivery services pop up like crazy despite charging $10-15 more per order. People nowadays will pay way more than they should for comfort and ease and that is why new car is so much more appealing than old car + learning how to fix and maintain.

>> No.13343599

europoor cope

>> No.13343614

bought a used ford focus for 10k 5 years ago
had only 2 years and still just works

>> No.13343615

Enjoy dying when some roastie hits you while she is texting chad. This happened to me and I broke my ribs and totaled my bike. I still ride enduro but I will never drive in traffic again.

>> No.13343616
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Was courageous biker John
By Mrs Jones' hummer

'He died as he lived'
At his funeral, said they:
'Screaming, and in leather'

>> No.13343617

Never finance something that loses value unless it's a necessity. And no, a 50k car is not a necessity when a 3k used car can get the job done.

>> No.13343628

Functional until there's fucking snow on the ground or rain or the weather is cold

>> No.13343640
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I'm financing a new car ($15000~) at 0% apr because I'm putting as much money as possible into crypto.

>> No.13343647

Only pussies die

>> No.13343655

the ones that died were luckier IMO.

>> No.13343701


I get it, but what's the deal with having to turn your head?

>> No.13343727

Checked truth, perfectly describes the faggot biker cucks in Florida. Absolute epidemic of 2 fast 2 faggoty bikers here.

>> No.13343768

Enjoy your donorcycle lmao

>> No.13343792

b-but you'll die

>> No.13343821

the medical bills after you crash and live will cost more than a ferrari. my dads coworker was recently involved in a tragic motorcycle accident

>> No.13344445

I was debating getting a used focus but they seem like they hold their value a little too well. Should I really pay almost 9k for a 2014-5 with 60k+ miles on it when I can get one new (i.e. 8 years' worth of miles less, in my case) for 15~k? I don't know.

Maybe just getting an old 2005 would be fine but I know maintenance costs on an old piece of shit wadd up a lot quicker than you might think-especially when you live in Minnesota where the cars are inhaling rock salt for 3/4 of the year

>> No.13344471

I used to work at a Harley dealership and I've never seen so much death. Very often a biker is hit by some ditzy bimbo sending pictures to Chad while careening down the road at 50mph-but the bikers themselves aren't blameless all the time either. Weaving dangerously in and out of traffic and so on. You say you don't fear death but the fact is most of the time you end up paralyzed or a vegetable and short a few dozen IQ points.

>> No.13344483

Truth. I live in a shitty apartment complex with roaches and one of my neighbors drives a brand new Porsche.

>> No.13344491

Old focuses are God tier tank cars. Dunno how reliable 14/15 are

>> No.13344515

Got to drive a range rover, people notice and treat you accordingly. Not a sport or evoke but a proper range rover. 1500 a month changed every three years, job done. Why spend your life driving a shit box, advertising to the rest of the world your a failure. see the halo effect.

>> No.13344520

the 14-15 are supposed to have weak transmissions, I had a friend who bought one new and said it was really rough

>> No.13344532
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cars are so ridiculously chepa in usa and travel time traffic so horrible you might aswell drive a nice car. for exampple a bran new mustang costs 26k usd while in europe that would be 60 000 usd and in singapore/hong kong over 100 000

>> No.13344592

>Did everything become more expensive before or after finance became the way to buy things?
Low interest rates, extended lease terms and lax credit requirements are getting people way over their heads into debt for cars and trucks. I make $150k/yr and still drive my 06 Highlander. I intend to keep driving it at least a few more years unless it has any major maintenance issues. At that point, I'll probably buy another used one. I have friends that make half of what I make that are buying new $40k+ cars. I can't imagine they'll feel great when they can't afford to help pay for their kids' college because they wanted to drive a 3 Series instead of a Civic.

>> No.13344633
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Learn more about ''conspicuous consumption ''

You will find your answer.

>> No.13344639

>id everything become more expensive before or after finance became the way to buy things?

Finance enabled the high prices by making monthly payments low, I work in banking and the majority of our loan customares only care about one thing: what's the monthly payment.

They don't care about how much the total is or whether it's actually worth it, they only look at the monthly payment, this applies to all loans not just cars, but mortgages and even credit card payments

>> No.13344665

Correct, it was designed it 2005. The LandCruiser 200 series began sales in 2008. A 300 series is probably still three years away. It is the most reliable vehicle on the planet.

>> No.13344681

Goyim are fucking retards.

>> No.13344799

Land cruisers are the most reliable vehicle ever made. It’s well worth the $85k USD.

>> No.13344953

Its nuts what you can get at a used car lot now, or at least what I see when I drive past them. Boomer mobiles from the late 2000's-early 2010's for a couple k, a far cry from the junker Taurus you'd be able to get in the 90's. They must be trading them in every 3 years.

>> No.13345011

>overpaying for a car by over $50k for "reliability"

lol, I have triple a, it costs $20 a month, I think I'll stick with that rather than paying $50k more for the off chance that I may break down with a cheaper car, something that hasn't ever happened to me over the past 10 years driving complete junk cars.

>> No.13345057

Don't be fooled - lots of dipshit jews out there too.

>> No.13345066

A land cruiser is a pretty nice vehicle. Most people probably shouldn't buy them. But if you're a baller, then yea, it's a nice purchase. They last a long time, hold their value relatively well, and are capable off road. Let the retards buy them. They aren't hurting you

>> No.13345121

>How have cars turned from something that people pay for up front based on a decision that was almost entirely made on financial grounds into 'I am willing to completely destroy the next 5-10 years of my life so I can show off to my friends for one month'.

Low interest rates
"lol can't afford it ? just take a 30 year loan! credit is cheap"

>> No.13345261

Just messaged an ebony queen selling a low miles-and appears to be well maintained-used Fiesta. I think they're a totally gay car to be honest but fuck me it seems like a decent deal and I'm getting cold feet about buying new when I know the dealer fees and other hidden costs could end up being 30% of what I'd be paying here apart from paying 10k+ more to begin with.

Then again like I said, 90k miles is over 10 years worth of driving for me-every time I think about buying used I keep coming back to that.

Europeans pay far more for cars and gas because of VAT and tariffs. They'd jumped on the Yang Gang bandwagon long ago

>> No.13345395

New cars are a waste of money and a scam. They are way too expensive as of late. Moreover, Bankster Jews have figured that they can enslave us all with credit. Buying on credit is slavery. Most modern people are debt slaves. Making cars more expensive means they can enslave your serfs for longer, as the morons are willing to pay as much as car companies ask for their hunks of metal.

That being said, the Land Cruiser is an awesome tank that lasts forever. My neighbor has a logging company and has had a Land Cruiser Prado for about 25 years. Bought it new and used it on forest/mountain roads for 25 years and it's still going strong. Paid for it cash though.

Buying on credit is slavery. I prefer old Volvos. Reliable as a rock, solid as a tank. Wouldn't put my family in anything else.

New cars are the worst because they are authoritarian control tools. They track your movements, they won't allow you to break any law and in the future the government and corporations will use them to limit your mobility because you're a 'nazi'. Old cars are freedom.

>> No.13345435

Oh, forgot to mention. I have a friend who's a bit of a moron. He rents but he bought an Audi A7 that he has to work for another 6 years minimum to pay off.

>> No.13345583

It's not smart to finance something you cant outright buy, however you do only have 1 life and driving is a pleasure to some people. Everything isn't black and white you autistic fucks.

>> No.13345655
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This is him

>> No.13346324
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My buddy bought a Dodge Dart making minimum payments and I think ended up paying for the car twice over-or even more-because of the interest on the loan. By his third year owning it it had already rusted through in some places (he probably washed it less than once a year-and again this is in Minnesota where we have negative zero temps, hail, salt and so on). Debt and credit can be a useful tool if you're not a complete retard but that's a quality that very few possess, perhaps even myself, and that's something (((the lenders))) count on

>> No.13346351

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't buy a 98 bmw 3

>> No.13346418

injury lawyer here. you biker fags have made me so much money kek

>> No.13346441


>> No.13346469

if i eat someone elses shit i can be a normie?

>> No.13346518
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I think they have to poop in your butt

>t. that poster but posting from work

>> No.13346566



>> No.13346611

WI anon here, add the crumbling road condition to the salt, which you also likely deal with. i have a 01 sentra on it's last stand and no idea what to do to replace.

>> No.13347002
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Don't worry we will see you in a liveleak video sooner than later.

>> No.13347078

It's called a backpack.
You shove all your grocery in there. It's actually very economical because you won't buy anything you don't need and you will for sure eat everything before they go bad.

>> No.13347242
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When buying my first car I noticed that decomissioned police vehicles are DIRT cheap for low miles around here on Craigslist, and I haven't thought about buying another car since tbqh (first one got slammed by a work truck)

The comfort, the horsepower, and the fact that people avoid me on the road is something I've grown accustomed to

>> No.13347366


>> No.13347507

It's called leasing poor fags.

>> No.13347669
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I bought a fiat ceicento cuck wagon for just 600 bucks, but the thing is almost brand spanking new with less then 21K on the counter.

Have fun with your 500 a month slave-wagon mercedes or whatever. My monthly average costs about 50 euro's. Feels good mon.

>> No.13348597

I've seen BMWs and Mercedes in public housing parking lots in the US.

>> No.13348738
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Odd way to spell MB W123, the most reliable car to ever exist. First proven by europeans, then niggers in Africa.

>> No.13348785


LMAO at the cope replies

Ride on bruther

>> No.13348786
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>complains about the system and their quality of life
>is a willing cog in the very same system of usury and debt based consumption

how old were you when you realised most people deserve the suffering they inflict upon themselves?

>> No.13348827


>> No.13348862


Also I believe Toyotas are one of the highest rated cars for reliability. I don't believe it take $125,000 to get a reliable vehicle. They are are charged for luxury fit and finish, brand, and decent hardware.

>> No.13348898

$6k brake job

>> No.13348908

At least they bought a Toyota, those things last.

Nowhere near as bad as niggers buying Cadillacs I suppose.

>> No.13348964


>leaking oil everywhere
>never going to go above 100 mph even on the highway
>no point to that power/weight ratio
>lower back and ass destroyed from being hunched over like a jockey on a mechanical bull with almost no cushioning
>ugly as sin for a motorcycle
>miserable as soon as it starts raining

No hate though, I ride a '73 CB350 and can fix ANYTHING on it--- just rebuilt my engine. But lets not pretend these things are convenient.

>> No.13348975


I mean you're wrong. Bikes are great in the city. I live in NYC and just go around the corner for my groceries. A backpack can carry pretty much anything I need to bring with me.

>> No.13348981

Shit I can get a hand job for like 1/100th of that price

>> No.13348987

Are Toyotas the ultimate /biz/ pill?

>> No.13349021

Hondas and Toyotas are where its at fo shure

>> No.13349089

Cheap plastic cars, even though they're probably reliable.

If I 'made' it I want a goddamn metal car.

>> No.13349133

>probably reliable

Imagine being this retarded. Toyotas and Hondas are the best value cars you can ever buy. American cars are absolute garbage and Germans one are unreliable and too expensive.

>> No.13349163

Toyota's and certain era Mercedes Benz's are the ultimate cars. If you can do minor fixes yourself and find a mechanic you trust that can get authorized parts you are golden.

>> No.13349191
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The queen responded; lord have murphy, she can't see me like this.

>> No.13349209

u got this phamalamadingdong

>> No.13349263

When buying a car just remember

6 years old or older

Das it

Land Cruisers are reliable so just buy a used one, some people want an excuse to waste money to feel good so car makers like toyota let them

>> No.13349278



>> No.13349295
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It's definitely a solid deal considering the competition, but am I really going to buy what some would rightly claim to be among the gayest cars on the road?

Also fuck me they look like you'd get absolutely destroyed if a mid-sized sedan hit you at 8 miles an hour or more...However if I get this thing my insurance might not go up too much higher than it's already due to-and I can put all the savings into [sh*tcoin x]. Fuckin' hell, fellas

>> No.13349337

Story on the wreck?

>> No.13349347
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Personally I'd argue the Prius is the gayest car on the road. As long as it's not hot pink you're not going to get any condescending looks, and even if you do, fuck em. You got a car that you can use to go somewhere to get shit done, and you got it at a decent fucking price.
Get the fucking car you dillweed.

>> No.13349378

sorry for your loss, praying for these gains