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File: 377 KB, 1440x1998, 20190414_193013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13330863 No.13330863 [Reply] [Original]

Craig Wright completely BTFO!!

>I now have 15 lawyers who are willing to represent me on a pro bono basis

>Be Craig "Fakesatoshi" Wright
>Start suing random people on Twitter who say you're not satoshi
>One person has the balls to sue back
>Delete all social media like a fag
>Biggest crypto exchange's CEO gets involved and calls you A FUCKING FRAUD
>Make a post on medium crying like a faggot complaining about bullies (https://medium.com/@craig_10243/trolls-and-bullies-d19287bb754d).).
>All of this could've been solved if you signed a simple message from genesis wallet
>N-no, that's for cowards, I'll use courts because that's what professionals use
>Lose half of your stolen bitcoin from class action lawsuit for harassing people and blocking free speech from a guy representing bloggers.

HAHAHAHA, man this is better than fucking Dr. Phil or some telemundo soap opera!

>> No.13330870

>Master piece, peter.

>> No.13330877

>follow link

What did faggot OP mean by this?

>> No.13330888

https://medium.com/@craig_10243/trolls-and-bullies-d19287bb754d (Extra parenthesis, my bad lol)
Also, link to tweet: https://twitter.com/cz_binance/status/1117606851351179264?s=19

Tasty controversy... mmm...

>> No.13330890
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Turn your brain on, pajeet.

>> No.13330914

why would he want to signed his death warrant? I dont think he wants a superbug.

>> No.13330932

pajjet english is le best english

>> No.13330934

Why would he keep saying he's Satoshi and that he's the owner of the wallet if that's the case??

Mmm mmm noo nooo Bitcoin SVCONNEEEEECT!!!

>> No.13330940

reddit.com that way my friend

>> No.13330950

which way shitskin?

>> No.13330960

into your mum uterus where u belong, so she can abort you.

>> No.13330971

I said, which way, shitskin?

>> No.13330983

le engrish, who cant find any comeback fucking kek.

>> No.13330987
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>> No.13330993

The funniest thing about all of this is witnessing the type of people who attract CSW. They're all degenerate low IQ pseudo intellectuals who fall for his romanticized verbal trash. CSW is the Jim Jones of crypto, and you faggots are just drinking the con artist's kool-aid. Dunning Kruger in full effect.
Fortunately everyone in the industry with at-least half a brain just point and laugh at him.
My advice to all degenerate pedos who believe this man - lay off the booze; it's rotting your brain and severely limiting your potential to grow. You won't realize it until it's too late and you're an old miserable piece of shit basement dwelling conspiracy theorist.

>> No.13331002

Also, I think he already has a superbug from all the homo sex he's had

>> No.13331006

one a lighter note, how do you shitskins know when you wiped clean? I heard you use your hands to wipe and shit.
Like how can you tell when you don't have shit on you, when your shitskins and smell like shit also.

>> No.13331024

u use hand to wipe and shit, shieeet nigga

>> No.13331056

Woah, surely those memes showing normal people who happen to be slightly overweight as trolls and bullies is not only oppressive of strong and powerful healthily obese people but not empowering fat, excuse me, I meant... healthy people. Disgusting article, Craig should be ashamed for his misogynistic and mansplaining habits.

>> No.13331062

>Craig should be ashamed for his misogynistic and mansplaining habits.
This has to be bait.

>> No.13331077

calm the fuck down dude, you need to understand that nobody gives a shit about this outside of the miniscule "crypto-space" or whatever. dont you see that YOU are the epitome of the RENT-FREE meme? jesus, get some fresh air anon.

>> No.13331082


How can one chink be so absolutely and unequivocally based?

>> No.13331109


Looks like Faketoshi pissed off the wrong chink lol

>> No.13331108

Because funds are safe!

>> No.13331128


Makes me want to buy BNB

>> No.13331552
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the shill threads shitting up this board are just really annoying, man

>> No.13331640

As a BSV holder I find this shit hilarious.

>> No.13331655

Uh ok

>> No.13331660

>be me
>mommy's big bouncing 490lb boy
>having a bubbly bubble bath in my reinforced steel tub
>making tendie flavoured bubbles from my poopy hole
>love feeling them tickle past my mighty 2 inch peepee
>squeeze extra to hard to make an extra big bubble
>suddenly the water turns to gravy
>no answer
>still no response
>i lift my ample frame out of the brown smelly sludge
>it has rendered me covered in slippery poop juice
>slide my way downstairs on my belly to see mommy and another new chaddy daddy cuddling on the couch
"oh, anon... i thought you were still in the bath... didn't you play with that plugged in toaster i gave you?"
"listen champ, your mom and i are trying to watch the movie. how about you go upstairs and give us some private time. you might wanna clean up too, you smell like shit"
>i can feel my tard rage building
>grab my loot crate exclusive replica minecraft sword and strike chaddy daddy in the head
"that's it you fat little shit! you're gonna get it!"
>he charges and attempts to grab me
>my shitty coating has turned me into a slippery brown seal
>i slip out of his grip and waddle upstairs towards the bathroom
"got you now bitch!"
>he charges me again but slips on a stray turdie tendie which sends him flying towards my rusty brown bath
>hold his head under the kf sea of poop as he struggles to fight for air
>suddenly he stops breathing
>he must be dead lol
>talk to mommy
"sure anon, prison has to better than this"
>get tendies at the police station
>turns out the death penalty is legal in this state
>mommy BTFO
>just realized how lonely I am
>fap furiously thinking about mommy

>> No.13331662

As a poo holder I find this shit hilarious and streets incredibly attractive. :)

>> No.13331664

people that still believe csw are the dumbest people on the planet. enjoy your shitcoin going to 0 when it gets delisted from major exchanges.

>> No.13331679

>The real Satoshi can digitally sign any message to prove it. This is as simple as breathing for him/her. And we have the pub key. Until then, everyone is Satoshi, except Craig Wright!
absolutely btfo

>> No.13331685

>He can't show that he's satoshi because that'd be dangerous!
>He can't let anyone know that he's Satoshi!
>Yes I'm talking about Craig Wright, the guy screaming that he's satoshi.

>> No.13331712

it was a joke in reference of dave kleiman, im not a bsv supporter. Although if he was I would say this is the clever move.

>> No.13331726

well balls, carry on anon

>> No.13331789


>> No.13331907

actually i bought bsv because of nchain and its vision + all of the patents they are gathering
also that imo bcash and segwit have zero future, while nchain are 100% looking to progress, develop and have everyone and their mommy build anything they can imagine on bsv.
it's going to be big.
craig being a dick is just entertainment, whether he is satoshi or not i don't really care.
t.130 iq

>> No.13331924

Eventually, once everyone thinks he's been thoroughly "BTFO," CW is going move a few coins from Satoshi's address and absolutely destroy these pathetic muppets. It'll be glorious.

>> No.13331929

you are as schizo as Craig dumbass

>> No.13331951

this marketing is nuts

>> No.13331999

>its vision
Pedophilia hosted on a immutable blockchain?

>> No.13332066

>I now have 15 lawyers who are willing to represent me on a pro bono basis
Law is law more lawyers can't change this
>One person has the balls to sue back
They found someone stupid enough
>Delete all social media like a fag
Suspended ≠ delete
>Biggest crypto exchange's CEO gets involved and calls you A FUCKING FRAUD
I'm almost certain they won't go after him until they win the case against this idiot
>Make a post on medium crying like a faggot complaining about bullies
He's providing more reasoning behind not only why their lives are pathetic but also why he's going to bankrupt what little they had
>All of this could've been solved if you signed a simple message from genesis wallet
I honestly don't even understand why people feel like their entitled to this information let alone why Craig would ever want it to be proven. You're all absolute fucking cancer and are a net negative to anything you associate with.
>N-no, that's for cowards, I'll use courts because that's what professionals use
To bankrupt idiots.
>Lose half of your stolen bitcoin from class action lawsuit for harassing people and blocking free speech from a guy representing bloggers.
Absolute retarded speculation, slander and harassment is not protected by free speech.

Every single one of you are so stupid and misinformed it hurts. Try using your head.

>> No.13332088

t. bagholder

>> No.13332096

>Going to bankrupt what little they had Hi Craig. Glad to see you learned commas. We can still spot you a mile off, spotting Craig-posting is like finding a glow nigger on /pol/.

>> No.13332102

much more than that fren

>> No.13332108

That's a lot of butthurt you have there.

>> No.13332121


>> No.13332130

Stupid people putting forth stupid opinions, while thinking they're actually intelligent, trigger me. Always has.

>> No.13332140
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Based satoshi

>> No.13332143
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>> No.13332145
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>> No.13332149
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>> No.13332152

You must get triggered by yourself all the time. Your "rebuttals" are mere wordplay (twitter account just suspended!), unworthy of any effort.

>> No.13332155

Hi craig, now you can FUCK OFF!

>> No.13332158

>mere worldplay
OP said he deleted them personally. Twitter suspended him. Clear difference.

>> No.13332185
File: 60 KB, 1150x1084, 1545321819397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13332186

Craig has a plan. The plan apparently involves pissing off enough people until somebody relevant and with money (for him to take) stupidly gives him attention.

It's on now. This faggot is going to take cz for all he's worth.

>> No.13332191


>> No.13332236

lol. this will just result in craig dissapearing amid rumours he "flew to china"

>> No.13332265

It's entirely possible that Satoshi is dead and craig's handlers have the keys. So at a point they deem profitable they will use them in the way most beneficial for them.
I doubt cz is a big enough fish for them however.

>> No.13332270

lmfao anon

>> No.13332274

Fuck you, Craig. Do it, faggot. I can go long for longer than you can go short. You're going to lose in the end, and you'll die unhappy and unfulfilled. I say this despite the material wealth you brag about in your tweets. Notice correct use of commas, faggot

>> No.13332284

cregs handlers are bitcoin core. they arent going to reveal the keys.

>> No.13332314

they are also obviously fishing for a judgement. however by then, the number of frivolous and selective lawsuits, and chatter around these lawsuits, will have built enough history for future defence reference.

>> No.13332370

>they are also obviously fishing for a judgement.
that's my guess start 100 lawsuits find 1 retarded judge that feels has better things to do drag the other cases out to infinity (without any evidence pro and contra to the truth of the allegations this is easy) until they got a favorable ruling. expensive hobby especially if they are forced to sue thousands of people all around the world. now is the time to ddos creg, accuse him out in the open on twitter of being a fraud force him to sue you. he will get bankrupt before he could finish one case.

>> No.13332381

It has to do with the Ira Kleinman case, It's never going to go to trial. After the defense deposed him, they realized the plaintiffs had absolutely 0 evidence and were trying to stall for time. A day or so after this nchain and Calvin all came together for a "troll hunting" meeting. So clearly Craig and those around him had serious conversations on him having to provide evidence of address ownership in court. He seems like he's now ready to do it and since the Kleinman case will no longer provide the opportunity they are now making one.
Very unlikely they will have multiple different lawsuits over the same issue, a complete waste of time and money.

>> No.13332395
File: 85 KB, 863x1059, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one Chinaman be so based

>> No.13332414

Why do you keep referring to yourself in the third person?

>> No.13332420

huge buy signal

>> No.13332443

it's not a an IQ thing, it's a codependency thing. the people who fall for satoshi are the people who were abused by their parents as children

>> No.13332473

>necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit
>"the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges."

Craig retardoshi is suing, he'll have to prove he's Satoshi.

>The party that does not carry the burden of proof carries the benefit of assumption of being correct, they are presumed to be correct, until the burden shifts after presentation of evidence by the party bringing the action.

Peter is presumed to be correct by default about Craig being a fraud unless proven otherwise. Craig will have to send a message from the genesis wallet for irrefutable proof that he's Satoshi. Otherwise, Peter wins by default even if Craig was Satoshi (he's not).

The verdict will set a precedent about identities and ownership of wallets. You better wish that faggot Craig loses because otherwise you might be forced to hand over your private keys to any faggot that claims it's his wallet.

It's not like he has a case anyways, it's gonna be so fun to rub the verdict on his face. HAH!

>> No.13332517

Nice trolling

>> No.13332525

Literally all of them are paid shills. Look at how the Roger Ver shilling disappeared after the fork.

>> No.13332595

>I honestly don't even understand why Craig would ever want it to be proven
You don’t understand why the guy who keeps trying to convince people that he’s Satoshi would want to prove it?

>> No.13332640

>the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges
he can prove he was ""slandered"" easily enough. and he can pile on ""proofs"" for him actually being satoshi on any judge. all the criteria are met for him winning a court case in a legal system where the defendant must prove the accusation was true or if the judge is an idiot. mind you courts operate on a completely different custom of what is true or false than public key cryptography.

but yeah one would hope he actually has to provide tangible proof not his usual hearsay backdated blogposts reused signatures and emotional appeals to the falsity of the accusations.

>> No.13332677

>'Spiritual medium' Craig Wright fails to overturn conviction for indecently assaulting teenager

>> No.13332705

>he can pile on ""proofs"" for him actually being satoshi on any judge
No he can't.

>> No.13332732

it's what he has been doing to the public in the past 5 years, and in court this shit takes time. could be years before they toss the case. it's not like us the community which can rule in 10 minutes it's all bs.

>> No.13332745

>it's what he has been doing to the public in the past 5 years
What he has been doing to the public in the past 5 years is the opposite of proving he's Satoshi.

>> No.13332755

based and lawpilled

>> No.13332768

if that was true how the fuck do we have this curry cashie infestation where every 5th thread is about this mongrel? there are plenty of people seriously believing he is. i even heard some retards claiming his actions proved it to them. and in fact their standard for proof was of so abysmal quality they felt it was proven.

i want you to be right i just have this sinking feeling this could turn out to be a disappointment for us. if creg knows anything is how to play the legal system. that's where he has proven himself so far and being a psychopathic manipulator. altho in this case i do hope this all was forced on him by the people invested in him growing impatient seeing sv drop like a shitstained rock.

>> No.13332779

>if that was true how the fuck do we have this curry cashie infestation where every 5th thread is about this mongrel
Because they're gullible af?
He has provided zero proof, and there is instead proof of him forging shit like that blogpost.

>> No.13332786

yeah all true. but just imagine how much time can go by testimonies of character and shit. it's a fucking joke. he can't prove himself to the standards of crypto but he took the ato to the barn and fucked them so bad they still can't walk.