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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13336697 No.13336697 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.13336782


Damn I wish dude.

I sold these bags yesterday after riding this trash from 5 cents to 1.20 back down to 0.02

>> No.13336803

Hey, curious why you took the loss instead of buying more. Did the project change or did your expectations?

>> No.13336931


It's becoming perfectly clear to me that there is really no work happening in the background. They're just a clueless bunch of kids with a few million dollars trying to make something that they can't possibly put together.

>> No.13336998

Looks like they are building what they described:
Did you get mad at losing fiat value and dump? Or did you not understand the original value prop?
Just curious, it's not just you that bought high and sold low...

>> No.13337021


There is no value you fucking idiot, this will never get completed. In fact, it's a slow, drawn out exit scammed, the developers have already started walking away and taking their names and the only person developing anything is some Code academy Redditor faggot and some dude who made a cryptokitties game.

>> No.13337067

I mean, I just pointed to the proof that there is a working product. An open api anyone can build on..
Emotional investor? That might explain taking the loss.

>> No.13337105

stfu abstract
French people can’t even put out a fure in a building with the whole world watching. What makes you think a group of lazy French zoomers will be able to revolutionize the financial sector?

>> No.13337121

Look at how infrequent and unsubstantial their github commits are. Fucking lazy french fucks and you know it. Their ama was pitiful and showed how unfocused they are. They’re dmoking weed in amsterdam and you know it.

>> No.13337128

You guys are convincing me to buy more REQ.

>> No.13337206


Go for it you fucking faggot. Post screens.

>> No.13337234
File: 10 KB, 928x100, Screenshot from 2019-04-15 13.37.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put some buy walls out. Feel free to dump to me.
I'll keep adding if they trigger.

>> No.13337235

how many you have?

>> No.13337260

Like 11,000 I bought right after ICO when it dumped. I'll double it at least.
1000 is 21 BTC in supply.

>> No.13337264

the most alarming thing about the AMA for me were the long incoherent answers whenever the topic was about who is going to be using this thing
I don't think it's a scam but how long is this going to take to be useful?

>> No.13337285

i have 46k and i think in buing more

>> No.13337287
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Market sold all this trash yesterday. The opportunity cost of waiting another 3 years for this to go back to 3 cents is not acceptable.

Enjoy your mound of trash.

>> No.13337299
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Notice also how there's almost zero talk of the token in relation with V2 protocol.

All the bagholders are being abandoned. Their little tokens mean nothing, it was just a money grab to raise funds.

>> No.13337309
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Please continue to get mad publicly. I want people to market dump to me

>> No.13337324

Never seen this crypto project at any hackathon. They literally need LINK to succeed. Move on.

>> No.13337338

Build on it and it's a good move, anon.
Invest your attention and time as well as your money

>> No.13337381
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I just did scooped 100k cheep 60 days ago hoping this will recover...did bit reading...insta market dumped

Enjoy my bags retard lol

>> No.13337408

you really see req succeeding in the future?
biz keep fudding the project and telling its a dead project

>> No.13337415
File: 93 KB, 850x734, req-team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You guys are convincing me to buy more REQ.

Their recent AMA shows 2 clueless kids who are asked questions because they collected millions of dollars and have no idea what the fuck they are going to do.


If after watching this you still think you should be holding or buying more REQ, you are one of the dumbest morons on earth.

>> No.13337449

Like any platform, it's what the community makes of it. I believe in the ycombinator community.
Thanks I am watching that now.

>> No.13337462

what about the questions about scaling solutions
they are waiting for Ethereum to scale and they "might" look into scaling solutions if it takes too long
I don't trust those script kiddies to come up with any scaling solutions and even other below average ethereum based projects went that route long ago

>> No.13337752

>what about the questions about scaling solutions

Yeah, I'm sure they're capable of doing that, right after they complete Bitcoin integration after 2 years, and then a Blockchain based solution to cancer.

>> No.13337973

they even need Kyber to do their currency conversion for them, and at least they got some great news recently with Samsung etc
financial auditing... never again

>> No.13338093

lol YCombinator forgot about this project as soon as they graduated...there’s no more connection.

Btw, the Req team used to be partnered with ING before. ING left. ING is working with several other blockchain companies, and forgot that fking lazy ass Moneytis Req team. The req team lied and said muh muh ING is not allowed to do crypto projects. BULLSHIT. They keep fking lying to you!

>> No.13338208

Nah thats not how YC works.

>> No.13338216

i market sold all my remaining req a week ago.
their embarassing AMA just assured me in my decision

im glad that i sold this fucking shitcoin with just a tiny loss.
my biggest regret is that i did not sell req when it was 1.20$

>> No.13338236

>so give me the elevator pitch for request

eeeeeehhh hon hon,.... we dont really know, eh it is a blockchain company to solve zee problems of modern blockchains and financial...

they cant even do an elevator pitch or explain what req is anymore. also look at their faces, theyve spent a lot of time in the sun. coders should be pasty and sickly looking from working inside 14 hours per day, not tan. NOT TAN!

>> No.13338271


Same here man, same here. The AMA was the final straw.

There's no surprises in store. Just more lazy excuses and opportunity costs.

>> No.13338282

look at that orange fag's eyes. HE is LIT.
future of commerce. fucking keksimus maksimus

>> No.13338294

i heard they are aggressive

>> No.13338328

Organized and connected. Smart and engineer driven.
That aggressive meme is nonsense, pretty transparently so.

>> No.13338341

the funny part is that since both are recent hires they're making at most 100k a year while the founders who always hide in the shadows are literal millionaires

>> No.13338354

I wonder who wrote their WP since their English is meh

>> No.13338355

i know how YC works. the fact is the YC partners don’t like the team and there’s been no contact with the req team and YC mentors for a long time

>> No.13338376



>> No.13338395

ive been considering this for a while, but i just sold all my req. this project is going no where, the AMA has crystallized my view on the team and their work ethic. fuck req

>> No.13338400

They are building the platform, why reach out to partnerships when that's not even built?
Would be a massive waste of time if the goal is adoption. Use case is still relevant and usage will come in time.

>> No.13338410

>req team is working
keep telling yourself that

>> No.13338428
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>while the founders who always hide in the shadows are literal millionaires

Those cocsuckers have literally not shown their faces since the ICO, probably to make it easier to conceal themselves when the penny drops.

>> No.13338439


>> No.13338443
File: 75 KB, 960x960, bored pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck, this shit hurts to see. Hope springs eternal with the scammed brainlets on this board I guess. You can see this sort of Stockholm syndrome in so many scam projects. Even with Oyster/PRL which had a pretty clear-cut exit scam, you still have some scammed, jaded "investors" trying to jump-start a dead project. They just will not believe the evidence that they've been screwed.

Bitconnect even had people feeling the same way afterwards. I think you have to realize when you've been fucked over, bamboozled, tricked, and just cut your losses and move on.

This guy gets it. He's seen signs of a "slow exit scam," which is incredibly common in crypto these days.

>> No.13338445

Im not a wagie and I'm nowhere near all in on REQ. Just tired of nonsense fud from people that don't understand platforms or software dev.
Dump, my buy walls are waiting.

>> No.13338469


Your hopium contributions to this thread have been rejected by everyone. Go sit in your corner.

Request is a MARKET SELL FUCKING ASAP recommendation by consensus.

>> No.13338505

I want you to market sell. It won't affect the long term value creation, at all, and gives me cheap REQ.
So please, get angry and do the thing that benefits me.

>> No.13338538

>it wont affect long term value creation
how much value is there in shrimp tracking/mozz-to-monkey transactions?

>> No.13338557

>14 posts by this ID

please. just stop, abstracttornado

>> No.13338580

Invoicing is used in every single company.
It's an entire industry.
p2p invoicing may be even bigger.

>> No.13338601

Dis is sad to watch

>> No.13338608

Dump, my anon friend. If I cared about social approval I wouldn't have been in crypto for the last 7 years

>> No.13338609

Sure you aren’t go ahead and try to save face on a basket weaving forum lol like I believe you
Probably a trust fund baby if anything fucking queer

>> No.13338639
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>mozz-to-monkey transactions?

>> No.13338736

Nah, small business owner.
Also have a crypto side of the business.
In software dev for the past decade.
Not my fault you lost money being impatient.

>> No.13338982

Whole lotta req bagholder cope in here. Screenshotted this faggot's posts to come back in 6mo and laugh

>> No.13339226

>crypto side of the business
how many t-shirts did you sold to those reddit fags?

>> No.13339288

the fucking team was asked during the ama: who were the middlemen they’re hoping to disrupt? they couldn’t fucking answer the question.

>> No.13339307

My favorite part was when the orange stoner fag didn't know what fiat meant. At the moment I sold my bag.

>> No.13339408

They are building something new as a platform.
They do not know which use cases will emerge.
Nothing like that, just hosting nodes and building dapps.

>> No.13339519


>> No.13340320

as if they’re building when their github has slowed to a crawl. laziest team in crypto

>> No.13340504

More cheese please

Eeeeeeeh honk honk

>> No.13340512

how could such a WEIRD AND CREEPY team build a platform?

>> No.13340763
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Another bagholder thread. Lol at some shills still clinging to this project.

>> No.13340888

Man you have some next level delusion right there. I can only wish you luck. You're going to need it.