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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13330735 No.13330735 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13330757
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>> No.13330767
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>> No.13330772
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>> No.13330779
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>> No.13330786
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>> No.13330839

Peter Mccormack is literally such a dumb cunt. I mean really, Michael nye is a breath of fresh air compared to him.

>> No.13330866

Are you retarded? Your own post states he has 15 lawyers ready to work pro bono. How is that fucking JUSTED?
Anon you were a waste of sperm.

>> No.13330926

Looks like s o y.

>> No.13330944

this is gonna be fun, wish him the best of luck, he's gonna take down faketoshi, pedoaussie and that shitcoin sooner than expected

>> No.13330973

In the off chance CSW provides evidence. Would be pretty spectacular. All this build up over the years to btfo everyone calling him a fraud. I also doubt it'll go that way.

>> No.13331351

With trillions on the line when BCH forked, he did nothing.

>> No.13331953


He did plenty, you just weren't listening

>> No.13331964

Doesn't matter if he proves evidence later on - it is unknown now. At this point it is reasonable to claim that Satoj is a fraud.

>> No.13331987
File: 599 KB, 1125x1105, 9A01CDE6-35C9-4D25-BE2A-76026F6E325B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t believe there’s a cult defending Craig Wight. I’ll never understand.

>> No.13332000

In a few hours the BSV pajeet brigade will start spamming /biz/ with craigposts. Get the street sweepers ready.

>> No.13332003

This nigga owned faketoshi. Do you know how many lawyers are prepared to work with him to take that fraud down? kek.

>> No.13332007

He's a billionaire. You can buy social media PR firms cheap.

>> No.13332011



>> No.13332012

Dumb as fuck if you think there's even a shred of possibility that craig wright is actually satoshi. He's not even a programmer, nor a mathematician. Those are all bullshit claims that have been debunked ages ago. He's a power, money hungry sociopath with a sense of entitlement.

>> No.13332013

Pro-bono lawyers aren't shit. Law is the area where more money directly translates to quality of lawyer with a very high ceiling. Whatever you can call Craig, he isn't poor - far from it.

>> No.13332019


Maybe Craig Wright is simply trolling crypto because it’s a joke anyways? He triggered literally every crypto enthusiast to the point even biz cannot stop talking about him. He is a legend in my eyes.

>> No.13332021

>implying people aren't willing to raise funds for him to pay for legal fees in a heartbeat

If it unironically gets to the point where they're battling it out in court, there is no doubt that Peter will have an easy time paying for it.

>> No.13332028

>cannot stop talking about him
The threads started about BSV are all made by BSV pajeets, are repetitive and low effort.
Satoj enthusiasts can't stop shitting the board with this derelict with the board rejecting him hard.

>> No.13332474

>Can’t believe there’s a cult defending Craig Wight. I’ll never understand.

>> No.13332801

By the "board" do you mean you, aka [O1G] samefag astroturfing on 10 different IPs to try to manufacture fake consensus?

>> No.13332840
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take your pills

>> No.13332859

>t. [O1G]

get a real job faggot

>> No.13333370
File: 223 KB, 594x376, OhHai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are men like Dwayne Johnson and Dolph Lundgren the opposite of s o y?

>> No.13333392

well if he did, it didn't work too well.

>> No.13333407
File: 19 KB, 480x270, PajeetWarfare3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curry ain't cheap these days