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File: 811 KB, 1696x858, 1540045419775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13322123 No.13322123 [Reply] [Original]

Only when you read all of his material, inventions and countless hours of videos will you be able to understand his knowledge of how bitcoin works is second to none.

Secondly, 3 independant personalities have witnessed him sign. So much so, that they have been scathed and publicly ridiculed for even saying so. These people are not idiots, and are professionals and scientific intellectuals in their own right. There are others that witnessed this also. He also did offer Roger Ver the opportunity to witness a signature on a machine of Roger's choosing, but at the time, Roger believed him wholeheartedly and said it wasn't necessary for Craig to sign. It wasn't until the height of the BCH civil war that Roger beleived he was duped - ...he should have just asked for a sig.

Thirdly, I have spoken to people who were working for DeMorgan's in the 2000's, and they have offered their testimonials that he was working on Bitcoin back then. I have spoken to one of his sisters who straight out admitted she had inside knowledge of his working for Bitcoin.

Fourthly, my personal interactions with Craig, showed insightful knowledge of the code and particularly design decisions. Nobody in 2016 knew why the Alt Stack was in the code or its specific purpose. But he offered that it was vital to include it in order to complete alan's turing machine, in Bitcoin. I did have the advantage of discussing these things with him at a time where he was much less public, but there was a lot covered including his vision for blacknet (metanet) as well which is all coming into fruition.

There are a plethora of reasons why publicly signing is a bad move. It's best that he does not sign publicly.

>> No.13322162
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ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill. there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.
Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.

>> No.13322167

How much is this nigga paying you to shill. Too much artificial shilling for this dude.

>> No.13322174
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>Being this willfully blind

>> No.13322178

Koolaid-pilled shill, learn to spell “independent”, didn’t read the rest. Nobody gives a shit about this fraud.

>> No.13322213

God these pedo CSW shills are the worst thing in crypto

>There are a plethora of reasons why publicly signing is a bad move. It's best that he does not sign publicly.

if you weren't a degenerate alcoholic incapable of critically thinking you'd give us those oh-so convincing reasons.


Way more thoroughly laid out than OP's post. Thank you sir

>> No.13322225

>his knowledge of how bitcoin works is second to none
that would be sad because the nigga clearly is clueless about bitcoin. more so than most cashies.

>> No.13322251

No he's not. Do some reading for once in your life, you stupid barely-literate hungarian nigger.

>> No.13322257

>he offered that it was vital to include it in order to complete alan's turing machine, in Bitcoin
m... no turing completeness can be achieved by a single instruction a single looping operator. you can definitely do it with a single stack architecture this is amply demonstrated. this boomer faggot doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.

>> No.13322266

somebody got mad... i can smell your desperation cashie. sv can't stop dropping you can't stop making threads trying to salvage your idiotic position in a worthless scammy shitcoin. alright i can jerk off to this one more time.

>> No.13322269

At this point I wouldn't give a fuck if the dude was Satoshi. He's a shitstain and a disgrace to everything crypto. He's a fucking repulsive clown. Everything he touches will turn to shit. He deserves to be mocked and I personally will laugh with spasmodic glee when the last exchanges delists his literal shitcoin and the price dumps to zero.
If you don't get it yet, fuck Craig Wright and fuck his girlfriend Calvin Ayre. They can both eat shit and die.

>> No.13322276

well put anon

>> No.13322433

Satoshi's posts on bitcointalk.org read like nothing Wright ever said.
As anecdotal as it is, Nakamoto sounds like a humble person with a vision, and Craig always comes of as a self-absorbed drama queen.

>> No.13322454

You came to an anonymous board to tell us a series of personal stories and we're just supposed to believe you? Boy, just how stupid do you think we are.

>> No.13322463

Most people don't even bother reading those posts but that was the most convincing evidence I've read so far. There is absolutely no reason for him to change personalities and writing styles like this. He's not just a con, he's a bad con.

>> No.13322571

>cant login with satoshi admin account on forums
>cant transfer from original wallet
>claims can sign genesis block but only a select few were allowed to watch it
>doesnt write like satoshi. went from being a humble unknown alias to trying to be the poster child of crypto
>constanlty posts patents he owns and claims to follow legal action against others. somewhat different to the free to use open source bitcoin
>has been arrested, had home raided recently and arrest warrant in australia
>threatens to sue anyone who claims he's not satoshi
dudes a fraud.

>> No.13322607

that's a whole lot of beating around the bush that can just be avoided if he actually did the completely simple thing to prove he really is Satoshi.

I literally don't care what anyone says, or what he says. If he doesn't fucking prove it he's a lying cunt. He's retarded otherwise.

>> No.13322636
File: 164 KB, 742x1446, CSW_Why_I_dont_sign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of reasons, activate your pea brain for once.

>> No.13322648

Seething kike shill

>> No.13322654

Fuck off shill. CSW is not Satoshi. He is just one of the first people who got into bitcoin and thinks because of this he has some authority over crypto. Fucking pathetic man-child screaming at the top of his lungs for attention.

>> No.13322661

This. If he is Satoshi, he can go fuck himself because clearly he's lost his way. His ideas were novel, but it would then be a case of a happy accident. Kind of like George Lucas.

>> No.13322741
File: 148 KB, 945x1402, CSW_discovery1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep crying shill, it won't change reality.

>> No.13322755

Hes unironically based. Love listening to him describe bitcoin.

>> No.13322761

>t. Someone who's never listen to him speak

>> No.13322774

>If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.

Sounds pretty STIFF to me desu

>> No.13322786

He also became a lot bitter as people tried to expose him. He even admits it. He lost trust in a lot of people, he's in the IDGAF stage right now. plus 10 years ago is a long enough time for people to change there personality. Were you the same person 10 years ago? Probably not.

>> No.13322838

Oh, but I get it. The theatrics he plays to preoccupy the community will give more time to nchain to grab a hold of as many patents as possible.
The corporate wars over blockchain tech are just unfolding and Wright is as malicious and soulless as big business wants him to be.
He's not Satoshi, but he doesn't really care for it.

>> No.13322861

What 10 years are you talking about, we have blog posts from Creg in 2008 and he was already stupid back then. Let me guess, now you'll say that he has multiple personalities.
>there personality
I guess you're just too low IQ to get it.

>> No.13322872

oh no. you found a typo, her a nothr one. fa g ot

I'm sure someone who is an elite in cryptography knows exactly the science behind writing. Pro tip: hidden messages relate back 1000s of years. People are aware what they are doing.

>> No.13322971
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>> No.13322977

>a typo
Really? You're typing with your elbows or something? That's not a typo, it's confusing one word for another which is evidence of stupidity.
>"the science behind writing"
Imagine being so low-IQ that you think there is some sort of scientific formula people need to know to produce texts.

>> No.13322997
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I'm just here to post rare Craigs

>> No.13323115
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Go on

>> No.13323222
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>> No.13323231
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>> No.13323240

You've never mixed up words before? I bet your wpm is like 20.

>> No.13323546

Bow down before the Chief Executive Officer
DeMorgan Limited
September 2014 – Present (1 year 4 months)
DeMorgan is a pre-IPO Australian listed company focused on alternative currency, next generation banking and reputational and educational products with a focus on security and creating a simple user experience.

We control the following companies:
• Panopticrypt Pty Ltd
• Cloudcroft Pty Ltd
• Coin-Exch Pty Ltd
• C01N Pty Ltd
• DASO Pty Ltd
• Denariuz Pty Ltd
• Denariuz Pte Ltd (Singapore)
• EzAs Pty Ltd
• Integyrz Pty Ltd
• DeMorgan Ltd (Panama)
• Pholus Pty Ltd
• Zuhl Pty Ltd
• Zuhl Corp Ltd (USA)
• Misfit Games Pty Ltd
• Denariuz Ltd (UK)

Our group of companies has received a series of Advance Findings from AusIndustry around the two HPC systems we run and the AI and machine learning activities we conduct. In total, we have received Core Technology and Advance Finding certificates for 110 million in research activities.

In the six years since the first company in the group started, we have completed several Bitcoin based research projects that have lasted over and are now ready to start commercialising.

>> No.13323556


>> No.13323558

>activate your pea brain
Non-dogshit comment

>> No.13323563



>> No.13323578

>bitcoin works is second to none.
Then why the fuck does he keep pushing his double branched clone?

>> No.13323757
File: 73 KB, 1200x535, Dzj5OMFWwAAn2A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is Bitcoin.

>> No.13323777

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bitcoin. Its future applications are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of computing and economics most of its possible functions will go over a typical investor’s head. There’s also Sitoshis’s free market outlook, which is deftly woven into his creation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Robert Malthus, for instance.

The shills understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise that it is not just speculation - it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Bitcoin truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the brilliance in Satoshi’s brilliant programming method - the “Blockchain,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Haber and Stornetta's Merkle trees. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as our lord and savior's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Bitcoin tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>> No.13323830

>256MB block
Are they insane? No household wouldn't be able to afford storing blockchain on disk. A few mining pools and exchanges will validate bitcoin transactions which will decrease cost of double spend attack drastically.

>> No.13323893
File: 38 KB, 1839x234, satoshi_bitcointalk_server_farms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Households are not supposed to run Bitcoin nodes. Its meant for businesses, universities, governments and other commercial enterprises spread all over the world.

Satoshi always envisioned nodes being run in large data centers as the scale of the network grows.

You clearly don't understand anything about Bitcoin.

>> No.13323913

>I want my master to keep my money
Wow. Why not just use banks then?

>> No.13323946


>> No.13323963

so basically (on a long enough timeline) Bitcoin is designed to become like ARK or Lisk or any other DPOS system, while consuming a million times more resources for basically the same security.

>> No.13324327

>Are they insane?
Yes they are.

Actually, the quote in your pic says that households do run nodes, just client nodes.

>> No.13324345

>he fell for hundreds of pages of forgetoshi's technobabble when he could just sign a message with the genesis key
I'm sorry dude you're a tool, a patsy, and you're quite simply never going to make it.

>> No.13324356

Oh that's great, big institutions keeping everyone's money is exactly what bitcoin stands for since the beginning. It allows for all sorts of infrastructure around it too. For example, institutions would be able to lend BTC to consumers or businesses in exchange for periodic returns and also custody solutions could be worked out to keep people's BTC in a deposit and pay interest periodically. Naturally, restrictions to withdrawals would have to be implemented but this should not be a big issue. It also allows Bitcoin to work perfectly well in accordance with governments all over the world, which would make possible to block accounts of tax evaders and such. Powerful arguments, that's for sure.

>> No.13324426

They don't keep your money, the money is secured on the blockchain.

The point of Bitcoin at scale is to ensure that as a global monetary system, competitive geopolitical interests will ensure the decentralized nature of the system. When every single government in the world with competing interests is required to collude with each other in order to game the system it becomes an impossibility.

In such a system China and India might collude with each other, but it will just result in them forking off from the rest of the world and having gained nothing.

Bitcoin was designed for geopolitical scale.

>> No.13324469

Let's suppose he's the real Satoshi for the sake of argument.

So what? He's still an asshole, he shills basically for glorified banking and advocates for state-backed "law". You don't need crypto for those things, paypal is enough. It's like others have outgrown him.

>> No.13324500


>You don't need crypto for those things, paypal is enough
Why need bitcoin when you have fiat? Do you understand the point of Bitcoin at all?

>advocated state backed law
What other kind of law is there? All law is state backed, that's what law means.

Nothing you say makes any sense.

>> No.13324509

The blockchain was designed to be completely independent of any state-backed things, including law.

>> No.13324681


>> No.13324698


It was designed principally to be in accordance with law, which is why no government has had any legal standing to outlaw it.

Do you think a new global monetary system can function outside of law? You would have to be literally retarded to think that.

>> No.13324712

No, you're full of shit. The philosophy of crypto is "fuck you".

>> No.13324714

The alt-coin is the coin with the lower hashrate after the forked dust settles. BSV is a fork of a fork at this point. There is no serious argument for it being the "real" bitcoin.

>> No.13324717


>The governments of the of the 174 IMO member states are responsible for the implementation of IMO conventions for ships registered in their nation. Local governments enforce the provisions of IMO conventions as far as their ships are concerned and set the penalties for infringements. In some cases, ships must carry certificates onboard to show that they have been inspected and have met the required standards.

So it's still government, just not a national, but an international government body.

>> No.13324720

You just made that up in your own pozzed brain.

>> No.13324728
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Segwit forked off, and ABC forked off.

The original protocol is maintained in BSV. Sorry.

>> No.13324731

>trust me guys

>> No.13324732

Being subject to the law, you'll have to "comply". The blockchain is non-compliant by default. All this gibberish talk about law brought by CSW is a mere pursuit of his narrow financial interests.

>> No.13324735

Changes in protocol are built-in to the protocol. Hash rate determines the true chain afterwards.

>> No.13324793
File: 43 KB, 632x485, CSW_competitors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you change the protocol, you are no longer Bitcoin.

The Bitcoin protocol is described in the white paper. If you make major changes to the protocol through a fork (like SegWit), you are no longer Bitcoin, you are now some mutant high school science project.

BTC is not Bitcoin. No matter how much hashpower it has, it still not the Bitcoin protocol.

If you remove all ticker symbols and only look at which chain follows the original Bitcoin protocol, BSV is the only one that still does. Deal with reality.

>> No.13324816

yes he really is

>> No.13324823


>> No.13324841

On of the main reasons I'm in it is for the fact that he holds 1000's of patents on blockchain applications, it's a known fact we're heading towards full scale implementation, this guys holds the right to many of those ways. That's where a lot of money is, and that's also why people like CZ are starting to see him being a threat. Craig could stump a future goal BNB wants to take, as could he with many other cryptos's just entering the scene.

BSV is solely, BSV is king. People will realize it later on

>> No.13324875

It's pretty obvious he stole David's Bitcoin and is struggling to find a way to actually be able to liquidate it

>> No.13324881

>On of the main reasons I'm in it is for the fact that he holds 1000's of patents on blockchain applications
Too bad patents are a very time limited monopoly. Also too bad CSW isn't the only one with a telephone and lawyer so I doubt he's the only one with patents.

>> No.13324956
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cant even tell if it's him even though the nose match

>> No.13324988

>looks up roger ver
>bitcoin investor
Wtf does that mean?

>> No.13325022

calm it Patel

BSV being delisted from exchanges from shitcoin casino exchanges like Binance would actually be bullish

>> No.13325030
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>Only when you read

>> No.13325032

>If you change the protocol, you are no longer Bitcoin.
which is why cash and sv is definitely not bitcoin among other things.

>> No.13325062

the protocol changed a dozen times in 2009 alone, that reasoning is ridiculous and you know it

>> No.13325387
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>realizing BSV is bitcoin

>> No.13325425

Do the needful creg pls sirs

>> No.13325435

What's wrong with bch?

>> No.13325443

>very time limited monopoly
He wouldn't need forever, just the time it takes for adoption.

>> No.13325456
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amaury controls development of protocol also members resort to ACTUAL violence

>> No.13325500
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>realizing bitcoin was always bitcoin, it just got a new ticker

>> No.13325533

Isn't nChain just as centralized control of development?

What's the context of the Tweet? Did he go out and stab someone or what?

I have my forked bsv coins as suicide insurance.

>> No.13325538

keep on dreaming anon, dreams are important. don't let this ugly world ruin it for you.

>> No.13325543

>What's the context of the Tweet?
sv dropping like a pebble in vacuum while even bch is at pre-fork prices nearly.

>> No.13325545

>Isn't nChain just as centralized control of development?
no, they are creating ON TOP of bitcoin. Amaury adds shit INTO bitcoin. Big difference and that tweet is from a big bcash supporter. bcashers are starting to become unhinged i would too if my coin went from 4000 to sub 300

>> No.13325552

i always knew u were a bcasher. always come to their defense and then when someone calls u out u go back to pretending u hate bcash

>> No.13325562

>i always knew u were a bcasher. always come to their defense
rofl one example please i mean yeah i like the cashies a 1000 times more than curry cashies but sorry i only hold bitcoin.

>> No.13325571

hahahah ok cashie

>> No.13325582

bcash is an absolute shitcoin i never said otherwise, but compared to the steaming pile of poo that is sv it's a gem.

but no btc is the only bitcoin all the others are worthless shitcoins, here is a not complete list
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) #478559
BitcoinX (BCX) #498888
ABitcoin (ABTC) #498888
Bitcoin Hot (BTH) #498848
Super Bitcoin (SBTC) #498888
Bitcoin Platinum (BTP) #497757
Bitcoin Oil (OBTC) #498888
Bitcoin World (BTW) #499777
Bitcoin Stake (BTCS) #499999
Bitcoin Faith (BTF) #500000
Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC) #499999
Bitcoin Cash Plus (BCP) #501407
Bitcoin Silver (BTCS)
Bitcoin Uranium (BUM)
Bitcoin Top (BTT) #501118
Bitcoin Pizza (BPA) #501888
Bitcoin File (BIFI) #501225
Bitcoin God (GOD) #501225
BitEthereum (BITE) #500283
Bitcoin Smart (BCS) #505050
Bitcoin Ore (BCO) #501949
Bitvote (BTV) #505050
Bitcoin Interest (BCI) #505083
Bitcoin Rhodium (BTR)
Bitcoin Atom (BCA) #505888
Bitcoin Private (BTCP)
Bitcoin Hush (BTCH)
Quantum Bitcoin (QBTC)
Bitcoin LITE (BTCL)
BitcoinClean #518800
Bitcoin Lunar (BCL)
Bitcoin Prime
Anonymous Bitcoin (ANON)
Bitcoin ABC (ABC)
Bitcoin SV (BSV)

>> No.13325589

Part of the reason for the massive decline was the fork. BSV hasn't exactly performed well. Stop throwing stones in a glasshouse.

Please don't lump this namefag in with bch. I've watched him defend LN and high fees.

>> No.13325598

>his knowledge of how bitcoin works is second to none
He's a retard about bitcoin... just the other day he posted something about Script and he got the stack completely backwards, so what he wrote was utter garbage.


I can tell that all he does is regurgitate things second hand from other smart people he talks to / reads from, since he fucks it up every time. He is unable to have a deep technical discussion since he just repeats talking points that he barely understands.

I believe he splits his working time roughly evenly between:
- Fabricating and backdating documents. (especially of late as he's in legal trouble, just like in 2012/2013 when he first started fabricating documents to try to scam Australian taxpayer, trying to make it look like he mined bitcoin since Jan 2009)
- Privately talk to the smart people on his team, reading old bitcointalk posts, copying their ideas.
- Writing his stupid blog posts.

>> No.13325606
File: 919 KB, 245x285, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your secret is safe with me kek

>> No.13325618


What knowledge?

He didnt achieved anything worthfull

>> No.13325620

ln may or may not work as intended too early to tell even if it doesn't it's still not the end of the world. i have talked about this several times. high fees are not my favorite feature but again so far not the end of the world. you faggots are too hast to jump in conclusions in a few years we will see better what works and what not. in this regard it wouldn't even be such a great problem if there were bitcoin forks that went big block testnet if the retards didn't try to pretend they are actually bitcoin trying to sucker the noobs into their p&d schemes.
>no, they are creating ON TOP of bitcoin.
interesting cognitive dissonance. not recognizing ln as simple layer 2 that doesn't change anything about layer 1 but claiming new opcodes and a bunch of cp on sv chain is just building on top of bitcoin. shit for brains never learn.

>> No.13325636

This list just depresses me

>> No.13325640

>the protocol changed a dozen times in 2009 alone, that reasoning is ridiculous and you know it
Indeed, I hope Bitcoin SV goes back to the 0.1 protocol where you could use OP_RETURN to spend any coin from anyone.

For some reason they absolutely LOVE the modern usage of OP_RETURN which was invented by Bitcoin Core.

Not just that, they're still using the Bitcoin Cash sighash algorithm which is directly copied from Segwit, plus the difficulty adjustment algorithm. When will they go back to Nakamoto?

>> No.13325645

yeah the shitforks of btc are becoming endless. but if you look at the valuation you can't say they are diluting btc market cap much.

>> No.13325656

altho i kinda like the name of bitcoin pizza
it's a nice reminder about the road bitcoin has taken and what's ahead. may 22 never forget!

>> No.13325657

Core removed a boatload of features and added Seggot to layer one. Blocksizes aren't even an altercation of protocol, just a means of scaling which they limited to force everyone on to their shitty banking 2.0 second layer. Thankfully the latter can't and won't work. They played themselves in the end.

>> No.13325662

whatever u say cashie sir

>> No.13325664

>They played themselves in the end.
we will see, but first i bet your ass we see $1mil btc before it's dominance is in any real question.

>> No.13325677

>you can't say they are diluting btc market cap much.
Sure they are. But even without them bitcoin is losing dominance because they've limited so fucking much its unusable crap with no features and no scalability that people are forced onto other chains for solutions.

Btcs only use case is trading pairs. If you spend it you're a brainlet who loves getting raped on fees. My btc only sits in cold wallets or an exchange for trade. I never spend it. The only coins I spend are bch and xmr.

>> No.13325694

>$1mil btc
>$3000 fee to move anything at all
>takes two weeks for transaction to clear

I doubt btc breaks 10k again. I seriously think the market is going to Crab-17 with btc around 10k for like 6 months to a year until the market finds a new primary trading pair.

>> No.13325706

>bitcoin is losing dominance
not really most alts market cap is a mirage. never went nearly that much liquidity into those markets. btc is a bit better off. but still young and fragile. it will overtake gold soon enough tho. all it needs is one good crisis confiscation of foreign currency and gold by some major government and hyperinflating the national currency. then the world will see anyone that held btc is alright while the rest is stuck. we seen this in small scale already 3 times.

>> No.13325724

well that would be a bet you lose but i can't say for 100% i'm just about 99% sure we see $10k before next november. first i suspect tho we will hit $2k region once more.

btw i was a very vocal advocate of bitcoin unlimited before the fork. only that cockgoblin roger ver put me off. but i will never forgive them their betrayal fuck cashies and their retarded minority fork!

>> No.13325735

Where is your medium articles on Bitcoin faggot? You are nothing but a pretender

>> No.13325741


>> No.13325746

if you can't read i can't help you tardie

>> No.13325757

what did u say cashie?

>> No.13325790

>BSV continues plummeting
>CSW shilling intensifies
kek, pottery.

>> No.13325796
File: 1.59 MB, 1325x1751, 1554512739801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on acid looking BSV videos and im tripping balls

>> No.13325827

Deluded faggot go read his white paper one more time. Then kill yourself, I'm going to have sex with your whore mother.

>> No.13325839

>there's lots of reasons
>I'm not going to go into them tho
God I hate this for faggot.

>> No.13325842
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, 2D2A03A9-5D54-40C0-9C7C-75835622E192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig totally has like 50 dudes who saw him sign man. Like, it's a bad idea to prove it to everyone although he whines like a baby that no one believes him. Like guys, I totally know Craig well enough that he's a stellar dude. He is totally Satoshi man. He's like gonna get the law to dub him Satoshi! Like isn't that proof enough?

>> No.13325918
File: 98 KB, 396x876, sadcrab07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13325929
File: 256 KB, 963x1519, sadcrab08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13325940
File: 138 KB, 915x1341, sadcrab09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13326048
File: 53 KB, 500x667, what-bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind you can't read anyhow

>> No.13326069

shit its incredible. bsv will really win. but im bagholding link, knowam saying?

you are talented as phuck

>> No.13326078
File: 47 KB, 632x852, rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am lek9

>> No.13326843

in case you don't know
he's talking about how electrum is a lightweight client and not the full node software
what he really means is that eventually blockchain full nodes get to a huge size, not that they grow exponentially and uncontrollably like baby craig wants.

also, you only post this bitcointalk snippet, because it's the only one you can manipulate to your argument
every other satoshi post makes it very clear it can't be craig

in fact, I don't even think you care if he is satoshi or not
you will die with this dude, pegged to his 0.01 btc low volume piece of shit
in the end, you'll blame someone else, 'WE'VE BEEN MANIPULATED BY THE FED/JEWS/IRS' and just berate everything but yourselves

>> No.13326861

wow so u knew exactly what satoshi implied? you must know everything!!

>> No.13327161

Doesn't anyone have the screenshot of that entry in his blog he forged to make it seem like he was working in crypto at the time? forgot to save it and it's annoying that these threads get any traction at all

>> No.13327188

Yeah, quite embarrassing for someone trying to "keep a low profile"

>> No.13327240
File: 336 KB, 745x726, boomerpath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't sending their best shills, folks.
Sad. Get help.

>> No.13327260
File: 384 KB, 1440x1428, 1555263004429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13327292

>Get help
wish i could get some help for this

>> No.13327441

Based poo

>> No.13327478

Honest question. Why do you relentlessly spam every bsv thread? Many times you have 1/4 or more of the replies in a thread. It is rather extreme and unpresedented. It seems to be an obsession?

>> No.13327674

Why do you spam BSV threads? They are literally all the same and with no content.

>> No.13327787

this if you cucks would stop making these curry poo threads i could do something more productive with my time