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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 400x565, BREXIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1332052 No.1332052 [Reply] [Original]

Biggest world economy news since 2008 US Housing Crash [if UK leaves EU]

Live Stream
Google Results:

Grab a beer and tell us what you think will happen and what it will mean for the global economy

>> No.1332059
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Cracking open my first Guiness for the night in honor of UK doing the right thing and staying in EU

>> No.1332065

This link is more up to date for voting numbers:


>> No.1332066
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>Leave the European Union 52.7%

>> No.1332070
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>> No.1332078
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Scotland's largest city says STAY

>> No.1332081
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Falkrik votes IN
so far its like 66% voting IN for scotland

>> No.1332090
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Dude we're all gonna be okay guys!!
Scotland is doing the right thing
Remain vote is blowing away expectations

>> No.1332101

should i cash out my stocks and buy volatility indexes and short term futures?

>> No.1332102

This is why I sold 2/3 of my stock. I just couldn't take the brexit stress on the US market.

>> No.1332110

>Who else shorting the pound???

>> No.1332114

If UK stays, SVXY will by a great buy tomorrow on open. It would have been better to buy before market close today though
I was planning on doing it but the market was so green today and I saw a gap play that I reallllly wanted to jump on overnight fuck now I'm stressed

>> No.1332121
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>> No.1332128

what do i buy if UK leaves?

>> No.1332130

hopefully they rig the vote to "stay" like they rig everything else.

>> No.1332135


They're gonna stay, mark it.

Leaving would cause financial panic because the euro is already shit and they need the UK

>> No.1332136


>> No.1332138

GBP - Better to get in at the bottom friendo :^)

>> No.1332139

in the US of A when an election is this close they just fudge a few numbers and and get what ever they want.

>> No.1332143


If that was true, the leave vote wouldn't have so many votes.

>> No.1332156


I think the people want it buuuut you know about how those things go etc.

>> No.1332158

What will the GBP to AUD exchange rate be by the end?
Earlier this week, £1 got you roughly AUD$1.95
Today it's gone up to 1.98, then down to 1.94.
I have money in the UK i want to transfer to Australia

>> No.1332159

>but the market was so green today
Dude it has been going up irrationally for a week. Even with a stay vote the market just goes back to rates are gonna go up. If leave wins dow is going down 400 points tomorrow!

>> No.1332161
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liverpool in
hold me guys look how close this shit is
how long would it take for things to stabilize if UK left EU?

>> No.1332165

So if they do agree to leave can we safely conclude that Bongland are the dumbest people in the Anglosphere?

>> No.1332169


Brexit is good for the UK
Bad for globalists and bankers

>> No.1332172

between UVXY and TVIX, which one is likely to jump more if the UK leaves?

>> No.1332176

How would Brexit be good for the UK? Did you even watch John Oliver? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAgKHSNqxa8

>> No.1332177

>sovereignty is a bad thing

this fucker is lucky our country has a constitution

>> No.1332178

die in a fire pls.

>> No.1332179

honestly your too late too profit from a volatility eft. Most the volatility will take place in the first 30 seconds of market open if UK leaves. You will be too late to get the stock you want at the right price to maximize gains. If UK leaves your better off waiting for the massive dip and buying a good stock at bottom dollar price and holding it while the economy recovers. Take your pic, whatever falls the hardest

>> No.1332182

If Brexit, how long before the GBP returns to pre-referendum value?

>> No.1332184


>> No.1332185

200 euros to spend, money i don't care about, what should i throw this into and go to sleep?

>> No.1332187

John Oliver sure is a credible source of unbiased information.

>> No.1332190

how would it only last 30 seconds?

The brief rumor that the UK would stay in the EU caused it to drop 20%

imagine if the UK leaves? that shit is a rocket waiting for a light.

>> No.1332198

holy shit, the uk is doing it. They are going to leave. And i cant change my portfolio right now.

>> No.1332200

just hold your money. We're like half a percent from it going either way. If you make a bet now you have a 50% chance of making money and 50% losing. In the stock market 50% chance of success is pretty shitty
Uh cite one of his episodes that you think was biased? I'm not saying I love his show, but look at the topics he covers and dives into. What alternative motive would he have? They're all good topics. He has an episode on Patent Trolls like VHC, and how its being addressed, Payday loan companies, etc etc. He basically investigates scummy business practices. How on Earth does this piss you off lol

>> No.1332203

hahaha mother fuckers, you're all finished.

>> No.1332204


>> No.1332205
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Oh shit nigger. Should I put in an order to short the pound?

Or should I wait til there is blood in the water tomorrow and buy it for cheap as everyone is dumping it?

>> No.1332211

As much as I hate the bilderberg mafia I'd rather have the EU in tact and so therefore postponing the worldwide trillion dollar collapse that may ensue.

It will give me time to build my portfolio and prepare for the inevitable.

>> No.1332216


its the question nobody knows the answer too
"Nobody knows at this point how the world would look like with the U.K. out of the E.U.," said Emanuel Adam, head of policy and trade for BritishAmerican Business, which represents companies in New York and London. "This alone creates an uncertainty that businesses don't wish to see."

The United States exported $56 billion worth of goods to Britain last year, but that number is dwarfed by the $588 billion in U.S. investment there, in sectors ranging from banking to manufacturing to real estate. Likewise, Britain has plowed nearly

half a trillion dollars into the United States and employs more than a million workers here. Those deep ties mean that trouble on one side of the Atlantic easily can migrate to the other shore.

The heavy-equipment giant Caterpillar exemplifies the dilemma facing American businesses in Britain and the potential ripple effects of the referendum. The company manufactures heavy machinery and is headquartered in Peoria, Ill. More than 55 years ago, it opened its first facility in Britain, and now Caterpillar has 9,000 employees and 16 plants there making equipment, such as backhoe loaders and mini hydraulic excavators.

Much of that production is exported throughout Europe and other parts of the world, eased by the E.U.'s open market and standing trade agreements. A Brexit would undermine an economic alliance that the company has called "fundamental" to its business: Roughly a quarter of Caterpillar's sales and revenue comes from its European business and the more limited operations in Africa and the Middle East.

>> No.1332218

>because oliver is right about some things this means he is right about other things :^)

>> No.1332222

Just lost £200 betting that there would be a rally in the pound against the dollar

I'd wait a bit.

>> No.1332226

Because specifically the Brexit video is very bias. He goes into great detail about what is wrong with the leave side's campaign but doesn't talk about all the issues with the stay campaign other than crack some jokes. If there was literally no ground for the leave campaign to stand on, do you think they would get any real support?

>> No.1332229

Its not about him being right or wrong, I'm asking simply to cite where you think there is bias in his shows? I find his personality annoying as shit and I dont know if he has a laugh track or thats an actual audience but its pretty awful. But I have a hard time finding bias in his show. And I watch his show regularly despite hating his personality because they are insightful and the journalism from his team is quite thorough. If more of the /rhg/ guys watched that they wouldn't have listened to Noko and invested their life savings in $VHC and Leo (rest in peace) wouldnt have killed himself over losing his kids' college funds on that one

>> No.1332240
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>> No.1332241

Then you tell me what ground the leave side has to stand on? Because the more I read about it, the more it makes absolutely no sense. It's about "muh independence" but they don't realize that its going to hurt them in every way. Higher taxes to trade, hurt the domestic GDP and job growth, their economy is going to tank hard. If trade taxes are higher in the UK than companies will pick up and move the same way we outsource jobs to evade taxes. There is literally no point. It would be like us leaving NAFTA.

>> No.1332248

Immigration is the only one that makes sense to me. This is all about the fucking muslims

>> No.1332258

Econ illiterate here:

What will it mean if the UK leaves the EU? Is it only going to be a temporary sink or will this essentially cripple every yurop? Will UK be better off? Does it even matter for the US?

>> No.1332259

the amount of regulations that the EU puts on britain sucks the life out of the British economy

Watch the fucking brexit movie you idiot
how have you not looked into this thing until literally right now?

>> No.1332263


I have nothing as a cushion if the economy hits the fan, except cash.

>> No.1332264

Expect all your share prices to go to 0 tomorrow. You'll be broke. This is big. BTC? To the moon. 10,000 by morning

>> No.1332265

yuropoors will burn up but britain will be ok in the end

its a good thing for britain

>> No.1332266

and being part of an undemocratic state, where (((the bankers))) pick every law, every rule, everything you will ever do. Oh and here's more muslims.

>> No.1332269



>> No.1332272

leave at 51.1% 10 mins later 51.2% 10 mins later 51.3%

>> No.1332273

So basically tomorrow is going to be a great day to essentially buy anything?

>> No.1332274


What about the major point about country after country is failing in the EU? Literally, the only 2 countries that aren't in recession and needed a bailout was UK and Germany. Greece comes back over and over again for money and they have to fork it over.

If your economy is doing relatively decent, do you want to be dragged down by the rest of the EU?

Now 1 true point to their campaigning is the part about the experts are wrong very often and lots of what they pitch are driven by other agendas. I mean, how many predicted the last few recession that hit? The housing bubble?

What about something that hits closer to home like the pound? When UK joined, experts were adamant that by not adopting the Euro and keeping the Pound, they would be digging their own grave. Years later we can clearly see that they were all wrong. All the arguments against the keeping the pound are the exact same things UK is pitching about the EU. They were wrong once, why would they stand to believe them this time?

>> No.1332276

anybody making money off of the uk leaving the eu? how?

>> No.1332282

if you do forex you can short the GBP

if you do futures you can short the FTSE

if you do american stocks you can buy gold and oil tomorrow

or just buy bitcoins lol

>> No.1332283

No because this referendum will actually change the way the stock market works. It reinstates the colonial tax by allowing share prices to go into the negatives. You'll not only lose money, you'll OWE money, and it all goes directly to Britain.

>> No.1332294

Any suggestions on which stocks for Americans?

>> No.1332297

>Country after country in recession
The Global Economy is tanking ever since 2008, just because we're stimulating our economy by adjusting interest rates and printing money doesnt mean things are actually going well right now. China is right now trying to figure out how to deal with their impending housing market crises. I'm not one of those guys who run around saying "The economy is going to tank tomorrow, its all a bubble!" , but in truth it is all a bubble. We're paying for debt with debt and we dont have a sustainable plan to ever get OUT of debt. We're just bullshitting our way by and other countries are realizing their economies are fucked, 1 by 1.

EU vs pound, yeah a uniform currency is going to make everyone approach a median. If we all adopted bitcoin tomorrow it wouldn't be any better. Same way as high pressure moves to low pressure, Bernoulli principle, everything moves towards uniformity. Look at what this is doing to the pound already! As the vote swings to 'leave' the pound has lost 10 cents value. If they actually leave the pound may be worth less than a dollar. All your arguments are going to be proven wrong if they leave by sunrise.

>> No.1332304

>trying to actually have a level-headed discussion on 4chan

It's time to leave, friend.

>> No.1332306


>> No.1332307

Avoid banks

If you are going to buy then I would stick with something heavily discounted that is not dependent on the EU. Maybe Chipotle, netflix, etc.Don't buy anything unless it is heavily discounted. This actually may lead to another US recession, so don't rush to buy on friday.

>> No.1332314

Thanks for the advice. Would you recommend selling what I do have right away I'm anticipation it tanks further.

Mostly have sdrl and lvs right now.

>> No.1332315

Ffs was Braveheart a lie? What happened to "give me liberty or give me death?"

>> No.1332317

SDRL will rise if oil rises i would think

LVS who knows lol casino stock you are literally gambling right now

>> No.1332318
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>> No.1332320

>Would you recommend selling what I do have right away I'm anticipation it tanks further.

I sold 2/3 of my stock anticipating this. I'm keeping like $4000 in VOO, because I can take the risk of it going down because I wasn't ready to sell anyway.

Too late to sell. DOW will open 400 points down.

>> No.1332322

I have 15k in pounds. How fucked am I?

>> No.1332325


>> No.1332326

Don't buy tomorrow. The markets will drop a few % and crash on Monday. Have a buy list of stocks ready for Monday or Tuesday

>> No.1332327

Spend it on hookers and blow tonight.

>> No.1332328

Thanks. Figured as much. Been long on lvs since 07. Wish I would have bet the farm when it was at $2 but instead only threw 5k on it. Ah well.

>> No.1332329

You are royally fucked if UK leaves EU.
>Dragged down by EU's recession, keeping the pound saved them
The pound is right now worth what it was worth in 1986. How's that for recession?

>> No.1332331
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This fucked

>> No.1332333


I am not talking about just technical recessions, it is full blown ones. You can tell by the shrinking GDP, the high unemployment and high debt loads most the EU countries are in. Being the UK, do you want to pulled into this?

As for the EU vs Pound, currencies aren't an indicator of economic strength shown by the Yen. Japan is trying to devalue their currency and it is doing nothing but go up. As for what happens tomorrow, did you also factor in the more than just tomorrow? What about the S&P 500 gaining 100 points in 3 days? They are betting on something long term instead of short.

>> No.1332334

Literally all my assets are in GBP. How fucked am I

>> No.1332338

oh snap, is the EU really the reason they are flooded with Muslims? If so they will DEFINITELY vote leave.

>> No.1332339

Don't listen to this guy about oil.
Pound is crashing, so dollar will rise big.
Oil is in dollars and higher dollars means less oil sales. Oil stocks will go down!

>> No.1332341

ill give you 20k usd for it...19k...18k...17k...

>> No.1332342


> what are currencies

Implying that a lower pound is necessary a bad thing when every single country is lowering interest rates to try to devalue their currency.

>> No.1332343

I won't need the 15k anytime soon. I'll be fine...

>> No.1332345

yeah man

>> No.1332347

first time I've laughed all night thanks for that

>> No.1332348

youre fine. you missed your opportunity to sell so ride it out. itll be fine in the long term.

>> No.1332353

Why did you not think until RIGHT now about doing anything about this?
How does a shrinking GDP of other EU nations impact UK anymore than it would if UK was out of the EU? Either way it hurts them. Yes having a seperate currency would provide a layer of protection but at what cost? If the UK stands alone the pound is going to lose all value anyway. The world is eventually going to use a uniform currency, I think its trending towards that (despite not being a bitcoin holder myself).

>> No.1332354

I'll get one

Rock and fucking roll uvxy!

>> No.1332357

maybe... i guess that makes sense...

you could always play inverse index ETFs like


>> No.1332359
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>itll be fine

>> No.1332367
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>maybe... i guess that makes sense...
Trust me man I've been following and investing in Exxon for a year. Sold a few days ago.

>> No.1332371

well /biz/ doesnt seem to understand that reactionary moves are, by necessity, shitty ones. if you have to sell out at a certain value, so be it, but dont think you can reposition and make solid gains.

you need to do all this beforehand. people are very bad at avoiding risk concentration. your best bet now is to ride things out and pony up some more cash near the bottom. can also consider taking modest premium writing decently out of the money calls on long positions

>> No.1332373

but i mean, why would USD/barrel change based on the GBP falling

USD isnt getting stronger in general
its just stronger in /relation/ to the GBP

because GBP falls

I honestly dont think the oil price is going to be affected the way you are thinking

>> No.1332377

then they will stay. Globalists and bankers control literally everything and they will never let it happen. I'm surprised they are even letting the people vote.

>> No.1332378


Actually Scotland turn out was pathetic. Remain was counting for a biggest blow out. England has Voted in the majority for leave with the exception of the liberal stronghold cities. Wales was also key for remain and leave won.

It is over at this point Brexit is the most likely scenario unless the UK puts an Austria with the mail in votes.

>> No.1332379

thread theme

>> No.1332380


>> No.1332382


>> No.1332386

I'm pulling for a Brexit, but I know if they win, tomorrow it will be hell on my portfolio even though I'm heavily invested in the USA and China.

>> No.1332387

I don't know how to feel.
I voted remain, I feel strongly this is bad for our economy. On the other side, I'm bag holding buttcoins and they're up nearly a hundred pounds already. Tomorrow if we leave and fiat tanks further I'll be up even more significantly.

>> No.1332388
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uk is going for that zimbabwe value

>> No.1332391

The referendum is not biding. And they did ignored several other referendums in the past as well but never to a country as important as England.

If the referendum isn't hear then this will end badly, Labor party is broken and there are rumors of Cameron stepping down. Shit will be fun once the market opens.

Get ready lads.

>> No.1332399

fuck off merchant
you cant win

>> No.1332407

can someone explain why this is bad for us economy? Also why are people buying gold?

>> No.1332408

Buy the dip! no seriously. The UK is one of the stronger economies in the world, despite they leaving the EU is not like the EU is the reason why the UK is so powerful in the first place.

All the projections about leave were apocalyptic but stupid as fuck since they were made with 2 basic ideas, that the UK will do nothing to combat the recession caused by the Leave vote AND that the recession was mostly less than .1% of negative grow for 4 consecutive trimesters. .1%!

>> No.1332411

Being out of the EU with shrinking GDP means they won't have to fund a bailout of yet another country.

>> No.1332413

oh, no kidding.

>> No.1332415

Nikkei is down 3%. Even the nips are worried.

>> No.1332419

gold is a hedge against uncertainty

economies goind down because of uncertainty

hes bullshiting because hes a euro kike banker or some shit

chapter 50 allows an exit process

>> No.1332425

Alternate thread theme.

>> No.1332430

Should i sell all my GBP first thing in the morning? my bank says i cant sell until morning (Canadafag here). Also whats safer: USD or CAD?

>> No.1332432


>> No.1332433

Will Bitcoin go up? I imagine many people putting money into it for security, as funny as that sounds.

>> No.1332435

I'm considering investing in the UK once things calm down a bit if the Brexit succeeds. Despite all the panic selling, I can't see it being anything but an upward trend for the UK afterwards
>Free trade deals with Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US within a year of Brexit
>Revival of British industry
>Taking a chainsaw to all the bullshit EU regulations forced on their workforce

>> No.1332439

I'd buy more myself and play the long game but I'm fucking crazy.

>> No.1332440
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bitcoins going up

>> No.1332443

The referendum is a suggestion to the UK on if they should leave or stay. They'll most likely negotiate something that includes more economic freedom for the UK, less money owed to Europe, and some other minor details. Leaving the EU is bad for the UK, but worse for the EU, they will make concessions. The Euro will rebound along with the Pound once these announcements are made.

I'd assume dollars since with the pound going down the world will look to centralize on the most stable currency. Of course I know nothing and mostly rely on political history to make my predictions.

>> No.1332445

Never invested in anything before but this seems like a no brainer. Its time to buy some GBP right?

>> No.1332447

fuck off kike

brexit means fucking brexit

>> No.1332449

it's been rising in value all night. was back at $700 for a moment

>> No.1332452

How do you buy GBP? I'm a newfag to currency.

>> No.1332456

>The 2016 referendum does not directly bind the government to specific actions; in this, it is similar to the Scottish independence referendum, 2014. Indeed it does not require the government to begin the Article 50 procedure or set any time limit for this to be done

The UK will lose more money if they leave the EU compared to what they give to the EU. They will use this to get a better deal with the EU thus strengthening their position. The UK joined the EU to influence European policies; this attitude has not changed in the last decade.

>> No.1332457
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>> No.1332460

I'm jelly

>> No.1332464

Ferox trading. You won't be able to get into it overnight

>> No.1332466

oil is plummeting tho?

>> No.1332467
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The EU is not a democratic institution. You can't vote your way out of a Dictatorship.

>> No.1332470

if my fucking funds are unsettled by market open im going to fucking scream

>> No.1332472

So how do we make money off this? Buy pounds and wait for it to rise again?

>> No.1332477

tvix uvxy

>> No.1332481

The EU doesn't have an army (yet) what the fuck are they going to do?

>> No.1332486

what is the bottom lad

>> No.1332488
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And here I was kicking myself all day about my bad bet. Tomorrow is going to be great.

>> No.1332489

Someone ELI5 what TVIX and UVXY is pls thanks

>> No.1332490

aye he sold 12k worth of oil stocks 2 days ago

>> No.1332492

They are openly discussing about the creation of an army. The retards basically made just rumors in order to not influence for a brexit vote and still the news leaked but the mainstream media didn't report on it yet people know about it.

>> No.1332493

Kicking myself for not betting on Brexit months ago, what's the best website to use to buy GBP so I can make a quick buck selling it when it inevitably bounces back?

>> No.1332495

what are you lookingg to buy?

>> No.1332502

today was the best day to bet on brexit
market approached all time highs on news of Remain leading in polls last few days

>> No.1332503

sub $1

>> No.1332504


>buying goldcorp

>not kinross, semafo, or barrick

>> No.1332507

Just graduated and looking for a job in London, how fucked am I if the economy tanks?

>> No.1332508


I like TVIX better because i think the volume is better rocket fuel

>> No.1332510

you against selling yourself?

>> No.1332514

there ain't no tellin'

thats what harold told melvin

>> No.1332516


>> No.1332520

I did it because the odds were 50/50 that brexit would happen and the market had priced in 90% of a stay vote. My oil stocks were also irrationally high for a week,

So I sold because the downside was much higher than the upside. I figured a stay would move the market less than 200 on the dow. A leave would take 400+.

>> No.1332522

In the short term you're going to be kinda SoL, in the long term, your prospects are looking up. All the Fairweather Foreigners are probably going to bail out, and the Economy can and almost definitely will bounce back with a vengeance as the UK establishes trade deals with the US and other Commonwealth nations.

>> No.1332526

Very unlikely

>> No.1332530

The word is in boys-

They're leaving

>> No.1332543

Still wish I had an idea on what I should do tomorrow with my US stocks.

Do I sell on the loss but wait for Monday to buy even lower? Do I ride it out and just put more money in and buy on monday? I don't have any funds to play with in my account so I will have to transfer.

Any ideas on what to look to buy? Or is everyone just speculating still? I assume see which big names tank tomorrow and Monday and go from there?

>> No.1332557

Hang Seng down %4.67.

>> No.1332559



>> No.1332563

Cut your loss first then give thoughts on your next move

>> No.1332583

So I should buy some Good Boy Points?

>> No.1332590

Not while it's free falling.

>> No.1332593

>Still wish I had an idea on what I should do tomorrow with my US stocks.
You can't do anything.
You are fucked and should have sold. Right now DOW futures is down 600 points!!!!!!

>> No.1332594

I love seeing retards going long oil on this trade.

Oil prices by usd
Gbp down relative to usd
Takes more gbp to buy oil merely from volatility
Possible British/Eu/the sky is falling scenario

Oil should go down. It's not the same as gold

Fuck green text

>> No.1332600
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>> No.1332606

Nikkei down ~7%

>> No.1332614
File: 117 KB, 244x221, [you used to call me on the cell phone].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i trade forex
>mfw i was feeling cheeky
>mfw i made a couple of quick sells of the GBP/USD
>mfw i made 1338 USD in a matter of minutes
>mfw i'm gonna wait for things to settle and buy the bounce

who /just made easy money/ here

eat shit globalist pricks

>> No.1332640

This is Warren Buffet's fear!
Not trading a likely event like Brexit, but the fear of after.

This is a major opportunity for investors. It will be a few years before the UK leaves the EU.

>> No.1332649

The globalists made 1000000x that off of this.

>> No.1332662
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>> No.1332664

Sell IVV lads?

>> No.1332667

how much money are you kids making off of this

>> No.1332672

I imagine I'll make 10% off a ten thousand investment thanks to this.

>> No.1332677
File: 39 KB, 343x361, bf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nikkei 225 in freefall

Down 8%

>> No.1332678

How long do you think it'll be until the pound starts climbing again?

>> No.1332684

I want in on the GBP because i reckon it'll stabilize after the brexit shakeup eventually. How do i invest my shekels because i don't know how any of this shit works.

>> No.1332690
File: 21 KB, 534x516, grinning peter griffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't understand how forex works

it's okay, squirt. it's a big boys' game so we don't expect you to get it.

>> No.1332693

It won't.

It will never be as strong as it is now lmao.

>> No.1332694
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>> No.1332696


Download any broker, buy GBP, wait till the line goes up.

>> No.1332703


who the fuck would go long oil on this

its a flight to safety trade, dollars, gold, yen, etc.

anything priced in those or against those (i.e foreign currency that isnt JPY, or gold/oil) should and will get rekd. Gold is the exception because although it's priced in USD, it's got the counterbalancing fact of being one of those safe haven assets

I think gold should pullback from the 5% highs we see now just because the hype will die down and fundamentally you cant ignore the currency appreciation, but remain above 1300

long volatility and safe haven assets/defensive equities

>> No.1332707

There's an ad for this plus500 online trading app on the google play store, is that good enough?

>> No.1332709

>He isn't a member of the secret Israeli underground currency trading network
I honestly pity you t b h

>> No.1332714

wish someone could tell, the british government doesn't have any plan for england if brexit, no one knows how long will the english market take to recover

>> No.1332717

This really, I should have prepared a lot better for this.
I would also like to make a wise investment by buying up the dirt low pound while I can.

>> No.1332729



>Bottom right corner PAWG claimed.

>> No.1332734
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>> No.1332737
File: 34 KB, 397x359, anglo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Eternal Anglo is a scourge upon this world.

They try to fuck everyone over.

>> No.1332739

Do not panic guys! This is a great chance to make money!

>> No.1332743

the thing is, the english market will experience fluctuation for a long time since scotland will hold another referendum to leave gb

>> No.1332744

Pls i really don't know where to start. I only know the literal basics of trading and I wanna get in on some dirt poor pounds to make a jew in the future? Anyone got a guide on where to start and what to do because all the other sites i visit speak entirely in jargon.

>> No.1332746

Everything will go down. If you believe a company is strong enough, wait as it's not certain people will want to sell it later especially if the prices going down. If not, cut your losses and sell everything.
It's time to get the cash for the buying.

>> No.1332758

circuit breakers going off left and right

this shit literally does nothing why do we have these

>> No.1332764

Fuck I'm gonna start watching investing videos on khanacademy. Too late to figure this shit out but I don't want to miss out on the next big thing.

>> No.1332765

Got drunk. live in the US. Keep thinking its the morning now because of the UK report. Lost a lot of money. FML

>> No.1332768


pics of the pawg mate

>> No.1332777

So what's everyone planning on buying? Some metals seem unaffected by the whole thing, gold will come down again.

>> No.1332792


>> No.1332795

I'm loling because N. Ireland and Scotland voted so severely in favor of remaining

Ireland is probably gonna lobby N. Ireland to secede and make the whole isle whole and Scotland is gonna start allying itself with the mainland as if it was the fucking middle ages again

>> No.1332802

Does it feel good knowing you're wrong?

>> No.1332817
File: 135 KB, 600x606, [flaming finnish dwarf running intensifies].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna make some nice, juicy money off of the EUR/USD and GBP/USD after they bottom out.

>tfw you get into trading forex at just the right time in history

my life is finally going to turn around for the better

>> No.1332818
File: 218 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-06-24-14-38-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I downloaded this app with a demo option that lets me work with quotes, now what the fuck do i do?

>> No.1332823

Gbp down 8%
Nikkei down 7%
Yen up 12%
Usd up
Oil down
Gold up

Were fucked it black Friday

>> No.1332832
File: 38 KB, 957x114, BoughtOptions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story...

This morning I received an e-mail from a friend containing a link to a news story.

Even though the UK has rules against people publicizing the result of exit polls before the polls close, some large brokerage houses had hired people to do exit polls.

They did this so they could better plan which way to play the British Pound based on the election results.

Then, around 2pm today, I heard the following news on CNBC....

... some of the same brokerage houses had announced that there would be "special rules" in place tomorrow, limiting how many British Pounds their customers would be allowed to sell, limiting the gaps they could sell at, and suggesting that they might even shut down their markets if things got out of control.

This, to me, was a signal that the "big boys" knew that the vote wasn't going to go the way people expected.

I also knew that every major player in the market had already priced a "stay win" into their prices, and that nearly everyone was talking about how "Stay" was sure to win.

So, as soon as I heard about the "special rules", I immediately shorted the DOW via put options on $DIA, which is an ETF that tracks the DOW.

I currently have a sell order in that will make me about 100% in one day.

And for those who want to say "proof or it didn't happen", attacked is a copy of the executed order.

>> No.1332837


We did it Reddit!

>> No.1332843

Depression of 2016 when? The entire EU has a good chance of splitting up in the coming years if the European Council approves U.K. leaving. And if the European Council doesn't, tensions and the prospect of war will skyrocket. No doubt Russia will take advantage of the chaos.

>> No.1332845
File: 584 KB, 320x213, happening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did it, the absolute madmen.

I honestly did not expect that.

>> No.1332850

Brazilian here. Will have money in a week, too poor right now.

What should I invest in?

>> No.1332858

>UK leaves the EU
>UK tanks
>other eu nations see the cost of leaving eu

>> No.1332859

(clueless) American here, I want in on the pound
How does forex work guys

>> No.1332864

Honestly, hard commodities....they usually take a hit when something like this happens but nothing will beat the rock hardness of crude and corn.

>> No.1332870

market manipulation

>> No.1332872
File: 8 KB, 260x194, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>special rules in place
I wonder who could be behind this...

>> No.1332878

m8, please don't do this /pol/ shit, pointing finger is not gonna earn you money

>> No.1332879


get a forex trading platform

convert your currency into theirs.

sit on it

or if u think it will tank short their currency.

>> No.1332882


get oanda

buy gbp/usd


>> No.1332897

Farage was a stockbroker. Coincidence? I don't think so faggot

>> No.1332901
File: 113 KB, 991x651, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guide me /biz/

>> No.1332921

I would also like information on how the fuck this all works. My UK friend keeps telling me to invest in GBP when it hits rock bottom for the rebound but i don't know where to start.

What app to use, how much to buy, etc.

>> No.1332925

Nigga im a goddamn leftie but thats one of the old /pol/ images that are actually funny. Get over yourself.

>> No.1332926


>> No.1332932

Brexit won

>> No.1332958
File: 43 KB, 780x520, 127256860_Farage_410438b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sterling loses over 10%
Scotland & Ireland are asking for referendums

>> No.1332970

So close out my two remaining long positions at market open? I'm down -1.6% on one and -10.65% on the other. They're only going to go down from there I'm guessing.

>> No.1332973

Well damn. I don't have any money to buy pounds from panickers selling theirs tomorrow.

Most of my spend money is tied up in China after I bought their 300 index on the cheap after it fell by 50%.

I suppose I could sell that and buy pounds but they have only gone up by 3% since I bought them.

>> No.1332995

the man who killed the UK

>> No.1332998

How do you buy GBP ? I only have a TD ameritrade account and robinhood account. Is there some indirect instrument I could trade that would be just as effective?

>> No.1333015
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Love, Australia.

>> No.1333023


This begs the question, does the UK still have a place at the security council if it loses Scotland and Northern Ireland??

>> No.1333033
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>> No.1333042

Probably. Russia kept theirs after the Soviet Union collapsed.

>> No.1333055

Okay so the winning strategy here is to acquire GBP and wait for it to bounce back?

>> No.1333065


The UK ceases to be a united kingdom if it loses Scotland and Northern Ireland

>> No.1333067

Damn. I thought I could sell stocks and buy pound on the cheap, but Nikkei is down 8%.

Not a good time to sell stocks.

>> No.1333071

Well then, I guess they will essentially forfeit their position, pretty strange way to go.

>> No.1333084

The Security Council seat would be given to England, just like Russia got the Soviet Union's.

>> No.1333088

>Well then, I guess they will essentially forfeit their position, pretty strange way to go.
Soviet Union and China had succession states (Russia and PRC) so I imagine we'll keep it. Besides US and France need allies on there.

>> No.1333090


Everybody forgets about the kingdom of wales

>> No.1333092

Wait, how historic are we talking here? Are we about to stop calling the UK the UK? Are they going back to just "England + other minor countries"?

>> No.1333096
File: 37 KB, 500x375, 1466485564489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have around £300,000 saved up in the UK which was inheritance, how fucked am I, lads?

>> No.1333098

You voted with England why would you leave?
Referendums have always been largely failures there. Depending on how this all settles out the Scots might have something to say but it probably wont lead to them leaving given the volatility of it all right now.

>> No.1333101

Actually makes sense, thanks for answering.

>> No.1333106

i feel u senpai

>> No.1333111

How familiar are you with Confederate money?

>> No.1333122

kek that is very sad ;_;

>> No.1333126

nice double trips
RIP, anon. Should've invested in BTC then switched back to pound right before it snaps back

>> No.1333127

>have 20k Sterling saved up
>vote leave
>sterling tanks


>> No.1333134

Nicely done fucktard.
Now enjoy your freedom under Wall Street.

>> No.1333135

Well shit, you brought it on yourself idiot.

>> No.1333136


>> No.1333150

not at all familiar with it.

I actually looked into exchanging it into USD around a month ago, but didn't manage to find anywhere that'd give me a good rate for it (most quoted me around $1.42 : £1 iirc), and so I figured i'd just hold onto it in the UK and hope either that Brexit didn't fuck up the pound, or hope that it didn't happen at all.

In all seriousness, what's the best course of action from here? hold it until the market improves? or just cut my losses and exchange it to USD?

>> No.1333155

I was joking, but I'd sit tight on that money for now. Also, google it, it's pretty interesting.

>> No.1333165


Leaving it until the Pound goes back up will equal free money though right?

>> No.1333175


No, it's the poles and the Romanians.
It has nothing to do with commonwealth members.

>> No.1333279
File: 31 KB, 640x448, 1436315079460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok faggots, I want to buy European and US shares. Do I wait for a nice fat drop today and go all in or is it possible that major indices will drop even more in the coming weeks/months? What about German and US bonds?

>> No.1333287

But one of the main reasons Scotland stayed was to remain in the EU

>> No.1333292

Is it likely that investors will withdraw their holdings in the UK and Europe and invest into US indexes now? SP500 ETF tomorrow?

>> No.1333296

This really shouldnt affect utility etf (VPU), right? Right?

>> No.1333414

wait a few years

>> No.1333546

honestly it should not have a huge wave, France, Germany are more than enough to piggyback. We will see. Fuck the UK though.

>> No.1333553
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>> No.1333561

>Apple goes down and bounces
>CMG same
>TSLA same
>TVIX gets all of 45% maximum but I overslept anyway and admittedly was too scared to auto buy it

Holy shit sometimes I hate my country with its goddamn infectious positivity and badassery. I want a sweet happening but will the market really only go down like 200 points?

>> No.1333563

If anyone else is watching CNN right now, tell me it doesn't look like Richard Quest has been crying. It's making me hard.

>> No.1333565


>> No.1333566

So I missed the currency dump this morning. Whats the current state of things? Wait for cheap stocks?

>> No.1333568

us markets havent opened yet

you havent missed shit

>> No.1333572

Yea but... AH/PM. Is buying anything in the morning going to be worth it? I feel like that stocks that are going to skyrocket are going to open really high anyways

>> No.1333589

buy disney

>> No.1333608

I must know too!

>> No.1333654

so is UVXY gonna keep going up or is just going to open high and then fall? trying to figure when the best time to buy is

>> No.1333674

It's seems to be leveling out, but still is lower than it was.

/biz/ where do you think it is headed?

>> No.1333681

Wait until the American markets open.

>> No.1333694

I'm ignorant on these matters, so I have a dumb question

Today I saw the GBP get as low as about AUD$1.80
As I look now it's back up to AUD$1.87
Before today it was $1.95 and before the whole campaign it was just above $2.
Do we expect it to get back to say $1.95 any time soon?

>> No.1333708

lets fake a run on the banking system!! with all the panicky news coverage and shit, and masses of ppl who dont understand economics, it should be easy. start posting shit like this on twitter and facebook:


withdraw all the money you can from your bank accounts, a report has been leaked where analysts at goldman sachs predict it is going to lose up to 30% of its value in the coming 2 days!!!! if you dont want to get stuck with losing your savings, cash out ASAP!!!!!!!!

>> No.1333714


>> No.1333720

is vtix still a good move?

>> No.1333727

can anyone explain to me why you cant just buy bitcoin using a cash rewards credit card, and then immediately exchange your bitcoin for dollars, then repeat? is this a fool proof way to making moneyz?

>> No.1333733


>> No.1333736

is there any money to be made by buying pounds while they are low?

>> No.1333740

pounds of silver yes

jk i would wait, there hasnt been any policy debates etc. it will keep dropping a bit before turning around once people realize it literally affects nothing

>> No.1333745

Dead cat bounce is ogre, it's back in free-fall

>> No.1333748

Literally this

>> No.1333766

so you think the pound will return to it's normal levels in a matter of weeks? months?

>> No.1333767

Britbong here.
This is gonna sound like trolling, but honestly I expect cheaper fish & chips in the near future,
Once we stopped getting cucked by EU fishing quotas which essentially annexed the North sea,
And destroyed the fishing industry here.
Even the Mayor of London had his father's fishing business destroyed by the same quotas, and had to lay off staff and shut it down, so you can bet he's got a beef with them and will keep his influence.

I'm lovin' it M8

>> No.1333776

>catch a falling knife guys, this is definitely a good idea

>> No.1333778

Depends. Cameron said he wouldn't turn the government over until October, so the earliest the negotiations could start is then. The we have to see how hard the EU wants to knee cap the UK.

I'd say months.

>> No.1333781

What's happening to the EURO?

My wife is Austrian (we live in America) and she has an inheritance worth about 120k, I have been telling her to bring it to USD for a while. Are we fucked now?

>> No.1333786

I'd also guess that stuff is taking a hit tomorrow, and maybe most of this week.

>> No.1333789

Lmao. Thats going to be worth maybe half that now.

>> No.1333794

Too think, if the EU had paid attention to the fishermen of Wales and North England this probably wouldn't have happened. Remain would have edged out.

The UK exited because of some fish.

Well I certainly wouldn't do anything at the moment. Don't be retarded like the dumb asses crashing the market. Germany and France are still behind the Euro, you'll probably be fine long term.

The time for acting was before the vote.

>> No.1333798

I know literally nothing about any of this, but I came here after seeing all the news of the crashing stocks and GBP. I have $2,500 to spare. How can I capitalize off of this, if at all?

>> No.1333799

Stay in eu - have to deal with EU on their terms,
Giving them the upper hand.

Leave EU (which we are doing now) - trade with anyone in the world on your companies terms.

Which looks better?

The EU is a corrupt institution which keeps the loaf for itself and breaks off some crumbs for the plebs.

>> No.1333805


Buy SPY today

>> No.1333813
File: 341 KB, 499x643, CANTFARAGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shit
well that's reassuring

fucking farage

>> No.1333816

>trade with anyone in the world on your companies terms.
Haha, no. Now you have to go through a bunch of shit every time you want to trade with people in the EU.
Also we will have to pay taxes when we purchase from UK we will have to pay import taxes and so on, which means I'll never be buying from UK again.

>> No.1333822

Can't blame Farage too much. He ran a good race while his opposition blew out their own knee caps.

A lot of things could have been done to avoid this. A lot.

>> No.1333824
File: 87 KB, 780x438, donald3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the UK pays £350 million a week to the EU just to be a member of their club.
>all UK laws have to comply with the EU.
>human rights laws fucking our country over
>we can't deport criminals or bar entry to them from the EU.
>immigrants not given residence on merit, but on whether they made it into the UK.
>UK industries destroyed by unelected Belgians, Germans, etc
>implying leaving wasn't right thing to do

Americans - consider the above, and then imagine if your country was in this position.
How angry would Donald Trump be?

>> No.1333829

So, should I convert my savings from euro to US dolar??? plsrespond

>> No.1333836

I thought it became clear that the £350 mill was outright lies and that it was more like £190 mill.
which is probably similar to what they will have to pay anyway to get access to the european free market after they've now left.
and when they rejoin the free market nothing at all is gonna change about immigration anyway

>> No.1333846

redirect your uninformed opinions to >>>/pol/

>> No.1333868

Its not a lie, UK give 350 mill a week to the EU and then the EU "invests" some of that back into the UK, but the UK have no control over that money.

>> No.1333872

now's a good time to invest in the sterling btw

>> No.1333874

>£190 million to get cucked for no advantage
Also, citation needed.
Llsten, this is not the 70's or 80's.
What (kinda, sorta) worked back then is not working now.
It's stifling industry, not supporting it, unless it's for the good of the EU.
Do other countries have problems getting 'access'?
What about Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Lichtenstein?
Do they have problems?

The 'trade deal' is a fucking one way street that benefits the EU, not us.
It's a smokescreen.

'hello, is this X company in France/Spain/Germany?
I want to buy X units of your product'

'Do you have le trade deal?'

'No, I have two hundred thousand pounds...'

'oh, ok, that will do nicely'

I buy shit from the US all the time, sometimes it's a better deal, sometimes not, (I import stuff) but it more than evens out.

If I want to sell you something, you either want it or you don't.
Right now, trillions are being pumped into the UK for real estate developments, how will that change?
Protip - it won't.
We need more housing, either you want to help get it built and make some cash back, or you don't.

Go ask the entire middle east, India, china why they keep pumping money into the UK.
Because it always shows a return.

I just took a walk down the next street over from mine, I don't even recognize it. Three deluxe residential towers just went up, across the street from two more which went up just a year before, and another which blocks my fucking sunlight getting in.
More skyscrapers got built here in the last 2/3 years than the previous decade and that's just London.

>> No.1333910

>in our time
Europe would not do such a thing.

>> No.1333935

>Do other countries have problems getting 'access'?
yes, they pay large sums of money to gain access to the common EU market

>> No.1333947

there is a war in Europe right now m8, which was started by Russia.

>> No.1333951
File: 29 KB, 400x403, image%3A6333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the majority of my assets are still in cash because im a straight up nigger

>> No.1334052


The cost of £190 mill is pure bullshit. UK has a huge trade deficit and stands to gain by renegotiating their trade deals. It is every other country selling all their shit to UK that wants free trade.

>> No.1334096

I have no knowlege on investments whatsoever but I have several grand sitting in a savings account doing nothing. How do I get in on the fun? Am I too late?

>> No.1334116

>spit in the face of EU
>expect a free-trade agreement with EU
Yeah, no, fuck off.

>> No.1334142


>another which blocks my fucking sunlight getting in

>not knowing how to extract vast sums from neighbouring schemes through the threat of injunction under rights to light legislation

Do you even develop property?


My largest investment is in gold. Up 14% today, I think. What's surprised me more is that some of my shares are up by a few points too.

>> No.1334258
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1466304011998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The UK will do fine with not being in the EU just like Norway!"

Oh dear god.

>> No.1334314


I'd only expect that amount of retardation and lack of knowledge of geopolitics to come from /pol/, desu

>> No.1334334

can someone please assure me that the economy will improve

>> No.1334342

go to >>>/pol/ if you want an echo chamber

>> No.1334352

Just some random guy I know from the UK who voted to leave.

>> No.1334360

what is the reason of this uncertainity beside brexit itself

>> No.1334392

I don't want that, what's your honest opinion?

>> No.1334435

The whole street tried to appeal against them.
We lost, they got planning permission.
We can't build housing fast enough, that 'problem' is an opportunity for Entrepreneurs who want in on this, namely developers, investors, agents.

That opportunity is not going away.
If we stayed in Europe, at the current rate of immigration, we would have to build a 4 bedroom house every 6 minutes, forever.
That's one reason why we had to curb it and gain control.

>> No.1334440

what goes down eventually comes back up (usually).

this is the short term price of freedom, bruh. chill out and get ready to buy back in.

>> No.1334452



>> No.1334482
File: 148 KB, 473x493, laughing mercy blows a huge fart and leaks some pre cum from her hulking 16 inch cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the butthurt government shit stain sniffer everybody

let's all point and laugh at this cucked faggot bitch


>> No.1334483

in economic view it wasnt good thing to do
>uk paid 350 million and get 160 millions , the trade cost will now rise much more than 190 millions per week. although not every country will have the same trade contracts with england >55 of uk export is with eu therefore it will hurt england
> UK will lose its credibility for investors perhaps lower rating by other countries.
>biggest banks state that will reduce their workforce in uk
>german finance minister said it will stop trade contracts with uk (rather not possible)
>immigrants .,which are significant workforce (1/3 of tech sector for example) will rather leave UK
>fear of brexit itself hurt financial markets

>> No.1334497

>we will be fine just like swiss
no you wont be a part of efta as eu states

>> No.1334506


>> No.1334517

You can always spot /pol/ shitters by their lame, confrontational posting style and overuse of the word 'cuck' to the point where it means nothing

>> No.1334536
File: 39 KB, 470x500, grinning frog dickgirl with a huge penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whiny shit heads can't refute the point
>resort to throwing more temper tantrums

>> No.1334548

The EU need the brits for experts far more than UK needs the EU

It will be the fastest negotiated trade deal in EU history, unless it all collapses before that

>> No.1334569

"muh freedom" is such a vague, nebulous argument to the extent that there's no point in arguing with it.

Present a real, defensible hypothesis about the future of the UK economy or get the fuck back to your containment board where you belong you mouthbreathing mongoloid.

>> No.1334579
File: 300 KB, 800x800, fedorian alternate helm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"muh freedom" is such a vague, nebulous argument to the extent that there's no point in arguing with it.

oops, you dropped your hat you fat smelly bitch LMFAO.

>> No.1334584
File: 229 KB, 1000x721, 1464734534642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1334591
File: 87 KB, 978x726, laughing bbc host.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice projection, moron.

keep on meme posting so i can keep laughing at what an ignorant retard you are, kid

>> No.1334605
File: 314 KB, 1200x1000, cuckcuckcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man, you wanted to post fedoras


>> No.1334622

this is sad.

you're done, diaper shitter. it's over. you lost. cope.

>> No.1334659


You misunderstand. If a building blocks your light then you may have legal recourse against it, quite separately from the planning process. Google 'rights to light' and educate yourself. Probably too late do do anything about it now though.

>> No.1334682
File: 952 KB, 1200x952, 1459349592037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't handle the bantz huh?

>> No.1334691

you certainly can't.

just stop. you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.1334694
File: 198 KB, 3000x1688, fedora HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll post a fedora b-but y-you can't post t-them back at me!

>> No.1334910


>> No.1334913


shame on you for taking him on.

>> No.1335413

Good joke.