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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 1080x596, SmartSelect_20190415-152234_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13334143 No.13334143 [Reply] [Original]

The state of it

>> No.13334153

holy shit, its real. absolute madman

>> No.13334166
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Craig shills irrevocably BTFO for eternity

>> No.13334171
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>> No.13334178


>> No.13334179


>> No.13334188

Countdown til Craig is found dead with BAC .47

>> No.13334191


>> No.13334195


>> No.13334202


>> No.13334205


>> No.13334210

imagine the sell

>> No.13334216

i-is it too late to short it on finex?

>> No.13334221
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>> No.13334235

the absolute CHAD

>> No.13334236

Ahahahahahahahaha. Faketoshi eternally BTFO

>> No.13334244

b-but vishnu s-sirs

>> No.13334245


>> No.13334248

This is bullish

>> No.13334249

you can long bchabc target: 0.07

>> No.13334252

toppest of keks

>> No.13334262

Cz is the most based man I'm crypto

>> No.13334276



>> No.13334277

I'm literally shaking right now and market buying 100k BNB

>> No.13334279

>you buy we bankrupt you

>> No.13334286


>> No.13334293

its not too late to short this manlet

>> No.13334301

I fucking love this based chinaman

>> No.13334308

just did, thanks anon

>> No.13334310
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The "after I cum" pattern

>> No.13334314

Next step is 6K BTC minimum price order get in

>> No.13334323

Cz hitting levels of based that shouldn't even be possible. All hail this chink overlord

>> No.13334331
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>> No.13334338

CZ took the crypto brownpill

>> No.13334340
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The most based man of all time.

>> No.13334349

He did the needful sirs...

>> No.13334350
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>> No.13334351

btfo by the first post in your shit thread

>> No.13334354


>> No.13334369
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Fuck! Fuck! I invested all my savings into it.

>> No.13334387

I actually considered opening up a short when Poloniex introduced margin trading of bsv a few days ago but chickened out ..
I'm glad that this fucking scamfork shit will have an end soon though

>> No.13334408

Can he do that?

>> No.13334429

Holy fuck, a literal happening

>> No.13334434

lmao based

>> No.13334457

Lmao whats creg saying rn

>> No.13334469

No dumbass, unless he wants to lose billions supporting that price floor

>> No.13334471

Getting delisted from binance means literal death.

>get banned from twitter
>get delisted from binance


>> No.13334473

Posting in a based thread

>> No.13334477
File: 22 KB, 237x271, 1553803201988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody knows...

>> No.13334490

what's the young russian guy name threatening CZ that the russian mob would forbid binance in russia?

>> No.13334494

Imagine Hillary on election night 2016

>> No.13334501

Don't you just love how a single person/exchange can determine the faith of a market cryptocurrency, long live decentralization guise!

>> No.13334506


troll him guys

>> No.13334511

I'm not a dumbass. I'm a nice guy.

>> No.13334512
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Too bad

>> No.13334518
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There it fucking goes

>> No.13334521

Freedom of association is the cornerstone of decentralization. TALK SHIT GET HIT

>> No.13334527

Use your head and be a smart guy

>> No.13334550

Hmm I dunno, better check his twitter...

>> No.13334561

BSV still winning.

>> No.13334562


>> No.13334569

no...now we see why crypto is useful

>> No.13334577
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Best.....part...is...there will be monkeys "buying the dip"

My ties

>> No.13334580
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Better start looking for a new gig, shill.

>> No.13334582

Not really my point. BSV shouldn't fail because CZ memed it out of liquidity, it should fail because its shit. Who tells you based chink man wont do the same to your Linkies if Sergey starts getting uppity with him?

>> No.13334584
File: 13 KB, 443x332, images-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really laughing ? Watching your money evaporate slowly over the past months and now one large dump.
This is not a fud thing you need to market sell right now . This is a fucking death sentence you need to accept that.

>> No.13334585

There absolutely will be a dead cat bounce. I'm not going to bother timing it though

>> No.13334592

most people LOVE it, just look at the reactions from the entire community, doesn't matter where reddit, twitter, 4chan, twitch. They couldn't just delist any coin without having a good reason for it or they would heavily damaging their image leading to the death of their exchange eventually.
everyone knows they are obvious fucking scammers, the only people who could possibly believe their shit are newbies to crypto who think its bitcoin or may believe he isnt constantly lying about literally everything

>> No.13334605

i'm gong to open a champagne tonight

>> No.13334610
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ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill. there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.
Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.

>> No.13334612

i did a bad trade :(

>> No.13334617

watch cryptotraderstv on twitch, everyone is shitting on him

>> No.13334639

this is one of the most epic crypto btfo's of a scammer that any of us will likely live to see in our lifetimes.

mad respect for CZ, absolutely based and bitcoin pilled

>> No.13334640

lol binance figured the trading fees on scam vision weren't worth the cringe

>> No.13334659
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>> No.13334686

You're next Ver

>> No.13334693

Shut the fuck up niggers, BItcoin SV is the real BITCOIN and it will outpace this shit scam exchange.

>> No.13334700

I hope you realize that there are more traders than you can even imagine that simply won't touch ANY crypto that isnt listed on Binance.
>being listed on Binance is a sign your project isnt a scam

>> No.13334712

>Shut the fuck up niggers, BItcoin SV is the real
>and it will outpace this
to oblivion.


>> No.13334722

u forgot niggers. dont know but niggers are falling for like every trap in the crypto game. they shouldnt we allowed to trade for their own good

>> No.13334756

checked. and i thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the niggers on social media talking about how Bitconnect was going to make them millionaires.

>> No.13334757
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Why is cz so fucking based god damn I just sold all my sv last week and switched to abc

>> No.13334767

God, the drama in this sector makes it so worth it no matter how JUSTed I get. Thank god for CSW, Ayre, and CZ.

>> No.13334795

nice judgment call

>> No.13334804

I need to do work, yet can't unglue myself from it all

>> No.13334818

anons be sure to make several threads about the Calvin Ayre salt when he posts it. its inevitable at this point. and yea he'll threaten to sue binance and CZ. i want to see it tho

>> No.13335336

Love this, hope this shit falls out of top 100 soon.

>> No.13335348
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*HONK* just kidding

>> No.13335913


>> No.13335941

>I'll sue them... in China
that's gonna end well

>> No.13336092
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>> No.13336173

So this is the cleansing crypto scene needs before another run happens.

>> No.13336186


>> No.13336191

Sanjay Vishnu is the first of many many shitcoins that needs to go.

>> No.13336195

Was losing millions part of Creg's plan?

>> No.13336213
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>> No.13336228

This is going in my CraigBTFO folder

>> No.13336234


>> No.13336249

its such a shame twitter banned him the cringe wouldve been glorious

>> No.13336254

kek. Falling like dominos.

>> No.13336282
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>> No.13336316
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there are still so many buy orders. i wonder how many people are swearing at work right now, trying to remember their exchange password on their phone

>> No.13336451

>he bought forgetoshi coin

>> No.13336512
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>> No.13336525

the kek that keeps on kekking.

>> No.13336536


>> No.13336540

This is GOOD for BTC.

BTC is the poster child of crypto and so is Satoshi.
People will never take crypto seriously if the main crypto has a thousand forks claiming to be the "real bitcoin".
People will never take crypto seriously if they believe there is a chance Satoshi is Craig.

Obvious con man and obvious con coin had to fuck off for the good of us all.

>> No.13336574

this is unironically the situation.

even some of my normie friends that i got into crypto even know that BSV is a scam, and they are absolute normies who hold XRP ffs.
and when the normies even know your shit is a scam, its time for it to go to $0.

>> No.13336595
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>inb4 suplise changeup and binance does not actually delist btcsv and cz raughs & raughs as he takes all those cheap sv his bots bought and sells them back to the market on the pump
Screencap this.

>> No.13336645

it would be absurd to think that CZ would even hold a BSV position after today.
sure he might buy back and wait on the dead cat bounce but hes not going to be holding any of this scam coin
why do u think it dumped so hard?
CZ most likely dumped all the BSV that binance was even holding into the market a few hrs ago

>> No.13336669

A CHING CHONG WING WONG worst shill ever

>> No.13336707
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Pretty much. No regulations means he can delist and list as he pleases. How does anyone ever trust someone who runs an exchange? We all know they fake their volume and trade data to coordinate liquidations among even shadier practices.

>> No.13337069

lel kek.

good thing i sold all my bsv on april 1

>> No.13337158
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>> No.13337178

Lmao svtards on legit suicide watch

>> No.13337201

the funds from millions of $0 BSV should keep any lawsuit alive long enough to take down binance

>> No.13337249

I just saved this to my phone and it suddenly occurred to me how fucking incomprehensible it would be to anyone not balls-deep immersed in crypto. Like it would literally take me 15 minutes to describe why this image is funny to someone. I am so far in the deep end of the crypto pool it's kind of scary.

>> No.13337335

There is a guy named Sergey that wears the same plaid shirt. Craig, a known bully in the cryptosphere, talked shit about his creation (LINK). Craig is getting his coin removed from the biggest crypto exchange now.
Am I missing something?

>> No.13337404

I've mostly stayed out of this. But...

>> No.13337409

>am I missing something
Sweetheart, you're missing everything. Get back in the kitchen

>> No.13337445

There's still... the Dark Knight

>> No.13337468
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Based, but it's not for everyone. Be proud anon.

Yes, you are missing everything. You are only seeing the manifestations.
>pic related

>> No.13337497

I like your thinking.

>> No.13337523
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>the absolute state of BSV holders

>> No.13337692

how monumental of a counter btfo would it be if Craig showed proof of signature on the genesis block
it would literally obliterate CZ
of course, not happening

>> No.13337718

As much as I despise CSW and despite knowing with ever fiber of my being he is not Satoshi, if he somehow staged the comeback of all comebacks, I would just fucking die it would be so based. But, like you said, not happening.

>> No.13337796
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>74% vs 4%

>> No.13337809

I still deep down wish he is Satoshi because I fucking hate core clowns and it would be poetic justice for Satoshi to be revealed as an egotistical dick to counter their egos.

>> No.13337835
File: 104 KB, 749x827, F5616D2F-8972-42FD-8832-25C1C9DA8852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* inhales *

>> No.13337847

if you bought this piece of shit when all you faggots were schilling it on this board, you either over think btc or you have no fucking clue what btc. SV HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE GARBAGE AND CRAIG WRONG IS NOT SATOSHI.

>> No.13337848

>not watching BBC news
>not knowing Sergey is Satoshi
lurk more

>> No.13337899

>Over 26 000 people voted in favor of its delisting
>A 1000 people think BSV is awesome

At least we know how many shills he has paid now.

>> No.13337928

FFS I literally can't get dubs on /pol/ anymore but I get dubs on /biz/ all the time. Is this a sign for me to move away from my nazi ways and become a businessman?

>> No.13337953

Some earlier than others but we all made the same journey.

>> No.13338066

We love everyone, based nigga ceo, /biz/raelis, qt asian


Fuck fraudtoshi and fuck jannies

>> No.13338339


>> No.13338385

Cause they are blind followers of a religious sect

>> No.13338468

this. theres lots of fanatical cult like holders in the crypto space. and the BSV idiots are so entrenched in the Alternate Reality Game that CSW (the mentally ill pedo) is playing that it goes without saying they defend BSV like its their religion. they have been blinded by a cult leader, CW

>> No.13338683

Literally stealing

>> No.13338701

it's really simple, in order to sell their bags they pretend to be buying more bags

>> No.13338766
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nigger this shiet is happening!!!

>> No.13338812
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You're all gonna get so fucking JUSTed soon, enjoy this hollow victory while it lasts

>> No.13339229
File: 149 KB, 598x734, vEkVVfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm just kidding you are all gonna get fucking REKT
Like this guy states

>> No.13339368

What are the vote results. I don't have twitter.

>> No.13339410

What the hell is going through binances CEOs head.

>> No.13339411
File: 25 KB, 617x301, krakenbsvpoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The polls says BSV is rekt.

>> No.13339429

Oh god yes, finally fresh drama in this bearmarket.

>> No.13339433

Good thing I never gotten Bitcoin SV.

>> No.13339485

I just want to say I thoroughly enjoyed watching you pajeet faggots getting BTFO and I hope your faggot overlord kills himself from the market totally and absolutely reject his bullshit scamcoin that ruined this market.

For anyone who bought this, you deserve it. And to anyone who's holding, enjoy losing everything.

STIFF your way out of this one faggots

>> No.13339489
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>> No.13339504
File: 184 KB, 500x280, oh yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would actually buy 100k

>> No.13339505


>> No.13339536

remember when creg said
>we bankrupt you

>> No.13339540

Get fucking rekt

>> No.13339607

>I was just pretending

>> No.13339619
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>> No.13339667

CZ is trying to Censor Craig Wright for a reason. Ask yourself why try someone in the court of public opinion when Craig is trying to go into a real court to prove he is really satoshi.

BSV doesn't need Binance bc we can already mine 128 MB blocks. We are the most scalable crypto in the whole space bar none........ So F Binaance and those stupid stable coins they are trying to make. Everyone wants Craig Wright and BSV out of the way because if BSV keeps scaling 512 MB by August all these other alt coins and binance exchange all go down the tube and are worthless. If you want to laugh please go watch Vitally in Edcon 2019 hes the biggest clown on the planet. Hes Next

BSV already scaled and mined 128 megabyte block whats your little coin do ?

BTC - 2.3 MB Block
Bcash- Bitcoin cash- 4.6 MB Block
BSV 128 MB Block.

BSV has them all lapped like secretariat in the Belmont. To anyone in the space I am a technical wizard on all of these cryptos. None of them work bc none of them can scale. BSV is gonna mine 512 MB blocks soon. Use the bad news to accumulate more BSV and I will see you at The Great Gatsby's (Calvin Ayre) party when we blast off. Its gonna be the party of the century. Binance is a scam producing stable coins and inflating their numbers CZ might end up in the clink for his illegal actions hes def just jumped into a lions den with a bunch of hungry lions that will lick his skin off him alive. Hes about to find out, trust that.

>> No.13339678

bsv is still a decent coin. think of all the pedos who have to keep a bag of bsv so when their local copy of the CP chain gets raided, they have an excuse.

>> No.13339806
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Nice story ranjeet. Now enjoy your rekting

>> No.13339853

>I will see you at The Great Gatsby's (Calvin Ayre) party when we blast off. Its gonna be the party of the century.
Anon, what are you doing? I told you it's time to reflect, are you sure you want to walk this path? Are you strong enough to face the mockery and ridicule 3 months down the line? I sure hope you didn't share with your family and friends how much money you "invested" into this.

>> No.13339868


>> No.13339913


bags so heavy they have their own gravitational pull

>> No.13339920

nah its just something I found commented on that old boomers website about the news. should've quoted it.

>> No.13339967

Yup, mind games
When he proves he is satoshi in court, this'll be a 1000×

>> No.13340024

imagine thinking bigger blocks is a valid scaling solution. every block ever forged has to be stored on a full node. storage isn't free retard.

>> No.13340044

Bigger blocks are a valid scaling solution. If you think storage is expensive, take a look at the costs in mining. storage is a drop in the bucket.

>> No.13340061

the blocks will only be that big if they are full of transactions that make it that big. nobody is adding 128MB to the blockchain size every block.

>> No.13340118


Do you people seriously believe this faggot is the creator of BTC? This narcissist well documented for inflating his accomplishments well beyond what they actually are?

At first I thought this was pajeet shilling or organized scammers, but do you sub 90 IQ niggers actually believe this guy created this market?

Holy fuck you deserve to lose all your money

>> No.13340202

>BSV has them all lapped like secretariat in the Belmont

Like anyone here knows what the fuck all that is, besides us ancientfags

update your pasta to reflect your audience pls

>> No.13340220

How is virtue signaling based? You faggots are literally retarded sheep.
And no I don't have any BSV.

>> No.13340235
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CZ is the chaddest of chads.

>> No.13340269

Imagine having such a low level of self awareness.

>> No.13340343

What's the point of big blocks if you aren't filling them with transactions?

>> No.13340357


>> No.13340487
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, AmauryNWO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can copy and paste proofs of narcissism til the cows come home but you can't deny the ongoing and upcoming legal proceedings. Multiple delistings and it's dropped by what? ~$10
Do you understand the permission-less nature of the system, the equilibria and how BCH ruined that, and Segwit corrupted the chain?
Both facts.

>> No.13340515

buy Bitcoin SV its the best Bitcoin and created by Satoshi himself

>> No.13340521

Reminder to buy Aussie alcohol stocks.

>> No.13340525
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>> No.13340567

Imagine being this delusional.

Delisting has not happened. Within 12 hours of ANNOUNCING the delisting it's down 23% and counting. If you're holding through this you're a goddamn idiot and you deserve what's coming to you. If you really believe in fucking craig wright enough to watch this fucking knife fall I don't know what to tell you.

You could buy it in 5 days for 1/2 of what it is right now, probably even lower than the last time I checked

>> No.13340591

If everyone takes a step back and looks at this entire fiasco objectively, it's honestly extremely interesting to watch it develop.

Craig wright has never publicly proved evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that he is Satoshi, despite the fact that reasonable doubt would be extremely easy to accomplish by simply publicly singing a message using Satoshi keys or making a public statement about moving funds from Satoshi wallet. He always relies on plausible deniability and has been proven by Wikileaks, who has never in history had to retract a statement, to have forged multiple documents in an attempt to sway public opinion on him being Satoshi. Case closed? Not really....

Multiple reputable people in this space have come forward claiming with 100% certainty that Craig is Satoshi. It could be very possible that the evidence he used to persuade these figures is forgery, and just maybe a financial incentive is involved to explain why these figures stick to their claims, that but what is difficult to explain is Craigs history.

Craig has a deep history in computer science and is a scholar in the field with a PHD. He has a history of working for cyber security and has little to no digital fingerprint much like an early cypherpunk would have liked. Craig is also*disgustingly* rich, some value Craig's net worth to be as little as $300 million and as high as $7 billion. Where did Craig get his money to bankroll all his endeavors? How does Craig have such deep connections within this space? Why do multiple reputable figures back his claim? How could a nobody computer scientist appear out of thin-air and accomplish what he has so far? The most logical explanation to these questions is that he is indeed Satoshi, right? Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

>> No.13340603

My Opinion? Im not convinced he is Satoshi, but I think it's very clear that Wright was involved on some level in the early days of Bitcoin. Even watching some of his early interview gives me vibes that he was involved early in Bitcoins creation— but they are just vibes.

Why won't he move Satoshi funds? I think he simply does not have access to it. His house in Australia was raided. The Australian government did not stop to consider plausible deniability, and any malicious act in the future wont be prevented because of plausible deniability. Craig’s unwillingness to show undeniable proof because of safety reasons is bogus.

The creation of BTC was probably a group effort between 3 most plausible people, two of whom both being deceased with Hal Finney (loosely involved) and David Kleiman, which would explain Wright’s confidence in his claims without worry of someone coming forward with undeniable evidence pointing otherwise. Satoshi funds could be locked away forever in a rudimentary form of a multi-sig wallet that Kleiman took to his grave, and it’s possible that neither parties were willing to release the funds.

You could seriously direct a movie about it, but how would the movie play out? A man whose revolutionary invention is being further developed to fail and now its inventor, who has little power to stop it, continues to mold it the best he can, with all odds against him? Or maybe a group of people joined forces to create a world-changing tech now has only one surviving member to continue the legacy? Or one of the worlds most successful fraudster who makes false claims to further push his own agenda, fueled by greed and narcissism?

I own exactly 0 BCH or BSV so I have no skin in this game, but I still follow these developments closely because it’s so damn interesting. One of the best stories being written in real time. I do hope we get more answers to it in the future and I hope Craig can find peace in all of this.

>> No.13340779

I should also add;
I think BitcoinSV is fantastic technology. One of the best in this space. The team has worked hard on it and it shows, but I have not invested and will probably not for a long time. This whole scenario is just too wild for me to confidently choose a side and put my money were my mouth is, even despite the fact that the technology he has created with BSV to be so god damn impressive.

Let's assume here for the rest of this post that Craig Wright is Satoshi. It's quite a sad fate for him. Reading back on Satoshi's forum posts from 2009, Satoshi does come off as hard headed and unwilling to take criticism(Might I add how awesome the internet is that we have these pieces of historic information to look back on forever in the future, and how amazing this will all seem in 300+ years). A true genius with the ability to birth an epochal shift in human history who started with good intentions, has now been poisoned with power, and a victim to his own narcissistic tendencies. In continuation of the Assumption that he is Satoshi, he should just silently work on his tech. Forget about making claims and being a sue happy asshole. He comes off as extremely narcissistic and mad with power. Let his ability to invent speak for itself. Let his invention take off in time with the nature of the free market, without the need to attack everyone and everything, going as low as taking personal blows to satisfy his hunger for success.

But he won't do that. He is slowly victimizing himself and it could lead to his downfall. But what do I know?

Anyways, Im just talking to myself at this point. I hope my posts are at least a bit introspective to some.

>> No.13340806

>Multiple reputable people in this space have come forward claiming with 100% certainty that Craig is Satoshi
This is the core of your argument and it is untrue, therefore your argument has no merit and everything you wrote was a waste of time. Congrats.

>> No.13340813

based chinks

>> No.13340818
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>> No.13340822


>> No.13340837

you wasted a lot of time to say csw is not satoshi.

>> No.13340842

I think you should read the rest of my posts before writing off the entirety of it from one single claim. Thats a bit short sighted on your part.

But Im just an anon shitposting for fun. I never formulate a definitive opinion on him being Satoshi, I only formulated one of him being involved early in Bitcoins creation. If you want to refute that then by all means do so, there's room for everyone to be heard on this board. Im just a nobody like everyone else here writing down my thoughts to be heard by anyone who had the patience to read my ramblings.

>> No.13340847

>muh satoshi's virtue
Binance has said for a long time they want to disassociate themselves from and delist scams. This goes at their odds of hosting CSW because there is about a mile long list of proven fraud he has committed. Only a paid shill would seriously claim he is Sat.
Cap this, SkyCoin is next on the chopping block 6 months tops.

>> No.13340862


>> No.13340872

Im not claiming he is or is not Satoshi.
The main point to take away from my posts is laid out in the first sentence of my first post:
>If everyone takes a step back and looks at this entire fiasco objectively, it's honestly extremely interesting to watch it develop.

This is fascinating to me. Im not here to argue about investing in Bitcoin or Ethereum, or to convince anyone to buy BSV. Im laying out my own thoughts on the situation. If I was a writer, perhaps I would be writing a book about the events unfolding before us.

>> No.13340891

I’m rooting for Craig just because everyone hates him lol
Reddit bandwagons are usually always wrong anyways

>> No.13340894


>> No.13340899

I read it. It's a load of hogwash. And I would like to reiterate that you are INCORRECT, no reputable person in the entire crypto ecosystem thinks that creg is Satoshi. Zero.

>> No.13340937

bsv is fake and gay

>> No.13340953

Gavin Andresen, Ian Grigg, Jon Matonis? All reputable early bitcoin developers.
If the "proof" Craig has presented to them is forgery or if they back his claims for a financial incentive is another argument, but they are (or were, depending on your stance) reputable figures that have come out to support his claim.

Of course, people like Vitalik and now CZ have come out and called him a fraud, but early Bitcoin developers who were in direct contact with Satoshi has backed Craig's claims.

>> No.13340963
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>> No.13340980

They came out in support of craig because they probably know who the real satoshi actually is and figure why not help the guy stay anonymous by propping up a con artist. Its good for bitcoin for satoshi to remain unknown, therefore they support Craig who is an obvious liar. The only dumb thing here is that morons like you actually took the bait

>> No.13341002
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>> No.13341005

I suppose it's a possibility, but If Craig is not Satoshi then I'd be more inclined to believe that Craig duped them as opposed to them supporting a con artist.
If they wanted to keep Satoshi's identity a secret they would just not talk about it.

>> No.13341036


>> No.13341038


Good posts, thanks for sharing. I agree mostly, I don't think Finney was involved before Satoshis announcement post

>> No.13341041

Just so you know, I'm in the same thinking as you in this board. You are not alone senpai. This whole story would grow as time goes by. We'll see how things play out.

>> No.13341061

Andresen is no longer a prominent figure, being embarrassed by creg basically ruined his reputation.
In November 2016 Andresen stated that the Australian programmer and entrepreneur Craig Wright was the real Satoshi Nakamoto, but later expressed regret getting involved in the “'who was Satoshi' game."[5]
>As of June 2017, he has not contributed to Bitcoin Core since February 2016. His commit access on GitHub was revoked in May 2016.
As for the other two, I assume they have quietly recanted. Jon Matonis seems to be all about BTC now, which would be very curious for someone who believes in creg lol.

>> No.13341108

And Ian Grigg worked for EOS! Credibility: fucked.

>> No.13341129

I agree, that's why I added (loosley involved). I don't think Hal had much say in the creation of it but most definitely was involved with getting bitcoin off the ground.
Thanks, I appreciate it
I believe Andresen admits that Craig has not presented concrete evidence to back his claim, but still holds onto his belief that Craig is Satoshi under subjective reasoning with the conversations he had with Satoshi and the conversations he has with Craig, so take it for what its worth.

>> No.13341144

It's worth nothing. He admits the proof was bullshit.

>> No.13341156

Meanwhile my innocent shitcoins are tanking just as hard

>> No.13341162

An ounce of proof is worth a ton of assertions, but assertions should still be taken into consideration.

>> No.13341171

Gavin is no longer a prominent figure and he no longer supports creg. Find the most recent pro creg comment that he made. When was it? Two, three years ago? He is curiously silent now if the man he "asserts" to be Satoshi is under attack! Lol.

>> No.13341176

I think this is a very plausible explanation, he was definitely involved in some level early on and only this explains why he knows he can get away with his claims without the true satoshi calling him out on it.

>> No.13341185
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>> No.13341197

>he was definitely involved in some level early on
Based on fake blogpost?

>> No.13341234

It's very possible he now knows that Craig is a fraud and has come to the realization that he was indeed duped and stays quiet to protect his credibility. If this was the case, then he would not mention it and hope the whole ordeal gets swept under the rug. It's also very possible that he still holds onto his belief but has received so much flak from the community that its no longer worth his time or effort to back his claim. It's a zero sum game.
Either way, it makes the story a lot more interesting. It's like a mystery novel with no ending in sight.

>> No.13341278
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>t-this is bullish guys, r-right?

>> No.13341281

>Craig has a deep history in computer science and is a scholar in the field with a PHD

>> No.13341284

>It's a zero sum game.
I have no idea what you mean by this, I suspect you are using the phrase incorrectly.

>> No.13341302

>Not really my point
Then your point doesn't matter faggot

>> No.13341305

His climb to stardom is definitely...suspicious. No one really knew who he was and out of nowhere he pops up devloping DLT tech with a massive bankroll to fund it. Like you said, it's a plausible explanation but we are still kept on the edge of our seats waiting for a definitive answer.

I day dream about Satoshi revealing himself. I really do hope he is still out there, witnessing the affairs of his creation. Imagine the chaos that would ensue if Craig proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he is Satoshi. Now imagine the chaos that would ensure if Craig never does and instead the real Satoshi comes out of hiding, singing a single ominous message saying, "Satoshi is still here, and I am not Craig Wright."

I can only dream.

>> No.13341313

He is. Also your ID appears to suck.

>> No.13341341

I did use it incorrectly. But you are arguing semantics at this point which does neither of us any real good. I hope you still realize the overall point I was trying to get across.

>> No.13341385
File: 40 KB, 500x738, 300_percent_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking mad. I've been trying to dump these coins ALL FUCKING DAY, but I still don't have enough of the blockchain. The last time I ran their godforsaken node, I somehow ended up with an ABC chain.

This is what I get for using a full node wallet.

>> No.13341412

I'm not "arguing semantics". I'm not arguing anything, because you don't have an argument. You just rolled over on your only actual point lol.

>> No.13341457

Then why point it out? I get lost in replies and just compose my thoughts down usually on a per-reply basis and I don't even know what really even started this reply train. If you have anything of sustenance to contribute to this conversation then by all means do so but Im not going to waste any more of my time replying to you if you begin to get anal with me.

>> No.13341728

could you retards just stop entertaining this leddit faggot?

>> No.13341757

Delicious cope, I'm spreading hopium in telegram and discord for lols, make the retards stupid enough to buy this scam hold to zero


>> No.13341775

>512 mb blocks
>implying the massive latency produced from that size of a block wouldn't lead to thousands of orphans and constant reorgs
>implying anyone even fucking needs 512 mb blocks
>implying anyone would ever run a node if the blockchain was 5 TB in size

>> No.13341801
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>> No.13341840
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BSV funds not safu

>> No.13341846

Absolutely based

>> No.13341868

bcash is next

late adopters will never win. remember that.

>> No.13341927

Just import your private key into a light wallet smartass.

>> No.13341946

Asian dev scam
Asian exchange
Cz is an asian manlet with a 2 inch penis

>> No.13341957
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I am the real Vitalik Buterin and I invented Ethereum and if you don't like it I'll use my sugar daddy's monies and sue your ass!

>> No.13342083

they were reputable before they said creg is sanjay
now they are jokes

>> No.13342095

i do feel like i just won thx

>> No.13342224

This is true. Everyone can look back at history and see that the men who changed the world and being smarter than anyone else, was hated by the majority.

This hate, delusion and ignorance is only positive signs that CSW indeed is Satoshi and that BSV is the invention that is going to change the world as we know it.

>> No.13342237
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>> No.13342629

"There is no reason for the average person to have a computer in the home"

>> No.13342639

Really what does it matter if he's not SN? So long as BSV carries the torch of original vision. BTC is compromised.

>> No.13342747

>Im dumb as a rock and Im proud

>> No.13342955
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>> No.13343341

My only regret is not having more bsv to dump on you delusional bagholding faggots

>> No.13343457
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Was waiting for someone to post this. How the mass delisting taste?

>> No.13344195
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Is there a bigger cope than this?

>> No.13344419

>the obvious scammer lead of my coin is a fraudster and hated by everyone, therefore he's a genius
solid logic right there, anon