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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13328597 No.13328597 [Reply] [Original]

alright /biz/, let's dream for a while

>> No.13328631

Even with only 5 choices that's still better than my regular life

>> No.13328641


>> No.13328689
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>> No.13328697


>> No.13328719
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>> No.13328726
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>> No.13328736

the picture needs more interesting choices, maybe limit it to 7 picks instead of 10. Certain choices are boring and obviously short sighted (such as Burger king, glock, TV, booze, pen and paper) and other choices are too OP (such as computer+internet and doctors)

>> No.13328817
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>Better furniture
>Better internet
>Training equipment
>Pen and Paper

>> No.13328844
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Came here to post this.

>> No.13328847
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>2 plates of food per day
you can keep the 10th slot, ezpz

>> No.13328883
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>> No.13328899
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One question can I destroy the women and upgrade once I get tired of her?

>> No.13328912

exactly this except exchange the groceries for 1 dish a day. you could have premium world-class cuisine for dinner every day of the week instead of whatever mediocre cooking you could do yourself.

Id also just like to say that for your mental and physical health, you are pretty much retarted if your 10 picks don't include:
>the woman
>1 of 2 exercise options
you will go crazy so much more easily not knowing whats outside or seeing natural light, human contact of the woman will stave off insanity and loneliness, you are nearly guaranteed to need a doctor at some point, and you need physical exercise of some kind to stay healthy and sane.

>> No.13328913
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8 guns, the drugs (nat sherman cigarettes, fight me), and booze (chardonnay)

>> No.13328934


>white roastie instead of an asian qt


>> No.13328970

I considered the meal but i enjoy cooking

>> No.13328986

Based, now I don't have to make my own. I might have switched the game consoles for the audio equipment though

>> No.13329036
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1080, 10 years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can write books or journal entries from your computer instead of paper too. Some of that stuff is dumb like computer and consoles??? and the gun???

>> No.13329052
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patricians choice

>> No.13329080


Just the gun pls

>> No.13329126
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i would be perfectly happy with just this desu

>> No.13329182

Patrician without books????

>> No.13329195
File: 1.33 MB, 1080x1080, 10 years Hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I forgot online books JK with my hard mode itd be the women not the books

>> No.13329206

I have to have the groceries for cigarettes and sip

>> No.13329220


10 choices? Fuck man that sounds way better than my current life lol.

>> No.13329232

I mean youre locked in the room 10 years you dont want to take the chance for garunteed quitting nicotine?

>> No.13329247
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Absolutely not. Also pipesmoking is godtier.

>> No.13329261

The Swedish cuisine (presumably Somalian semen) sounds awful

>> No.13329543

Basically makes tv, console, pen+papers, audio equipment, books useless, or at least a sacrificable luxury.
Because to stay sane everyone needs sunlight, also because linux is shiet for gaming amirite?
Brainlet-tier obvious choice, the best way to stay connected to the world and its knowledge
Better food and a way to stay involved by mastering cooking, good for health and mind
>Sports room
Health and mind
Antidepressants & co, just in case
Having sex once a week? Really? I'm in
>2 plates of any dish
I kinda like this 'prison'

The rest is bait, also if I want to kms I'll call for the raid, or ask 4chan

>> No.13329560

> windows
> groceries
> docs
> roastie
> internet
gym would be 6th pick

>> No.13329581


Congratulations. You passed the test.

>choose glock with 6 bullets
>point gun at head
>visualise the timeline where you receive the $10 million without having to spend 10 years in apartment
>pull trigger
>space-time shifts to accommodate your quantuum immortality

>> No.13329592

This is literally all I need. And I'm from /fit/.

>> No.13329611

10 things is easy mode lmao

>> No.13329635

yea basically

>Indoor sports room (not to play sports, but for extra space)
>2 plates of ANY dish
>50inch TV
>Gaming consoles

I imagine that since you can break everything and acquire new versions you can simply repeatedly break everything and spend a few years using the internet to research and ultimately create your own mad scientist lab inside of the gym. Giving someone internet is a literal cheat, with internet and the computer you can do and learn basically anything

>> No.13329643

visit from thot for social interaction and sexy time
drugs(steroids to get swole)

>> No.13329649

Break the roastie every week

>> No.13329682

10 things??

>groceries / 2 dishes a day

>> No.13329698
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Does the gaming consoles include VR headsets?

Do VR headsets count as a PC peripheral?

>> No.13329717

Drug (Adderall)
Training Equipment

I'd study programming as I've been doing for the past couple years
Maybe I can get a remote job so I can gain experience and be able to do more with the 10m once I get out

>> No.13329727

Biggest problem is lack of human contact. I would replace one of the options with the ability to get friends/family to stop by once a month.

>> No.13329731

this is hell for anyone with a family and friends but NEET paradise

>> No.13329772
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>excluding food options and harvesting the roastie for cummie cocktails instead

>> No.13329805

This. 10 choices is too many.

>> No.13330194

This is way too easy there are only 20 options and you get to bring half of them. Either add more options or reduce the total amount of points.

Either way: computer, internet, groceries, gym, furniture.
Luxury bullshit time videogames, drugs, drink doctors, woman.

The computer and internet really cover most if not all videogames so the vidya is sort of reduntant outside of whatever bullshit console exclusives happen but those will be there when I get out. Computer and internet also cover any book I could want since I can just pirate 99% of all literature or audible new releases. I'd be hard pressed for there to be a book I can't find. I can also write and draw all I want on the computer so there's another redundant item in the paper. all the fast food cuisine and served dishes are all moot from the groceries. I can learn to cook whatever I want from the internet and computer.

I should swap the vidya for the windows since I can already emulate all the games I never played. the drugs will be a great boon too can get adderall for studying new skills online lynda courses etc shit like that, psylocybin to meet god whenever I want. Doctors to bring me back from bad ayuhasca trips.

Where do I sign up for this exactly? Why is there no drawback to this 10 year scenario? Worst case would be people you know pressing you for details on why you aren't somewhere IRL. Just tell them all you got a 10 year contract overseas working in Korea or some other imaginary country.

>> No.13330217
File: 20 KB, 540x555, Samurai-Spider-Man-Figure-SHF-Spiderman-Ninjia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>break the woman once a week during the hour performing genetic experiments get a new better one
>use internet and drugs to learn gene editing and super science
>create super human serum from all the dead this woman visits over the course of the 10 years
>feign illness to worlds best doctors whenever you hit a roadblock the internet can't help you with
>create chainblock of human DNA
>short humanity
>long your super human clones
>10 years later
>emerge as god king to your super offspring

You guys I think we might be on the cusp of solving interstellar exploration.

>> No.13330223

Computer. Internet. Groceries/cookware.

God tier life.

>> No.13330626 [DELETED] 
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books, tv, paper, and consoles are rendered mostly useless by the computer, as is the audio equipment depending on the choice of computer peripherals

doctor, sex, and internet are the obvious choices, exercise is essential. No fucking way I'm living on tasteless gruel for 10 years

windows, nice furniture, and adderall are just nice things that I don't even have now. This would be the life, I would have no use for the gun since I'm definitely not gonna kill myself and I'm not much of a sports guy but the extra space would be used for running and would give a break from feeling confined. Honestly this would be a treadeup

>> No.13330669

so can i pick the glock, the doctor and the roastie and just enslave them all permanently for my sex slaves?

>> No.13331112

10 slots is quite a lot TC

Absolute Necessities:
- Computer
- Internet
- Windows
- Groceries

Should also have:
- Doctors (better include a therapist for my lack of social interactions)
- Drink
- Rec room

Might as well take up:
- TV
- Consoles
- Woman

I'd avoid the premium meals and just destroy the groceries for better ingredients.

>> No.13331129

nice meme but 10 slot is too much should reduce to 5 instead

>> No.13331166
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10 things? this is some luxury shit. 5 choices would make it a lot more interesting

>> No.13331346

>2 meals

At some point I'd prolly spend roastie time just talking.

>> No.13331388


Excellent taste fren, I personally love cooking and can source games, books, writing, the, movies, from the internet and a good computer.

The woman, windows, gym, and doc are a necessity. I will lose my mind otherwise.

>> No.13331395

This but swap books for sports room and doctors for TV.

Can read most things from internet anyway and what the fuck am I gonna need doctors for?

>> No.13331448

Just give me the 2 plates of food, the woman, the computer, the internet and the doctors. Can I get 20 million instead of 10?

>> No.13331684

What happens if you break the sex lady?

>> No.13331711


nothing more is needed

>> No.13331720

You won’t, she’s trained on niggers.